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Member Since 27 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2014 09:01

#887662 Tea: the tale of the missing beverage

Posted by Savanc on 28 August 2014 - 14:29

After looking for it for weeks I can safely say there is no tea at all in Eldevin.

For a UK based game this seems like a rather huge oversight.

How on earth can a game survive without a proper cup of tea? :blink:


Therefore I suggest the Cows introduce tea to the game.

The easy (but boring) way would make the shopkeepers sell tea alongside the water and beer they are selling.

A much more interesting way would be a quest that makes you make your own cup of tea.


First you get some materials to make a cup or glass. Peter the glass maker in EC can help us with that.

Next we grow tea at a farm. Tea can be low level because everyone should have access to it.

Then we get some water (from a well) and boil it. This can be done at the cooking area or the alchemist. And now we add the tea to make a proper cup of tea. Depending on the tea we may add milk (cooking ingredient) or lemon juice (alchemy ingredient) to it.

Last but surely not least, we share the proper cup of tea with our friends. ;)


And since a cup of tea a day isn't too much to ask this quest can be a daily one. B)


The reward of making, drinking and sharing this cup of tea may be a few artisan awards and a nice group buff. Or something equally nice that the Cows think of. ;)

#876770 An Introduction

Posted by Removed4427 on 01 July 2014 - 03:17


#876760 An Introduction

Posted by Samurai on 01 July 2014 - 01:44

Welcome to the forums! Let's get Eldevin promoted and popular, eh?

#876750 An Introduction

Posted by Crofil on 30 June 2014 - 22:34

Welcome :) and Congrats on the job :D

#876734 An Introduction

Posted by GatorFett on 30 June 2014 - 19:29

Congrats on the job and welcome.  Hopefully your tweets and posts are full of Gothador news!

#876724 An Introduction

Posted by HuMoR on 30 June 2014 - 17:47

Welcome,and good luck!

#876721 An Introduction

Posted by Mongo on 30 June 2014 - 17:04

Congratulations on your new job! good luck, have fun.  :)

#876714 An Introduction

Posted by blacqmath on 30 June 2014 - 15:16

On behalf of the Gothador community, welcome!

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