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#1010934 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 13:35

Well, I'd say it SHOULD in order to have value and not be a potion that's DoA. I'd like these things to help the game economy some.

As would I. Bear in mind, people leveled and played the game just fine without some of these buffs for a great many years.

I do think you need to drop the whole DOA thing though. It might be to you, but not everyone.

When it was initially proposed ~12 Years ago, it was likely a pretty solid idea to inject something into the game. Now, commons, outside minor arena use for those with HP, are frag items.

What on earth makes you think the buff idea is 12 years old? Exaggeration, thy name is "Toreth"! ;)

If I might offer a suggestion? What if Trendy were changed to "Rare" instead of "Common?" They don't have the same level of crafting bonuses, so less bonuses I mentioned before, too - changing to "Rare," though might would get some to farm some champs for their items some as they could have new-found viability across all level ranges. It's an instant boost to nearly every aspect of the game, and it allows the potion to remain a more modest level while seeing use.

I suppose we could change it to Rare or Unique but that pushes its release back to whenever I can get some code time. Probably when I get the Loyalty Stashes implemented.

~ Grim

#1010945 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by basti7 on 18 July 2024 - 11:33

I like the idea of creating 2 Potions (X %)
My suggestions would be some SE stuff like double SE drop or AM (small) for SE
The idea of naming them after HCS members sound good too

For existing buffs which grim listed:
Overkill not needed because of SE potion

Titan doubler and immobilize would be great. Rare and useful.

#1010376 GRP Update!

Posted by Spider0007 on 03 February 2024 - 15:52


I'm the first comment and the last(update right after)


Because it is always the same people contributing for future contents, I still encourage everyone to at least try to ask their guild members to join the forums and give their comments because it is always the same passionate players. 

Unfortunately the fact that many players don't post in forums any more is that it has proven to be a monumental waste of their time.  Just look at the detail in which Ryebred (and many others) went to years ago on the forum to try to improve GvG and the support it received only to go no where.  Many players have given up trying to help improve the game when only a certain few are listened to. 



 14:20 03/Feb/2024    nobrainer applied the Guild Reputation boost 'Fortune Pack D' to the Guild. buffs aren't activating

Are you serious?  You mean HCS didn't bother to test their new update? Now you have spent your preciously earned guild RP only to find out you get nothing in return? I can't believe this has happened!!! How unusual for this to occur when HCS issues an update.  Surely Hunted Cow Studios guild could have used a portion of their 231 Guild RP (not sure how they earned that since you can't even initiate a conflict against them) to test it before they released it to the player population.  Oh well, I'm sure they will fix it lickety split and probably issue a Thank You for testing it to nobrainer, and perhaps even an apology and refund for your Guild Reputation Points.



#1010233 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by TheCount on 14 January 2024 - 03:12

Honestly the bare minimum for this update should have been the expanded ranges with a GvG Ladder reset. Like Ivan said before, a medal or guild achievement for placing first after a season would be a good incentive for those players with a competitive side. Some bonus RP for the top 5 would possibly keep those less interested in being first and more interested in making RP more active.

Of course, very little will change if the RP shop doesn't see a good and valuable update.

#1010205 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by Toreth on 09 January 2024 - 15:30



At the same time, I feel like I am as likely to GvG as I was before the update as I am after it. I believed there was... more to come with the Update itself in terms of things changing. Do you have anything else planned in terms of rewards, mechanics, or additional adjustments?


I think this is the biggest takeaway currently. While I know the thread for new RP packs was posted as well, RP packs can also only do so much to drive activity in an area that is nearly void of participation. Sure, there may be some guilds who have been farming RP for a little while in anticipation for this "update," their takeaway is likely going to be "well this amounts to nothing for us."


GvG is supposed to be competitive to some extent, and while the notification system helps that, and the widening of the level ranges helps with getting more targets to potentially improve activity in some regard, the overall sentiment behind ONLY this is that "These are simple Quality of Life changes." There still will be no competitive aspect to GvG given what's been presented here.




What of this? What happened to this portion of the proposal that would have incentivized a good portion of players to at least ATTEMPT GvGing more seriously. Without the attached also being implemented, we are no better off than we were prior to the update - if anything, we may be a little worse off instead given the lack of incentives to continue GvGing that failed to launch with the QoL update.


It's been ~18 months since the original proposal was brought up on the forums, and while I understand some of that time has been waiting for Hoof, the fact that the update here is a mere change in combat level range and a notification to when the conflict has been initiated and will begin is a way to tell the part of the community that enjoys GvGing that they don't matter - that they should go and play other aspects instead as this one no longer exists.

#1010190 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by Corrupted on 08 January 2024 - 16:08



First off, thanks for the update. It will make it easier to find targets in GvG at the higher-level-but-not-quite-EOC-level ranges. A daunting task.


At the same time, I feel like I am as likely to GvG as I was before the update as I am after it. I believed there was... more to come with the Update itself in terms of things changing. Do you have anything else planned in terms of rewards, mechanics, or additional adjustments?

#1009148 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Morgwyn on 16 March 2023 - 22:00

This is mostly great and should have been implemented many years ago. None of the proposed changes would "revitalize" GvG. The changes listed are only Quality of Life. GvG needs an entire revamp to be relevant - it will continue to be irrelevant even with the proposed changes.


It is unfortunate that half of the original post was ignored as it is the best part of the original post by Toreth.



"In addition to the minor quality of life type changes mentioned above, another change mentioned would be the resetting of the GvG rating every three months or so akin to the PvP ladder with the reward being a simple guild achievement displaying “1st Place in a GvG Season” with the reward potentially being an additional relic slot, or base stamina gain so as to incentivize actively pursuing 1st place repeatedly to keep others from achieving the same.

The ability to provide individuals a competitive aspect to partake in while being rewarded for doing well, coupled with multiple opportunities, over time, to climb and attempt to make the most of a “fresh start” at the start of the three months will also help inject that liveliness into an otherwise humdrum aspect. We already have the resetting of rating present in the game, as mentioned, so transitioning that into the GvG area seems like a relatively easy and feasible way to go about helping bolster individuals’ pride in their ability to conduct themselves at the pinnacle of guild activities."

I do not agree this is the most important section. GvG ladder will make it worse. It will only make the farming of the guilds that are currently not interested worse.


I really hope this is not the path HCS will walk. GvG will be fun, and interesting if many guilds participate because it has been made interesting.  GvG will continue to be not fun if it is just about a few top guilds farming the ones that are not interested or find it not worth it. You will just achieve the status we have now.

The real success of GvG was that all guilds could do it, and the rewards were just great. It should be about that, about living up the activity, not just lving up the activity of a few hardcore guilds.

#1008963 New Titan spotted!

Posted by Zue on 09 February 2023 - 15:02

Hi all,

The first of our new player designed Titans is released today! Introducing:

Zurgol the Tiny (Titan)

Zurgol was a runt among goblins. Cowardly in the extreme, he'd flee at the slightest hint of a fight. Most goblins are craven, sneaky bullies, so poor Zurgol was the target of all the clan bullies, i.e. the entire clan! Eventually, this was too much for him. He fled, hoping to find a place where he could live unafraid. He travelled and searched, but nowhere is truly hospitable to a feeble goblin. He gave up, thinking to go home but his travels had been frenzied and haphazard and he was lost. Dejected, his wanders brought him to an ancient, crumbling tower. Escaping from a sudden downpour, Zurgol explored the tower, not knowing it had once been the lair of a powerful mage. Finding no food, beyond the odd rat, he DID find a clear crystal bottle in a scuffed circle on the floor. With a shrug, he drank the clear liquid, thinking it water. rnrnA wave of unaccustomed power surged through his tiny body and then, to his shock, he started to grow! His frame expanded, swelling with power, though somewhat unevenly. Though ungainly, Zurgol's new body is powerful and vast, with his tiny goblin head perched atop. He now bullies those smaller than he is, rampaging across the Realms.

Design: kingcap

Recommended Level : 2700+

As usual when a new Legendary or higher recipe is released, we have removed the required items from the Auction House and returned them to their owners before their value takes a bump.


~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008527 Super Elite Sets

Posted by basti7 on 22 October 2022 - 11:45


as always my english is not that good but I try my best.


We all know the good old times when SE items were pretty expensive like Malphas with 50-80 fsps AND useful.

Now new Legendary and the Tier 5 break all SE sets below 500 - sure, HCS tries to make them better with a new buff and some items are now worth to farm them because of new recipes. Just as an example: The earth hammer destroyed the whole Malphas Set. Sekhs set the Steep Nojor, Malphas and Triclopse. 

But if you see the ladder nearly nobody uses SE items - they do not fit in setups or are weaker (or maybe just useful for some lvls). Especially the old setup like Vexus, Samurai, Cockatrice, Steep Nojor, Xinderoth or Lishka need an update / boost. 

I tried to make a list and want to show you some facts.


Level Gaps:

There are many Level Gaps which could be filled with new ones.


SE set to next SE set






















All red marked ones are more than 175 lvls without new SE sets!



2 / 3 / 4 piece-setups:

1-780: only 3x2-piece setups. The rest is mostly 3. 4 is rare (3x).

781-5000: 4x3-piece setups. The rest is mostly 2. No 4-piece-setup.


Boots, Amulet, Ring and Rune are rare.



-I tried to assign but sometimes it is difficult so the list is NOT 100% accurate-


60 SE sets


ATT/ARM - 10



ATT/DAM - 10

ATT/DEF - 10



HP/ARM - 1

HP/DEF - 1


HP/DAM - 0
HP/ATT - 0


10 / 20 on stat X are the most.

I am not sure why nowadays the "real set category" is hidden until you wear the whole set. I want to see first if this setup gives me more attack or more defense (like Corbalz).

"Boosting buffs" shoud be stronger without the +10/20 stats. But correct me if I am wrong.





1. Tier 5

Yes, Tier 5. Hunt X Sets to create a "new" set. Maybe for new higher level. Amakiri Level 60 to Tier 1 lvl 100, Tier 2 lvl 200, Tier 3 lvl 300, Tier 4 400, Tier 5 500 (or even higher) - would be a possibility to break the Epics on ladder and to create new setups.


2. Customized Setups

Give us the possibility to create own setups. Design 9 pieces and each 2 give a bonus which you determine - like one Item gives + 600 STAT and 1 Set 2x + 1200 STAT BONUS

It will be complicated, I know. But often you find a good setup but 2 or 3 items are missing (like Boots and Ring/Rune) - so it would be a great possibility to decide which items and stats I need. 

Make them breakable, untradeable, rare ressources, low drop, low inventing or other options to make them rare.


3. Cave Setups 

The dwarven setups need an update.

Deathspinner (no set, okay) would be as a 4 piece set in higher levels maybe interesting too


4. Combine SE with Ladder or GvG or Arena

Using small amounts of RP, Ladder points or Arena tokens to create new SE setups + SE ressources. 

Make them breakable, untradeable, rare ressources, low drop, low inventing or other options to make them rare. 


5. Offline Stam-Gain setups

Grim said we do not make Epic-Setups. But "Stamina + Stam Gain" setups already exist. So my last suggestion is to make SE sets with Stam Gain or Stamina (less than Epics) - so you can stay offline in PvP gear without losing all Stam Gain.

Maybe 9 pieces too like the Hoof-Setup and combined with customizing. Would be a REAL NEW thing. Sure, we can make them super rare / hard to get / low inventing + drop chances and maybe non tradeable too.



Have a nice weekend,



not allowed to upload a file so here the screens:


#1008427 New Content! 5151 - 5175!

Posted by BigGrim on 30 September 2022 - 15:14

Hi all,
This is a major content update, we have just added the following to the game...
-New Master Realm 'Renagar Reefs'.
- New Area 'Hiedrich Forest (Forage)'.
- New Area 'Hiedrich Forest (Bane)'.
- New Area 'Hiedrich Forest (Outpost)'.
- New Area 'Hiedrich Forest (Wreck)'.
- New Area 'Hiedrich Forest (Copse)'.
- New Area 'Hiedrich Forest (Training Ground)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (Village)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (Magic Grove)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (Glade)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (Shadows)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (Outskirts)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (Battleground)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (Magical Loci)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (Herd)'.
- New Area 'Onagoth Jungle (River)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Surf)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Froth)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Churn)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Pools)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Writhe)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Shallows)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Fronds)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Surge)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Outcrop)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Training Ground)'.
- New Area 'Renagar Reef (Lair)'.
- 25 New Creatures.
- 2 New 'Champion' Creatures.
- 1 New 'Elite' Creature. 
- 1 New 'Common' Item.
- 2 New 'Rare' Items.
- 2 New 'Unique' Items.
- 2 New Item Sets.
- 3 New Portals.
- 2 New Relics.
It is rumored that a new portal to the Hiedrich Forest (Forage) has been discovered in the Kantorite Forest (Pine).
A new Feedback thread is open for all who wish to comment!
~The Fallen Sword Team

#1008371 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by Arioche on 20 September 2022 - 12:12

@BigGrim and @Arioche,

Is this still on the radar, by chance? I don't want to probe too much, but FS would still benefit a great deal from this update.


Hello Toreth!


This is certainly still of interest to me. It will need some discussion with Hoof, but we have been working on a few other things that we cannot share just yet, however, I will be sure to inform everyone any developments that arise in relation to GvG!  :)

#1007785 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by Toreth on 13 June 2022 - 03:45

I’d like to take a moment to proceed with laying out something of a change, or changes, to the way that GvG currently functions that isn’t a mentioned overhaul. In doing so, previous ideas to address GvG and its intricacies were taken into consideration when compiling ideas.



  • Updated RP Packs

  • Notification System + Prep Time for Incoming Conflicts

  • Offline Time for AFK Targets Reduced 7 Days -> 2 Days

  • Level Ranges Expanded; +25 Levels Every 1,000 Levels Gained

  • GvG “Seasons;” 3 Month Intervals with Achievement


I reached out to a few people in the GvG community to gather ideas and data to help with the way that GvG functions to come up with something that could inject some life into an otherwise stagnant aspect of FS.


The general consensus to GvG is that “whoever initiates is guaranteed AT LEAST a draw” because the idea is to rush the opposing guild and hit those targets who are offline in Epics and have zero or close to zero chance of fighting back. In doing this, the defending guild has to hit back into targets that are now buffed up after they’ve all utilized potions to nearly guarantee, at the very least, an unresolved combat.


The first proposed change to combat this would be a notification system; the game could send an “Admin Guild Mass” PM to all members notifying them of the incoming conflict. A separate idea could potentially be to enable notifications for incoming conflicts the way they are now for when opposing guilds take relics. Anything that helps notify individuals of incoming conflicts would be better than the way it currently functions. “The Guild ‘Minions of Mirkwood’ has initiated a conflict against you! You have X hours to prepare for incoming hits!” of which the “X” hours COULD count towards the 24 hour conflict timer, or it could be its own separate timer prior to the 24 hour window.


Another issue that was a general consensus is that if there’s a target who’s offline for a few days, then they were likely one of the prime targets. The idea here would be to decrease the inactivity timer for targets. It’s currently a seven day timer, however, most have said to decrease it to 48 hours and under.


The last general consensus idea was to have some GvG level ranges expanded more. Similar to how the PvP ladder scales and works now based on level, the idea would be to do something more in line with that as well. While leaving the lower brackets as they are (50-300, 301-699), the idea would be to have scalar level ranges to provide more activity. 700-1000 (+/- 100), 1001-2000 (+/- 125), 2001-3000 (+/- 150), 3001-4000 (+/- 175), 4001-5000 (+/- 200), 5001-6000 (+/- 225), etc. The minor change in level scaling would provide a boost in activity in the middling ranges that are barren at the moment provided the compression at the bottom at the “race to EoC” at the top.


The RP packs need to be updated, and there are other ideas that could inject more life than Epics currently do. Crystalline gear across all the levels available in FS, perhaps some niche potions that are distributed to each guild member at the time of purchase, etc. Having the items available as consumables that aren’t just a “one time purchase” here also helps with the demand of gaining RP as well.


The below are the RP Packs that have been brought up in discussion:


  • Enchant Pack - 100 RP

    • Move Levels to 200; Change to Contain ALL Enchant Buffs (No Cursed)

  • Fortune Pack = Stays Same

  • Mastersmith Pack - 5 RP = Mastersmith 200

  • Titan Pack - 300 RP

    • Titan Doubler 200

    • Light Foot 600

    • Avert Gaze 200

    • Teleport 200

  • Leveling Pack - 300 RP

    • Stalker 400

    • Sacrifice 350

    • Overkill 350

    • Animal Magnetism 400

  • Defense Pack - 300 RP

    • Avenger 300

    • Stalwart Heart 300

    • Healer 300

    • Fortitude 300

  • Bounty Pack - 300 RP

    • Anti Deflect 400

    • Spell Breaker 300

    • Retaliate 300

    • Undermine 300

  • Buff Provider Pack - 20 RP

    • Buff Master 250

    • Guild Buffer 250

    • Extend 250

    • Buff Enhancer 300

  • Fighter Pack - 200 RP

    • Fist Fight 250

    • Critical Strike 250

    • Side Step 250

    • Riposte 250

    • Sharpen 250


In addition to the minor quality of life type changes mentioned above, another change mentioned would be the resetting of the GvG rating every three months or so akin to the PvP ladder with the reward being a simple guild achievement displaying “1st Place in a GvG Season” with the reward potentially being an additional relic slot, or base stamina gain so as to incentivize actively pursuing 1st place repeatedly to keep others from achieving the same.

The ability to provide individuals a competitive aspect to partake in while being rewarded for doing well, coupled with multiple opportunities, over time, to climb and attempt to make the most of a “fresh start” at the start of the three months will also help inject that liveliness into an otherwise humdrum aspect. We already have the resetting of rating present in the game, as mentioned, so transitioning that into the GvG area seems like a relatively easy and feasible way to go about helping bolster individuals’ pride in their ability to conduct themselves at the pinnacle of guild activities.

While there will be more feedback, I’m sure, from those who have a vested interest in the GvG aspect, hopefully this can serve as a basic backbone moving forward.

#1008349 New Epic Recipes released!

Posted by werswet on 16 September 2022 - 19:21

I mean players that want to take advantage, from this wonderful new game update, are not worth :)

#1008348 New Epic Recipes released!

Posted by werswet on 16 September 2022 - 16:45

For me it"s no sense to add 100 HP to the new Epics especially for arena use, they are nice like they are, it was good game update, and no need to change anything there.

#1008346 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by Zue on 16 September 2022 - 15:20

Hey there everyone,
The lost portal to the Storybook Forest has reopened!
The Portal can be found in the Mountain Path leading to The Grimmnor Forest.
All the old classics are there, joined by 2 new twisted up stories:
'The Story of the Corrupted Twins' Level: 2050


'The Story of the Spurned Stepsister' Level: 2350


The Forest will be open until 15:00hrs (server time) on the 22nd of September.
~ The Fallen Sword Team.


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