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Member Since 08 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2020 14:42

#963898 Development Update

Posted by Spirit on 03 June 2016 - 00:03

If new players start, I am sure very few will be paying to support it if they know it is unlikely to be finished any time soon. So less income will lead to less incentive for HCS to actually finish the game and drag it out till it dies out on its own :angry:


Yeah that's what I'm worried about. I rather not see this go rock-bottom but if it happens... well they'd lose many years of dev time spent on this MMORPG. It's the only reason I can think of why they are wanting to continue supporting the game right now. After seeing many MMORPG's close down... not too surprised.


After some thinking... I still find it weird from January till now and the news on level 50 content... it should have been out months ago. Something doesn't add up....  so I have a suspicion they are working on a new project because Eldevin did fine the first year... and with FS,Legacy left... where is really the dev time going to? That's what is bugging me.  <_<

#963895 Development Update

Posted by Steve1973 on 02 June 2016 - 22:48

and i am so super happy that i cancelled my supporter months ago! :D

I wish they had told us before I renewed my support in April :angry:


I (and probably plenty of other players) was lead to believe that the lvl50 content would be out according to the official update post on 15 January with confirmation on the 19th January and again on the 1st March and nothing to the contrary afterwards. So when my previous supporter ran out in mid April, I renewed.


If they had told us sooner instead of letting us continue to believe the new content would be coming out (admitely its always later than originally claimed but not that long after so I wasn't overly concerned by the time it had got to May), I wouldn't have wasted my money :angry: , and instead, played for free, which I intend to be doing once my support runs out. If there was going to be an end game within a reasonable time of it being posted I would be continued my support.


I don't mind paying for a product if I know I will get the entire thing. But I wouldn't pay for something and only get part of it.


As the first line of the supporter option says "Become an 'Eldevin Supporter' and show your support for the game!", but HCS can't show their appretiation and their support for their players.


If new players start, I am sure very few will be paying to support it if they know it is unlikely to be finished any time soon. So less income will lead to less incentive for HCS to actually finish the game and drag it out till it dies out on its own :angry:



I am sorry to the other players if I sound harsh. But I started playing this game, September 2014 and have played it every single day since (yeah I know, get a life), even if it was for an hour or so to do the dailies, so I really enjoy it and have become very passionate about it. This news has really disappointed me.

#963894 Development Update

Posted by ernzor on 02 June 2016 - 22:43

Is really sad read this, I know about some players quit and r supporting this game maybe they still supporting, waiting for the updates, i can give u some names lahara, ben, ernzor, mog,and others. 

Definitely me, I am still following the game and come to the forums daily and try to login once a week or so to catch up with the few that are online.


I actually probably prompted this post, as a few hours before he posted here, he responded to some of my skype questions about Eldevin.


I would 100% come back and be one of its biggest supporters if this game had updates both in content and improvements. I feel at the moment though that I have finished (which is an odd word for this sort of game) as much as I can here, and my time can be better spent elsewhere. Dont get me wrong, I did countless hours of grinding here, and I do not mind that one bit, but I dont really have anything to even grind for any more (only TA kills but was getting about 10 a day last time I tried as no one went there anymore). So right now, I spend my gaming time elsewhere, but I would most certainly come back again if there was more to do.


I know with the small dev team, when there was a dev team for Eldevin, updates can and do take a while. Now with even less people that time is going to increase even more.


There have been many great ideas to implement that would drastically increase the longevity of the game, from better rewards/drops, rarer rewards/drops, unique drops, custom craftables, more PvP maps, more PvP modes, bring back group queue pvp, expand the guild system to include guildhouse, GvG, guild emblems and gear, and even your own level 50 and also completing the ascended dungeons. Quite a lot more can be added to that list too, thats just off the top of my head.


How about to drive some development hours and get the lvl 50 content out (and maybe more depending on how much is raised) you guys run another "founder" pack scheme, call it something else, and have different rewards, but something similar. Could even run it through kickstarter or something like that, so those investing could see what each goal would get us. To get you guys rolling and releasing content again thats one thing I could think of.


But please, dont do that if it will just go back to how it is now afterwards. Like others have said, this game didnt get the following it deserved for a few reasons, one being a lack of timely updates. If we have a couple of people to stick around to release small upgrades (new weapons, mobs, minor quests) that doesn't require huge updates (world maps etc). Perhaps even let users design things if there is a way you can incorporate user design into the game.


Anyway, TLDR - I would 100% be back if this game was active in the devs eyes

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