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Member Since 16 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2024 17:04

#992800 Fallen Sword App Beta (v0.4)

Posted by JustConix on 12 July 2018 - 17:54

Happy Thursday Everyone!


I know you have all been waiting patiently for the next Fallen Sword app update! Well, I am happy to announce that the next version of the Fallen Sword App Beta is now live! We have been hard at work these past few months and as a result we have added a large number of new features which we are excited for you to try out. A full list of what is in this update can be found in the list below. We hope you all enjoy the next version of the Fallen Sword mobile beta and we look forward to hearing your feedback. Happy Hunting everyone!


Conix :)


Auction House
Daily Quests
Dark realms
Find player
Potion Bazaar
Reserve Stamina
Secure Trade
Send private message
Crash when entering realms
Issue displaying item details
Not able to assign level up points
Error when attacking too fast
Inventory performance
Removed most code tags from logs
Several layout adjustments
Hud indication when backpack is full
Options wheel added
Auction shortcut on items
Not signed up for the fallen sword mobile beta yet? Use the following links to join now!

#992287 Next Game Update...

Posted by JustConix on 12 June 2018 - 17:20

i think this is 9am EST


wondering if there will be any game downtime, or if we should cease any important activity during this time

The server will be down for around an hour tomorrow (2PM Server Time) while the game updates. So yeah, I would recommend ceasing any important activity during this time.


Conix :)

#991660 Fallen Sword App Beta (v0.3.0)

Posted by JustConix on 27 April 2018 - 11:30

Happy Friday Everyone! 

I hope you are all having a good day?


If not then I have some news that might improve your day!

We have just released the next version of the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta for Android with an iPhone/iPad version coming in the next few days! You can download the Android version and enjoy V0.3.0 right now using the link below!




If you are an iPhone/iPad user then click here to submit your details and we will send you an email invitation as soon as the iPhone/iPad version is available.



Whats new to V0.3.0?


- Added Log.
- Added Chat.
- Added Skill Tree.
- Added item animation.
- Added Quick Repair button.
- Added In-game Error report.
- Fixed several layout issues.
- Fixed search bar on Questbook.
- Fixed issue with leveling up attributes.
- Fixed issue with Profile not displaying. 
- Fixed game crashes when being in certain realms.
- Fixed issue using portals to certain realms from a Master realm.
- Improved inventory performance.
- Improved Compass outline. 
- Improved hunting.



That's all from me for now, I hope you all enjoy V0.3.0 of the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta and we all look forwards to hearing your thoughts on the newest update!


Until then, Happy Hunting!

Conix :)

#991250 Fallen Sword Mobile Beta (Skills and Buffs)

Posted by JustConix on 12 April 2018 - 09:11

That forth image looks askew. With all the Buffs that one can get in the game. I can't imagine what the screen would look like. If someone had almost all the available Buffs.

All buffs are stored in the box under the player information at the top left of the screen. You can scroll through all the buffs in this box by sliding the panel. Its not overly obvious in this image, but if you look really closely then you can see the edge of a 5th buff at the end of the list. So no need to worry about buffs taking up all the screen space.


Conix :)

#991232 Fallen Sword Mobile Beta (Skills and Buffs)

Posted by JustConix on 11 April 2018 - 17:44

On that note, will there be the option to choose multiple buffs for a single player, set up buff packs and buff multiple players?

Hi Egami,


I'm really happy you like the new skill tree. :)


As for Multi-buffs, there will be an option for this in a later update. We really wanted to give the players the ability to cast buffs on mobile. Making a system to handle multiple buffs on multiple players will take some time, so we plan is to release single buffs for now so the ability to cast them is there.


I hope you understand, and I hope you enjoy using the multi-buffs when we get it working in a later update.


Conix :)

#991229 Fallen Sword Mobile Beta (Skills and Buffs)

Posted by JustConix on 11 April 2018 - 16:48

Good Afternoon Everyone,


I hope you are all enjoying V0.2 of the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your feedback on the latest version. We are all hard at work to use this feedback to make V0.3 an even better experience for everyone!


As well as bug fixes and changes based on feedback we have also been working on new features for the next update. For the last 2 weeks I have been working with skills and buffs to add this highly requested feature to the mobile version. I am happy to announce that this is now complete and will be available in the V0.3 update coming soon! 


SkillTree1.png SkillTree2.png SkillTree3.png SkillTreeHud.png


As you can see from the above images, the mobile version is similar to that of the browser. However, if you look a little closer you may notice that there are a few small improvements, but I'll let you discover them for yourself. :P


One thing I will point out though is the buff bar in the top left corner of the fourth image. This bar displays all buffs that are currently active on the player and will update at real time, meaning you no longer need to refresh to find out if a buff is still active. If the image is in the bar then the buff is active. 


That's all I'm going to say about this for now. I hope these screens have got you all excited for V0.3! I am looking forward to the next update so that you can all try this out for yourselves!

But for now, enjoy V0.2 and Happy Hunting!


Conix :)

#990975 Fallen Sword App Beta (v0.2.0)

Posted by JustConix on 28 March 2018 - 13:00

I noticed last night when I did my DQ that when you move diagonally, the screen does a little "shake" thing.  At first I thought it was a malfunction of my phone, so I installed the app on my tablet as well.  The same thing happened on it. It's not constant, just intermittent and happens primarily in the SW quadrant of the map.

HI Penny,


I have just looked into your issue and I think I know whats happening. As you may have noticed, the camera auto moves to the player when a move command is given. This auto move happens even if the camera is only slightly off the player which causes a "Shake" effect. 


Now for the interesting part. I couldn't understand why this was happening when you are moving your player and not interacting with the map. It was then that I realised that there is a slight gap between the movement panel and the edge of the screen meaning that it is possible for your finger to slip off the movement buttons and onto map scrolling without realising. As this is just a small gap it is near impossible for the human eye to detect the move, but the app can and will move the camera back to the players position on the next movement command causing a shake. I hope that makes sense? 


Thank you for reporting this issue Penny, I never noticed this was happening and it was a fun puzzle to work out why. We will look for a fix and hopefully have it out to you all in the next update.


Conix :)

#990766 I've Stolen Hoofmaster's Tablet!

Posted by JustConix on 15 March 2018 - 16:51

Not sure how it happened, but I've managed to get my hands on Hoofmaster's tablet! The amount of secrets on this thing are crazy! One of which is the mobile build for Fallen Sword! Think it's about time you all see how this project is looking on mobile, so here are a couple of pictures! (sorry about the picture quality, blame my not so professional photographer, Kamicazer :P


Mobile1.jpg Mobile4.jpg   Mobile3.jpg  Mobile5.jpg


I know you are all excited for V0.2 so I hope you all enjoy this little tease! 

Anyways, I need to get this tablet back to Hoofmaster's desk before he realises it is missing! Catch you all later and Happy Hunting!


Conix :)

#990184 Fallen Sword Client - Top Rated Leaderboards

Posted by JustConix on 16 February 2018 - 17:37

Hi Everyone, 

Its time for another Fallen Sword Client progress report! This week we have been working on a new and improved Top Rated Leaderboard system and I am happy to announce that this is now complete! Below are a couple of screens to show how this looks. We hope you all like the updates we have made to this system and as always, we appreciate your feedback :)


Top Rated Player.jpg Top Rated Catagories.jpg Top Rated Guilds.jpg Top Rated Events.jpg


#990006 My introduction and a couple of development screens

Posted by JustConix on 09 February 2018 - 14:00

I'm sorry to disappoint you all but at the moment there is no finalised release date for the Fallen Sword Client yet! We are making good progress with the app and checking items off the list on a daily basis. We still have a lot to do before the game is ready for launch, but we are nearing the completion of V0.2! It is our aim to have this out to you by the end of the month, but that is only if everything goes according to plan. Fingers crossed! We will keep you updated on the release of V0.2 as the weeks go on. I hope you all enjoy the next stage of the beta when it releases soon! :)

#989773 My work at Hunted Cow... So Far!

Posted by JustConix on 30 January 2018 - 17:13

It has been just over two weeks since I started working for Hunted Cow and I am pleased to tell you that I have been hard at work on the Fallen Sword Mobile Port! My first task at the company was to create a new and improved quest book based on the one found on the web page. This task is nearing completion and I am happy to share a couple screenshots of my progress! 


ActiveQuests.jpg Quest Details.jpg

Filter By Letter.jpg Quest Search.jpg


As you can see from the above images, the quest book is now displayed as an overlay to the main game and will display all the same information that can be found on the Fallen Sword website! We have worked hard to compress a large amount of information onto a single screen while keeping it easy to read and navigate.


Most of the layout is the same however you may notice a few differences. An obvious difference is that we are now using a drop down menu to display the options used to filter quests instead of the line of options that display them on the website. Another difference is that seasonal quests and normal quests use a single toggle button instead of the two individual buttons on the computer version. These quests can be toggled using the "Normal" button at the top right of the screen. The guide button still works the same way it always has, however it has now been given a new home tidily away on the details screen. A not so obvious change is that all quests will be displayed in a single list saving you flicking through pages upon pages of quests to find the one you want. We have also added a search bar to allow players to quickly search for quests by name. 


We hope you like these changes and are happy with the progress made over the last couple weeks. I will try and post updates regularly and keep you all in the loop as the mobile port is develops.


But before I go, I have one more announcement to make. Next week we have another programmer joining the Hunted Cow team and will be working alongside me on this mobile port! I hope you are all as excited to meet him as we are! 


Anyways, That's all from me for now, Catch you all later and Happy Hunting! :)

#989761 New Team Member at Hunted Cow

Posted by JustConix on 30 January 2018 - 09:07

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I have read each and every one of your messages and I can't be happier to have joined such an amazing community! Sorry I haven't had the chance to reply until now, I have been hard at work to bring you all an update to the Fallen Sword Mobile Port! We are currently nearing the completion of the new and improved quest book! Expect screenshots in the coming days! But until then, Happy Hunting :)

#989474 New Team Member at Hunted Cow

Posted by JustConix on 16 January 2018 - 13:32

Hi Everyone, I have recently started working at Hunted Cow with my prime duties being on the Fallen Sword Mobile Port. I am looking forward to working on this project and am keen to hear all your feedback as updates are released. I hope you are all enjoying the beta so far and I hope you are as excited for future updates as we are. Until then, Happy Hunting.

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