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Member Since 19 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2023 23:27

#952225 Oidhche Shamhna IV

Posted by Tastria on 30 October 2015 - 01:20

The good news is that we've got a bunch of days to find out all this good stuff.  I figured, "What the Hey, " and spent today qualifying,  I'll go after the titans once I've built up some stam, etc.

    Plenty of time folks, no need to shove :P  

#952223 Player who is planning to try out fallensword.

Posted by Tastria on 30 October 2015 - 01:12

I've been knocking around here for seven years come January.  I managed 248 levels before joining a guild, and without buying any of the game currency (I did win some which helped)

     For me, the fun is in the trip towards EOC.  And I'm in no rush to get there.  As has been said, there's lots to do, and lots to experience.  It's changed it's base format on beginning players over the years, so if you decide to play, you'll have it MUCH easier to have a decent character to play with starting out then I did 6+ years ago :) 

     All in all this is a decent game, with a lot of fun folk playing it, chat in various forms is one of the highlights here for me, and there's a fair number everywhere on Earth so there's usually someone on.  Maybe not as many as four or five years ago, but still quite a bunch.

  One of my Allies, is Auronffx from Eldvin, and he's apparently enjoying the game here, plus there are many of the original Beta testers running around.


     Anyway, come on in, the water's fine :D

#951395 helping new players

Posted by Tastria on 18 October 2015 - 12:48

You have to catch them when they're young :P   I try and look at new players when I check in, the basic buffs just to give them a boost, and sometimes a pm.  At this point in my FS life, I don't care if they join my guild or not, I just want them to Stay :D

#950863 Legendaries invade the Realms!

Posted by Tastria on 10 October 2015 - 01:59

I like the idea Tasria. I think an event where all the critters are throwing down different drops high and low all scrambled up. Mixed up global event would peak some interest.  I think one random item such as seasonal potion or something would make it all interesting. Lets say a gift from three years ago present would be hilarious. Almost like a gag gift only it can be used item of choice and not dropped like goo from coffins.  :lol:  :P

Better and better!

    For some reason a Pickax comes to mind, but the skies the limit.  


    The more I think about it, the better I like it :D

#950848 Legendaries invade the Realms!

Posted by Tastria on 09 October 2015 - 19:59

Just a passing thought:  How about introducing some new critters without fanfare?  A weekend of clobbering a new critter/s without knowing what they'll drop, or what the drop might be used for, could spice up these long fall nights. (or short spring nights, depending on which side of the equator you live  ;) )

#949597 Global Event! Zombie Yeomen V!

Posted by Tastria on 25 September 2015 - 01:17

I hit the ruby level and noticed I only had ten more kills to get on the top 100 list.  So I did it.  I then noticed another 30 or so would move me about up to level 90.  Once up there, I saw that all I needed was one, yes ONE kill to move up another notch....

     That dam' list should come with a warning  :P

#944777 Mentoring

Posted by Tastria on 13 August 2015 - 19:52

Haven't had a single person contact me as a "mentor",

#944361 New Old Pvp

Posted by Tastria on 11 August 2015 - 01:27

My memory is a bit hazy, but way back when....  Wasn't xp loss an absolute when the game started?  And didn't the virtual level become standard 2 or 3 years in?  

    I've got the germ of an idea, but I need my memory prodded.  Can anyone remember what the story was?

#941979 PvP Seasons Rewards. Thoughts and desires please.

Posted by Tastria on 29 July 2015 - 02:46

Not sure of the ability of the game to code this but...


Since we have enough potions around to drive a bartender insane;


Ditto with gear, enough to give Amazon on line headaches;


How about "stuff" that has a definite life span?  Vanishing just as the next winners are announced.  Perhaps with Unbreakable built into it?  The beauty of this would be that it wouldn't clog the game,  wouldn't necessarily be bound, giving a valuable commodity that HAS to be used, and can't be hoarded.


If anyone likes this idea, feel free to run with it.

#933932 Code Update 2.705

Posted by Tastria on 28 May 2015 - 18:58

I don't think this is relevant. At least as I see it, the discussion on hand is NOT about PvP vs leveling. Or perhaps better said: It shouldn't be. 


I think you misunderstood me Egami, it was not my intention to do a PvP vs. leveling post.  And I agree with you there.


My query was directed at how many players actually  DO/DID use FSH.  Yes, I remember the poll, and like you, voted in it.  Really poor turn out in numbers too, but that isn't the fault of the calves in the pasture, just a simple fact. Apparently the majority of players in the poll used FSH, hence the results.


   I do still stand by my statement of the dumbing of the game however.  Even if the FSH did show the amount of gold a player was carrying, porting it over to the game proper is making it just too easy to find folk with large amounts of gold. (Incidentally Grim, what's the refresh rate on the listings?) I stress "easy",  anyone who's looking for a target, already has ways to find them.

#933902 Code Update 2.705

Posted by Tastria on 28 May 2015 - 14:43

All this talk about FSH.  How many players actually used it?

I know I don't and haven't. 

A rough estimate would be nice, as for all we know, players who used FSH could be in the minority. 


In my opinion, PvP game or not, desired piece of FSH or not,  it's just dumbing down the game.

#914439 Development Update 8th January 2015

Posted by Tastria on 09 January 2015 - 16:16

Another good one Bloody! 


There's my positive comment.  For the update, it seems to me that it's bells and whistles.  And for increasing the xp gain to those below level 100, just how fast DO folk need to level?  Reading the other comments, and by my own guild experience, it seems that no one has any problem in getting there as quickly as they want.


    I appreciate the update though.

#908488 Server Maintenance Complete

Posted by Tastria on 10 December 2014 - 23:27

Fixing that just now :)


We've moved it all to cloud hosting :)

"Cows in the sky with Diamonds"


Couldn't resist it :P   Many thanks for the repairs, and not band-aids.

#905385 Update v2.60

Posted by Tastria on 27 November 2014 - 19:11

I know I'm in the minority, but nothing seems terribly exciting.   Except....It's probably not a great idea to put the "collect all" and "discard all" buttons so close together.  I haven't tried the discard button, but I hope that it has a default that comes up and says, "Did you really mean to pour that delectable, although feeble, potion on the ground?"

#898820 New Seasonal Titan for Christmas?

Posted by Tastria on 07 November 2014 - 20:39

As I recall from my dim past, some of the items gave minus' to  various stats.  The fact that we mortals can kill titans show that they're not invincible, and maybe  -1 xp gain, or the like.  You get my drift.  All these various artifacts don't have to be all goodness and light.  Picture the Grinch as a Titan, and imagine the stats on any rewards HE drops.  Just to make the holidays a bit interesting :wacko:

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