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#1002175 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by kitobas on 13 November 2020 - 18:06

And we have told you that it works for Relics. 


~ Grim

today was first time I hearing that admin saying it working on relics too, from this posting 

Can we get a final answer on this please, we have heard different answers from different Devs.

nobody I asking knewing that admin saying this, where did you getting this information before rest of community?


biggrim, I not trying to starting fighting, please I only wanting understanding because it not make sense or logic


I asking again can you please explaining why doing 1 group taking 5 relics when you knowing fact that relic capturing are very easy and joke? in my country that saying: putting oil when it is already fire 


admins, I respecting you and I thanking you very much for group update and liking seing updates but this update very bad, only good thing about it is 1 group kill 5 creatures, this is improvement


admins, go do relic battle and see with your eyes how easy and joke it is capturing relic, even capturing relic that having many defenders and with 1 group taking 5 relics it worse


if you not wanting changing back to 1 group taking 1 relic, then ok but then you must changing broken relic battle to increasing % of defenders stats


I was in many relic wars, before and after composing, Reign of Terror,1 group taking 5 relics:

before: everyone stats in group and defender was very important, they needing changing to pvp setups, getting buffing an it was very good compitition, everyone stats was important

after: only lead defender and lead attacker really need pvp setup because with crazy high composing other stats of all defenders on relic mattering very little


hcs, you knowing this truth and can seeing from admin view


I will stop here and again if leaving 1 group taking 5 relics then fix already broken relic battle: please go increasing % of defender stats for making it worth defending and best remove punishment when guild having more than 2 relics

we players can only giving you info like we doin with pvp protection on pvp ladder, it taking many years for you to listen, nobody knowing why it taking that long but in end you fixing it


does hcs even knowing that when guild havng more than 2 relics they get % punishment of stats? most active guilds in game having more than 2 relics and this proofing more how easy and joke it is capturing relics

I knowing hcs wanting making game better and I liking it but please do relic battle and see truth with your eyes, then come fix relic battles for us, thank you

#1002172 New Content! 4561 - 4570

Posted by kitobas on 13 November 2020 - 16:42

thank you for content, I waiting for maximum stamina then doing hunting :)



I liking this, give artist thanks

  • Zue likes this

#1002171 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by kitobas on 13 November 2020 - 16:28

Hoofmaster has told us, yes, you can capture multiple relics. We have told you this already. I have passed on the feedback however and will review.


~ Grim

only thing hoofmaster telling us community is this 

It's only vs. creatures

and this is how it working when update at beginning, my guild doing many times and 1 group take 1 relic, nobody knowing when it later get changing to 1 group take 5 relics


biggrim you already knowing how easy and joke is to catching relics, with this becoming more joke

please do updates for improving game, not making bad updates


I understanding for making 1 group kill 5 creatures, this very helping community when small guilds needing time for having big group killing elite and super elite or when players doing questing but can you saying what improving 1 group taking 5 relics do? 


instead of making bad update with 1 group taking 5 relics please work on relic battles, everyone knowing it easy and joke taking relics, change % of all defender stats because what we having is joke and everyone who capturing relic once knowing this


how is logic for you hcs that 1 player stat (with 2 new player joining game stats) can beating over 50 defender stats? and still this getting ignoring and making worse by doing 1 group taking 5 relics, very bad, please go fixing it to what hoofmaster said and what it was at beginning


It's only vs. creatures


#1001847 Pvp Protection in the PvP Ladder

Posted by kitobas on 18 October 2020 - 15:55

I've seen multiple occasions on various ladders where a player/s hits everyone once, or even multiple times for a few hours, and then opts out to leave the ladder.

*Said* player/s gain Dominance medal ticks, and smasher medal progress without a risk of being hit back or bountied.

As an example, I just had a guildmate log in, and try to return a few ladder hits. Only to find out they couldn't due to the player buying protection and leaving the ladder ( and his pvp range )

Can I just ask what the cows thoughts are on this? I know you have oodles in the pipeline, and other priorities, but I'd just like you to see how frustrating this can be to anyone who plays the ladder or plans to.


~ Maeh

many pvpers before you posting in forum about this and admin knowing about this, I can not finding his posting and remebering detailing words but saying it staying because for players can escape ladder


I and many players never understanding why this was not removing, for me it is like bug, hitting many times getting dominance and smasher and escaping with no risk, pvp always is with risk

#1000856 relic capture

Posted by kitobas on 07 July 2020 - 19:27

I'm not exactly sure what this thread is supposed to accomplish outside of more controversy about relics and who should have them, but anybody willing to step up and lose levels, whether to steal or defend one, deserves a pat on the back I guess....  


As to the OP, I'll have to do as Penny and ask why you ask about something you already know? What is the purpose with this thread?


Everyone on this thread knows the answer to your question, including yourself.


they already telling you answer but you not caring because you wanting attention


your question is low IQ like saying this: can you do breathing air many times, please everyone in game discussing lol



xxxxxxxxxx says: Evxxxxxead have always had the same response to guilds attacking us unprovoked, and that is obviously to stomp players into the ground. He put you in a bad spot by starting up during an event like this where we\\\'ll hit anyone in range using high level spellbreak pots to destroy any and all buffs while taking levels....cost of pots>cost of levels

what can you say to that ?


it telling if attacking unprovoked they will attacking back

let speak truth about real:

community knowing you hating TED and having crazy obsesion to them, I not knowing why and not caring, this private between you and TED


you posting conversation that TED and your guild mates having here in forum, that meaning they having you on ignore, you can not sending them messages for getting attention, that making you angry, you needing attention


last 4-6 guilds you was you always starting fight with TED, then your guild getting involving and they start crying, later you moving to next guild, you later go after other guilds too, I seeing you later going after FFS and MOM too


taking relic it afecting all players in guild (max stamina, stamina gain, all stats, all enhanments, gold), this giving you most attention you can getting because it efecting all players for attention


players saying stop saying this my relic, relic belonging to hcs, that true but need knowing too that everything in game, your fsps, gold, items, character belonging to hcs too


if want say correct when getting attacking you needing saying account from hcs I playing getting attacking


pvp and gvg efecting your character, giving conditions how to doing pvp, gvg or other game styles is stupid because you can using all game mechanics in game to play game, that how hoofmaster making this game



Making 'moral' rules about how others should play the game when the dynamics exist is ridiculous. I agreing, this answering your topic question here but you not caring, you wanting attention


this topic you creating only for getting attention, you always doing it


I not wanting posting but when seeing hypocrisy and lying, I had to, you writing here like you are victim but you were one who first provoking and attacking guilds, in what world you living that attacker becoming victim lol


I will giving you tip for you real goal to destroying TED you hating and obsessing

TED is big guild, you need joining big guild too like FFS or MOM for starting big war


As a GF i personally don't get why guilds get annoyed by relic captures. Not much to do in the game as of late. Really helps on activity and participation.

go joining MOM then you can getting big war for your goal :)

I will not posting here again because that will giving you more attention, good luck activeh

#1000604 Suggested change to Composing

Posted by kitobas on 12 June 2020 - 20:25

lol more watering down pvp, what next if buying from auction house and not having enough gold in hand then taking rest from bank? it because of ideas like this that pvp getting watering down and becoming joke


how long it taking for taking gold from your bank? seconds, that long for you? lol


everything that will watering down pvp should be no, we needing increasing pvp activity, like for higher levels increasing attacking range, -+10 levels is joke

#998209 relic capture medal

Posted by kitobas on 22 July 2019 - 07:34

Im not sure what the solution is but if anyone else has idea feel free to post

everyone who taking relic knowing how easy taking relics too
as proof there was one man guild who recruiting 2 players who low levels only for joining his group for he can capturing relics
this player then capturing all relics from lowest level to very high level from very many guilds and all big guilds and he having no problem
this showing how very easy
in many other games I playing there towers (same like relics) but it impossible for 1 player or few players taking tower from big guilds
at moment there big penalty if guild having more than 1 relic and with crazy high composing battles becoming very stupid easy, low levels can taking relic from big guilds (hcs you can looking at admin account kamicazer7 who in same guild like activeh1, go looking at guild logs for seeing low levels taking relics from big guilds easy)
hcs you needing improving relic battles, need adding for every guild member defending relic stats increasing extra 10-20%, if you having 5 guild members defending relic then relic stats creasing extra 50-100%, this very easy and fast coding and bringing real battling back
hoofmaster can asking how my guild can getting hcs admin join our guild like admin kamicazer7 is in activeh1 guild? thank you very much
here is photo I making now

#988301 Guild daily quests

Posted by kitobas on 12 December 2017 - 05:21

Rewards scale depending on members... Also 1 people guilds aren't guilds should require a certain amount of members like gvg.

I agreing and liking idea very much but thinking rewards should scaling depending on members who active and there should be option for seeing which players are doing guild quests (same you can seeing which members are doing gvg hits)


guild daily quest can bringing very many high player activity to fallen sword game because majority players can joining and doing it, not like seasonal titan event for only minority

#985689 New Super Elite

Posted by kitobas on 08 October 2017 - 15:24

Both of the sets you have been involved with are junk..They simply demonstrate a player without understanding of game mechanics.

you not liking se sets then not using them, nobody forcing you

siddy246 using very many stamina for getting top3 for can designing set and helping comunity getting more kills


Is that really necessary? You're entitled to your opinion of course but these SE designs are supposed to be a fun reward for those who want to seek them out. You don't have to like them or agree with the gear choices or the potion choices. But IMO there was no need for that kind of belittlement. I'm sure if you choose to seek the same reward for yourself someday you will display your incredibly superior knowledge of game mechanics for us all to see. We await such a day with bated breath I am sure.

I agreing bro


only thing I not finding good seeing is lucky buffs (dispel curse, golden shield, high guard, invert, fist fight ....) that having high level skill that very bad for pvp

#985517 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by kitobas on 03 October 2017 - 14:33

What makes you assume this was done through IPs? I spend several hours hunting 83 clone accounts and terminating them.


It was a pain, yeah but it needed dealing with.

~ Grim

thank you very much

#985287 upgrade for components slots

Posted by kitobas on 25 September 2017 - 04:42

Hi, bro. Would you mind explaining the reason(s) behind these two statements, please?

Note: I am not against more BP and composing slots. I just don't get your reasons.


yes I can explaining :)


my first posting was this

there players wanting increasing BP slot, HCS doing many times upgrade for BP slot (I thinking we starting with 500 BP slot, then get increasing to 1000, then again 1500, then again 3000)

there players wanting increasing component slot, I thinking HCS doing upgrades for component slot

there players wanting increasing member slot, HCS not increasing one time from beginning of game, it staying same


what I wanting saying is, if players wanting increasing in max upgrades and it not hurting game then doing it and it should not mattering who is person / guild who asking

hades8840 creating of this topic then quoting to me

really big difference though bp and comp slots are personal upgrades only person they effect is the person doing the upgrade the member increase would imo nuke the game more and more smaller guilds would just merge into the bigger ones lol eventually you would have 1-2 super guilds

that wrong and I already explaining

no bro, you wrong and you should knowing best (because you are player that having very many BP slot and comp slot) that BP slot and comp slot not only affecting person who doing upgrade, they affecting whole game (affecting very many players)


when you doing mass farming and mass inventing with help of very many BP slot and comp slot you doing very big effect on game (affecting very many players)

sorry if other explaining not good, I have poor language and trying again


I try make easy understanding:

can you affecting other players with your BP slots when you putting guild tagged items, potions and composing in your personal BP upgrades for guild to use? (many guild doing this, my guild too and it affecting players in guild)

can you affecting other players with your BP slots when you doing caves farming with your many personal BP upgrades to selling many items and potions? (flask of death, reckoning potion......)

can you affecting other players with your BP slots when you doing LE farming with your many personal BP upgrades to selling very many items? (sets, frags......)

is not answer always yes then it meaning BP slot upgrading not only affecting player who upgrading


same is with component slots too, maximum player upgrade is 990 component slots, that already very more than enough if only used for personal doing inventing for completing quests and other personal things but if you mass inventor for items or potions that affecting other players then need more


like you MSCruz I now not caring if they increasing BP slot, component slot, member slot or not, only saying

what I wanting saying is, if players wanting increasing in max upgrades and it not hurting game then doing it and it should not mattering who is person / guild who asking

this my opinion, thank you

#985013 upgrade for components slots

Posted by kitobas on 11 September 2017 - 20:04

there players wanting increasing BP slot, HCS doing many times upgrade for BP slot (I thinking we starting with 500 BP slot, then get increasing to 1000, then again 1500, then again 3000)

there players wanting increasing component slot, I thinking HCS doing upgrades for component slot

there players wanting increasing member slot, HCS not increasing one time from beginning of game, it staying same


what I wanting saying is, if players wanting increasing in max upgrades and it not hurting game then doing it and it should not mattering who is person / guild who asking

#982739 bounty xp

Posted by kitobas on 17 July 2017 - 09:04

You know that this is the original idea of BB ? it's intended, to lose 5 levels, right ?

original idea of BB was losing unlimited levels

bro, you could losing all levels with one bounty

#982437 "Titan Event"

Posted by kitobas on 11 July 2017 - 10:08

Titans were designed to be a TEAM EFFORT, were they not?

1 player alone in a guild is not a team but he can hunting titans

a team is 2 or more players, because 1 player alone in guild can hunting titan it meaning titan not team effort or hcs would have doing change years ago for making it team effort



I know exactly what you said about the TKP going to the player and not the guild, but the fact of the matter is, that the best titan hunters generally are in the best titan hunting guilds.

Ergo, by making TKP an individual thing, rather than a guild thing, all that will happen is that those guilds will secure more and more titans and thus be detrimental.

I have hunting against ffs, mom and ted, they having only very few players who fast, rest of their many members I beating many times easy

bro, why you talking again about guild thing, that guilds will secure?

it not guilds, mary4ever idea is for player tkp, not guild tkp, if player securing then it player secure, not guild secure

(mary4ever idea) if I securing titan or having enough tkp to buy seasonal epic then player getting epic, not guild getting epic


mary4ever idea very good and nobody can saying it will not bringing more titan hunters and more activity, it will benefiting more player online activity

it not detrimental to game, it only detrimental to 1 man guilds who will then having competetion, not having it easy anymore for solo securing easy titan, they will having to hunt titan more than one time to getting epic

players will doing more titan hunting, this meaning players staying longer online in game and this good for game, not bad


So, again, I think this is a step BACK in the game, and not an improvement.

no this improvement for game when more players can hunt and doing more game activity online

you making confusion and staying talking about guild secure, mary4ever idea saying


Make only Seasonal Titans TKP be awarded to the Player, NOT to the GUILD !!!

she saying player tkp, not guild tkp


when getting secure or enough tkp then player getting epic, guild not getting epic because it player tkp, not guild tkp


Personally opposed to this suggestion that Seasonal TKP be player based...all it will create is  players who collude with each other.

I not understanding, you saying players not colluding with titans for years?

with mary4ever idea colluding will becoming more difficult than now because now you need colluding with 2 or 3 guilds but mary4ever idea bringing more activity, more hunters, this meaning you need colluding with many more hunters and will making it very difficult, this very good



You opened that door yourself in op by mentioning the alleged composing pots debate....



Don't chastise others for following your blatant lead....

you not can reading? mary4ever saying in first post here in topic if want talking about composing then go to pvp topic and she posting this link https://forums.hunte...showtopic=75252


why you keeping starting fighting with mary4ever, I remembering in other forum you starting attacking her again and biggrim then removing your postings

I not caring if you two not liking each other or having fight with her but keep your fight with her out of this forum, I liking this topic idea very much and wanting talking with other players about it, not reading your fight with her



Just kinda sucks big guilds barely get a chance to hunt the titans themselves though :/

I agreing bro and hoping it will changing for improvement for making all players can titan hunt

#979645 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by kitobas on 17 April 2017 - 12:49

There lies the problem. Our knowledge means squat against the OP pots. No skill required anymore, just access to the right potions.

that true calista but they not caring, reason not mattering, they seeing they will losing WINNING BUTTON and will saying and inventing things for keeping it

since some are so confident in asking for a game poll then let's do it BUT 1st let's even the odds:
PvPers are now facing opponents with 2-3 times higher stats than they used to battle so it is only fair if the levelers face the same consequences !!!
ALL creatures stats from lvl 1 - EOC will be 2-3 times higher than they used to be !!!
afterall since PvPers have to face stats 2-3 times higher then levelers should be too, that's only "fair" for both parties to face the same consequences & the same "excuses" you guys keep saying to the PvPers that they "decided to limit themselves by not composing", "it is a challenge", bla bla bla ..... should of course apply to the levelers too !!!

then let's have a game poll & NONE of you should have a problem with that if you truly believe in your posts that defend OP pots !!!

this best posting I seeing, very good mary4ever, thank you very much

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