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Member Since 20 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2015 07:24

#951149 Keep "summon pet" after DC

Posted by ordinaryfunguy on 15 October 2015 - 02:54

agreed, especially if you have a 10 min cool down on elemental 

#951101 Keep "summon pet" after DC

Posted by kidref on 14 October 2015 - 13:32

have now DC 3 times in row and it are right after i have summon my wolf ( call of the wild ) and why the heck shall it be gone after a dc when iam back ingame after 15-20 sec?

#946855 Anti advertising scam sites [idea]

Posted by MissRaccooN on 27 August 2015 - 18:51


Lately, I have noticed that there is attack of advertisers (bots,players) that advertise a scam website of a cheap ingame currency EldevinPoints.
i've already reported two of them they got "suspended" and then open new acc's soon as they noticed that the bot is suspended.
A lot of mmo's have this problem from what i heard.
one of them is "APB Reloaded" that now is already recruited semi-moderators
to their game, and they gave them a previlege to make a faster proccess of reporting players by a command ingame
instead going to the support page of the game and make a report that takes much much longer
so what they exacly did?:
first of all they created a form for players to fill their details to see who can match to their ingame semi-mods 
i remember that they wanted only players that play above 2 years and that have no bad behevior log (swearing,scamming,credit card fraud) in their accounts...


my suggestion:

my suggestion is to make something similar to what APB Reloaded did.

like one im thinking of is letting veteran players that play the amout of time that you eldevin mods think of

to use some kind of total mute command , and think about your limitations to this..


stupid humor is always good no?:


#947117 healer guide and icc guide for dummies

Posted by Removed18058 on 30 August 2015 - 04:51




Hi there and welcome to

my healing guide for dummies



I am not claiming that this is a perfect build.


However i do claim that this is a nice starter build for the following reasons ( can pretty heal everything with it, very few mana issues not much to think about during healing just mashing 2 keys suffices :D).




Now to start with the guide


Basic stuff that you should already know




- quick explanation of spells


-dogma: great single target heal with a minor delay.

-crimson chain: great multi target bouncing heal bouncing towards allies healing them.

-dark prayer: great aoe heal heals all friendly targets around you in a pretty large radius fairly long cast time.

-benediction: great aoe healing dome heals allies within dome and applies a 30% damage reduction buff for the duration.

-snowfall: great aoe percental heal heald 5% max hp and regenerates 3% max mana per second to all allies in range and reduces damage taken by 50%.

-rejuvenate: simple heal over time spell.

-redemption: gives a damage reduction buff to ally.

-cauterize: massive single target heal with an instant cast pretty much a panic button.

-force of nature: gives a buff to all allies increasing the amount of healing done to them by 50% another great panic button.

-serenity: removes 2 debuffs on your ally and reduces the damage of the next hit by a percentage.




-Character stats attributes potions and talents


Healers want the following stats as high as possible: dps, healing power, spell haste and spell crit.

This means that all attribute points should go into sorcery.


Optimal gear would be light armor with a staff and essence.


Nifty potions and foods for healers:

sorcery potions, healing power potions roly polies and coco puddings.


Now then for the talents here's the build:



So we got our build now how the hell do we use it? XD









The actual healing



first of all we pot, eat and buff up :)



i have chosen not to get the upgraded redeem for the simple fact that it's great for starting pulls and it's commonly forgotten inbetween the rotation and the 25% damage reduction during the pull makes it so one doesn't have to heal up a ton of damage or atleast a reduced amount of damage. if you think that this is stupid then this isn't the guide for you and you can skip to advanced class wich will be given later :D


we're going to do this with steps :)



step 1

ask your tank what kind of tank he is it's kinda important to communicate with your team talk about what strategy you're going to do etc etc. it's really awkward if you start healing in a spot and your tanks runs right past you ;)


if he's a healtank go to step 2.1

if he's a (regular) tank go to step 2.2



step 2.1


to better understand how to heal you gotta know how the tank you're healing works.


so we're going to explain the quick basics of a healtank the do's and dont's


a healtank bases itself on a few simple talents in the prophet tree one is the aura of tranquility wich heals 6% of their max hp per person healed these tanks want their team to be fairly close to them so their benediction and crimson chain hits all 4 other team members to maximize their self heals by 30% per heal. these players also have the upgraded redeem regenerating them 3% of their max hp per second. 


do's normal healing with dogma, benediction,snow,crimson chain etc etc

dont's casting redeem breaking cc chains standing way out of reach.


go to step 3



step 2.2

normal tanks are great for absorbing damage keeping aggro on the mobs and staying alive ;)


do's normal healing with dogma, benediction,snow, crimson chain etc etc AND casting redeem during pulls.

dont's nothing really :)


go to step 3



step 3


the tank starts a pull as your tank takes the first bit of damage during the pull you cast your redeem on him ( not on healtanks eh!)  this generates no aggro and makes sure that you don't get attacked by the creatures too early.  whenever this redeem wears of in the middle of a pull make sure to cast it again untill the tank starts the actual grouping up.


step 4


once the tank stops moving and starts grouping it all tighter place down your ancestral spirit on the spot where the tank will be likely to group them up and then cast snowfall these spells generate no aggro making sure that you and your tank are safe.



now then we have multiple scenarios :)



scenario 1: your tank is around 80% hp go to step 5

scenario 2: your tank is around 50% hp go to step 6

scenario 3: your tank is around 20% hp go to step 7




step 5:

your tank took minimal damage so place down your benediction for an easy 30% damage reduction after this start rotating your crimson chain and dogma spells and you should be fine



step 6:

your tank took some damage no worries we start things off with a dogma to pump that hp back up so we can place down our benediction. if during the benediction cast the tank drops really low make sure to cauterize it back up and then crimson chain and dogma rotations


step 7:

panic!! cauterize right away and dogma right after that if your tank still takes serious damage make sure to use force of nature for an even bigger healing boost for a while when force of nature then wears off make sure to redeem for some extra damage reduction to keep your tank alive.



this concludes the beginner healing guide


with this information you should be able to heal every dungeon with ease


if anyone has questions feel free to ask them


if anyone feels that i might've missed something feel free to tell me and i'll add it to the guide


healing icc guide, advanced healers guide and the pvp healer guide will follow shortly


if you found this guide usefull make sure to show your appreciation with a like and a  normal thank you or friendly reply down here also suffices :)

#946152 bt last boss bug ?

Posted by Irradiated on 21 August 2015 - 12:59

Maybe HCS should add a dominatrix vanity? :unsure: :D

#945332 End Game Single Player Content

Posted by RISDMAC on 18 August 2015 - 13:55

Before I begin:


Yes Eldevin is an MMO and that implies group play.

I am in no way debating this and if this is going to be your response, please don't continue reading as you wont agree with anything from here on ;) :P :D


I have hit a patch where work is pretty demanding and I don't currently have the spare time I would like to to log in and play - it will probably be like this for the next 2-3 months but hopefully wont last that long.


However this raises the point that in order to progress my char to be ready for the level 50 content whenever it arrives I need to log in and grind some ancient cores and some remnants as well as obtain rare gathering items and possibly grab some infernal flakes and shadow cores also.


Ancient cores: Grind mobs / weekly quests (ToC/PVP/Arena)

Shadow Cores: Grind mobs / weekly quests (ToC/PVP/Arena)

Ancient Remnants: CC bosses / weekly dungeons / daily ToM / Benevolent Dungeoneer

Rares: Grind gathering

Infernal Flakes: Dailies for AP, Treya


My underlying point here is that the only "single player" aspect to these are the creature grinds or gathering , or if you are in the mood, low level arena runs.


Personally, with my limited log in time for the indefinite future, non of these feel particularly rewarding for my 15-30min limited log in.

Sure I could grind dailies and stock pile some AP and use this to trade with others but honestly that doesnt feel like I am playing eldevin.



What I think needs to happen is a total revamp of the "story mode" dungeons to allow for the introduction of story mode ICC or even a story CC boss instance. For example, I want to grind some ancient remnants but I am only online for the said 30min, and no one is currently running CC - I set up a group but am waiting on *insert group member* to finish something, and then when all is said and done, 25 min after I log in the group continues without me as I had to go - so I didnt get a run in.


The above story is applicable to any dungeon aspect of the game for end of content players, you either need to group up, or you need to grind professions - grinding mobs for cores is fine as this also allows for fp farming but is grinding mobs really all EoC has to offer for single player amusement?


I have raised something similar before here:



I would like to append to this a little bit.


Proposed idea:


Single player ICC or CC boss instances:


Single players ICC would reward the player with infernal shards for beating treya as well as the possibility of a gem (glim or defined - not sure which is more appropriate)


Single player CC boss instance - would reward player with ancient shards per kill + chance of random gem (glim or defined - not sure which is more appropriate)


Ancient shards can be fused into ancient remnants for a cost in gold: should require 10+ shards to make 1 relic - number required should be appropriate to difficulty of the single player instance and add in an appropriate gold sink to "fuse".


Infernal shards can be fused into infernal flakes for a cost in gold: should require min 20+ shards to fuse a flake based on their current rarity.

Additionally infernal shards should be fusable into fabled relics, again 20+ shards ~ 1 relic.



The aim here is NOT to introduce a new version of story mode where people can find a loophole to the original intention and farm said exploit (I am looking at you 5 man story BT runs :angry: ).


I am simply looking for an option where I can log in and run 1-2 single player instances if I cant find anyone to group with and then log out 20-30min later feeling that I did something other that ask and fail in chat for a group. Sometimes I log in and want to gather/craft, sometimes group up for dungeons runs, sometimes farm mobs - however there is no option to "progress" my character in a single player capacity. Killing mobs to farm cores/FP is not and should not be what eldevin sells as its EoC individual aspect to the game.


And just to repeat, anyone raising a pitchfork and shouting MMO - re-read my intro :lol:



#944706 Friend List (update!!!)

Posted by ordinaryfunguy on 13 August 2015 - 08:56

I got an idea, in the offline section, it should say when the last time that person was on, so we know when they were last on.


This idea is not really needed in the next update but its just an idea. What do you think about it everyone, do you agree with this?


For example (random date thingy)

#943912 trading elemental flakes for infernal

Posted by xrxr1 on 09 August 2015 - 12:29

As it stands

to buy 1 elemental flake cost 50 artisan points .

to buy 1 infernal flake costs 250 artisan points.


What I am suggesting is that we can possibly tradein 5 elemental flakes to get 1 infernal flake.


#938519 Eldevin on Youtube

Posted by ernzor on 10 July 2015 - 09:11

one thing/example that comes to my mind when i think of the benefits of audio commentary... if i remember correctly you (or one of your crew) uses those spikes (in ASV-run video) to deal damage while the current pull process is running (before u even group up the mobs). ive never been in a group where this has even been tried. imo good example for 2-3 mins of audio explanation...

Hmm might have to go rewatch this, if it indeed was one of us then I would have to commentate that it is the wrong thing to do unless you are the tank. If one of the DPS did this it would create agro towards them for when the tank tries to setup.


However, in the case of ASV, the mobs in there have this attack and more likely were casting it on us.


I will try do some instructional videos too with audio, consider it added to the list.

#938522 Eldevin on Youtube

Posted by Spirit on 10 July 2015 - 09:23

I remember doing a few live streams for Eldevin to show a few friends the game (they couldn't be bothered to try them out for themselves) and lol March 2014 seems so old without mounts and all that.

It would be nice to see more doing live streams, didn't HCS used to have a forum post where they listed a few people's names and their Twitch stream link? Maybe should do same again with YouTube accounts - as honestly I'm not really sure who makes vids often besides people like ernzor and in the past... Neon.

Maybe a competition for best Eldevin guide video or something like that would be nice too.

#938508 Weapon Vanity

Posted by TimeWillTell on 10 July 2015 - 05:01

Might be a nice little cash cow for HC to consider =]

#938322 change to the friends list

Posted by mickabooth on 07 July 2015 - 20:41

we all know with the recent changes to the friends list has become annoying


First you have account or character friends which is ok but why would you want to become friends with a character when it’s the player of the account you want to become friends


And when you send an invite you have to wait for the player to accept which is ok


But in the old system when you wanted to be friends with someone you automatically were accepted which worked well as you could add players you wanted to avoid as well


The changes I would like to propose are these two :-


Make all friends requests account requests but give the player who you want to be friends with the option to accept as a character or account acceptance

Add a second list for enemy’s so we can track them the same as the old lists

#928498 [My compilation] - Making random rolls fun + Sacks + Gems

Posted by Anameisaname on 14 April 2015 - 08:52

What have we learned from the recent 47 weapons? People don't like to work for a possibility of nothing!
The new 47 weapons are only better than 45 fabled weapons if all 3 rolls end up being exactly what you want, that compared to the high price results in people being disappointed because they got nothing for their work. 
But here's the deal, the most probable reason for the displeasure is this mindset of thinking:
"I have to grind for weeks if i can find a group to maybe get enough flakes if i win rolls to craft this weapon to maybe get a proc i want"
See the many uncertainties? 
1) Maybe can't find party 
2) Maybe won't win rolls
3) Maybe won't get good proc
All this in combination with high amount of time/money needed makes people not even want to try, especially because the reward is low. Why is reward low? Because fabled weapons are almost as good as the best possibly lvl 47 ones..
But do you remember at the start of the game, even up to level 45, you had these awesome items that can drop and proc amazing stats! It was fun playing because you never knew what you're gonna get!
You didn't have to pay for them or grind materials, they just dropped whenever.
Look at this magnificent bastard, and it's not even the best tongue.png
Now i'd like both drops and crafts to be Best In Slot, why? To appeal to grindomaniacs and craftomaniacs! 
For example, if we count belt as part of a set, let's say 3 armor types of a set drop in a dungeon and 3 other ones are crafted!
Example, crafted and dungeon drop:
Did i mention a few of the changes i made to these items?
1) The removal of shit rolls - it will be hard to get a good number for a roll but you never get something you won't use on an item!
2) Addition of gem slots - thought health and mana regen gems were useless? Not anymore!
3) More variety - spell power on a glove? Heck yeah!
Now you may want to ask.. Do these hard to get best items make it harder for newbies? 
Nope, and here's why. There is always a low proc on an item like this
When you get that you... Put it up on auction house for real cheap, a newbie can buy it and be ready for dungeons. 
Another thing i'd like is something like this:
I'd like new gems to drop from the level 50 dungeons to give incentive for people who currently have best gems to play! 
These aren't a replacement for normal gems but go in combination with them, that way your hard work isn't deleted but you still have something to work for! 
Maybe even make corrupted gem slots that only hold them and not normal gems? (cows plz)
Now a small suggestion:
Bigger sacks! Make them craftable back and forth using gold for example and some high level rare materials.
I have like a lot of sacks but it's hard to regulate them all, and it's not fun spending an hour playing around with my inventory and then having to do it again tomorrow. 
Another suggestion, legendary amulets!
Look at all that space! Imagine putting a tongue of the boss you killed there.. Or the heart core of an ancient being.. mm 
Anyway, these legendary amulets will drop rarely on any boss lvl 50+, they will improve certain stats and possibly talents!
Also half of them will be crafted using rare materials from bosses or daily/weekly rewards.
Maybe even teach you a new spell.. Possibly? 
These maybe shouldn't have random rolls because they are very rare, maybe only roll a certain number range but that's it.
Better Bosses!
I'll keep this one short, more bosses like the purple arg stone guy who throws rocks at you and you have to move to not die, less bosses like the kaur arg boss that does nothing.
Treya is good for healer/tank, boring for ranged dps..




Revamped LFG system.


The easiest way i can think to do this would be like this: You select which dungeons you want to do, click apply, you are now listed as available to invite for those dungeons and anyone can invite you to their group. Same thing if you need members, open the LFG window and check who's available, inpect and check out their gear, invite.


Hell i just got an idea, you can use the friend system interface for a new lfg system even.





Daily quest Crafting Tab


Explains itself, daily quest items will be in a specific tab, to make it easier to do them. No more double checking the quest guy or keeping a list.





DPS test dummies


Put a few dummies of different levels and give the lvl 47 one stats from treya for example, make them respawn fast and have quite a lot of hp, at least 200k.

Why? To easily test out dps! See if different builds work, what's difference in autoattack vs spell use etc.



Triple talents


Ever wanted to switch between being a mage, healer and a prophmage only by swapping your weapons? Multiple talents should allow LFG proccess to be quite a bit more enjoyable because now there will be no shortage of healers or tanks and everyone can pvp with the build they want!


Anyway that's about it, if someone is against random rolls please say how would you fix the problem of no content after getting the best stuff, which already happened. People can currently get best armor in less than a day, then the only thing they gotta grind are gems, but tanks for example don't need best gems because of a really low cap.
Addition of random rolls and making dungeon drops and crafts BIS means people can play and always have the thrill of the hunt, a piece of gear with amazing rolls can always drop! 
Crafting will be more important than ever and resources will be getting used.
So.. how do you like my suggestions? Please note if i made any mistakes and feel free to rate my amazing paint skills biggrin.png
I tried to make my suggestions very easy for cows to code by the way!

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