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Member Since 07 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2024 18:02

#980536 Suggestion - Player's Composing Level on Bio

Posted by Belaric on 06 May 2017 - 06:23

I do not like this idea.


Starting a guild back in the day was hard enough.


Starting a guild now, or trying to grow one without a highish level composer? A nightmare.


Composing takes years to ascend. (or should)


In the old days all it took was a concept, or a funny name to get folk to join your guild.


I know. I did it.


Now folk look for stuff and things.


You can be sure one of the things they look for is composers.


I get asked about it already.


Make it visible? A guild with no composer above level 37 can forget it.


The unintended consequence of this idea (one of them) will be to stunt new guild growth and to concentrate recruitment into the already top heavy guilds.


This is not a good idea.

#980341 Reached current Composing level cap.

Posted by Belaric on 30 April 2017 - 06:59

Just Stop.


This is an irrelevant conversation.


Hoof has said he and HCS will look at composed potions.


This is apparently in process now. According to Hoof's own testimony.


HCS will have to decide if changing the rules about potions/buffs will have an effect on player experience, and whether that player experience will be better or worse.


I have no doubt they will make a decision that will upset people.


They always have.


It is inevitable.

#977278 Fallen Sword App Update (Jan 2017)

Posted by Belaric on 01 March 2017 - 15:49

Please have this app happen soon.


I am so unmotivated in this game nowadays. Just spinning wheels and going nowhere.


We need something new.


I have always enjoyed the darksun event, and have gotten great use out of the chests in the past. It barely raised a grunt of interest from me seeing it today.


New blood in the game would be nice. Along with new events and new content.


A new employee doing new work on the game and freeing up BG will be great. I keep my fingers (barely) crossed on that one.


Just don't take too long.

#976247 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by Belaric on 03 February 2017 - 05:58

UK baked beans don't have bits of ham and bacon thrown in with them, or molasses or any other strangeness that seems to be in US baked beans.


And to be honest - once you've eaten the pie, the beans won't make anything any worse in terms of later emissions. Embrace the wrong.


To explain: In the UK, baked beans, presented in a strange orange, yet tomato based sauce, are a basic food group for children and as such remain a comfort food throughout life for UK based lifeforms. Given constant early exposure to said beans one can only posit that either the population adapts to the gaseous results, or develops an immunity.


Given the career of Billy Connolly and toilet humour as a dominant theme in the UK, I'd say the population has adapted, and accepted gaseousness as a way of life. Everyone does it, might as well have a laugh about it!

#976240 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by Belaric on 02 February 2017 - 22:48

And yeah - they were fantastic deep fried. Though I liked them fresh out of the oven too and covered in baked beans!

#976239 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by Belaric on 02 February 2017 - 22:47

In Glasgow the difference between someone asking for "Scots pie, please." and "Scotch pie, please." could be cigarette paper thin, depending on the speaker, and the accent. Other parts of Scotland too, but in Glasgow I could see the difference being very close. Lived there for 7 years.

#975810 Guild store Item Repair Button

Posted by Belaric on 22 January 2017 - 21:08

Thanks for moving it over here for discussion.


I think this is an ok idea, and could be included as an ability to be allocated via guild permissions.


I do think guildies should repair the gear they use and take personal responsibility for doing it, but if they don't - they can get canned, or if they forget, this could be useful as a quick fix. It would also be useful for battered guild gear after a GvG for instance. (If folk are wearing guild gear and all store it in the Gs for a mass repair!) So it has its merits, as long as it is something that is not an automatic ability, but one that guildies can earn and be allocated via a permission.

#975678 Titan Hunting Change ?

Posted by Belaric on 19 January 2017 - 16:54

Maybe I'm not understanding this clearly - but there is very little need to go anywhere close to another player's chat icon etc. You can click anywhere on the titan to hit it, no? Therefore you simply click over the titan's name (far from any player interaction icons), and avoid the issue entirely.


Unless your in a mad frantic rush of course... but even then, I cannot recall ever accidentally opening a chat with another player. It used to be you could accidentally click on them and their profile would pop up - I admit I did that plenty (I was in a mad frantic rush, after all!), but after that was disabled, I have had zero problems with accidental interactions with fellow titan hunters, and I've had a race or three.


I play via a PC, maybe that makes a difference here?

#975505 PvP Smasher Medal

Posted by Belaric on 17 January 2017 - 07:16


Any good reason that it DOESN'T work the way it should?


Not that I can think of.

Because on implementation and shortly after game numbers dropped like a stone.


I'm sure the devs have not forgotten that loss of income stream.


The devs killed the smasher medal in its full on mode because of, (in my opinion)  shall we say, over zealous indulgence in 100 stam hits in every available direction by those seeking the medal as fast as possible.


This upset players not used to being hit as often, or as hard as before. All the 'rules' for avoiding PvP hits went out of the window. Hiding gold etc. not relevant. Everyone in range got hit at 100 stam so a medal could be gained. If you were in range of multiple players who wanted their smasher medal? Unlucky.


I suspect support received a lot of messages.


The activity at the outset, and its effect upon player participation, was enough to make HCS quickly change direction.


*This is important to recall, without direct HCS confirmation or denial. HCS reacted very quickly because they saw that a mistake had been made, and it affected their business adversely. The assumption is that people abandoned the game and they (HCS) saw online numbers dropping in real time, so they reversed course. This assumption makes sense, but might not be true. Another narrative may apply. HCS would have to clarify.*


For whatever reason, the reversal came too late to save the players who had already left because of all the hits they had received, and their perception that the game going forward under those rules would be untenable for them. They were already gone.


Of course what did the change to the smasher medal do, but disillusion other players, who had loved the medal, and the activity it had brought, and who then abandoned the game in disgust after it was nerfed in their view.


A double blow to HCS and their player base, therefore income stream. Advertisers don't want to spend money on games that are poorly inhabited.


So game numbers dropped again.


Perhaps the smasher medal should have been run on a beta server?

#974984 Fallen Sword App Update (Jan 2017)

Posted by Belaric on 06 January 2017 - 18:59

A second FS world? We're all talking about it after Hoof got his hooves burned and took off the table.


It sounded like the idea was a copy, with all current FS game conditions and items insitu, but just with new characters. So the power creep would be built in from the start. This would probably be the simplest idea to introduce from a cow perspective. Same game, second server, boom. 


How easy would it be for HCS to have a mirror world with say only the buffs and levels etc. that were created to level 300? Genuine question.


That would provide an old school world, (small doublers only!) with a chance to reset on approaches to buffs and gear. No KE to start the creep towards multiple sets, no SSI, because stuff.


I'm not sure how intriguing it would be to me (come on! I know I'd try it, but would I stay?) - but set it up on a beta server and see how it runs.


My request with a revised world would be to make it more story driven - have the epic quests run through the entire content and give the players a sense that they are fighting through the world to at first defeat the plots of the Shadowlord, then his minions, then his lieutenants/powerful enemies, and finally the man himself, complete with quest to find/rebuild the Fallen Sword and possibly defeat the Shadowlord directly.


There are lots of great partial storylines in FS that could be fused together and built on using epic quests - I'd love to see this done in the current game as a way to make it more addictive to new players all the way up. There are tons of fun things and serious challenges that could be created using elements of existing content, I think.


However, in a new world the story could come front and center and provide a strong driver for players to advance through the realms. But that would take a lot of development in terms of researching the current quests and characters, looking at the map locations, and then building a cool over arching quest line using existing content and building on it. No doubt about it, that is some research time right there.


Anyway, my random 2c on this.

#974229 New leveling Realms!

Posted by Belaric on 20 December 2016 - 19:42

3158 Hired Sword mobs did not respawn for me either.

#972916 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Belaric on 03 December 2016 - 17:58

I am sorry Pythia and please forgive my frankness but comparing a game to real life is ridiculous and has no relevance, in my opinion, during a PvP debate or any other "game" discussion. It is purely emotional.


At the end of the day if you disagree with any mechanic in the/a game you have a choice....don't log in again.


That is not the case in "real life" so comparing a game to the later is a non starter.





 Bolded for emphasis.


wil72 - yes real life comparisons are difficult in FS. And yes, game mechanics are there and folk should be realistic about them. But advising someone not to log in again? Good plan. There is a reason why we are down to 350 people online now. Telling someone to 'suck it up' isn't going to encourage them to stay, and we need every player nowadays. PvP players and level oriented players alike have left the game, and for both styles of player (and all the other types of player - FS is a big tent!) part of that reason has been they have felt the mechanics of the game have failed them, especially changes to those mechanics. We should be able to talk about them (mechanics of the game and how they effect us) without ultimatums being invoked. Unless losing some of our remaining hardcore players is what is desired.


Lets keep what we have and build back up, if possible. I know HCS would like that!

#972914 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Belaric on 03 December 2016 - 17:47

This comment of mine is cut and pasted from a locked thread on this topic, but I think it is relevant



"I think a 5 day season would work as a global. Including a season based auto BB etc. Go the whole hog and let it play out. Have community goals for total hits made, and individual hit goals set also. Go for it. Have a hit leader board for extra rewards.


If folk don't like the idea of the auto BB, just drop it, I'm not wildly fussed. It might be fun though.


But all the coding is there, so I'd hope it could be activated without too much extra work. A PvP global is long overdue, I think that side of the game needs it.  The global may help more people get into that aspect of the game too. Maybe not me - but who knows? More activity is good at this stage. 


In the end I think it would be good for the game to have a 5 day season global, or make it 7 day if that allows the mechanics to play out better. Also allow ticks toward the season medals to be achieved, that will also draw in players.


Ultimately every player will decide whether or not to participate, as is the case for all globals. Medal ticks, extra rewards for placing on the leader board/ in the various tiers, if they were retained, would be cool. If the seasons BB is not used for the duration of the event the question would be would global hits be bountyable on the regular BB? I would say no, as possibly getting dropped 5 for participating in a community event seems counter to the idea of fostering community participation. But if folk argue for it strenuously we can let it play out and see how it affects player participation. That will be the true reflection of the global's success, and the rules could be tweaked going forward based on the experience.


Just don't take forever over it folks!"

#971472 Comments on "List of Daily Quests"

Posted by Belaric on 04 November 2016 - 05:24

The past, zizz, is increasingly irrelevant in terms of judging the game as it is today.


The internet was different. Processing power was different. Interaction between people and the platforms used for interaction were very different 8 years ago.


This game did not keep up.


I'll admit I had hope about a properly mobile platform that I hoped would bring this game to a huge audience.


That kick appears to have been squibbed, to use a phrase.


What is left for us hardliners who can't quite kick an addiction we fell for 8+ years ago?


The odd DQ for some.


For others that is an insult. Because it does not address the 'core' issues.


Whatever they are now. 8 years later.


Every constituency left in the game has its own pet peeves about what went wrong and why.


Why people left and did not come back.


Everyone thinks their pet theory is correct, and has a ton of anecdata to back it up.


I certainly had mine. Still do, some days, when it bothers me enough.


Ultimately though, I have come to accept that HCS has made a sequence of decisions.


That sequence has led us to the game we play today.


Players are not to blame for the game, only the designers.


Arguments can be made that designers made bad decisions based on player input, but ultimately the decision rested in the offices of the designers.


This allows me to actually enjoy the game as it stands nowadays, even if it mostly feels like a nostalgia trip, and not the significant engagement in my daily life it once was.


The bigger issues facing the game.


1) Can you identify them.


2) Can you propose a solution that will work for the designers, not the players. The designers need to eat.


I agree the dailys merely postpone the inevitable. Do they do harm? Not before they upped the rewards. Now they might. But again, it is too late, I think, for that to matter over much, given this game's overall trajectory.


I have adopted egami's paragraph structure for the sake of easy bits of info. Some may recall I used to use very dense paragraphs of argument. I will again, if I think it relevant.


But not today.

#969059 Quest?

Posted by Belaric on 18 September 2016 - 03:10

The two quest resolutions are different.


They are not the same.

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