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Member Since 12 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2024 10:12

#929533 help unsure what to do ? cant play.

Posted by Zorg on 22 April 2015 - 13:52

All fixed, sorry about that.

#927705 Sneak Preview: Teleport Skill

Posted by Zorg on 09 April 2015 - 16:26

I was also going to ask about the cost is stamina when teleporting?


Also, if there's a 210 second default cooldown and, say, a level 192 Teleport buff (with buff enhancer)... That brings it down to an 18 second cooldown. Then there's this guild structure that's mentioned too... effectively bringing the cooldown to nothing more or less. This will really effect titan hunting and would cause A LOT of abuse (as much as there already is...). Even with the cooldown being 20 seconds at its lowest, this could still cause problems as titans often take 20+ kills to move spot, which could allow players to just teleport from space to space wherever the titan is. :/


Buff Enhancer will not work with Teleport.

#927696 Sneak Preview: Teleport Skill

Posted by Zorg on 09 April 2015 - 16:04

We'll be posting a big update to skills and the world map on Monday. Below is a sneak preview of how the new Teleport ability works on the world map.



168_b.gif Teleport (Level 2500 Special Tree)


 "Allows the player to teleport within their current realm. Ability has a 210 second cool down,    
  reduced by 1 second for each skill level."
The cool down can be further reduced by the Temporal Beacon guild structure and the Temporal Shift enhancement. The video above was shot with the guild structure at level 10 and the enhancement at 100% resulting in a 5 second cool down.

#924596 Server Improvements

Posted by Zorg on 24 March 2015 - 14:25

Those errors should be entirely resolved now. :)

#924584 Update v2.66

Posted by Zorg on 24 March 2015 - 13:46

This update addresses the latency some players have been experiencing on the new world map. Basically, we've changed it so it does not wait for the server to say 'OK!' every time it moves a tile and the action list also will not load until you're done moving.
This vastly speeds up movement around but it's hard for us to test as it works fine on our nice stable / fast internet. We have no idea how well it will work for you guys so please let us know!

#924566 Current state of the game

Posted by Zorg on 24 March 2015 - 11:12

Sorry for the delay in responding to this thread, I was quite busy yesterday with server maintenance and tickets. To start with here is the history of what we have done with the Fallen Sword servers to date.


December 10th 2014: Servers move from HostDime and on to DigitalOcean.

Our servers at HostDime were dedicated servers that we owned and they were quite dated. They had run for many years, their HDDs were old and they were struggling to keep up. The world of online hosting has changed over the years and today it is much more efficient to host websites from the "cloud" as it were. DigitalOcean provides cloud servers running on SSDs in a data centre in New York (HostDime was in Florida). All our new servers (Hunted Cow, Forums, Eldevin, etc) were hosted there so we made the decision to move Fallen Sword over.


December 16th 2014: Old CDN provider removed and replaced with Cloudflare.

Our old CDN (content delivery network) provided hosting for all our Javascript / image files for many years but we were having problems with them so we decided to move to Cloudflare. On the old CDN players in some countries were getting issues with out of date files / no files at all when loading pages.


December 17th 2014: Cache server moved.

We tried running our internal cache and our database from the same server but noticed that this was causing significant slow down. So we moved the cache on to its own dedicated server and gave it all the RAM it could ever want.


January 14th 2015: Data center move and new servers.

We were unhappy with server performance at this point. We originally tried setting Fallen Sword up on 2 very powerful servers that were load balanced between but they were struggling. We took advice from our account manager at Digital Ocean and moved the entire site to their "New York 3" data center that has just opened and has the latest and greatest hardware. We also split Fallen Sword between 4 servers giving it more CPUs in total.


March 14th 2015: Server changes.

We started addressing our config to try and optimize the servers. The database config was completely rewritten and we made some changes to Node 1 as a test to see if it would handle the load better. 


March 16th 2015: Cloudflare disabled.

Players were experiencing long page load times in certain areas of the world but not others, we were unable to resolve this issue so we decided to disable Cloudflare. A new independent load balancer was set up that was within our control and all passing of traffic through Cloudflares network was disabled.


March 23rd 2015: More server changes.

Happy with the performance of node 1 we copied the changes across nodes 2, 3 and 4. This should hopefully resolve any further Gateway Time outs or long page loads.




At this point you should not get a single 'Gateway Time-out' error. If you do please report it with the exact error message and time / date it occurred.


For the rest of the week I'm going too be looking at reworking the World map. There are a few performance changes I plan on making and they should also help the upcoming Fallen Sword mobile apps performance as well.


More news about upcoming content will be posted shortly but that's not my department.  :rolleyes:

#921620 New HexWar website launched!

Posted by Zorg on 26 February 2015 - 11:30

Our friends at HexWar have just launched a new website which has information on all their current and upcoming games. You can check out the HexWar.com website by clicking here and don't forget to sign-up for their new newsletter if you want all the latest updates about their products.


HexWar.com now have their own forums for discussing all their games and they will also be handling support through their new website.


Now that HexWar are releasing and supporting their own games directly, we will be focusing on awesome improvements to our current games, including the iOS / Android version of Fallen Sword and Eldevin content / features.

#917578 Game Update v2.64

Posted by Zorg on 30 January 2015 - 17:32

I've edited my first post to include the things I've fixed, sorry for the delay in fixing them I had some real life stuff come up.


We'll look at adding preferences for crafting next week, I wasn't aware there were situations where you would ever want to craft a perfect item?

#917577 Buff Market bug

Posted by Zorg on 30 January 2015 - 17:29

This bug is now fixed, I'll be releasing a full list of the fixes I've done shortly,

#917346 Game Update v2.64

Posted by Zorg on 29 January 2015 - 10:56

Below is a list of the changes that have just been put live. Please let us know if you have any issues, we'll be working on some more updates soon!

  • Players of level 1 to 100 will now get accelerated experience gain from creature kills.
  • Stairways will now show a blocked icon if you don't meet their quest / level requirements.
  • Auction house will no longer appear to cancel an auction, when it did not.
  • Once items are 'Perfect' they can no longer be crafted and will not be displayed on the Crafting page.
  • The 'View Creature' dialog now shows a quick link to the relevant Fallen Sword Guide page.
  • Added new buttons below world map to Wiki and Guide for quick access.
  • FSP Marketplace gold limit raised to 1,000,000,000 from 100,000,000.
  • Log entries for winning bidders on auctions will now include the price / currency paid.
  • Players will now only see one buff package from each player when searching to avoid single players flooding others off the market.
  • All top 250 highest lists for guilds and players will now exclude those inactive for 30+ days.
  • Auction listings will once again show the comparison tooltip if you have them enabled.

** EDITS **


Bug Fixes (January 29th)

  • Fixed bug where doors would show unblocked when you were on the stage of the quest required to enter it but had not yet completed it.
  • Increased the gold limit on the FSP Marketplace from 100,000 to 1,000,000 gold, reverted the previous change to the incorrect limiter.

Bug Fixes (January 30th)

  • Fixed bug where some buff package prices were displaying incorrectly, please contact support if you believe you were incorrect charged for a buff package.
  • Fixed issue where Extras in the Buff Market were not displaying / inaccurate.

#915437 Safe Places to Play Eldevin

Posted by Zorg on 15 January 2015 - 12:16

eld should get on kongregate


It goes up on Kongregate next week, it goes up on ArmorGames tomorrow :)

#913321 Account Trading Warning

Posted by Zorg on 03 January 2015 - 09:01

This will not apply to 99% of players but I just wanted to post it here as a warning.


Our terms of use does say:

"Game accounts are non-transferable under any circumstances."


We've recently enacted some anti-fraud measures that make it hard for new players to commit fraudulent transactions with stolen card details. As such these players are now looking to purchase / trade access to older more trusted accounts.


If you have more than 1 account you're in violation of our Terms of Use anyway, but if you start trading access to your accounts then ALL of your accounts will be suspended when we start tracing IPs from these fraudulent transactions.


I'd also advise all players not to accept Eldevin Points from low level players as gifts or in trade. Players committing fraud are also trying to trade to older players to make their accounts seem more legitimate and again your account may be caught in the cross fire as these accounts get suspended.

#910325 Optimizations: December 17th

Posted by Zorg on 18 December 2014 - 08:36

A very specific process runs at 17 minutes past the hour. I've taken a look at this process and added a lot of extra indexes to the database to accommodate the queries it runs. Let me know if it still happens.

#908617 Server Maintenance

Posted by Zorg on 11 December 2014 - 09:19

We're going to be taking Fallen Sword down at 11:00 AM (Server Time / UTC) for maintenance.
We'll be moving the cron processes (auctions, pvp ladder, spawning, etc) to a new server so they should not fail again like they did last night. We'll also be increasing the power of the current server so it can better handle the player load at peak times.
Sorry for this inconvenience, we expect the down time to last a couple of hours. Auctions, mailboxes and buffs will be extended for this period and reserve stamina will once again be allocated once the move is complete.

#908381 Server Maintenance Complete

Posted by Zorg on 10 December 2014 - 20:15

Due to some problems this morning we have moved all the Fallen Sword servers to a new hosting provider. All players will be awarded Reserve Stamina for the down time over the next few hours. We've also extended auctions and mailboxes.
We'll be monitoring performance over the next few days and making some adjustments. This may require a bit more down time but we'll keep it to a minimum. Our aim is to improve performance over what it was previously by the end of the week.
Apologies for any inconvenience and thanks for your understanding during this process.

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