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Member Since 27 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2023 13:59

#943666 House Of FrankNStien...

Posted by OnionGroove on 06 August 2015 - 21:14

...just because.  Located at 18,44 Gothador Realm.  I was going to put it at 19,44, because that was when the movie was released, but the system wouldn't let me because The Raven's Nest was southeast of it.  That was another reason I wanted to put it there, dammit!  :P


Anyway...this isn't really recruitment, I already have 10 of myself there, but if you've got a little alty that might like to live in that creaky old house too, post it here or PM me.  I may not answer right away (still doing interwebz at the public library), but don't worry, I'll reply.


Frank's still with us, one way or another...he'll always be a part of Gothador.

#943379 FrankNStein died almost a year ago and still no Quest in his honour.

Posted by OnionGroove on 04 August 2015 - 19:07

Is there a way for one of Admin to make a "member" character an "owner"?  I have four characters in Jade Phoenix, but they're all only members.  I was fortunate enough to accept Frank's invite for two of them and the other two joined later.  I really don't want to see Jade Phoenix blink out.

#934675 something new

Posted by OnionGroove on 04 June 2015 - 20:36

Oh I get that. I was merely pointing out that there are rules we have. While not directly religious, it was a response to a religious organisation, one that is particularly good at riling up peoples feelings and it had the potential to cause issue, which is why such posts were banned in the first place.


BG, thank you for taking the time to explain why you edited my post.  That was ultimately why I was so upset, really.  

#932079 Gothador Trade Network

Posted by OnionGroove on 11 May 2015 - 22:20

I'd just like to say how nice it is to log in and see the GTN as active as it is right now.   :D  w00t.

#929364 True Insanity

Posted by OnionGroove on 20 April 2015 - 22:20

We're all insane.  That's why we keep playing.  :blink:

#927465 future gothador

Posted by OnionGroove on 07 April 2015 - 21:45

Restart Gothador from scratch. It was a great idea poorly executed.


Actually, it was well executed.  The issue is there are too many other games HCS has going on for Gothador to matter to them any more.

#922467 future gothador

Posted by OnionGroove on 04 March 2015 - 23:19

Well, we just have to melt it a bit.   ;)

#921378 way to talk it up guys !

Posted by OnionGroove on 24 February 2015 - 22:42

I offer absolutely no apologies for liking this.  :D


#897966 Let this be a lesson to you...

Posted by OnionGroove on 04 November 2014 - 22:04

YAY!!!  Thank you so much Hoof.  Just in time for my happy birfday, too!   :D

#885084 Invasion Please?

Posted by OnionGroove on 13 August 2014 - 21:34

I know...let's have a mixed Invasion, with an assortment of creatures.  Like some Incendinites.  So we can kill the Incendinites that are still in the Braskin Plains.  I could use some Incendinite gear for some of my new peeps.





#877915 Just My Mind Turning Inward Upon Itself...

Posted by OnionGroove on 08 July 2014 - 23:09

Then, it will be the first time in my life that I have ever wanted to f**k Hank Williams.




Thomas W. Hiddleston makes me crazier than I already am.


William Campbell, who played the characters Trelane and Koloth in ST:OS (and Koloth again in DS9), once said he wanted to do a movie with Trelane vs Q over the "rights" to "his Humans".  Even though it was now Picard, not Kirk, Trelane still viewed them as "his".  I've always wanted to see this, I've been wanting this for years, and now would be the perfect time to do it.  Tom Hiddleston as Trelane, Benedict Cumberbatch as Q.  I would have the single greatest orgasm of my life, and die an incredibly happy woman.


Oh, yes, I am a Fangirl. **Faints**

#873360 Just My Mind Turning Inward Upon Itself...

Posted by OnionGroove on 14 June 2014 - 19:19

Asgardians are not magic(al)  ;)


they just seem magical because their tech is far beyond ours 


***this dog is not magic:



I guess it depends on which one of Marvel's billion & a half "Alternate Realities" you happen to be in at any given time.   :mellow:


Potato, tomato...what difference does it make, really?  You can't get bananas from avocados, now can you?  Ah, sorry...I haven't actually slept in about a week, so I have virtually no grip on what was once my sanity.


The dog is actually a member of a lost Jedi sect.


There is no spoon, Neo.



#869871 Ok, so...

Posted by OnionGroove on 23 May 2014 - 00:05

One of my recently-hatched new "virtual personalities" (or "alts", if you prefer) is NickFury, who I happen to be using the red-haired female avatar for.  Why?  I blame Marvel.  Aaaaaaanyway...every time Nick kills a collector, I giggle.  Why?  I blame Marvel.  It gets kind of...bad, really, giggling like that at the library.


Then, there's KingLoki, RedThor, Heimdall, Odin, Jormungand, aaaaaaand...the new Gothadorian I just birthed.  ZaphodMalfoy.  Why?  Because I'm insane, that's why.  That, and because I just can't seem to stop myself. 



#845613 FrankNStein

Posted by OnionGroove on 01 February 2014 - 17:46

I am just glad the stubborn old bastard keeps fighting back. Keep up the fight.

This deserves repeating.

#825937 Just My Mind Turning Inward Upon Itself...

Posted by OnionGroove on 06 December 2013 - 00:52

1.  How long would Loki last with Professor Snape?


2.  How long would Voldemort last with Loki?


3.  Loki v.s Khan...who wins?


4.  Show of hands...who wants to see Voldemort fight Sauron?



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