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Member Since 03 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2021 21:52

#281060 The Prize Draw

Posted by Bluehaze43 on 05 March 2013 - 02:44

Consider that most of them are alts of the players that are not subbed.  Putting another Prize Draw would give it to the subbed.  A little something to the players that help support the game.

Yes, or even better in the DF or Mt. Braskan to avoid toons parking at the lotto tent for a free handout. :ph34r:

#281108 The Prize Draw

Posted by Songwoven on 06 March 2013 - 18:47

As a follow up/summary suggestion... why not have two draws? One in Gothador where all players have access and one in, say, the Dark Forest, where all subbed players have access. This would have multiple benefits: 1) Subbed players that play in the new lottery would have a higher chance of winning. This is great because it is a nice incentive for those players who pay to play, hence helping keep the game alive. Plus, those who won would then be more active, since they'd have more ap to play with. 2) Putting it in a PVP realm would put an element of excitement back into this aspect of the game. While I'm not a PVP'er myself, even I remember the excitement of having to do something in a PVP realm. Having a PVP square where virtually every active, subbed player would go at least once a week would certainly up the carnage factor.


Again, just a thought that I think everyone would enjoy :)  

#281111 The Prize Draw

Posted by Fred on 06 March 2013 - 19:50

Further to that make Gothador prize draw bennies (more useful to smaller/newer players anyway) and the pvp realm prize draw usps!

#153323 Forum Signatures Guidelines

Posted by Zorg on 10 November 2012 - 08:57

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