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Member Since 03 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2023 03:49

#1008701 Development Update

Posted by ATPoseidon on 02 December 2022 - 16:14

Blizzard uses a term called "Maintenance Mode" where a game no longer receives content updates, but receives support and bug fixes.


Can we officially announce that Eldevin is in Maintenance Mode so it is pretty clear and curb any expectations?

The only reason the game is not shut down is because it doesn't cost anything to run it. My guess is it runs on the same server as HC's more successful games and running an additional VM on that uses next to no resources while ocassionally fooling someone into spending $20... why not?

Now, since that is very obviously the case... can we treat it as such please? When games shut down, they usually make everything free and let the few remaining fans enjoy the game to the fullest for whatever time is left.

Now, I'm NOT suggesting we remove the store and give everyone the best gear and stuff like that, but I'm sure it wouldn't take a lot of resources to make the game less aggrevating for the ocassional new player that stumbles in. Here's some ideas:

- Reduce the overal price of Store items, bringing it closer to "micro-transaction" values, which might actually encourage people to buy some things and play the game for longer. It certainly happened with me. I gave up on Eldevin mostly due to the inventory restrictions and I wasn't about to spend $50 to get a decent amount of bags/sacks. But I found out that the Premium Steam Packs have gone on 90% off sale in the past. Cue making new account (using forum through Steam is horrible and I can't attach an e-mail to the Steam account...), and add those packs to the wishlist. Lo and behold Autumn Sale, they went on 90% off again. Last 3 bag slots, Level 3 Riding and 3x64 slot bags for like $4... Hell yes! And here I am, playing again.


- Make Trapper's Atoll a high level area (entry requirement 40+) or increase the buff it gives to lower level players (Although that might make lower level players way too powerful). If you keep an eye on Discord, or the Steam discussions page, you will see that almost every new player that posts on there is immediately enchanted with the game. That's because the game has great PvE ideas and crafting systems that would attract people who enjoy Runescape and other games that heavily rely on gathering and crafting. And then it was f***ed up. Every single one of those posts I'm talking about goes like this "Love this game, I wanna play it, but I keep getting killed by X player" You tried to please the PKers and the PKers are toxic. "Uh well it says before you enter it's a PvP area, if you don't like it, don't play." Well guess what... They aren't! We can't ignore PvP (I'd love to, but I know better) and we can't disable it, neither will you assign resources to do major changes to Trapper's Atoll, so just make it off limits for longer, so people are not immediately discouraged by players trying to get 10000 kills achievement (which in its own right is insane...).


- Reduce the tedium of certain activities. The game can be improved a lot by simply adjust a few variables in the code, that wouldn't take that much time or effort. Here's some suggestions:
  - Increase Riding speed bonuses. It doesn't have to be huge, but 25/50/75% would be a good bump. Getting around is a big part of the game and dragon handlers are expensive while gold is scarce!
  - Increase all action speeds by... 10%? What I mean by that is, we're talking about heavy repetition when it comes to crafting, gathering, etc. If people don't have multiple monitors, to do several things at once... Nobody wants to stare at the screen at a tiny loading bar as we craft 200 pieces of cloth. Much like PvP, we can't remove that aspect of the game, but we can make it a little less tedious.

  - Optimize certain actions. The main example here is farming. I'm guessing there was a time where the plan was to have multiple types of Scarecrows, Compost and Crop Dust. Clearly that is no longer the case and we have a single type of each. Well since that is the case, why oh why do I get a window to input the item? It needlessly increases farming time by so much even if you use the Ctrl+Click shortcut. Just remove that. "Add Scarecrow" should do exactly that, check your inventory if you have one and automatically starts the action. There doesn't need to be additional input. There's probably more cases where this can be done, but I can't think of them right now.

  - Increase stack size. As I mentioned earlier, what turned me away from the game, toxic PKers aside, was the limited storage. The basket/bucket system is definitely unique and I actually like it in a weird way, but inventory space is still severely impeded by stack sizes. Once again, there's no need to go crazy, but it would help new players a whole lot if you just double everything. Processed material 5>10, raw material 10>20, filler material 25>50. 

I feel like none of these changes will significantly or in any way negatively change the core gameplay of the game, while certainly making it a more pleasant and approachable experience for everyone.

I'm convinced implementing any of these changes can be done by a single person in less than a working day (of course any price changes have to go through Marketing/Financy, I know...) and I would happily offer my services as a volunteer if you're looking to do so  :P

I know it's a long shot at best, but I'm hoping for this post to gain some traction, get at least a little something going on!

#1008466 General Suggestion

Posted by Rollton on 07 October 2022 - 16:57

Hello players and developers.
To Players: The game will not be updated as it does not generate profit for the company. The fact that the game is maintained in a working state is a consequence of the low cost of this and the absence of reputational losses (doubtful).
To Developers: It was not worth losing the source code for this game and losing the developers. No one will buy your project without source code.

#1001455 new player questions

Posted by Removed4427 on 12 September 2020 - 19:26

I just started, what do i do?



**you have unlimited energy till level 5. your energy counter will stay 500/500 till then. Also, the "death penalty" doesn't start till level 5 (loss of xp and credits)




# 1  ...  "I don't need no tutorial, i'm here to kill stuff."


the level 1 creature drops pants and a helmet add-on. you need to wear a helmet to use the add-on. Starting with level 1 and each new level you go to, make your way to the store473.gif for gear upgrades (like a helmet). the store on most levels sell gear. Creatures level 2 - 9 don't drop gear.



the R button for repair only works if you are at a repair center 3634.gif

you don't get skill points for leveling, only by doing missions, so if you just go power leveling, you will never have any buffs or be able to choose a class




# 2



in the tutorial, follow the directions of the "my eyes are up here" cyber goth girl



to refresh your memory, click your mission log and click on the mission



if you get lost, click the overview map


the overview only shows a dot where you are (and behemoth monsters, but that's much later), it  doesn't show regular creatures, like the sprites



this video: mute ... also go to settings , use a slower playback speed ... disregard the part showing ways to get free crystals for doing offers




a link to a layout of the first 5 levels (thx to EdTheHead) 


there are 2 paths to level 5: one from the tutorial and one from "not the tutorial" (memory core):






a link to a walkthrough of the first 49 missions (thx to player Syl):





- the only way to get skill points is by completing missions (quests). you don't get skill points by leveling (not all missions reward skill points)


- each world map has a chat feature on it. only the people on that map will see it






i'm supposed to kill sprites, where are they?



the overview map only shows your location, not creatures (like the sprites)


 there are lots of sprites in that area, but they may not be right next to the combat instructor. EXPAND YOUR SEARCH AREA. I went there and found this group


when sprites (or a creature on any level) are killed, they respawn on a random spot somewhere on that map. Since the sprites nearest the combat instructor are always killed first, they're respawning somewhere else. walk around, you'll find some!




i have a blueprint to invent an item (to complete a mission, or a piece of gear). how do i invent it?



in your backpack, click on the blueprint to "learn" it.


it then it disappears from your backpack ohmy.png  unsure.png  huh.png 




actions ---> view blueprints, to now see the blueprint. 





click on the name of the blueprint to see what's needed




brings up the view blueprint screen



hover your mouse over an item needed, and note the yellow text:



"mission items" are usually creature drops


"parts" are usually sold in the store on that level


"resources" are creature drops




components are extracted from "resource" items


(resource items are creature drops)


when you get a resource item in your backpack, click on it to (hopefully) get the component you need


extracted components have their own section on your profile page,  under the backpack section






"I have way too many of one component, and not enough of one i need"



***you can "transmute" 2 unwanted components for 1 wanted component for some credits:






actions ---> transmute ... brings up the transmute screen, showing "available components"


1  " Select a component below to see what it can be converted into" ... click on the component you have too many of


2  brings up a new section "target component" ... click on the one you want


3  brings up the cost...to transmute 2 unwanted components into 1 that you want


4  hit the [transmute] button




once you have everything you need, go to any assembly building 482.gif and enter it





entering the building takes you to the "view blueprints" screen



click on the blueprint


the option is there to "invent".....not all inventions are successful  sad.png 


invented items show up in your mailbox (pink text on the left side bar) click on the text to collect




your mailbox will "hold" the item for 60 minutes, after which it's gone




***on your "view blueprints" screen, you can "add new folder" to store learnt blueprints


create one for "old missions" and "move blueprints" there...you'll probably never need them again


you can create more folders for other stuff




i need a hertz matrix / pulse line / surge vector ... where do i get these?


hertz matrix is a creature drop:


0.gifHertz Matrix (Unique)   Statistics Type: Resource Level: 1   Dropped By Energy Spike: 25%  (chance)   Failed Cyborg Unit: 9% (chance)


the surge vector 234b072f51.gif




pulse line 355d3924fb.gif


are extracted from the hertz matrix. in your backpack, click on it to (hopefully) extract.



extracted items show up in the "components" section of your profile page, under the backpack section





I was killing creatures just fine for a while, why did i suddenly start dying all the time?


most likely you need to repair your gear, as it gets damaged in battle. go to the round building with the wrench on top to repair, for a credit cost (use your overview map to find the nearest one)




on your data sheet (character page) hover your mouse over a piece of gear to see its' current condition (durability):


in this case, even though a stat may be listed as 100 when you hover your mouse, it's actually only 89


starting on level 5, there are repair kits you can buy - to repair without going to a repair center


starting on level 5 , there is a "death penalty" if you are killed. you lose some xp and some credits.


when killed, you wake up at the pyramid building 480.gif, where you go to heal, for a credit cost


the pyramid building only heals health...does not repair gear




i finished level 7 ... where is level 8?


the maps don't always follow a straight line. sometimes the maps are something like this:












LINK TO MAPS 5 - 140 thanks to EdTheHead








how do i choose a class?



you don't need to choose right now, though you DO have to complete the crawling corruption mission to choose


you can stay a clone until you decide later, and you don't have to go back to the skill instructor to choose - thank him and move on. the first class-specific gear is level 9 and 10. Some stay a clone for dozens of levels deciding



when you DO decide:


go to skills




click on the class of your choice (cyborg, for example)


which brings up the skill tree for that class


to the right of the skill tree, a side bar says "[select a skill on the left panel]"


select the one at the top - the primary skill


the side bar changes, to show that skill description. underneath is the option to "add (skill) points"


add 5 skill points, then click "add points"


you get a dramatic log message saying "you are now a (whatever)!"


you get a new "skill power" bar


you get 1 skill power per kill, modified by the intensifier buff/stim (x2 or x3, etc). 


skill power is needed to cast the class-specific buffs on that page ... on yourself, or others of the same class (you can't cast a soldier buff on a mutant, for example).


when you get more skill points, i recommend putting 1 point (only), into whatever that class has as a healing skill (for cyborgs, it's patch)...you can only heal (patch) yourself on that page....click on the healing skill and "activate on self" ... saves backpack space from carrying med kits


skill power "decays" by 5 each hour



***go to upgrades --> use crystals. an option to reset and change your class is there...first one is free





which class should i choose?


all classes are equally amazing and awesome in their own way. the question we most often hear is "which one is easiest?", so....



tl;dr ... soldier or mutant (easiest, least hassle, least frustrating ,,,, mutant weapons need no ammo! your radioactivity is your ammo)



cyborg gear has the highest offensive stats, but - it uses up the most skill points of any class to use all the items available to get those killer stats (less points for core buffs)



purists are awesome! but - ammo for purists is a hassle (veteran purists reading this will say "no, it's not"). if you choose purist, it may be frustrating to use purist weapons till you reach maybe level 40:


on the level 9 map, the first purist weapon is the psi thorn. you have to build it (unless you're in a faction that has one), blueprint is for sale in the store.


purist ammo is mind shards 8456f3c8b8.gif which are sold in the store...only they're empty....you have to "charge" them using your psi skill power....58.gif.....



......to charge empty mind shards, you need to sink the skill points you've been saving into a new skill: Mind Shard (look at your purist skill tree):




58.gifMind Shard 0 / 100  (skill points) 


" +0.5% per point chance to charge a full stack of empty Mind Shards, allowing them to be used as ammo. "


a level 9 purist has maybe 40 available skill points. if you sink all of those into this skill, 40 x .5% = 20%...


...you would only have a 20% chance to charge your shards




after building your psi thorn weapon (or getting one from your factions' store), buy a stack (25) of mind shards


to charge mind shards:


-go to the purist skill tree (character --> skills)


-for example let's say you've put 20 points into mind shard skill


-click on the mind shard skill, and "activate on self". each attempt to charge a stack costs you 10 psi. if you have no psi skill power, you gotta go kill some creatures to build up your psi (you get 1 psi per kill, modified by the intensifier buff/stim... x2, x3, etc. )


with 20 points in "mind shard" , you have a 10% chance to charge the shards....even with the skill maxed 100/100, a 50% chance


an option here is to stay with regular weapons for now, save your skill points till you have enough to feel comfortable with the mind shard skill


if you have no ammo, your psi weapon is useless, you may not be able to kill creatures on your level, so you might have to travel to a lower level to build up your psi


you can buy extra stacks of shards and charge them as you hunt, but this takes up extra backpack space.


***this is the point: other classes simply buy their ammo (mutant weapons need no ammo) at the store with one click





where should i put my evolution points?



each new level you get 2 evolution points - to add to your stats. the left side bar will pop up a message when you level "you have 2 evolution points available". click on it, or go to "Evolve"



my opinion:


put 1 in damage and 1 in attack for now


a rough suggestion of what your points should look like over time


40% damage

30% attack

10% health

10% armor

10% defense


if you just "put all points into damage" you'll regret it later on


***go to upgrades --> use crystals. an option is there to reset your points. first one is free. The game is easy enough in the beginning, you shouldn't feel a need (if any) to reset till you're maybe level 1 or 2 hundred





I leveled up and got a "bound crystal" pp_button_2.gif what should i do with it?


you get 1 pp_button_2.gif bound crystal for each level you gain


upgrade ---> use crystals ... takes you to the character upgrade page ... this is the only page where you can use these crystals


Best value is to increase things that are permanent, like your maximum energy or skill power = it's a permanent upgrade that will benefit you forever





how do i get more skill points? / how many total points are in the game?



*only way to get skill points is to complete missions


*you do not get skill points for leveling, only for completing missions



**there is a total of 2,200 skill points in the game. there are a total of 440 levels. 2,200 divided by 440 levels = 5. so, on average, you'll gain 5 skill points per level


**there is a total of 203 missions. not all missions reward skill points




character ---> skills ---> view skill guide


to see an alphabetical list of all buffs and stims

#1000288 Homestone location slots

Posted by Brioche on 01 May 2020 - 06:21

Currently, the homestone can be bound to one of four locations - Eldevin City, Roshaven, Mythos, Illaneska. I would like an Upgrade in the Eldevin Market for Extra Homestone Location Slots. This would allow players to bind the homestone to multiple locations and freely choose which location they want to teleport to.

#997099 Guild vs Guild

Posted by panchop on 23 May 2019 - 18:32

I have time not playing the game but this time i was coming some times and game looks really empty.


The idea for the game i was thinking no is really difficult i think, looks easy.


Is about make a new world for gvg or increase the area from TA likes 500% and increase groups fights from 5 (only for the pvp match) to 20 or more guys with this idea we have a guild vs guild or etc. 


The idea have more content, but we can talk or give more ideas here.


This mode from game is used in a bulk of games pve, pvp and gvg.



#993895 Join us on Discord!

Posted by Zue on 07 September 2018 - 11:40

Lmao have to join!


Going to want see how many people is there and how that channel will be turning into flaming pile of toxicity and tag spam of devs :D Dont want to miss it, and also want to get into that fun too!


Wild ride bois.

Toxic behaviour won't be tolerated on the server, so please don't join expecting this. The atmosphere will be much more pleasant than that, and anyone trying to encourage negative behaviour will be removed! 

#993686 Seeing double

Posted by xXxDaisyxXx on 21 August 2018 - 23:39

That's his twin brother Brad.

#993469 Join us on Discord!

Posted by Zue on 14 August 2018 - 10:59

Hi everyone!
We'd like to invite all of our Fallen Sword players along to our new Hunted Cow Discord server at: https://discord.huntedcow.com
All of our games have their own section on the server, with Fallen Sword having it's own General channel and Game Help channel.  The General channel is where you can discuss all things Fallen Sword, from guild recruitment to game content.  The Game Help channel is where you can post any questions you may have about the game, or share your favourite game tips with other players!
When you join us on Discord, please be sure to read over the rules to ensure that you understand what you can and can't do on the server. :)  If you have any questions, please ask them here or on the server itself.
Please note that you will need to create a Support ticket if you require help with a specific game or account issue.

#992048 Development Update

Posted by xXxDaisyxXx on 26 May 2018 - 22:14

i demand updates now!

#990131 eldevin funding for final lvls

Posted by mrbooth2047 on 15 February 2018 - 16:14

We need a post for a funding goal and put it to use to finalize eldevin's content as i'm sure it wouldn't take much to get current community to pitch in for final content long time coming. We might not be the largest gaming community but we are active in game and desire game to grow. Final content would be very nice either all at once or a few small updates to different areas like ascended dungeons,final profession,guild vault..etc. Even minor updates would be appreciated and show growth and willingness to finalize game from developers.

#957376 Thieves in the Night Global(GE Idea)

Posted by Undjuvion on 19 January 2016 - 18:22

The Shadowlord has sent its most sinister and cuthroat thieves, villainous rogues and spineless cutpurses to pillage the realms greatest armories and vaults in hopes of weakening the efforts of the lands heroes, we must not let them get away with our best crafters war gear!


There are 12 LE sets across the ranges.


ideally wed need one at about lvl 25 and then another at every 150 to 250 levels in gap.


each tier unlocked would grant a chest containing 5 random parts of any of the sets.


you would not get the same item twice in a single chest opened.


so a max of 25 items from a possible 5 chests if ruby was unlocked and you qualified for ruby.


people with lower back packs could open one until they traded or composed their 5 items at a time or kept what they want etc, then open another chest.


the given chests would be bound and stackable so one slot is taken up, the LE items would obviously be unbound so people could get or sell what they need, this would also allow for some rarity, some people may not get the set they want, it is possible, this allows for some gear to hold value and the global WOULD return im sure, id say most would get a set in likely hood though it isnt 100%, once trading of course.


gives everyone equal opportunity for sales without a major flooding of a farmed LE.


ill add more if ive left anything out.

#987721 Development Update

Posted by xXxDaisyxXx on 01 December 2017 - 16:24

They are too busy making sure nobody is asking fees.

#986847 se last active on buddy list

Posted by Ant on 31 October 2017 - 14:33

its more or less to made space to active players as my buddy list are full 

I know how you feel my friendlist has been full for a long time, but unfortunately I don't want to delete friends inactive or not :(


I'd happily buy more friendlist space if only that was an option.


It's such a small community so I hope they can at least offer it to people as a extra.

#985957 Gold shared between characters.

Posted by KeS on 13 October 2017 - 03:30

Lol then All what u will need is get alt level 49 and ez fablet set and ez lvl 45 set. That will be too simple better not this one :D

You can already transfer fine common items and unbound items.....so why not have a bit more....besides, you would still have to play the game and level that character....why not make it easier the 2nd or 3rd time around.

#985726 Gold shared between characters.

Posted by KeS on 09 October 2017 - 05:45

yeah relics, weapons, and armor should also be account wide in addition to gold

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