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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2024 02:05

#1010488 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2024)

Posted by Ouiounon on 01 March 2024 - 16:10

I noticed the realm chest update didn't come to fruition by the end of Feb and isn't mentioned in this one at all. Any updates on that?  :)

#1009675 Zorgrom vs Shroud IX

Posted by Subject on 24 August 2023 - 15:30

Appreciate the Event HCS but My Goodness could you please update the Reward stash. There is nothing in it that is useful.. really think you can get better of everything elsewhere with pots and stuff.. not even saying switch the Buffs in the stash just up the dang level of the skill.. not even the duration.. LOL.. these stash's are a joke.. 



Again Thanks for the event 




#1009553 New Content - 5376 to 5400

Posted by sweetlou on 15 July 2023 - 02:40

Are quests no longer included in content? Last regular quest was 5095. Asking for a friend.

#1009119 Map for Guild Structures

Posted by yotekiller on 15 March 2023 - 02:23

Completely unnecessary and I really don't see an upside to this, especially since it would take coding resources away from things that need to be done.

#1009029 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2023)

Posted by Subject on 20 February 2023 - 14:50

How about more personal achievement medals.? Instead of Guild Achievements… Some new things to grind would be nice. Dont get me wrong guild achievements are cool but I like the shiny medals to line my profile with…..

#1008953 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by BadPenny on 03 February 2023 - 15:58

Erm, maybe, possibly, realms should be changed to caves?

#1008847 Pvp ladders

Posted by PointyHair on 27 December 2022 - 00:42

i would have thought it would be relatively easy to enforce that you have to make at least one hit to be eligible to qualify on your ladder? that would solve at least some of the issues right?

i mean, how can you get pvp tokens if you don't pvp?

#1008683 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Belaric on 29 November 2022 - 08:09

We are seeking new players, we can't force them to play the way we played 10 years ago
 especially players using FS app,

My medal, your medal, his medal everyone's medal is worthless if we don't have an active game.


For example, look at the arena, i earned the first 10k wins in the hardest way when we had like 30 tourneys spawning only, and now more tourneys spawning and i don't care if new players earn their wins in the easier way and i can confirm many players joined Arena nowadays.


I hope some change happens to the ladder to stop players from promoting inactivity!


Sorry for off topic but everything connected together when it comes to stamina spending.


I personally can't negate any change that helps others to stay active or get more active.


I hear you. I want the game to be more active, and for the player base to expand.


But does making SE and chests easier to find achieve that? I think not.


Neither of those things are on a new player's radar. New players want to gain levels, to get access to new gear, to PvP when they get the chance.


Other aspects of the game open up after people get their feet under them, and start to look for new challenges outside of levelling.


That is where our/HCS's focus should lie. Get players past the inital level grind and get them to a place where they can choose different game styles.


I think new players should "grind" to 100 (which will be much easier once the epic quest line is expanded!) , then have perma DXP to 500 to accelerate them through those levels. Then they can look around and see what they want to do/how they want to play. I think this will make app players happy as it gives them gratification early, then the chance to try to do something different/ start tailoring their game experience to what interests them inside a large game ecosystem that gives them a lot of options. I think Gutie suggested this, or something similar, many years ago.


I'd actually be in favour of perma DXP to level 3000 for newbies, to hook them hard and get them to invest in their chatacters and the game.


So those are the parts of my lawn I'm ok with folk trampling on: early easy level gain. Medals should still be a challenge, however. Challenges also keep people interested. They give motivated players a target, a reason to spend stam. If you make everything easy, nobody cares to try. That is the balance HCS has to find.

#1008665 Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

Posted by Belaric on 21 November 2022 - 02:47

I do not think we need a buff to make finding SE easier.


I do not think we need a buff to make finding chests easier.


I think this would constitute dumbing down the game: it would make something previously harder and/or tedious much easier.


I say this as a titan hunter who was within 50K of ruby when the titan doubler came out. I got ruby 2 weeks later, maybe less. I put in serious hours for those lower level titan medals. Folk who have earned diamond titan after the doubler came into existence have no idea how hard it was, or what the 6 hour grind you needed to do to secure the terror titan meant, when you were waiting, for hours, for a guild team to drop in and steal it. And sometimes they did, and you just had to suck it up. 1 HP at a time. I look back now and wonder why I bothered.


Get off my lawn. No really. I cut it nicely.

#1008541 + 8 Stamina gain Epics

Posted by yotekiller on 26 October 2022 - 21:56

A bit self-serving since you seem to enjoy titan hunting.  Others don't.  I enjoy pvp and can always use more stam gain to make up for lost XP so why don't we tie it to pvp instead?  I'm guessing you don't like that idea much so how about we agree additional stam gain epics shouldn't be tied to specific area achievements.

#1008348 New Epic Recipes released!

Posted by werswet on 16 September 2022 - 16:45

For me it"s no sense to add 100 HP to the new Epics especially for arena use, they are nice like they are, it was good game update, and no need to change anything there.

#1008311 Titan Design Contest 2022

Posted by BadPenny on 12 September 2022 - 08:59

Name: Creeping Willow

Classification: Plant
Lore: Inept acolytes attempted to summon an aged lesser demon,
not noticing the tiny willow seedling that had sprouted within their
summoning circle.  Terrified of suffering the wrath of their wicked master,
the acolytes assumed their summon had failed, and fled to parts unknown.
Little did they know that they were, indeed successful, and that the demon
had possessed the tiny sapling.  In the centuries that followed, as the willow grew,
the demon, unhindered by the control of a master, corrupted the tree, developing the
ability to move through the Dark Woods where it grew and evolved as it feasted on wildlife.
Now it resides on the edges of its massive domain, and preys on the unsuspecting travelers,
and the denizens of the surrounding villages.
Physical Description: Enormous twisted willow tree, that traps it's victims with its innocent
appearing branches, drawing them in to its massive trunk and slowly devouring them alive.

#1008061 New Potion Idea

Posted by BadPenny on 29 July 2022 - 11:24

Re-release PvP Seasons and the chest will be named after the victor ;).

Victor?  Not that many know Victor's IGN, but I do...

All kidding aside, though, there should be more deciding factors to who might be worthy (not me, certainly), besides who is "best" at PvP or leveling or even who is most popular or most infamous... After all, these are all fleeting things that are subject to change at any time.


Outstanding contributions to the game should be a deciding factor.  If my opinion was considered, I would say that Pointy deserves a potion, at least a critter, if not more, and an entire Master Realm named after him....  So many many of you would be lost without FSH to hold your hand, after all.

#1008062 We Must Be Due Another......

Posted by Davros81 on 29 July 2022 - 11:28

an interesting story arc set in a specific special realm would be cool. Me mentioning it is probably the death kneel though mind

#1007768 List of Daily Quests

Posted by yotekiller on 09 June 2022 - 10:24

Haven't paid for a re-roll and don't plan to.  The free re-roll is nice but if the first 2 aren't to my liking, I just wait to see what the next day holds.

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