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Member Since 15 Oct 2012
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#949277 Please Read!!!

Posted by BigGrim on 21 September 2015 - 12:19

Hey there.


Active development ended on Sigmastorm years ago. I seriously doubt it'll ever start back up, though I'll certainly ask if it's possible to allow players multiple characters to run through the game as each class.


| Grim

#933905 Who the hell are you?

Posted by Ant on 28 May 2015 - 15:10

I think it would be nice to have some sort of indication on map that your friends are nearby.


I've bumped into friends on alts oblivious that I know them and think it would be nice if they shown up on map.




#928108 i resubscribed !

Posted by seasack on 12 April 2015 - 03:58

i log in every day !

i play every few days , maybe more !

i chat in sb !



im accomplishing things , so i get to post about it

#927077 New LFG system

Posted by Anameisaname on 05 April 2015 - 12:21

Currently nobody uses the lfg system, everyone spams chat to no avail or makes groups with friends, leaving so many out there with no ability to find a group and spend hours trying.


I suggest a revamped LFG system. The easiest way i can think to do this would be like this:


You select which dungeons you want to do, click apply, you are now listed as available to invite for those dungeons and anyone can invite you to their group.


Same thing if you need members, open the LFG window and check who's available, inpect and check out their gear, invite.


Basically, instead of spamming chat for hours, you just select which dungeon you want to do and play the game while you wait for invite, or select from the people and make your own party. Another thing if it's possible to add, make this international, display people from all servers, but when clicking invite, you send the other person a notice to change servers (if this can't be done automatically).


The only downside would be no abusing the lfg system to teleport, which i suppose a new system can be implemented.. Or Just leave the same one but rename it to teleport system :D


Anyway i think this is easy to implement and would help a lot, if i'm wrong please state so in comments, i might be missing a few points.

#897720 Making friend list and alt characters more manageable

Posted by Mongo on 03 November 2014 - 20:59

It is really tedious sometimes, having to add all your friends alts over and over each time they make a new character. Also seeing 16 people online when it is only one (and 15 alts) seems silly, not to mention how confusing it can be when your friend has 16 characters... who can remember all those? I can just about remember my own! :P


I think the whole thing needs an overhaul to become more user friendly.


Some suggestions:



  • Make it a requirement for us to ACCEPT a friend request, before others can add us to their friends list. This is important in the next suggestions for privacy from strangers.
  • Once a friend is added, it will AUTO add all current and future characters they create.
  • The friends list and server screen should include the CHARACTER and MAIN. e.g. "Mongo(Flash)"
  • There is no need to list all of my characters on the server select screen, just the one I am logged with. In the format suggested above "Mongo(Flash)" or if I am logged on my main , just "Mongo"
  • Also I think it would be really great, if someone could just whisper "Mongo" and I would then receive that message, no matter if I am logged on Mongo, Flash or any other character.


So basically we are taking our main character name (account) and incorporating that to include every alternate character.


Also not sure if you fixed it yet as I have not ignored anyone, but if we add a player to ignore it should include all their present and future characters.


If anyone has more suggestions please post, also please post if you think this idea sucks. Thanks.


Actually thinking about it think the other way round would be better, so Main(alt). Here is a quick mock up I done of what our friend list would now look like (hope you don't mind me using you as example Razzy) :P


So Raziel Is logged on his alt Kainn and has accepted my friend request, I now see this:



#864659 Potions overwrite each other now ??

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 23 April 2014 - 10:55

Just give us the option to use 3 or 4 total buffs from Pots/Food. Meaning we could used 4 food if we eanted or 2 of each.

#859539 One more account slot

Posted by onray24 on 02 April 2014 - 23:43

i enjoy the game because i like it not because someone told me too and free stuff they give enough free as is. i cant wait for supporter only stuff and areas 

#855274 Full Size map

Posted by Cronus on 14 March 2014 - 05:20

Am I the only person who would like to see a map that isn't split into many different sections that you must be standing in? Sometimes I would like to see a map for general reference, but I'm in Eldevin city for example and can't see anything about the other side of the world.. Thoughts? Or has this already been brought up.. 

#855276 Full Size map

Posted by Cullen on 14 March 2014 - 05:54

There have definitely been times where I wished I could check other maps to see the levels of the dungeons/areas while trying to figure out where I wanted to train. If the map had arrows on the four sides that allowed you to look at the corresponding maps it would be a nice feature.

#849955 Gems and Jewelry

Posted by ernzor on 17 February 2014 - 22:36

Want to find a use for the smaller gems. I know they are good for lower levels to be introduced to the gem system and embedding them. But you very quickly outgrow cracked gems and pretty soon after jagged too.


Can we make it possible for jewelers to embed gems into jewelry when they make it. Only the small ones though (up to flawed maybe) even at higher levels.


Could make for some nicer uniquer jewelry.


Just a thought, discuss.

#847821 Record PvP kills as most damage dealt rather than final hit

Posted by Neon on 10 February 2014 - 22:11

This suggestion is regarding how a "kill" is earned in a pvp game.


Current way of earning a pvp kill:


- Get the last hit on a target.


My suggested change for this:


- The person who dealt the most damage to the target is awarded the kill.


This shows a much more "real" K/D rather than the current system. I've seen low levels standing around waiting for other players to take a player to very low hp and then using burst damage to steal a kill, this is primarily mages using ignite to reap in the kills but other classes can use burst abilities to their advantage aswell. The current system is flawed in my opinion.

#846828 Separate PvP Groups from Solo in queuing

Posted by Mongo on 06 February 2014 - 12:36

Ok, so anyone that has tried a little pvp knows how easy it is to form a pre group and own a bunch of random players who join the queue solo. It is not a challenge, it is too easy and really just laughable  :D


The first couple of times, yeah it was fun to just smash everyone with little to no risk of ever getting killed. Now I actually feel bad and kinda guilty killing randoms when I'm in a pre made strong group. I have also tried queueing solo and team members left after being killed! leaving us as a 3 man and 2 man on both occasions.


Lets make pvp more challenging, seperate groups from solo. These groups want a challenge (I think?) and currently it is not challenging, so how about......


If you enter a pre made group of 5 you can now only face another pre made group of 5, or maybe we could even set the minimum at 4? so 4 man group could face a 4/5 man group, just to give the flexibility and challenge.


If you enter solo, you will now be mixed at random onto the 2 groups with 9 other players who entered solo.


That is my suggestion  :)

#847730 Make Camping Areas Useful

Posted by Sage on 10 February 2014 - 15:51

The camping quest was nice but it led to nothing more to do with those areas other than stand in them or build a fire.


It would be nice if after completing the camping quest we were awarded a sleeping bag and tent so we could camp in the numberous campgrounds areas around Eldevin and receive our 'rested xp' while there.


Edit:  Another idea would be a mini-game where all who are there must do tasks to upkeep the camp area.  Like... cook for campers, gather, hunt, and fish for food, mine coal and clear trees for wood and have bins to store the wood and coal in for others to stoke the fires...  maybe even plundering other camps.

Rewards could be camping gear and/or camping vanity outfit pieces.


I'm sure others have ideas for the camping areas too...

#836922 :+: Mom`s Suggestions :+:

Posted by Mom on 02 January 2014 - 22:07

1: Make it that when we hover one item we can know amount of said items we have in our possession. Often i have to count manually amount of bars or ingredients i got to be sure i have enough for self goals.


2: Fix bags. Sometimes when you try to purchase items from shop, if you have no free slots in main bags but many free slots in other bags it wont buy items saying you have no place. Also you cannot put bags into bags. (I tried to purchase few bags and could not put them in my 2nd or 3rd bags. It was only working in first bag.


3: Rework the Group interface. It would be cool if we could see which Class people in our group are by taking the amount of talents they have as priority and declare it their class, also their level, location and amount of life/mana with numbers over bars colors instead of having to hover over their bars. Also showing which buff they currently have under the group tabs would be awesome instead of having to click on them to see which one they have under target bar.


4: Fix area of effect of reputation gains when killing npcs. I was grouping with a friend which was one city away from my location and i kept losing reputation toward a certain faction because he was farming them. It should only be given to players few screen next to said person at MOST.


5: Crafting system need some tweak. Like show the amount of experience each craft give in the item craft description.  (Often i need to craft one before i start leveling crafting said item to be sure i have the right amount of bars. This should be done server side showing XP each item give upon crafting)


6: To make crafting more beneficial, stats that we get upon crafting an item should be randomized. What i mean is the main stats should be there and 1 or two mods should be randomized to promote crafting as right now , if someone have 40 in a certain craft, there is no way someone else will take the market unless a price war start which would be devastating for the economy.


7: Fish & Potions from shops need to be removed. Its a must otherwise there is no real need to level said professions .


More to come.

#834336 Rotten Green Apples, Damaged Copper Bar, etc

Posted by D4VYJONES on 24 December 2013 - 11:01

Hey, I just went to a dry market and it hit me. Why don't we get rotten green apples when foraging? When we gathered rotten green apple, we will still get foraging exp but the product will not be able to be used in alchemy. This will help to increase the value of the items.

Foraging is special so we get rotten green apples. For prospecting, we get damaged copper bar when we forge the copper bars. Good idea?

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