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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 13 2024 09:27

#1006050 Any time frame for new buffs?

Posted by Subject on 03 November 2021 - 01:07

Skill Points Available: 4760 …… I have every buff available and still this many skill points to use….. Any new buffs coming soon? lol

#1006026 Game Update v3.5.0

Posted by RebornJedi on 31 October 2021 - 16:12

any timeframe on Set Details fix?

#1005834 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by Windbattle on 15 October 2021 - 20:40

Let's stay on topic, yes? Loyalty Potions proposal, not polls.


~ Grim


Not sure why everyone had to comment on the merits of a poll or not. I believe it is on topic BG. Let's take the remaining potion ideas with a few different levels / durations to the active player base in-game.

#1005828 Scavenging Event!

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 15 October 2021 - 14:57

No Flask of Deaths? :/

#1005818 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by BadPenny on 14 October 2021 - 22:29

On a poll you can't explain your reasoning, on the forums you can. Much more worth from less feedback, yet constructive.

Not all forum commentary is constructive, and the forum takes away the safety of anonymity for those that feel they would be met with a verbal attack from those that may disagree with their point of view...  I, myself, have become reluctant to post on many topics after being belittled or ridiculed for stating my honest opinion, including on topics that I posted myself...  A poll gives those players that avoid posting on the forum a chance to give their opinion without fear of reprisal...

Maybe a poll of the topic at hand in the actual thread could be a good idea?

#1005817 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by iceman66 on 14 October 2021 - 22:28

On a poll you can't explain your reasoning, on the forums you can. Much more worth from less feedback, yet constructive.


Yes, you can by providing an explanation on the survey in a given field.  Plus, more people will fill out a survey than write out a post on the forum.  I made a quick sample survey of what it could look like and I'm happy to do the whole thing if that's how it gets done.  A survey also provides an unbiased look into opinions where vocal vs. non-vocal does not matter.  I think many more people would appriciate the anonymity.


Edit: I was able to attach


Sample Poll.jpeg

#1005719 Composing Template Removal

Posted by PointyHair on 10 October 2021 - 14:17

it would also be nice to be able to create/edit templates while pots are brewing

#1005688 Composing Template Removal

Posted by Windbattle on 06 October 2021 - 10:17

Even better - that would negate the need to delete templates at all ...


I would also like that option. If you level up composing, its time consuming to delete and remake templates for the skills that went up in level. 

#1005608 Fallen Sword Roadmap (Nov 2021-Feb 2022)

Posted by Undjuvion on 01 October 2021 - 06:05

There is no Bonfire Night in the roadmap, but since it isn't a big event it's not a big deal, maybe we could add something more to it?


Maybe a Titan that drops a Component part to invent another Epic, but it also uses the Fawkes Wickerman original Armor? 


Great work with the comunication, love to see it.


woohoo, awesome, bout time someone brought it up, ive thought about it for years, Guy Fawkes needs an update HCS!!!

#1005135 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by uncola on 10 September 2021 - 05:05

Instead of Higher level buffs we have access to, why not just add NEW BUFFS that can be bought , even if they are only LVL 175, but only exclusive to allegiance shop



Example ( Quick attack ) which is one we can see i action house search, can be lvl 175 for 10 tokens 


any one have thoughts on this way to implement a few new buffs?

#1005094 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by SuOkWinter on 09 September 2021 - 00:02

No need to have higher brews than chests.  Game is easy enough.  Make it harder is the key.

#1005042 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Undjuvion on 08 September 2021 - 17:27


Potion of Divine Knowledge. Loyalty:  750
Adept Learner Level : 1000 Duration : 120m
Librarian Level : 900 Duration : 120m
Rampage Potion. Loyalty:  750
Animal Magnetism Level : 500 Duration : 120m
Conserve Level : 1000 Duration : 120m



750 tokens is madness for these two, i'd expect no less than 50k tokens, maybe 75k, that said you can leave them like that and no leveler need ever donate again :D


edit: buying all gift boxes and celeb chests for 1 fsp :D

#1004935 Quango Island Returns!

Posted by Alisa on 28 August 2021 - 13:06

I'm curious why seasonal quests don't count towards the medal. Should seasonal quests have their own medals?

#1004924 Quango Island Returns!

Posted by Alisa on 27 August 2021 - 23:00

the game is so laggy... anyone else?

#1004907 Fallen Sword Update 3.4 Live!

Posted by Grumpy Grey on 27 August 2021 - 01:17


Secondly, there is now an option for the Guild Leader to disband unwanted Relics. Once disbanding a Relic, the same guild cannot recapture the Relic for 24 hours. Permissions for capturing Relics will be added at a later date when the app is in a more stable state. We will also be adjusting some Relics in the coming days.

Im sure many players have sat back and had a good laugh at opposing guilds rage taking relics and tying up slots and unable to take back their perceived prized possessions as they have filled all their relic positions. 
The disband unwanted relic function although wanted by players is really the poor mans solution to making relic capture permissible to approved guild members .
If we are to have the abandon relic feature, I believe their should be more of a penalty than not  being able to retake that particular relic for 24 hours. Perhaps a better option would be  not being able to fill an abandoned relic spot for 24 hours. This will make people think twice about taking relics frivolously full well knowing they can abandon them with out penalty

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