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Member Since 10 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2018 22:51

#922388 More classes, and armor.

Posted by HolyGhost on 04 March 2015 - 12:47

I also agree with ernz
In addition to the current spell/mellee/ranged defense on rolls their should be others like +\- move speed (warriors are clunky they don't need to move as fast as mage in full cloth)
+\- dodge roll (sins need this esp)
+\- haste ( ;) )
And more

#922336 More classes, and armor.

Posted by HolyGhost on 04 March 2015 - 02:04

title. i wanna see new sets of armor 2 types of medium armor (sins and rangers) why not 2 heavy as well, and 2 types of light? maybe a warrior/barbarian type heavy armor and a new berzerker class to go along with it... for light, maybe a bard class to go with a new set of light thats sort of in the middle of medium and light just some more... variety. instead of the barebones tank healer mage warrior assassin archer its nearly impossible to make your own hybrid class (your OWN IDEA OF A CLASS, like a spellsword, warlock, etc, not something that abuses the talent trees to gain maximun dps or op heals *cough warsin cough promage*) so why not add a few more in?

#921817 A lowbie help system

Posted by HolyGhost on 27 February 2015 - 16:32

I myself don't help many new players due to them begging me for gold or generally being annoying afterwords
Using this system, we could disguise ourselves as a lower lvl player...
There should be a cut off though. You can only be level 35 or below

#921720 A lowbie help system

Posted by HolyGhost on 26 February 2015 - 23:46

What if..
as a lvl 45, i could lower my level (and stats would scale, my gear would still stay on but my stats would be the same as a full geared lvl x in that class, my talents would also scale downward and i couldn't use any talent above the level i lower myself too) down to a noobs level to help them do stuff on a more even ground?
the idea is shaky but in short
a lvl 45 (lvl 45's only) lowers his/her level down to a lowbie companions to help them at there level and quest with them at that level. the lvl 45 earns nothing, its just a simple help system that allows for high levels to put themselves in the shoes of a lowbie

#921384 cool bug epic click here

Posted by HolyGhost on 24 February 2015 - 23:26



#921376 eldevin has no ladders

Posted by HolyGhost on 24 February 2015 - 22:23



#920858 Force of nature

Posted by HolyGhost on 20 February 2015 - 22:53

Change force of nature to increase healing power by 50% for 15 sec, not direct healing for all party members increased by 50% for 15 sec. Even if it was 30% it would be nice, but i feel like this woul dbe a more useful change

#920079 Added Security

Posted by HolyGhost on 17 February 2015 - 14:36

She "Thought it would be funny" and "would've deleted my characters clothes if she figured out how but wanted to leave him
Not Nakey and with dignity"

#919106 Angel halo Account bound

Posted by HolyGhost on 11 February 2015 - 23:43

same with the wings.. i was upset when i got something semi-cool and couldnt sell it for a profit..

  • Ant likes this

#918466 a picture is worth a thousand words.

Posted by HolyGhost on 06 February 2015 - 23:17


#917825 Hug achievements

Posted by HolyGhost on 01 February 2015 - 14:34

most people hugged in trappers atoll
then killed

#915595 Respeccing Revamped

Posted by HolyGhost on 16 January 2015 - 02:17

*cracks knuckles*
As somebody with over 60 respecs, a severe overhaul would help me a lot.
I've had numerous people come to me asking for build/talent help and my responses have been very limited to some questions people have came to me with.
A good idea would be this respec room, or even unlimited respec's for 12-24 hours after one, a place to save builds and hotbars so you can switch back and forth, a dual spec option, an option to unlock spec's like character slots and freely change between them and respec each individual spec... anything really, but what we have now. It's basic, outdated compared to everything else ingame, and easy to screw up one-two talent points and ruin a build then have to pay 250ep again (yes, even with the confirm button)

#915264 Talent Theory Calculator!

Posted by HolyGhost on 14 January 2015 - 17:21

I would love this considering how I use talenttheory on a daily basis

#913434 Add an option for private PvP lobbies.

Posted by HolyGhost on 04 January 2015 - 00:01

I know you all don't want to be stuck reading a long, drawn out forum post so i'll get straight to the point.
I held a 3v3 earlier on trappers atoll and numerous things were wrong with it, direct quote from other forum post:


Spawns. The spawns are too random and TA is a huge map. if everyone spawned on the north end every time during that, it wouldnt have been so bad. teams were scrambling to regroup and fight over and over.
Rules. I admit, this was poorly thrown together, it was just meant to be a test to see how things would go. There needs to be more rules such as you have 40 sec to get back past boundary or 1 point deducted, no passing boundary or 1 deducted etc etc and they need to be watched closely
I liked each team having a seperate scorekeep. that worked quite well but one supreme ref wouldve been good too.
Too many spectators. about 10+ people were there watching everyone and they got in the way and trolled etc
The biggest thing was the sheer size of the map and the spawns, if that was made different somehow, it would've been a lot cleaner. I really think that HCS should put in private pvp lobbies that DO NOT give XP, or valor. so people could have 3v3s, 2v2s, 4v4s, 5v5s, etc. all at their own liberty, creating their own teams.

Anyway, it was overall a really fun experience, and I hope that in the near future we can do a more cleaner version of it again.

In short: I think HCS should add private lobbies for people to host their own events and such, trappers is just too big for certain things.

#912871 MAGE NERF

Posted by HolyGhost on 30 December 2014 - 21:55


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