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Member Since 02 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active May 18 2020 04:29

#968889 Development Update

Posted by BigGrim on 15 September 2016 - 15:00

new earth isn't their game it's owned by the company WG cells from the developers of world of tanks and others


Not quite right. It's was developed by HCS and was published by WG Cells. 


As for Fallen Sword, our community continues to hold steady and we hope the app will help with players on the move.

#957543 new timer to dungeons

Posted by kidref on 22 January 2016 - 13:40

Let the timer start when hit the 1rst mob or pass a "line"

#957316 Dodge Gems

Posted by Night Striker on 18 January 2016 - 17:40

Not entirely sure if someone else had suggested this, but this really should be a thing, I mean after all we have gems for every other stat (accuracy, haste, critical chance, movement speed, block, etc) but why not dodge, I'm sure some people would love the idea of a dodge tank.

#955312 healing obelisk

Posted by Lalalalalalalala on 17 December 2015 - 13:22

Ah okay. So Shadow Strike is not bugged either. But why?

Most Assassin abilities are DoTs, and the only talent that actually adds more DPS from Assassin tree is Dual Wield Mastery while the rest DPS classes have more than 1 :(

Even though Vicious Poison, Shock Trauma and Shadow Strike boost more damage dealt but they don't effect DoTs :/

#954064 The differences between instant cast, casting time, and channeled time

Posted by Brioche on 30 November 2015 - 10:55

Points to take note of

  • All skills have an animation
  • All skills have a 1 second animation lock with the exceptions of Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Lethal Concoction

The 3 main differences are: 

  • When does a skill take effect
  • When does cooldown start
  • Whether a skill can be interrupted or not

Instant cast skills

  • Take effect at the start of the animation
  • Begin cooldown at the start of the animation
  • Cannot be interrupted

Skills with a cast time

  • Take effect at the end of the animation
  • Begin cooldown when they take effect, at the end of the animation
  • Can be interrupted before the casting ends; if interrupted (by movement or stun) the animation continues but the skill does not take effect and cooldown does not begin

Channeled skills

  • Take effect throughout the animation
  • Begin cooldown at the start of the animation
  • Can be interrupted before the channeling ends; if interrupted, the skill stops taking effect but the cooldown is not reset

Instant cast skills that are incorrectly labeled as skills with cast time

  • None that I’m aware of

Instant cast skills that are incorrectly labeled as channeled skills

  • None that I’m aware of

Skills with cast time that are incorrectly labeled as instant cast skills

  • Melee Attack - labeled as "Cooldown: Weapon Speed"; should be "Cast time: Weapon Speed" since it only damages the enemy after casting
  • Ranged Attack - see Melee Attack
  • Vindicate*
  • Ruin*
  • Lacerate*
  • Impale*
  • Bane*
  • Rupture*
  • Sear*
  • Righteous Defense
  • Frozen Spires**
  • Sever*
  • Reap*
  • Black Fang**
  • Haemorrhage**
  • Crystal Blast**
  • Blazing Arrow**
  • Envenom**
  • Jolt*
  • Frostbite**
  • Fulmination*
  • Tremor*
  • Meteorite*
  • Genocide*
  • Lobotomize*
  • Detonate**
  • Blood Fang**
  • Creeping Vines**
  • Monsoon**

*Should be 1 sec cast
**Skills with very small cast time, but still can be interrupted on rare occasions when moving

Skills with cast time that are incorrectly labeled as channeled skills

  • Call of the Wild - labeled as 8 sec channel time; should be 8 sec cast time since cooldown only starts after pet is summoned
  • Void Portal - see Call of the Wild
  • Crimson Chain - labeled as 1.5 sec channel time; should be 1.5 sec cast time

Channeled skills that are incorrectly labeled as instant cast skills

  • Bloodbath
  • Flame Rush
  • Adrenaline Rush

Channeled skills that are incorrectly labeled as skills with cast time

  • None that I’m aware of

Skills that I haven’t tested personally so I can’t confirm

  • Avalanche***
  • Midnight’s Grasp
  • Assassinate***

***Likely to be 1 sec cast time instead of instant cast

Skills that deserve special mention

Lethal Concoction

  • Animation lock lasts for at least 1 second but can be longer if the target is far away
  • Cannot be interrupted by movement but can be interrupted if stunned before it lands
  • Instant cast in the sense that it won’t be interrupted by movement,
  • Should be more correctly classified as a skill with cast time since cooldown doesn’t start until Lethal Concoction lands


  • The only channeled skill that cannot be interrupted by movement
  • Can still be interrupted by stun


  • Correctly labeled as a 1 second channel time skill because cooldown begins at the start of the animation and only takes effect if the skill is not interrupted
  • Deserves special mention is because it is the only skill with a 1 second channel time
  • Should make it a skill with a 1 second cast time instead and let the cooldown begin after the cast

#919357 Item Link - Founder Items

Posted by Spirit on 13 February 2015 - 02:48

I think Founder Items should be it's own colour - as they are discontinued items. And so people know that these are categorized as "discontinued" - something that won't ever come back.


Some items share the same colour (white) with Founder's and it doesn't really make much sense if assuming that the items are in categories by rarity or item groups? Not really sure how it's grouped, but by rarity - it does need it's own colour.


One example is manure - being white. To be same colour as founder's is well amusing.  :lol:


#919111 General Chat not working

Posted by TimeWillTell on 11 February 2015 - 23:57

Gday guys,


My general chat is not working for some reason, no-one can read anything I type and I can't see anyone chatting either.


World chat works, whispers work, but general no good.

#919112 General Chat not working

Posted by Mojawk on 12 February 2015 - 00:01

We're aware of some issue with chat and we'll deploy a fix for these as soon as possible.

#915593 Respeccing Revamped

Posted by Brioche on 16 January 2015 - 01:52

Right now, there are two problems I face whenever I want to respec.

1. I don't know if I can trust the talent descriptions of talents I've never used before.

Let's face it, HCS doesn't test the talents. They merely wait for player feedback about bugs before they take action.

Take Chilling for example. The description used to say "Increases the damage of Blizzard by 20/40% Spell DPS", but what it actually did was increase the damage of the spell by 20/40%. (Since Blizzard does 50% Spell DPS, that was 10/20% Spell DPS.) It wasn't discovered until someone felt that the damage was rather low and actually went to test it.

There have been numerous documented bugs about talents already, and there will be more if nobody tests them. However, I'm certainly not going to spend my precious 250ep just to test something that ought to have been tested already.

2. I don't know how talents interact with each other.

If two or more talents affect an ability, are the bonuses stacked additively or multiplicatively?

Impalement increases the damage of Impale by 50% Melee DPS. Bathe in Blood increases the damage of Impale by 30%. If I have points in both, does the 30% from Bathe in Blood affect the 50% Melee DPS from Impalement, or does the 30% just affect the base 80% Melee DPS from Impale?

Depending on the results, I might decide to spend my points elsewhere.


I know that test servers have been suggested before, and I still think it's a good idea. If that's not possible, then how about creating an in-game instance and call it The Respec Room or something?

Features of this Room:

You can freely add or take away attribute and talent points.
There are dummies with varying levels of armor for testing purposes. Dummies for attacking, dummies for healing.
Another area with Golems of 3 attack types. Base DPS of 1000, and your hp is restored after each hit.

Most importantly: when you leave the room, you are asked, "Would you like to keep the changes you have made and consume your Respec Cooldown?"

- No
- Yes (Respec Cooldown will be consumed and reset to 60 days)


If there was such a room, I definitely wouldn't mind helping HCS test the talents, and I'm sure there are many of us who would be willing to do it too :)

#886104 Please make more girly Vanity :D

Posted by Valria on 18 August 2014 - 01:43

Glove Vanity: Bracelets, bangles, etc


Helm Vanity: Headbands, Tiara/Crown, Flowers, etc


Chest Vanity: Corset style tops, 


Pants Vanity: More skirt styles, skirts or shorts w/ boots, etc


Feet Vanity: Pretty boots!


Yea, I want more girly stuff :P 


ALSO: Tattoo/marking Vanity would be AMAZING.

#853589 Stop Selling Gold

Posted by Neon on 06 March 2014 - 16:34

There a much better solution to fixing the economy, making EP bound, removal of gold in the shop, removal of repair kits.. etc. The obvious things. I don't feel like going into detail on this as it's a 50/50 with the current community and wouldn't be worth the time.


However heres some useful quotes from a past topic.


(Basically I agree with you)

If the game is ever going to be economy driven, or gold valuable to gear progression/xp whatsoever (it is already), then it is in my opinion a subtle form of pay to win. Basically no game outright sells things in their shop you can't earn in-game anymore, but paying for in-game currency with real money (ie. gold selling, which is a bannable offense in most other games, yet supported directly by HCS) is basically pay to win.




This is exactly the issue, how can anybody find this acceptable? The achievement of having a maximum level gem is completely null & void if you can just buy it with the use of the cash shop.


The game does not need to sell power to survive, proof? Go and look at many of the other f2p games out there with completely ethical non-gameplay effecting microtransactions.



So do we want every player to have to work equally for their gold, rather than just buying it with EP? If so I can support that idea although for me personally I actually benefit from the current system, as I can buy up EP with my gold I earn from looting etc.


I do also see however, the flip side... I am currently putting lots of time and effort in to earn my gold ( I do not buy Gold with my EP). I am fusing up a gem, if someone came along and spent a ton of real money to do in 5 minutes what took me hundreds of hours to achieve it would kinda suck balls.  :P



The main point of the MMO genre is for competitive activities with other players, after all it is "massively multiplayer". Many people play mmos to compete against others in some form, many players get a sense of achievement for being "higher" than others in something.


With the current Eldevin system there is no way a free2play player can ever compete against a pay2play player (someone who buys EP and then sells that in-game).


Any player can join Eldevin when I'm writing this post, buy 20k EP sell the EP, buy tons of boosters, gems, repair kits and be set for the game. That player can now buy up gear really fast, level really fast, gain the best exp and out do any player who can't use potions.


The only way to save the game is to make EP bound.

A few others adjustments need to happen with this change such as the removal of repair kits, making all tradeable "game changing items" bound (such as sacks or they will act as a form of currency).


Basically everything that is bought with EP should be bound unless it is vanity equipment (this will never be used as a form of currency).


With this change something needs to be added to the mystical market so that EP is always a viable option, a great option for them to implement more "chests", "crates" or whatever you want to call them.


My previous crate suggestions would of worked really well with this (97% of the time you get a bound token which is exchanged for rewards at some guy, 3% of the time you have a chance of a VERY rare item) those rare items could be tradeable and sold for gold (just an idea).


Oh and gold, that needs to be removed from the cash shop.....



The current model makes more money for HCS at present, because it's a continual milking of the current playerbase, especially the players who want to be on top of the competition. Now with the addition of leaderboards coming, I'm sure a bunch of people are suddenly going to buy xp potions to get their name in the top 20.


With this said, a pure vanity + inventory space with an optional subscription based model is far more likely to increase the total population of the game, which you could argue is more important than getting slightly more $ out of the current players. This is because the increased number of new players also increases the number of potential store purchases. I would argue that increasing our population is far more important than trying to squeeze a little more money out of the current players who mostly have already spent real money or have purchased founder packs, as you are at a fair disadvantage if you haven't spent any money on the game yet.


Why does this increase our population? It improves the image of the game to any potential new players, could you imagine an article on mmorpg.com titled "Eldevin removes all of it's pay 2 win features, making the shift to a 100% cosmetic cash shop model", this is great advertisement for the game. Players already on the edge about starting the game or the no doubt many people who finished the tutorial, killed 5 pigs, looked in the cash shop and saw gold & xp potions and logged out will suddenly think "oh wow, I was thinking about playing this game but now i'm definitely going to give it another shot!".


Eldevin will never repeat the success of browser games such as Runescape if the cash shop model doesn't change. Apart from the subscription over there which was fairly mandatory to be competitive, there was 0 other ways that you could legally buy your way towards an advantage. Every subscriber was on even footing, the competition and economy was fair and as a result extremely diverse.


Satisfying a larger audience will make more money in the long run, show that you care about your players and that you're a "good guy company" and we will return the favor by buying some of the new cosmetic micro transactions that you will no doubt be adding in the future and keeping our subscriptions running.


This is essentially how most indie games become successful, a group of passionate developers make a game intended for the players by giving them what they want. They do not typically milk their players with game-effecting micro transactions. The best type of indie games are those that survive off "donations", which come in the form of cosmetic features. Then they say things to their players like "Thank you so much to our players for your continued support of our game!" and suddenly everyone loves you. You are showing that you are grateful for everything the players do to keep the game financed and the players are showing that they are grateful that you run the game in a genuine fashion. This creates a bond between the players and the developers, which effectively builds a more loyal playerbase.


Generally speaking milking the players is for triple A studio's that have the capacity to make a new mmorpg every year and go for a 'run and gun' business model. These games don't last that long, but they make a lot of money in a short burst, before they move on to making their next 'freemium' title. Now we have to ask ourselves, is Eldevin intended to be a game in it for the long-run or is it a quick cash in before HCS release a new game?


Save the cow, say no to milking!




You're right in that there is no way the game has paid for itself yet, and probably isn't making much profit if any at all, that's why things need to change. This problem isn't going to go away on its own, action needs to be taken. You have to ask yourself, is the current business model working?


The game would still be free to play, there is no chance the game would survive as a subscription only game. But the subscription should be an option for players who want to either level up a little faster, or compete on the leader board. Likely additional incentives for subscribing would need to be made if the game was to rely more on that source of income as opposed to the selling of in-game wealth.


Experience boosts on a subscription is perfectly acceptable, because everyone who is a subscriber is on even footing. There would be a real money limit on xp and wealth acquisition. With the current model, you could buy endless amounts of gold and experience with real money, becoming the most wealthy and powerful player in the game.


My point with reducing the amount the average player has to spend on the game to have a comfortable gameplay experience is that it would guaranteed increase player satisfaction, which over time translates into an increase in population.


Even if you are spending half as much on the game, if a change as huge and positive as what I suggest is made and it manages to even only double the population, you have broken even with what you had before and greatly increased the public opinion of the game, increasing the future growth of the player base. Any more than double and you're making profit. Now these are all pretend numbers so this is only theory here, but I don't think my example is too far from reality.


New content and technical additions will bring more players to the game, but we have to ask ourselves is it enough? If the current gold purchasing model sticks, then the end game of Eldevin will forever be haunted as just a shadow of what it could have been if things had been done differently. The amount of potential lying in this game is staggering, but ultimately will only end up as a disappointment if the right changes are not made.


Most players haven't even made it to the end game, but let me tell you it is bleak. If the average opinion of this game is 'mediocre' or 'above average' at the very beginning of the game (which is when the game is at its best in my opinion), then players will be horrified when they find out that there is zero longevity in the end game. The end game needs a solid economy to build its grounds upon, but the economy will never truly flourish & shine under the dark cloud of 'pay to win'.


These are just my personal opinions, it is clear to me that I am not alone in this and many share my perspective on the situation from the numerous players I have discussed this topic with.

#853587 Stop Selling Gold

Posted by Saglia on 06 March 2014 - 16:29

Money makes the world go round. Be it in game or in the development studio, it goes without saying. However, bring in too much money too quickly, and it no longer has the same impact.


Any avid MMO gamer has seen inflation time and time again. It is bound to happen and a known evil of most MMO economies.  What is inflation? Simply put, money becomes so widely available that it loses value. Value ratios may stay the same while costs appear to rise.  For example, say this shiny new sword costs 1/100,000 of the available gold in game. For ease of math we'll say there's only 100,000 GP in game. Suddenly every player buys gold from the EP store. The availability of the resources drastically increases while the product availability (shiney sword) is still fixed. Now the value may still remain 1/100,000 GP in game per sword, but now say there's 10,000,000,000 GP in game. You get the picture.


If you can just buy gold why is it a problem?


Initially, it isn't. But for a game that's just a few months old to have early signs of a rapidly inflating economy, it needs to be dealt with now.  The risk comes not for the current players, but new comers.  Prices will become so outrageous that a new player will have no choice but to buy large sums of gold and contribute further to the problem, or try to play the game and save gold on their own. By the time they reach their ideal savings mark, the item costs would have increased again because of inflation.  As you can imagine, this gets frustrating and the new player eventually quits, slams the game, and discourages new players from joining until the new player influx eventually stops therefore stopping income and development to the game itself.



Let's take a quick look at current systems.


Cash in: Currently cash can be created in game from the following ways

-Complete a quest

-Kill a mob

-Sell loot/sell craftable

-Buy it with USD/EP


Cash out: Currently cash disappears from the game in the following ways

-Crafting supplies

-General NPC trades/Repairs

-Store transactions


While some store/repair transactions are larger than others, overall in the influx of money into the game is severely higher than going out. The economy seems to focused more on the blackhole of gold than a player driven economy.


Stop selling Gold. Make it more valuable.


#848481 WASD Review

Posted by dark5195 on 12 February 2014 - 19:01

The issue I am having are the camera angles I used to have my camera angles as my WASD and it was much more comfortable that way, Not a very big fan of the YGHJ. Or maybe an option to change the controls would help alot!

#848433 Critique of new features.

Posted by WowRefugee on 12 February 2014 - 17:22

A lot of stuff I like, but a few issues:


WASD movement does not combine well with mouse panning.  When moving normally (click-to-move), hold-right-button panning of the POV is smooth and workably slow.   But if you are moving forward with the "W" key, then any attempt to pan causes the world to spin around you, which is useless.  The pan speed should be the same in all cases.


You can't exit full-screen mode after you have logged out.   You have to log back in, enter the game, go into options, and turn it off.   In general, the game needs an exit button on the login and/or character selection screen(s).  The exit button should pop-down full-screen (if set) and close the browser window.


The new craft-all and mine-to-completion features need polish.  They both trigger error messages when they finish.  These messages should be suppressed for this special case.


Otherwise, it's looking good.


Posted by Mojawk on 04 February 2014 - 15:16

Thanks for the suggestion we are aware of this and plan to improve it in the near future!

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