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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2019 15:21

#994272 loyalty rewards

Posted by drdoom123 on 02 October 2018 - 18:25

was just looking at the loyalty rewards and some of them like level 180 pots have become obsolete now that we have composing is there any chance we can see something new ? 

#994286 This is just wrong

Posted by sweetlou on 05 October 2018 - 00:17

23:54 04/Oct/2018 You accepted the bounty against hooftest. Remember you will only gain the reward if you are the first to get the required at of kills!


what a waist if bounty tickets 


#993349 EOC Bottle-neck

Posted by BigGrim on 06 August 2018 - 10:55

I meant returning everyone to level 1.

No. Why on earth would we strip levels from people who have earned them?

~ Grim

#993298 suggested improvement to guild log

Posted by watagashi on 02 August 2018 - 23:07

With a guild as active as AL I find that each day there is average 100 guild log messages usually much more and there are times things can be buried. I want to ask if we could please have a few filter options that can be turned on or off at out preference or even like guild store where items can be filtered by type

Some suggested filters are
group battles

thanks for the consideration

#993356 New Global Frag Event

Posted by murabane on 06 August 2018 - 17:26

nice gools :) it would add another element and not make it such a 1 dimensional global per se... 


It would be nice if the items would break in some way so you couldn't necessarily keep them, and maybe because of that it would add more incentive for people to toss them after the event and make them have to reattain them at the next event with full durability. I mean realistically you couldn't use the same armor and weapons in battle over and over again anyways  :P

#993355 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 06 August 2018 - 17:10

I like the idea of the required weapon similar in style to say, the spook smasher. Perhaps it could be a set of items such as [cursed muramasa] (weapon), [Wicker of inight] (helm), [Ronins Garb] (armor), but rather then be purchased, you'd have to get the recipes from the brothers and hunt some [cursed scouts] or the like to get a few bits and bobs to make the gear since they would be crystaline themselves (albiet undreakdownable).


It would draw out the event a bit and add a bit of an anoying step sure, but i think it would liven things up as well rather then be a "go kill tons of stuff" or "here, buy this and go kill tons of stuff" lol. not that im saying the current globals are bad, just saying that a slightly newer goal would be cool to see :D


edit: also, he bits and bobs should be bound o3o everyone should earn their reward lol

#993350 New Global Frag Event

Posted by murabane on 06 August 2018 - 15:41

I think having more of a "frag stash" version, rather than Legendary and Crystalline events would help keep those items out the AH for longer periods of time and hopefully that would help keep them from being so over farmed so often. Also considering things there is no event to help with Super Elite items whether its a global that could drop them at a lower rate than current SE's, to account for the respawning differences from a global vs an SE.

#993345 New Global Frag Event

Posted by atta222 on 06 August 2018 - 05:51

it wont be a bad edition to the game.

#993344 New Global Frag Event

Posted by Airborne12 on 06 August 2018 - 05:09

Careful, I may want to vote you in as a smart cow!  Great idea Mr Bane.

#993343 New Global Frag Event

Posted by murabane on 06 August 2018 - 04:44

I figured that Super Elite, Legendary, and Crystalline frags don't get enough love during these events. I think we should have an event centered more around them, excluding Common, Unique, and Rare frags from the event. I was thinking the creature would be an undead/ghost Samurai, being part of the "Crimson Army" because of their blood stained armor. If you wanted to tie it to in game content it would be easy to attach it to the "Shadow Lord" that everything else seems to go with seems like that guy has his hand in everything but his pocketslaugh.png And of course the weapon you would use would have to be a cursed Muramasa of sorts since it would only be fitting.



It would be only one type of creature that spawns.

  •     I dont think there would be a need for more if it is only centered around 3 frags but it is possible, if you wanted to make 3 types for the 3 types of frags and then just control the amount that spawns per realm.


You would need a weapon(Cursed) to kill them.

  •     Would be nice if it had a durability breaking over time/amount of kills or some sort of negative effect from or with use.

Drop rate could be adjusted to account for frag rarities

  •     Right now the stashes from every other event creature are sitting at a 7.5% drop rate, for the these types of frags and the possible amount of frags per type you can attain lowering this may be a needed offset to account for the frags rarities.

It can either drop 1 type of "Frag Stash" or 3 different types of "Frag stashes".  

  •     While dropping 1 stash similar to what we have with the Darksun Destroyers it could be : 6-9(SE) 4-7(LE) 2-5(Crystal) per stash.
  •     Dropping 3 different stashes would be only 1 frag type per stash ranging from 3-9 frags, which is more interesting because you wouldn't necessarily be able to choose or control which frags you can focus on. Glorious Stash(SE), Heroic Stash(LE), and Luminous Stash(Crystal).

The main Tier rewards could still be Chests.

  •     Tier Bronze, Silver, Gold yielding 1 Chest, Crystal 2, and Ruby 3. Basically similar to what they are now. The amount of frags should vary and shouldn't be an ridiculous amount either.
  •     Example being the ruby chest should give 4-5k Super Elite 2.7-3.5k Legendary 1.6-2k Crystal frags per Frag Chest. Those numbers are just an idea but if you want a more realistic idea currently the Ruby Stashes give 5,400 total frags so if we keep that amount you would just need to break it up and divvy it up for the 3. So that may be 50% SE(2,700), 35% LE(1,890 or 1,900) and 15% Crystal(810 or 800).
  •     Or like the "Thieves in the Night chest" offer 5/10/15/20/25 based on the finishing tier, random frag chest containing 300-600 frag of only 1 of the 3 types(that would be if you kept the frags the same so no matter what class you would get say 400 SE from one and 400 LE from another). Back to the numbers 5,400 frags from a ruby chest : 5,400 x 3= 16,200 ÷ 25 = 648. So the frags could vary from 650 on down 3 or 4 hundred if you kept them all even. However if you wanted a ratio where you get more from one than the other that would work too, though you could end up with more than 16,200 frags total and maybe even less depending on the final numbers and randomness of each. If you kept and used the numbers from the earlier bullet SE being 2,700 and if that's all you got you would end up with 67,500 SE frags from the 25 item ruby reward, which is way over the 16,200, so it would have to be tweaked in a way so you wouldn't get that. Or just arranging the numbers of each frag item from the chest in a way where they are neither nerfed and pointless nor abundant and over rewarding. If this option is used it would have to be discussed on whether the 25 items would be bound or not, and i guess that could depend on the final amount of frags per stash item. Or whether or not it would be a max of 25 and not 20 or 15.


I'm sure i can add more to this and maybe i will, but i wanna get this up and out and maybe you all have more and hopefully better ideas or suggestions to help build and mold this into something better. But i just wanna put this out there and hopefully there are many that would appreciate an event along these lines.

#990794 Account temporarily suspended

Posted by cucullainn on 17 March 2018 - 03:46

Most likely, Because you sent a message to another player. Saying something you should Not have

#990802 Account temporarily suspended

Posted by Removed4427 on 18 March 2018 - 00:16

I told another player to quit attacking me. That might be the only thing I've done. So in the time my account was suspended, the same player attacked me 7 times in one day.

Possibly you used potty mouth talking to this other player

#990698 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by LadyJ on 11 March 2018 - 23:24

Love this idea, please implement it :D

#990697 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by wil72 on 11 March 2018 - 22:57

One word ....... awesome. And this is from a player who hates quests.





#990696 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by Corrupted on 11 March 2018 - 22:49

New NPC’s:

- Brother Khan, the Connector: Fuses the Fallen Sword Cubes
(Lore) Brother Khan is a very interesting individual. He keeps himself alive by using a few of his magic tricks. He creates some resourceful things, but his magic has a few catches: He can only craft things once a day. Such is the expense of his marvelous magic.

Location: Cathedral Catacombs (1,1)*

Brother Illiad, the Veteran Hunter: Task assigner for main quests
(Lore) A former hunter himself, Brother Illiad was a graced bounty hunter. Arrogant as he was in his day, he was an efficient assassin. One day, he suddenly stopped hunting, for reasons that nobody knows.

Location: Cathedral Catacombs (7,7)*

“Epic” Daily Quest Line - “The Cube”
First Questline: The Fallen Sword Cube (Required Level: 50)

Part I
Brother Khan starts off by telling you that he needs you to bring him a few things first:

1. Fallen Sword Cube Part 1
2. Fallen Sword Cube Part 2
3. Fallen Sword Cube Part 3
4. Fallen Sword Cube Part 4

If you are to bring him these items, he can fuse them and craft the Powerful Fallen Sword Cube, which can be used to create powerful items. He himself does not know where to find them, so he tells you to go see Brother Illiad instead.**

Part II
You go to Brother Illiad, and you tell him that Brother Khan sent you his way. He needs to craft a Fallen Sword Cube and that he may know where to find the pieces needed. He seems bothered by your presence, but chooses to cooperate. He tells you that he will give you the pieces himself, but that you have to prove yourself worthy first… which means killing stuff and coming back to him.

Part III
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube Part 1 x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)

- Task

The way I see the tasks they could follow the same type as the regular Daily Quests.
1. Defeat X of X type of creatures
2. Defeat X amount of players in combat (GvG/PvP/Bounty)
3. Break down X amount of items
4. Join X Arenas
5. Travel X tiles
6. Kill X Super Elites

I feel that the quests should be
GREATLY reduced in the number requirement to keep them attainable and not too much time consuming. I also feel that the quests should be a choice of the player, but they cannot replay the same quest. Once you do one for any given part, you cannot do that specific type again until the Quest resets (Daily).

But SS, how does that work

If you decide to do #5, travel X tiles, for Part III, then your options for Part IV are: 1 2 3 4 and 6. By the time you’re done, there should be 2 types that you did not do.

Part IV
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube Part 2 x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)
Task: Choice of Task

Part V
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube Part 3 x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)
Task: Choice of Task

Part VI
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube Part 4 x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)
Task: Choice of Task

Brother Illiad tells you that your job is done and to go meet Brother Khan again.

Part VII
Reward: Fallen Sword Cube (Hollow) x 1. Quest Item. Bound (Non-Tradable)
You meet Brother Khan. He is very happy that you brought all the pieces, and he trades you them for a Fallen Sword Cube (Hollow). He tells you that all that is needed is for me to add a special Core added inside before he can activate the cube. He tells you that a renowned jeweler may have it in stock (Sister Andreas Jeweler in Cathedral of Ways 2,3).

***For this part, you would need to buy a Powerless Fallen Sword Cube Recipe from Bother Giles Curious (Cathedral of Ways 1,4). The Recipe requires a Fallen Sword Cube (Hollow) x 1 and a Fallen Sword Cube Core x 1, which would be bought at a gold price from Sister Andreas Jeweler. Combine both to obtain a Powerless Fallen Sword Cube x 1 (Quest Item)(Bound)(Non-Tradable).

Part IX
Reward: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 1 (Tradable)
You bring the Powerless Fallen Sword Cube to Brother Khan, he does his magic and tada, you have yourself a Powerful Fallen Sword Cube.

This quest can be repeated every day. Should progress count towards Daily medal?

Powerful Fallen Sword Cube

I am thinking of it being a tradable Quest Item used in Recipes. The recipes could create potions with (new?) buffs, or just make existing buffs at a higher level than standard (175).

Possible Potions:

1. Potion of the Cursed Wielder (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Globe) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Wielder (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Weapon (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Weapon. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

2. Potion of the Cursed Mind (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Vial) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Mind (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Helmet (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Helmet. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

3. Potion of the Corrupted Grasp (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Elegant) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Corrupted Grasp (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Gloves (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Gloves. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

4. Extended Cast Potion (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3, Potion Bottle (Round) x 1
Creates: Extended Cast Potion (Potion) (90 Minutes) x 1
Grants: Extend (Buff)
Level: 200

5. Potion of the Necromancer (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Hexagon) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Necromancer (Potion) (150 minutes)
Grants: (1) Poison (Buff), (2) Ignite (Buff), (3) Blood Thirst
Level: (1) 250, (2) 250, (3) 250

6. Potion of the Avid Lancer (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Collared Globe) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Avid Lancer (Potion) (150 minutes)
Grants: (1) Riposte (Buff), (2) Sharpen (Buff), (3) Undermine (Buff), (4) Side Step (Buff), (5) Critical Hit (Buff)
Level: (1) 250, (2) 250, (3) 250, (4) 250, (5) 250

7. Potion of the Juggernaut (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Inscribed) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Juggernaut (Potion) (150 minutes)
Grants: (1) Retaliate (Buff), (2) Degrade (Buff), (3) Bastion (Buff), (4) Absorb (Buff), (5) Unbreakable (Buff)
Level: (1) 250, (2) 250, (3) 250, 4 (250), 5 (200)

8. Potion of the Prize Hunter (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3, Potion Bottle (Round)
Creates: Potion of the Prize Hunter (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: Titan Doubler (Buff)
Level: 200

9. Potion of the Fierce Challenger(Super Elite)(Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 10, Potion Bottle (Elegant) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Fierce Challenger (Potion) (300 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Fumble (Buff), (2) Hardened (Buff), (3) Dispel Curse (Buff), (4) (NEW) Intimidate (Buff)
Level: (1) 250, (2) 250, (3) 200, (4) 250
Description: (4) +0.1% per skill level reduction to attackers’ damage when defending a PvP attack. (Excludes relic combat).

10. Potion of Gracious Defeat (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Hexagon) x 1
Creates: Potion of Gracious Defeat (Potion) (300 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Fumble (Buff), (2) Honor (Buff), (3) Shame
Level: (1) 200, (2) 200, (3) 300

11. Potion of the Healthy Roots (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Inscribed) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Healthy Roots (Potion) (200 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Great Vigor (Buff), (2) Stout Hearted (Buff), (3) Chi Strike (Buff), (4) Fortitude (Buff)
Level: (1) 500, (2) 500, (3) 200, (4) 200

12. Potion of the Creator (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Round) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Creator (Potion) (200 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Inventor (Buff), (2) Extractor (Buff), (3) Extractor II (Buff), (4) Resource Finder (Buff)
Level: (1-4) 250

13. Potion of Empowerment (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Pillar) x 1
Creates: Potion of Empowerment (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: Empower (Buff)
Level: 200

14. Potion of the Challenger’s Cursed Pride (Super Elite)(Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3, Potion Bottle (Globe) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Challenger’s Pride (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Armor (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Armor. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

15. Potion of Aftermath (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 5, Potion Bottle (Vial) x 1
Creates: Potion of Aftermath (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Stun (Buff), (2) Shockwave (Buff), (3) Force Shield (Buff)
Level: (1) 200, (2) 200, (3) 200

16. Challenger’s Last Stand (Super Elite)(Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 25, Potion Bottle (Inscribed) x 1, 3 SE Items from the newer SEs
Creates: Challenger’s Last Stand (Potion) (500 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) (NEW) Cursed Helmet (Buff), (2) (NEW) Cursed Weapon (Buff), (2) (NEW) Cursed Gloves (Buff), (4) (NEW) Cursed Armor (Buff), (5) (NEW) Cursed Shield (Buff), (6) (NEW) Cursed Amulet (Buff), (7) Cursed Boots (Buff), (8) Cursed Ring (Buff), (9) Cursed Rune (Buff)
Level: (1-9) 250
Description: (4) 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Armor. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active. (5)  0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Shield. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active. (6) 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Amulet. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active. (7) 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Boots. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

17. Challenger’s Glorious Draft (Super Elite)(Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 25, Potion Bottle (Elegant) x 1, 3 SE Items from the newer SEs
Creates: Challenger’s Glorious Draft (Potion) (500 minutes) x 1
Grants: (1) Enchant Helmet (Buff), (2) Enchant Weapon (Buff), (3) Iron Fist (Buff), (4) Enchant Armor (Buff), (5) Enchant Shield(Buff), (6) Enchant Amulet (Buff), (7) Enchant Boots (Buff), (8) Enchant Ring (Buff), (9) Enchant Rune (Buff)
Level: (1-9) 250

18. Potion of the Cursed Buckler (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Collared Globe) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Buckler (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Shield (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Shield. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

19. Potion of the Cursed Pendant (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Vial) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Pendant (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Amulet (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Amulet. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

20. Potion of the Cursed Step (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Elegant) x 1
Creates: Potion of the Cursed Step(Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: (NEW) Cursed Boots (Buff)
Level: 250
Description: 0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped Boots. Excludes 'Gain' bonuses. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.

21. Potion of Cursed Compromise (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Pillar) x 1
Creates: Potion of Cursed Compromise (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: Cursed Ring (Buff)
Level: 250

21. Potion of Cursed Symbols (Bound)
Needs: Powerful Fallen Sword Cube x 3 , Potion Bottle (Round) x 1
Creates: Potion of Cursed Symbols (Potion) (150 minutes) x 1
Grants: Cursed Rune (Buff)
Level: 250

All of course, an idea. Please let me know what you think :)

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