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Member Since 10 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2018 22:51

#934067 so these ASV gold bags kinda set me off....

Posted by The Marienne on 30 May 2015 - 18:05

I dont remember what fantastic name the new gold bags from ASV have, "Glorious" or "heroic" or whatever. Anyways...these things give like 16 gold. reallyyy??? If the loot roll doesnt give me that it gives me like a tourm or something which I cant even vendor for a happy amount. My repair fee as a tank is about 100 gold or more. I can potentially trade another player 75 gold for 25 ep for the repair kits which is fine and dandy saves me a little bit. But I have to get even that gold somehow.  I dont have a lot of time to play anymore, and I'm sure many of the people who have left also had little time....Do you want me to go grind to3 story mode for an hour when I could be running dungeons with other players (BUT YOU DONT GET GOOD GOLD FOR GROUP DUNGEONING)?? If bags gave at least 50 I'd feel better. I dont even want to tank sometimes because I have no gold and cant pay for repair, and I dont want to tank with new healers, noob dpsanymore because I cant afford the wipes even though I have patience and love working with these noobs generally. Some sort of means of making $ for the poor tanks? Id be fine with going off and grinding to3 story on my main healer (though honestly thats ridic shuld be helping noobs run their dungeons same amount of time IF PEOPLE GOT good G FOR RUNNING WITH NOOBS WOULDNT HAVE THE NOOBS LEAVING MAYBE though yea its better for people to help them out of good will not a greedy incentive), but like I said I have very little online time and there are others like me who are leaving. o-o sorry disjointed forum post babysitting and juggling toddlers rofl but I hope basic message comes across clear. deinitely problem is more than just the asv gold bags but that is what started me off on this ramble.

ty for your time!

#926902 Disable vanity in PvP!

Posted by ernzor on 03 April 2015 - 23:54

I think we should remove all talents/skills/levels from pvp. Give everyone the same gear and basic attacks only.


That way we can truely find the best!

#926886 You can use /sit to skip scenes.

Posted by HappyDays on 03 April 2015 - 22:33

well done awies, I bet that feels like a weight off your shoulders and you saved all these lost souls who might be tempted by the devil and use this trick or are using it. Awies has saved your virtual soul. :D

#926828 Level cap to join low lvl dungeons.

Posted by luke94 on 03 April 2015 - 17:24

what economy? everything is player based.. when there's an auction house there still probably won't be a set price.. we cant blame you for suggestions as everyone has their opinion on things.. but my god make it something useful not pointless stuff like this.. us high levels help lower levels due to the lowish player base so that they can get geared and everything.. what happens at level 5 is pretty much the same at level 45+ everything is reptitive just with different variety in the set dungeons (5,10,15,20,25,35,40,45) until you get to ICC where you actually have to pay attention.


Ultimately if you cannot find anyone or a high level player, why not just run story mode.. I heard that's just as easy as having a high level run with you and oh why not keep the loots for yourself that way a high level cant sell it off and harm the so called 'economy' you speak of..

#925608 Decrease drop rate, increase quantity of loot. Also, autogreed function pleas...

Posted by Brioche on 28 March 2015 - 02:53

All I have to say is that last night was the most intense clicking session of my life... And I have 5 more characters to repeat it with :lol:

For loot which is intended to be farmed in large quantities (candy canes, spooky treats, lovely chests...? and now infernal cores), may I suggest decreasing the drop rate to 10% or lower while increasing the drop quantities by the same factor?

Regarding autogreed - would it be possible to allow the leader to setup the group to automatically roll on loot as soon as it's picked up?

#924020 new achievement to encourage people make new build and try new skill

Posted by HappyDays on 18 March 2015 - 10:16

So you essentially want the rich or people who spend ep on silly builds to have achievements. If things like this ever did come in, I think it would signal the end of eldevin days coming.

#922867 Aquamarines/Tourmalines & other Gem ideas

Posted by RISDMAC on 09 March 2015 - 17:24

I was looking for the other threads that talk about new gem stats but cant seem to find them so I gave up.


So I was thinking that a nice way to make tourmalines/aquamarines a little more valuable would be to add secondary boosts to them.


For aqua's I thought adding +haste would be in keeping with the gem since it is a "mental ability" gem.


For tourma's I thought adding %reflect damage taken would be interesting since it is a "physical ability" gem  ;)


Alternatively let the thread continue to suggest gem bonus's you would like to see in game.


For me haste or spell haste, melle haste & ranged haste would be awesome.


Reflect % damage or again reflect % melle damage, reflect % ranged damage, reflect % sorcery damage would be epic  :wub:


Dodge gems would also be nice  :D


I cant think of what to add to howlite to make it more interesting and increase its worth so any ideas here pop them in  :P


Gem combinations:


I think it would be awesome to be able to combine two different gems into a single gem at a huge gold cost + fp.


So I could fuse my tourmaline & aquamarine into *insert name here* or I could combine my agate and  topaz into *also insert name here*.


You would only be able to combine gem type with other gem types  -so you wouldn't be able to combine helm/feet only gems with regular armor gems etc.

Also, the gem you produced as a result would never be able to be fused again - once combined that is the end of it.

In order to prevent someone from getting a lot of perfects down the line and combining them to be totally OP you could place a restriction that only 3 combined gems can be equipped at any one time.


Also you can only combine regular gems - you wouldnt be able to combine an onyx and a diamond and then re-combine the resultant gem with an opal.

#922381 More classes, and armor.

Posted by ernzor on 04 March 2015 - 11:36

Yes and then said heavy, medium, light armor should have base bonuses and subtractions to move speed, dodge, haste, armor, etc

#920080 Added Security

Posted by HappyDays on 17 February 2015 - 14:44

Get all her toys and break them :o tell her you thought it would be funny and cut up her clothes and say you are deleting them ................


5 months later......... Ice gets out of the mental home his parents put him in to get better :blink:

#920077 Added Security

Posted by HappyDays on 17 February 2015 - 14:26

Just tell your sis you like your stuff and not to delete it. :o . Why would she do this :lol:

#918683 Give Players Ability to Create Custom PvP Matches

Posted by Doja on 09 February 2015 - 03:15

My first two games in a while are both horrible because there is a single level 15 player mixed in with high levels.  The team with him gives up right away and everyone just sits around.


This has been discussed much before: https://forums.hunte...m-is-beginning/


Additionally there was a tank in one of the matches (on the same team as the level 15).  Basically, PvP sucks if the teams aren't somewhat close to even.


I understand that it would be time consuming and difficult to make proper matchmaking.  There could also be populations issues (the ONLY reason I can still assume low levels are allowed to mix with high levels in matchmaking).  So the only logical solution remaining is to let players themselves create even teams.  Us players, being humans, can much better analyze and create even teams than a program can.


In fact, this has also been suggested, here: https://forums.hunte...te-pvp-lobbies/


I played in Ice's 3v3 tourney discussed in the last link.  It was incredibly fun although there were issues involving "spectators" who at times would decide to become participants.  It also interfered with tab targeting.  So basically, its time for this to happen.


Another option is to bring back team matchmaking.  It would have to be separate from the current matchmaking, because nothing would be worse than a random party (including possibly low levels) playing a pre-formed team.


On a side note, I sure hope that the guilds release will also involve some form of PvP.  At least then players will be creating their own teams and even matches are more likely.




EDIT: There are also other reasons why a match sucks.  Two players don't like each other and refuse to cooperate on same team.  Some player simply decides to troll the match in one way or another.  ALL these problems are solved by allowing players to create their own matchups.

#918611 Don't scam me!

Posted by Ant on 08 February 2015 - 13:04

I class myself as helpful and friendly as are many other older players who I would trust and have trusted with mats in the past without even questioning them.


Now with the increased population I've not once before heard these words before "Don't scam me". This happened to me last night after someone pm'ed me asking for help, they didn't even just say it once they kept saying it over and over once I got there. This just made me feel belittled as I would never scam nor have any intention too so I think it's time to implement a assist system of some sort.


Now with name changes becoming common practice anyone could say "Ye I'm lvl <insert lvl here>" then simply logout with the mats and get HCS to change their name.


It won't be long until scamming infests eldevin, I'm just thinking ahead.





#915437 Safe Places to Play Eldevin

Posted by Zorg on 15 January 2015 - 12:16

eld should get on kongregate


It goes up on Kongregate next week, it goes up on ArmorGames tomorrow :)

#913550 [OCD] OL'Chickens Distillery - 24/7 POTS/ELIXIRS/DRAFTS (now lvl 32+ Food...

Posted by Debrutsid on 04 January 2015 - 19:39

Ok folks most of you whohave bought from OCD should know me as there is a dang good chance you got the potions from me.  As of late due to increased demand, and the fact that i am just about the only active one selling (I got the go ahead from Doja, cult is still MIA)  I am reforming OCD a bit.


(Oh, as far as I am concerned, Cult, Susej, Doja etc are still OCD, just retired, etc)


All points still count, same rules there.  There will be some new faces, and a slight increase in prices.  These prices will be based on the number of materials ina potion.  We are still keeping the price low (and as always tipping will never be refused)


OK google docs is kinda dead,  i use it to keep track of reward points and will do so.  




Current Active Members:



Retired (in one way or another)

HolyGhost ( OCD  Enforcer)




Janette has retired and moved on unfortunately, and although the market seems to want to burst at the seams, we remain steadfast in being a fast and a lower cost provider of potions.  Prices on some of the more mat heavy pots may change (armor and haste)  but in general i do not receive too many orders for them


Now Here are the updated prices for potions.  For those who are a little broke, it is a lot easier to get gold now.  To3 story mode is a good example.  or TR





Lvl 32 potions HP/MP 1.5g/10

Lvl 32 Stam 2g/10 


Lvl 40 Hp and Mp potions - 4g/10

Lvl 40 Stamina potions - 6g/10

Lvl 40 attack power Draft - 7g/10

Lvl 42 Melee, Ranged, Magic Elixir - 7g/10

Lvl 44 Haste and Armor potions 9g/10

Lvl 46 Attack Power Draft 25g/10 (double the mats of haste.armor, and i keep those prices very low because not many buy them )

Lvl 48 Small Health Elixir 40g/10  (and this goes against my better judgement, hate foraging outside crannoch  


Ok I have come up with a way to sell the lvl 48 potions.

Supply the ancient cores+20%  (120 cores for one potion) 




Also All new orders depending on size/frequency of order/size of order may be subject to a bonus % points towards free potions.  




Food, now available:


Lvl 32 food, i will determine price if there is a need.  

Fish bakes 15g/10

Choberry Roly-Poly 10g/10

Plaice w/ Ginger 10g/10

Cream of Haunch 20g/10

Stovies 30g/10 

Shank and Dumpling 35g/10


Stovies and Shank and dumpling i do not like to make because of all the farming

#912356 A View From Inside the Walls :)

Posted by Crofil on 27 December 2014 - 14:07

so for the last couple of months i've had this little hidey hole at the Defilers hideout 




here is a few of the folks waiting for the battle to begin :)




and a look at the defiler :)



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