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#792264 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by Pardoux on 30 May 2013 - 07:07

Lot of questions being answered by 'Paradox' :P.

Did you secretly get put on the payroll or what mate?


Thanks Sharddump :P -  was part of the discussion about how it could/would be implemented, yes - payroll, no (unfortunately). Most of the answers I've provided tho are outlined in Hoofs post - some folk just don't seem to actually read it, before asking questions.

#792263 GvG and New Players.

Posted by Pardoux on 30 May 2013 - 07:05


Player A hits player B in conflict, player B retaliates, conflict starts. 24 hour timer is initiated, smacks ensue.



I love this idea (assuming that, if player B doesn't retaliate, then there is no conflict) - but the RP farmers will, inevitably, HATE it :). Could remove all GvG costs then ...

#792238 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by Pardoux on 30 May 2013 - 02:59

Where do arena items fall into this? They are listed as Quest items in their descriptions, but in the auction house they are listed as Legendary Items. Will we be able to break down the arena items for fragments as well?? This may breathe new life into the arena once again if arena items are included in the Legendary Category. But then aren't some quest items listed as unique, rare, and even common?? Have any of these items been thought about? I'm just asking  ;)


I'm guessing that any item for extraction will fall into the classification that is displayed under it's name, when you do a mouse-over ?

#792237 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by Pardoux on 30 May 2013 - 02:57

Feel that crystal and super elite should be swapped. Crystal are alot easier to obtain during Crystal LE's and there are more crystal sets than super elite sets. There are only so many SE items that enter the game a day. Would be a better balance to swap the Crystal and SE items so Crystal are used up faster and it doesn't become insanely expensive to get SE items.


DURING an event, yes they will be - but SE's are available ALL the time ... I think that's why crystalline has been made more "valuable"...


SE kills are pretty easy to accumulate - I've killed 30 in a couple of hours and that's hunting for them myself ... OK, the drop rate is not very good - and maybe that should get a tweak now - but I still think that the "order" is correct, personally.


On the "flipside" tho - I guess it all depends on the drop rates during an event. If LE's and Crystallines are dropping like confetti, then I'd say yes, switch the order. I seem to recall tho, that the last time LE's / Crystals were in the realms, the drop rate was severely nerfed ?

#792227 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by Pardoux on 30 May 2013 - 02:38

The ability to buy and sell fragments has one benefit: it stabilizes the cost of items in the AH. If a LE fragment ends up at a market price of 2 FSP, then any legendary item is worth at least 2 FSP.



On an unrelated note, I don't like the idea of being able to upgrade shards. You can get several hundred cheap rares for the cost of one legendary item. If upgrading is considered, I would suggest that Common items not have the ability to upgrade, Rare fragments can only be upgraded to Unique, Unique can't be upgraded at all, Super Elite/Crystalline/Legendary can be exchanged for each other, and nothing can upgrade to Epic (if Epic fragments are used at all).


Maybe that's a valid point - but, if there are "REGULAR" events for the harder to get drops / fragments, then the point is somewhat less relevent.


As for an exchange mechanism with fragments, already been stated that's not going to happen :)

#792208 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by Pardoux on 30 May 2013 - 01:35

Your original post was that you couldn't understand why people would ever want to sell fragments rather than items, and I'd still suggest that storage provides a reason for wanting to do that. The thing is that composing is proposing to be done on a much bigger storage-scale than any other aspect of this game (640 fragments for Hoof's ultimate; about 100 common/rare items for his smasher). The current plans deal with this when composing is entirely for private, individual, consumption; but the current backpack limitations are way too small to deal with buying/selling/giving items to others for them to fragment and compose with.


I still stand by that - I think selling fragments is an entirely un-necessary complication. Let's say you have a Baron drop - and extract it - you get 2 fragments. Now, will folk pay more for those 2 fragments than they would for a baron drop ? - No. It wouldn't make any sense to pay more for something that you can get for less or the same.


Also, resources extract (albeit to a  component backpack that is size limited) - players can't sell those components.

#792174 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by Pardoux on 29 May 2013 - 23:06

i like it..but why just some buffs all we already know, put some news and rare buffs tht could be nice for everyone..and stay bound the pots "thumbs up"


There will be new buffs too ... 


+ Some new ‘Composing’ only skills


^ posted by Hoof as part of the opening message.

#792148 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by Pardoux on 29 May 2013 - 22:04

just slightly off the inventing side of this thread how will the shards be colected " stored " will we have a bank like the reserve stam or special slots like the components slots and if it is like the reserve bank how much can it hold ?


You will be able to shatter as many pieces as you want because the "storage" of them will just be an incrementing number on your profile under, I'm assuming, your component backpack. The "size" will be infinite.


If you want to shatter 1000 pieces, then you can - even if you only have 5 bp slots :)

#792138 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by Pardoux on 29 May 2013 - 21:43


The big one,,,, whats up with more frags because the gear is higher level? Are you saying my destroyer drop isnt as hard to get as a thoon one?? To me this seems like a idea manifested by high level players and written to cater to them once again.


perhaps an example of what im seeing and how unbalanced it is,,,,

I go hunt, use FI1k and have 50 open spaces, I compost those 50 drops and get,,,,150 fragments

A lvl 1500 does the EXACT SAME THING as I do but gets  75000 fragments for 50 common-rare items????????? 



You must have flunked maths BIG time LOL.


In your example, as a Level 300-400, you get 50 common drops and shatter them, resulting in 150 fragments.

The level 1500 does the same 50 drops and, according to YOUR maths, gets 75000 fragments - actually, last time I checked, 50 x 15 = 750 (just a slight difference). Either your maths REALLY is that bad, or you're over-sensationalising something to try and reinforce your point ?



Why must everything be bound? Because looking at level max and such I cant see any reason to waste my gear on it but also can see any reason why these would be bound but others of similar strength arent. I also think this should be something unbound so it can be sold or transfered as this is what will get people interested both in the supply side but also the demand side.


BOUND is because these are  powerful potions that, drops allowing, a player can make as many as possible from - especially if he has multies working for him too - and we all know that there are players running multi accounts in profitable areas of the game. Limiting the potion use to either the player that makes them or their guild cuts down on the possibilities of fraudulent activity.



You keep using the point that your level 300 band gear should be "worth" the same as gear from the level 1500 band ? - why ?. There are advantages to levelling - better buffs, better creatures to hunt - and, yes - better gear. The stat points on the items are a lot higher ..


L300 Common Item = 600 stat points, give or take

L399 Common Item = 800 stat points


L300 Unique Item = 610 stat points

L399 Unique Item = 800 stat points


L300 Legendary = 750 stat points

L399 Legendary = 900 stat points


L1500 Common Item = 3000 stat points

L1599 Common Item = 3198 stat points


L1500 Unique Item = 3010 stat points

L1590 Unique Item = 3210 stat points


L1500 Legendary Item = 3150 stat points

L1599 Legendary Item = 3350 stat points


OK, that doesn't give a 15 x multiplier and I'd be OK with lowering that differential to make it "more in line" with stat points - BUT - you have been playing the game longer than I have and chose to sit at your level. I chose to level up instead. You easily could have had access to all of the same gear I'm currently enjoying access to.


There are choices and consequences in game - and for people to continually trot out the "I want something because someone higher level has it" stinks. There's less and less of "WE" in FallenSword and way too much of "I" these days.


Hoof may well change some of the 1.1 parameters before implementation - and, no doubt will, if enough of this feedback thread want it - but so far, the overwhelming majority of votes are in favour of this proposal.

#790684 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Pardoux on 23 May 2013 - 05:24

im gonna throw some stam in a bit, its really daunting though, is there no way we can get some higher global boosters hoof, x4 makes me a complainer :)


Higher level boosters would definately be nice :) - 10x 15x 20x even :)

#788527 Recalling filters

Posted by Pardoux on 05 May 2013 - 23:22

So I'm just kind of curious what would you guys think about filters on the guild gear recalling page so it is easier to find what you are looking for?


Go into guild inventory and then CTRL-F ;) - then, type what piece you're looking for.

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