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Member Since 18 Mar 2013
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#962925 Top Rated GvG Ladder Guilds That Are Banned!

Posted by wazzimoto on 03 May 2016 - 23:24

Fist Fight and Invert 175 with reckoning do wonders FYI    :)    (inside scoop)    :)

#962824 Its all TOM's fault

Posted by wazzimoto on 30 April 2016 - 02:03

Guilds that have been completely BANNED being allowed to show up on GvG Ladder....or any other Ladder for that matter........


Guess what?






TOMS FAULT??  :rolleyes:

#962773 Top Rated GvG Ladder Guilds That Are Banned!

Posted by wazzimoto on 28 April 2016 - 20:16

I agree and I do not think any Guilds progress should be wiped out....EXCEPT when you can clearly see that a Guild consisting of 4 members that have ALL been banned still sit on a Top Rated Platform.....They have NO reason to be sitting there!!  And I do like the idea posted in that link!!  :)

#962761 Top Rated GvG Ladder Guilds That Are Banned!

Posted by wazzimoto on 28 April 2016 - 17:31

I was looking at the "Guild PvP Ladder" today......and noticed that one Guild sitting in 11th spot has had all 4 members "banned"!!  Also a Guild sitting in 20th with NUMEROUS players "banned"! These Guilds are OBVIOUSLY up there by "other means of game play"!!


I personally 100% think HCS should remove 11th spot Guild and let another Guild move up....

As for the 20th spot Guild , well , I think they should be knocked off the ladder also..but...that's just my opinion!!

#962687 gvg needs to b fixed

Posted by wazzimoto on 27 April 2016 - 01:10

I have something I would like to ask for in GvG.


When you go to the conflict page you can see a heading for participants who are defending,  can you also show there a list of who is attacking?


I don't mind hunting for who I need to buff if you don't want to show that.

Go to conflict page....click on the Guild that is attacking you....check their online players that are online....check their buffs....IF they have PvP buffs on....then you know they are the ones that are attacking you.......then...buff your guildmates that are in range of that attacker.


Level Ranges
Level Ranges are as follows:

  • 50 - 300 (+/- 25)
  • 301 - 700 (+/- 50)
  • 701+ (+/- 100)

Hope this helps a bit :)

#962585 question about mutiny

Posted by wazzimoto on 25 April 2016 - 01:23

I was under the assumption that it would consist of 80% of current active members votes?? 

#962428 gvg needs to b fixed

Posted by wazzimoto on 20 April 2016 - 23:51

Anyone that complains about GvG ...needs to take a long , hard look at Their Guild and how they operate as a TEAM.... 

We successfully Defend ALL incoming GvG Attacks.....and we DO NOT GvG for RP or any Items.....we GvG for shear enjoyment and to DEFEND our Rating and Record..

(RP buffs are nice addition for weekend leveling for Guild)


Get together as a Guild and start communicating!!!


Cheers ;)

#961963 PVP bands

Posted by wazzimoto on 08 April 2016 - 03:19

My only beef with PvP ladder is that it's "Random Reset" seems to reset 80% of the time while I am in bed sleeping! I'm thinking in all honesty that the "Random Reset" is not as Random as one may think!

How about tweaking that Reset a bit HCS so it hits Canada eh? Some of us Canucks would like to make some hits.... Kinda need to work and sleep....we all aren't on UK time!!


#961386 Helpful advice on Global Events (GE)

Posted by wazzimoto on 29 March 2016 - 01:17


Again, this is an FS Community post whose only end is to help everybody... And everyone who has given away their secret spot is really doing a sacrifice for the good of the game. 


Thanks out to all of you and prosperous smacking! (o0

Iluore Dragon Pit

#961337 The Springtime Forest and Shadow Bunnies!

Posted by wazzimoto on 26 March 2016 - 18:26

Titan Hunting = You cannot move more than 1 square at a time.........You cannot move more than 1 square at a time........You cannot move more than 1 square at a time......You cannot move more than 1 square at a time.......You cannot move more than 1 square at a time......You cannot move more than 1 square at a time.......You cannot move more than 1 square at a time......You cannot move more than 1 square at a time......




#960815 Coming Next Week.

Posted by wazzimoto on 17 March 2016 - 14:10

Will contact yuuz or pointy seeing it's just a small change and won't take any effort really. Will see what they think. You can change your theme you know as well. To make the yellow pop more.

Never thought of changing theme.....thanks....  :)

#956969 PvP Season Renewal

Posted by wazzimoto on 13 January 2016 - 20:15

I'm IN   :)

#956960 PvP Ladder Bands

Posted by wazzimoto on 13 January 2016 - 18:26

Current Bands are RIDICULOUS for the lower levels especially.........a level 50 is gunna compete with level 200 Gear??  LOL   OK!?!?!

#955874 Mass Messaging For Allies List ??

Posted by wazzimoto on 24 December 2015 - 17:51

As I sit here getting ready to wish everyone in my allies list a Merry Christmas.....I had a thought that it would be so much easier to "mass message" the same message to all "Allies" (Friends) on my Allies List !! The only other Option is to FSbox it or Shoutbox ,but some may not see it!!

Also would be handy for Bounty Parties....or if you had items to give away!

I'm sure this would be very easy for HCS to implement.

On that Note.......Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to Everyone.....be Safe!!



#936261 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by wazzimoto on 17 June 2015 - 22:51

From what I have read and understand.....now a Guildmate can be hit hourly....and their Guild can do absolutely nothing to help them (retaliate) ...unless you sit staring at the BB for 24 hours a day and hope the person gets bountied......THEN.....you get to smash them once with 50 stam??   OMG......just when I started to enjoy PvP..... it DIES......this sounds crazy.....    Might be time to retire!  :)

RIP BB.......

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