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Member Since 17 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 17 2015 20:20

#858815 Global Boosters

Posted by BraveKath on 31 March 2014 - 03:01

I voted yes on both; however, it won't truly affect my participation, but voting "no" had the wrong implications.  Always tend to use a large chuck to all of my stam.  Have yet to do the minimum on any of these events and attained or tried for top 100 numerous times.  Speaking of which it's about time I got off my duff and worked on this thing :)

Not ending up with carpal tunnel due to click-click-click and having a higher level doubler to get this done would be a boon.

Good thread-suggestion.

#819014 GGT AUCTION -- Featuring pieces from many of FS's finest avatar/signature...

Posted by Wiivja on 08 November 2013 - 02:05



Hope you like it Wiivja

Yeah I like it:)

#814435 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Elokin on 02 October 2013 - 15:43

Add a tab to the quest book for seasonal quests.

#814367 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Davros81 on 02 October 2013 - 09:21

Also a MUST, and something which should be top of the priority list, is the completion of the Present Darkness Epic Quest!!


My quest book looks messy and I hate that I have unfinished quests, makes me feel like I have not finished what I started :(

#805595 A list of guilds accepting members.

Posted by AttorraRu on 10 August 2013 - 19:09

Created new thread as last one was Roan who is currently inactive. Hope things settle for you soon mate.

Post a reply with your level requirements and I'll add you to the list! Would prefer the guild founder to be the one to post, but will accept main recruiter as well.


Will check guilds for activity once a month, if all members are inactive I reserve the right to remove it from the list. Any guild not found on the list in game will be deleted.


A Light in the Black - Level 5+

Angellife - Level 421+

Anno - Any level IRC interview required

Aurora - Any Level

Ascension - Any Level

Big Trouble -Any Level


Coalition of Freedom - Any Level

CYRBUCK - 100+, unless GvGer, in which case level 42+

Enchantment - Any Level

Eternal Legends - Recruiting all levels of active players

Fallen Empire -Any Level

Firewalkers  - Any Level

For Fracks Sake - Level 421+

Gaz Squad - Any Level

Gutbuster Brigade - Any Level No GVGers

GvG Champion of Fs - Any Level

Halls of Justice ? Any level

Hammer Of Ice - Any Level

Highland Castle Knights  Any level

Ikoko Knights -  Level 150 and below, players level 200 and above must have own gear.

League of Cain - Level 300+

Lords Of Godly Power - Any Level

Lost Knights - Any Level

Middle Earth - Any Level

Minions of Mirkwood - - Level Requirement: 1,101+ - Min 10.000 max stamina - Max upgraded stamina gains - Max upgraded XP gains

Mythology - Any Level

Pillars of Creation - Any Level (but you'll be semi-naked until level 4)

Pulling Together - Any Level

Quest titans - Any Level

Restless - Level 250+

Rise Against3000 stamina and level 200+

Scions of Might -  Level 150+

Secret Alliance – Level 421+ If Join Date before June 2012. Otherwise Level 200+

Sharingan Warriors- Level 4+

Sinfully Guilty - Level 5+.  Need to answer some questions though.

Sword Master - Level 200+

The Beginning of the End - Level 150+

The Brand - Level 5+ - GvGer: Level 50, Level 200

The Brotherhood of Darkness - Level 15+

The Dunedain Nights Watch - GvGers level 160-190 Need own set

The HighwaymenLevel 300+ Must have own Offline Set

The Legion of the Fallen Gods - Any Level

The Lost Swords -Any Level

The Merovingians - Any Level have gear available from level 4 up

The Rising Immortal Phoenix - Any level

Tortured Souls - Any Level

Turins Companions - level 65+ - application on forum

Warrior Kings - PVP


#788377 Avi Contest - 65FSP in total to be won. (Winners picked.)

Posted by AttorraRu on 04 May 2013 - 21:21

This is closed, will reveal the winners as soon as possible.




1ST Place - 20 FSP






2ND Place -15 FSP






3RD Place - 10 FSP





and 5FSP for any I, or in this case my friend, likes.





#788398 [Suggestion] Graphics as a General subforum

Posted by Zukira on 05 May 2013 - 02:14

Right now, most of the graphics community is lost in a limbo of being buried  on the FallenSword forum and with the auctions hidden away in the FS Marketplace subforum.  It takes a while for anyone not regularly on the forum to find it, and being that the forums have merged it would seem like a graphics community shouldn't be regulated to just one little corner.  


Could we please have the Graphics section made into its own subforum here in general?  I'm sure I'm not the only one of the folks who frequent that section who would like to embrace the idea of the merge with open arms for artists from other games within the HCS community. Please let us out of the dark so we can mingle with everyone while strutting our stuff.


(And artists, please feel free to like the post as a show of support for the idea, and maybe post samples to help keep this bumped too?) 

#788397 [Suggestion] Universal Currency for HCS games

Posted by Zukira on 05 May 2013 - 01:55

Universal token and Universal token conversions
In discussion with a few other players this is what we hashed out for an idea of conversions.
Please bear in mind this is all a brainstorming activity and not a demand or request or complaint. Merely a display of our thought processes on the topic and an attempt to map out what we were thinking while presenting the suggestion. 
Base conversion:
Universal token --> game token
Base the transaction conversion on the lowest current price point without bonus offers factored into the equation.
Using FallenSword as the example for a micro transaction, and placing a $1 USD value (for the sake of making an example) on a 'universal cow token' ( a hoofprint ( v ) if you will) 
5usd = 25 fsp = 5(V)
1 (V) = 5 fsp
* Placeholder for similar maths for other games that use microtransactions*
* Why use the lowest value for the buck when configuring? 
 -- Any large price point purchase discounts should be applied to the (V) purchase, not to the conversion of the (V) into game specific points
* What about players who don't make purchases, or don't have reward offers in their area, how would they get (V)?
 -- The same way they get them in the games now, with one qualifier - if point's are not reverse convertable (which is my preference, at least initially) - some degree of trust will have to be involved with making a transaction in game in exchange for (V) on the account level. This is where things get "interesting" if there is no reverse conversion.
* You mentioned 'reverse conversion' what do you mean by that?
 -- Reverse conversion would mean you could convert the special points (such as fsp) into (V)'universal tokens' - This comes with several pros and cons.
Issue  -  Balance.   
  If someone can make a lot of game specific currency (FSP for example) in one game, what is to prevent them from exploiting this in another game via reverse converting premium currency into (V) and then (V) into the premium currency of the second game?
  Not only is this instance awful for a game, it also hurts HCS in the long run.  There is a dynamic stasis of income, which doesn't do the company any good and in the meanwhile, it hurts the balance in games.
     *Possible Solutions: 
             - Limit how much currency can be reverse converted on a monthly basis.
                        - Static limit?   Based on a money value of (V)
                        - "Taxed" limit?  Based on a money value of (V), with increasing incriments of extra Premium points from game A needing to be supplied to get the same number of (V) 
                        - Combination Static and Taxed? A static maximum value that can be reached for conversion to (V) with a tiered tax system which will remove tokens/premium currency from the system overall.
             - Only allow reverse conversion during a special 'event' time, like during a promotion for a game, prompting current players who don't have an account with the new game, who might be interested in trying it to convert some of their wealth on one game to (V) to boost their character up on the promotional game.  
Other thoughts: (just throwing some things out there)
No more validating your account in different games when you want to make a purchase for the first time in each game.  Once you're validated for a purchase of the Universal Token it is all done. One shot deal.
A universal currency would allow for easier branding and promotion.  I believe I remember discussion about a FallenSword game card, and how the cost wasn't worth the potential added income.  If there were a universal currency then perhaps this would become a bit more possible?  Cards can act not only as a prepaid P.o.P but also as advertisement.  I don't know about other people but I've actually tried games because of their Game cards on impulse racks catching my eye with the artwork.  
I'm sure there are more pros and cons that people can see and come up with. So lets have some discussion.
I just want to remind people no Flaming - No complaining about current prices on products and keep the TOS in mind when responding in those regards.  
Thanks for reading.
And remember, use the LIKE button on the post, rather than post +1 to the thread if you don't have a comment to make (unless it needs a bump, but still use the like then too please) - otherwise you make the admins sad because they've very nicely asked us not to do that (and instituted a rule).

#788396 [Suggestion] Universal Currency for HCS games

Posted by Zukira on 05 May 2013 - 01:53

this is not a complaint about costs; the intent is actually to potentially put more money in hcs' pocket, while also better serving the whole community. 
With all the HCS games merging into one shared forum it seems like the time has come for a way to make it easier to spend our money on the games and also to do some sorts of transactions between players who don't 'live' in the same worlds within the Hunted Cow universe.  My thought is that a universal currency, governed by and transacted, within the forum would be just the thing.   
Most of the graphics community dwells in FS, however, I'm sure there are some 
wonderful artists who don't play FallenSword, or who would rather have the income from their art 
apply elsewhere.   
A player from another game might want to hire an artist to do a signature for them, but if they 
don't play the same game(s), they won't have the proper currency to pay.
* Reward offers, like the videos etc, usually you can only have them apply in one game,
so you have to pick and choose and realize if you do them on one you'll miss out on it for another. This centralizes them and lets you choose where you want your points going.
* One place to update when new offers come available.
* One update point for bonus offers and sales within the HCS universe
*Localized purchase point - this 'universal currency' could be applied to subscription fees
or micro-transactions.  However, once the 'universal currency' is converted to a particular game's 'point' (fsp, crystals, premium points) it isn't reverse transferable - to avoid abuse.
(mind you, this could be open to debate, See post 2 for some thoughts that have been brainstormed on this. )
*Streamlining transactions for HCS?  This is a shot in the dark - just figure it might actually reduce some paperwork. With Paypal it would potentially cut down on service charges on transactions if people make multiple purchases for more than one game they could instead make one purchase of the universal point and then distribute it to different games as they chose.  It is a small thing, but it could lead to more money in your pocket HCS, which never hurts. 
*Bonus buy promotion? - Could promote a particular game to others or also remind players that there are still things going on in a game they might have been taking a break from.
*Holiday offers?    - Got a forum friend who doesn't share a game with you and you want to include them in the cheer?  Universal tokens.
*You wouldn't buy points within a game anymore. All monetary transactions could take place through your account for the universal tokens and then you choose where to allocate them.  Since the P.o.P. varies for points in different games conversions would have to take this into account. *(see post 2 for more thoughts on this)
*Possibly have a track purchase function that you can view with your HCS account.

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