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#951447 My suggestions going forward

Posted by ernzor on 19 October 2015 - 06:09

Here are a few of my suggestions going forward, making this topic with some of my smaller suggestions as the bigger ones can go in their own topics. Also a few things not to do.


Some (or all) of these have been brought up in one way or another, just wanted to get my thoughts down.



Things not to do


Dont increase gem size drops in new dungeons

I thought that Defined was a good point to stop gems personally, but we now have absolutes dropping. I dont think anything higher should drop from dungeons or farmable means. Perhaps the odd quest reward of a supreme is fine. The gem building game is one of the only long lasting things you have here, and with each tier up you go in farmable drops, you drastically reduce this.


Dont increase rep gain rewards

I have seen a few people ask for the daily rep quests to give more reputation, this is not needed. With a bit of dedication and time spent you can complete these for the vanity and achievements. Again this is one of the only long lasting things to do in game.



Small suggestions


Re-introduce group queue pvp

The code for group queueing is in the game as we could previously do it. Please reintroduce it, BUT, at the same time seperate the queues. THis way solo players could solo queue, and if 2 groups want to test each other out they could organise a group queue game.


Add more collectables

Currently the only collectables are the foutnmain coins. You could add so much more of these, random mundane drops, random rare mats from gathering etc. Lots of options. Add achievements onto them too.


More achievements (steam achievements)

People like achievements and will go a long way to get them, so add in more. Also add the current ones onto steam if you can as steam people love them too so will play more to get them.


More achievement awards

Make some more rewards (vanity, pets, mounts) for completing the harder to achieve achievements.



Medium suggestions


Make story mode max 2 players and change rewards.

Make Dungeon mode desirable by keeping it as is with current rewards (although perhaps add something like this too). Make Story mode available for people to finish quests and to do solo or with one friend to build relics to obtain set gear too. It should not be a place for people to go in with a group of 5 to grind quickly. There should be more rewards for doing them solo, and less for doing as a duo.


Flesh out guild content

Guilds are coming, but add in GvG, guild storage, guild halls, guild vanities etc, lots of things can be done with guilds.


Private Dwellings

Has been brought up before, still a good idea.


Hidden quests

Hide some quests that arent visible in the questbook. Make these quests also have no markers so they are challenging to figure out.


Revamp World Bosses

Do this suggestion from a while back, got good feedback...

#950272 Activity minigames!

Posted by ernzor on 01 October 2015 - 22:32

I rahter want the level 50 content before this but I think some minigames would be fun. There are times I have nothing to do

I dont know how that possible when you run all 16 chars everyday :P

#950185 Additional Prestige Armor sets needed

Posted by ernzor on 01 October 2015 - 02:43

I think there should be new ones for exalted too, or some other reward...

#949317 Servant of the Reaper vanity

Posted by ernzor on 21 September 2015 - 23:45

Bump as halloween event is probably coming up again...

#948994 lower exp on story mode

Posted by ernzor on 17 September 2015 - 22:18

How about lowering the requirements (relic and remnant) of all non end game set pieces. So once new dungeons come out, they have a high relic/remnant value to make the set (but then any dungeons lower than that can all be set at a minimum cost to get the set).


Keep the scale going as it is now, so the lvl 50 set (or sets as they said tiered sets at end game) will be more than the current level 45 set. If they are indeed tiered then the further sets should again increase more. But when that comes out, the requirements for the level 45 set could go way down. This will mean people coming up through the levels can spend time doing what they want, with the dungeon sets rather than grinding dungeons.

#948149 New forum category

Posted by ernzor on 10 September 2015 - 00:48

Good idea, also with guilds incoming, a place for guild chat/recruitment would be good so its not in general chat.

#947795 Add the option to keep 1 roll when rerolling a 2 roll item

Posted by ernzor on 06 September 2015 - 03:23

Yep only ok with this if 2H weps have to pay double to do both rolls at once. Apart from that, it is all good!

#947574 New World Boss/Event

Posted by ernzor on 04 September 2015 - 01:47

An idea for a new type of World Boss/Event type of thing.


Void Rift.


A rift from the void opens up somewhere (random every time, similar to troll but more varied) and creatures from the void spill out. There is no notification, it is left for players to find.


To defeat this requires two things.


One is people on the outside stopping the spread of void creatures.


Secondly, a group/groups to go into the void and kill the boss that opened the rift.


If the players on the outside do not adequately kill the void creatures, then the void creatures will seal the group/s on the inside which will result in a wipe. So groups will have to be split up and work together to beat it.


Once boss is beaten on the inside a chest will drop for each participant with relevant loot.

#947571 A way to get people to play together more

Posted by ernzor on 04 September 2015 - 00:19

We need to get people to play together more, this is one way (thought of briefly so is rough around the edges) to perhaps do that, so that you can pass on your wisdom to others and find new friendships so that you can continue playing with others.


First of all, people all have a current goal of what they are working towards, and most of them involve flakes. So for this idea we will use flakes as a reward basis.


A new type of currency/point system will be needed to earn the flakes, perhaps 'synergy points' (SP).


Each complete run of a dungeon (dungeon mode) you do with a player earns you:


Boodocks - 1SP

Vault - 2SP

Ohdar - 3SP


To3 - 5SP

TR - 6SP





This is per players, so if you do a run of Vault with 4 new players, you would get 8SP.


However, you can only earn SP if you haven't done a dungeon run with that person (account wide) that week. There will be no caps on how many you can earn as that will discourage people from looking to group with new players.


These SP can then be used to buy flakes in a similar way to artisan points, at roughly the same ratio too, so over time you can earn the flakes you need this way.

#947257 Can u guys put and extremely hard WB in game?

Posted by ernzor on 31 August 2015 - 23:30

not more HP, that does not make harder bosses, just makes them more boring...


Give new hard dynamics that forces activity and punishes afkers.


High damage yes, but also damage that is avoidable through movement or other means.


Also, limit the amount of participants, if you have a WB designed for 10 people, throwing 50 at it is just stupid.


Also, I know that if this happens it will be shortlived, as there will be some who complain that it is too hard and it will have to be nerfed so they can complete it.


Give us hard content that only dedicated, well geared players can beat.

#946888 Anti advertising scam sites [idea]

Posted by ernzor on 27 August 2015 - 22:20

I was (and I think still am) for this in some form.


If it did happen, the player mod should not be linked in anyway to the player account.


ANY action the player mod did would have to be documented with screenshots.


ALL actions the player mod do would be severely punished if done in a way that is not a legitimate case.


The ONLY action available would be mute.

#946465 PvP Mega Thread

Posted by ernzor on 24 August 2015 - 06:00

Bump, can we get some love for PvP please!

#946338 World Boss Revamp

Posted by ernzor on 22 August 2015 - 23:30

The current World Boss loot is outdated, so why not update it.


Firstly instead of the chest with maximum 10 drops in it (depending on group size), why not change it to be like the event world bosses (wolf, dragon, PK) where everyone that participates gets a chest for the kill.


Secondly, get rid of the glims! Change the loot table to be something like 50% chance at defined gem. 20% chance at item. 10% chance at absolute gem. 10% chance at infernal flake. 5% chance at greater flake.


For the remaining 5% of the loot table add in a vanity set for each Boss, but vary the percentage for each piece dropping. So 2% feet, 1.5% legs, 1% arms, 0.4% body, 0.1% helm. These of course are bound on equip so they can be traded, and the rarer ones would provide a nice valued item to the economy for people to try to get.


Lastly, to go with those new vanity sets, add in achievements to equip the full sets so that people will have more incentive to go for them.

#945582 End Game Single Player Content

Posted by ernzor on 19 August 2015 - 09:17

I still think story mode (in its current form) has ruined this game. Please no story for ascended dungeons, and story ICC. Rather have another way for solo players, or players short on time/bored to earn relics.

If you add in story mode for these things it cheapens the experience that the full versions offer. Especially if story mode is still able to be completed in a group.

We need a new way which is more time consuming (the time to complete set, not do the task) less gold/xp rewarding than proper group dungeons to get relics. So the preference should always be on groups.

#944934 Integrate diagnostic tool file preloading function into client

Posted by ernzor on 15 August 2015 - 03:50

As an option of course. Don't force us to preload everytime :)
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