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Member Since 31 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 09 2024 17:18

#1010405 New Buffs/Potion ideas

Posted by yotekiller on 10 February 2024 - 12:06

I feel new buffs are needed in the game wether its implemented in new level ranges or caves (new cave pots needed)


here are just a few ive brainstormed and would like to hear thought, suggestions and other buffs you think would be great to add.


side notes

(no percentages will be added as im not sure what will be too over or under powered)



BUFF 1      Description:Chance to reduce a random enemy stat by %

BUFF 2      Description:Chance to use no Stamina in gvg and/or pvp only

BUFF 3      Description:Chance for a double drop

BUFF 4      Description:Chance to get extra fragment when breaking down

BUFF 5      Description:Chance to lose no gold PVE only

BUFF 6      Description:Animal mag for SE (LOW % to avoid abuse)

BUFF 7      Description:Show 1 square around you (will reveal if chest location within 1 tile radius)

BUFF 8      Description:PVE prestige (Claimable with killstreaks too maybe? get a use out of it)

BUFF 9      Description:Lower titan enchantments

BUFF 10    Description:Chance to use no gold in scavenging cave


I also feel titan imobaliser would be a great potion for caves


Lastly a revision on the balanced ATT/DEF level range as that buff is no use after level 200

Buff 1 - Already enough stat reduction buffs in the game

Buff 2 - We could call that one CONSERVE....it's already in the game

Buff 3 - Already have Lady Luck

Buff 4 - Already have Frag Finder

Buff 5 - Already have Deep Pockets

Buff 6 - Just NO.  SE's are difficult by design

Buff 7 - We have a winner, but only if it's restricted to 1 square and doesn't increase by buff power like vision so potion only

Buff 8 - Nope.  Prestige should remain a PvP only reward.  Leveling is already easy enough as it is.

Buff 9 - Already have Demoralize

Buff 10 - Not a scavenger myself but it does seem the AH gets flooded with items for every event so I'm not sure this is necessary.


#1010378 Leveling Bug

Posted by vastilos on 04 February 2024 - 18:17

Hey Cows, just to let you know, I did a hunt, got 37 levels, and got 0 skill points for those levels. I started my hunt with 85 skill points, and finished with 85.

Thank you.




Sorry, didn't realize I had to assign level up points to get the skill points.

And incase you guys are wondering, yes, I am a noob.

#1010354 GRP Update!

Posted by TheCount on 01 February 2024 - 15:48

Reasonable pricing for the vast majority of the game. These changes were up for discussion on the forums for quite a while.

Still waiting to see new RP items so there is something to drive the games economy behind GvG.

#1010292 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by BigGrim on 25 January 2024 - 08:43

Trying to get some Coding time to make implementation easier now and for the future.


~ Grim

#1010188 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by Subject on 08 January 2024 - 14:05

Not sure what to say TBH I like the range Increase. Not a huge fan of the Hour wait to hit. Maybe 30 minutes… maybe… But it is nice to see someone is looking into GvG though.

#1010019 App Update Version: 1.3.3

Posted by BigGrim on 30 November 2023 - 11:03

Hi there everyone.
This latest update for the Fallen Sword App introduces two new Buffs.
Reaper’s Lantern:
Reduces the opponent’s max Hit Points by 0.05% per point every time the caster lands a successful hit (max 3).
0.05% per point chance for an Elite to respawn immediately at its current location.
For those of you who have yet to try the app, you can get it for your Google or iOS devices from the below links:
We hope you enjoy the newest update and as always... Happy Hunting!
~The Fallen Sword Team.

#1008150 idea for new temple gods!

Posted by Sajitarius on 10 August 2022 - 14:35

as the title suggests-
what if we had a few new gods to pray to in the temple?
a few ideas:
a god that gives a random potion each day
a god that gives some allegiance tokens
a god that gives a small amount of reserve stamina

... with so many people playing, this might benefit both old and new players to give them a chance to be blessed :D

#1007430 Shadow Bunny Showdown IX!

Posted by Zue on 14 April 2022 - 14:59

Hi there everyone.
It's a time of rebirth. Of Spring! A new holiday has been implemented by the Monks and Sisters of the Cathedral of Ways. Eggs have been scattered in all but the smallest realms with baskets handed out to everyone to collect them. Yay! Fun!
An unpleasant Mage has see all this "fun" and decided he hates it. And if he hates it, he has to ruin it for everyone! He's conjured up Shadow Bunnies to steal the eggs and generally get in the way!
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to collect all the eggs and duff up any of the Shadow Bunnies who get in between you and the eggs!
A Springtime Druid awaits you in the Springtime Forest with the quest : Shadow Bunny Assault! (STF) where you earn the Magical Egg Collecting Basket!
For those of you who have completed the Quest in previous years and dropped the basket, you can buy a new one from the Basket Boutique shop found in Springtime Forest (Shoppers Grove).
Easter Egg (Level 25)
All over the Realms, a holiday is being celebrated. The citizens are tasked with finding the colourful eggs that have been strewn around the country. All participants have to have a magic basket which they put the eggs into and they return to the Cathedral of Ways for counting. Good, clean fun!
Shadow Bunny (Level 25)
Good fun until someone has to spoil it! An unpleasant Mage has decided that these "Fun" activities must be stopped. To that end, he has conjured up twisted, evil Shadow Bunnies that are immune to normal weapons! They are running around the Realms trying to steal the colourful eggs! They must be stopped!
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to gather the Eggs scattering the realms while beating up the Shadow Bunnies.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Easter Baskets (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 hours Server Time, on the 19th April 2022.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze: 1 x Simple Easter Basket
Silver: 1 x Average Easter Basket
Gold: 2 x Modest Easter Basket
Crystal: 2 x Fantastic Easter Basket
Ruby: 3 x Extravagant Easter Basket
If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive 2 additional Extravagant Easter Baskets.
The Springtime Forest (Shoppers Grove) has appeared for those of you who finished the Shadow Bunny Assault! quest and discarded their Magical Egg Collecting Basket.
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community by Egami.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team.

#1006735 Arena Rules

Posted by Grumpy Grey on 23 January 2022 - 22:01

Your guild should dictate a solo activity?




If you like arena just like any other aspect of the game , Choose your guild carefully.

Personally I would much rather see some tweeking to ladder to end free riding it, Put an end to doing nothing and being rewarded for it.
Eg no combat no dominance

#1006641 Epics: Not Looking so Epic

Posted by Emperor Sidd on 08 January 2022 - 20:02

@Hoof and Arioche
Making epics viable in areas such as PvP and Arenas will also increase demand for invented Epics which require Guild RP.
While it doesn't substitute reworking GvG Conflicts, it will certainly increase activity and contribute to the economy in Fallensword affording you more time to work on or postpone a GvG rework.

#1006392 Upcoming Double XP event!

Posted by Zue on 07 December 2021 - 12:44

Hi everyone! :)

We will be running a Double XP event soon! This means that during the event, all creatures will give DOUBLE their normal xp.
The event will start on Friday the 17th of December at 15:00 hours and will be running for 96 hours.
~The Fallen Sword Team.

Attached Thumbnails

  • doublexpevent (1).png

#1006222 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by Maehdros on 18 November 2021 - 14:04

Xxxxxx lost 1128003 gold of which Maehdros stole 846003 gold

Xxxxxx lost 678212 gold of which Maehdros stole 508659 gold

Xxxxxx lost 794128 gold of which Maehdros stole 595596 gold

Xxxxxx lost 7121275 gold of which Maehdros stole 5340957 gold

#1006268 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by yotekiller on 22 November 2021 - 23:43

xxxxx lost 5299172 gold of which Yotekiller stole 3974379 gold

#1006331 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by yotekiller on 02 December 2021 - 22:10

xxxxx lost 2519979 gold of which Yotekiller stole 1889985 gold

#1002237 RE: Fallen Sword Custom Theme

Posted by Ainz on 17 November 2020 - 14:11







*Click the image for better view


Work done :-


Experience Bar

Body (Header, Mid, and Footer)


Tavern's news header

Font colour


Well, after countless hours of wasting my time doing this, i decided that its just not worth it since theres barely any market for it anymore, so im just gonna give it away. Its usable on most part but theres few here and there that stills need some fixing (e.g Guild Hall). Unfortunately, i lack skill to do it. So, if CSS is more of your thing, feel free to do it.


Code inside this spoiler box..



To use it, simply copy the code and go to Character > Preferences > Theme and paste in inside the box there and save. Make sure you are using the DEFAULT THEME first before applying the theme. I also include the raw image file and code incase it get broken or the image hosting site that i used is unavailable. Last but not least. DO NOT GO AROUND AND SELL IT.

Attached Files

Arial | Calibri | Lucida Console | Verdana
Font Size:
9px | 10px | 11px | 12px | 10pt | 12pt