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Member Since 10 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active May 23 2024 19:29

#993266 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by gapukas on 30 July 2018 - 14:31

Seems cool, would bring a lot varierty to potions

#996990 PVP range

Posted by BadPenny on 15 May 2019 - 01:01

So today, I am fortunate enough to have 3 targets that qualify for my 10 hit PvP DQ.  So, I will have to visit  each 3 times, and another a 4th.  Many players, especially those long opposed to PvP, see this as a personal affront.  Kinda makes the ranges a bit untenable as far as the DQ goes.  Now, this is just my opinion, but however it's done, the PvP ranges need an adjustment for the higher levels.  The current ranges were set in 2008, and at that time EoC was far lower than it is today, and the player base was way larger as well.  FS needs to adapt to current conditions, or I fear this aspect of the game will eventually be lost to us forever.

#990242 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 19 February 2018 - 19:53

hi everyone...not sure if there was ever a thread about this..but im looking to see if its possible for the HCS or even in FSHELPER...to come up with a way that guild members OR just founders can buff their guild, with out going player by player.  Im thinking i could enter "level 1490 to 1590" and all players in that range in my guild get pulled up for me to buff.  Yes, those of us in large guilds can easily take four minutes bringing up players names, especially with all the strange spellings...and then clicking on the buffs....losing the precious timing it takes to make the hitters lose a hit during a GVG.  this might get shut down..but this is not just for GVGs...it can be great in relic wars!  Or if your guild gets on the BB...OR if you are having a guild wide hunting challenge.  or  just cuz you like to buff. 


please give it a thought..because i know if i go to ACTIONS..i can pull up all players in the game by putting in what ever range i want...and for the guild, i can just use the "X" if player is in active and i dont want to waste stam.


this can be one of the guild upgrades.......or even a structure.



#988370 GvG rework proposal

Posted by Ryebred on 13 December 2017 - 17:56

The big question looming in everyone's minds now is why must we wait for the app to fix a part of game that had scheduled maintenance that never happened dating back to May of 2014. Do they really feel it's wise to introduce the game to large numbers of potential newcomers then go, ohhh, now we can put time and effort into a part of the game since that's done rather then demonstrate stability in having systems set that the new people can embark on. No, get them in and then start changing things. Just sounds crazy to me.

#986923 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by sweetlou on 02 November 2017 - 05:04

Multis are not a new thing here and have nothing to do with development or the lack thereof.

Wow. Besides agreeing with multis not being a new thing I'm shocked at how wrong the latter part of the statement is. Development, or lack thereof, has everything to do with ALL aspects of the game. Multis are certainly impacted by development. Since this great multi purge has occurred should I believe all is right in the FS world? If yes, I've got a bridge to sell you. I know, let's ask the GvG folks on the front lines. They are the most experienced on this topic.

#986861 GvG rework proposal

Posted by EpicPiety on 31 October 2017 - 18:28

Ought to pay pointy to add these great ideas we have came up with over the years. Pay him per job :). If HCS can't afford it crowd funding? I'm sure people will pitch in.

#986862 GvG rework proposal

Posted by Ryebred on 31 October 2017 - 18:33

I own the fact that through this topic I take away from my own idea by bickering with those opposed to it, but take away those bits and I think it's still the best most thought out proposal to reform GvG to date. Thanks to those supporters and those with subjective feedback that resulted in further thought, compromise, and evolution of the base idea.

#986858 GvG rework proposal

Posted by EpicPiety on 31 October 2017 - 17:54

In Ryes proposed system it DOES work like seasons, with 5 month periods, then tournaments for the top 25 :)

Good. Sounds like fun to me. 

#986853 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Spider0007 on 31 October 2017 - 17:24

A good number of prime accounts were terminated, so, probably not.

~ Grim

You've suspended me for longer for bringing unwanted attention to a fictitious FS player in the shoutbox. Clever or not I see why these players took the chance and boasting over 100K FSP earned over 4 years?

#986851 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Spider0007 on 31 October 2017 - 17:18

I'd take those kinds of profits for a 7 day suspension any day!!

#986850 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Ryebred on 31 October 2017 - 16:51

Yeah; it's not as if one bad egg couldn't be responsible for the whole mess. One person could create that many accounts and level them up to GvG range right?? Lolol. No need to assume it took many to do this don't even throw in the fact that opposition to a GvG revamping forum almost solely were from same suspect guild. *allegedly * that the very ideas presented in that forum would kill a farming operation. They argued it would drive off most the active GvG population...at least 150 GvGers would of likely left game over it *coughing *

I get bent over the little things. Add up rp for wins alone. 2650, farming guild let's conservatively estimate only 1k wins were 100 hit or 20000 rp plus 16500 is almost 36500 In wins alone. I find it unfortunate that ties are not registered but participation rp alone would suggest the number is ungodly. I bring it up to a lot of GvG people I know...most popular response was "I'd take 7 day suspension for that kind of $$" in that same contested revamp forum one member of an alleged suspect guild boasted that the GvG team players in that guild enjoy the fruits of labor at a tone of 500fsp weekly. Alleged clones were four years old. Let's assume they were inflating the truth to appear big and the real number is only 500 a month ~ still a lot of bank over four years.
These guys now are the greatest promotion a new anti farming GvG idea can get. With that off my chest I'm done with this topic until devs are serious about changing the system. Thanks

#986521 PvP GvG band

Posted by BadPenny on 24 October 2017 - 01:53

The ladder has nothing to do with "normal" PvP.  It's a slugfest, and unless you have the time and real life cash to regain inevitable lost levels, not for the casual PvPer or the light-hearted.  I got my medals and got out years ago.... Give me the original PvP system..... New ranges or not, it was more fun and rewarding.

#986504 PvP GvG band

Posted by Ryebred on 23 October 2017 - 09:03

The changes to the game over time have really catered to anti-PvP players.  When I started I believe there was no limit to level loss on bb, this changed to current 5 levels after players learned to use this mechanic with extreme efficiency.  I guess these players are the PvPers/bullies, whatever.  At around the same time a system of universal exp loss was created as a low lvl player for example a 125, could just about take 5 by themselves against players much higher in level, and in return to take 5 from the low level PvP specialist it would require upwards of 10-15 people of those higher levels to take 5 from them.  Now we have a standard 2% loss on 10 stam bounty hit, 20% on 100 stam regardless of level difference.  Why is the last point included in catering to non PvP players, because again creative players/PvPers/bullies learned to use this mechanic with extreme efficiency and the change was implemented because anti PvP players were falling victim to tactic, and complaining that it was unfair.  I actually agree with that change 100%.  Then there was this loophole on bb where bounties were issued on actual contact - again the creativity of PvP players/bullies learned to use this mechanic to their advantage by posting, smashing, clearing, and posting again after ensuing hit - resulting in 2 for one, sometimes more if they could defend long enough.  Now bounty board hits do generate bounty on the hunter, but it is not based on contact, rather auto generated upon pushing the accept bounty  button.  These are items most non PvP players would assume are changes to PvP, and not catering to them but all those changes were made to restrict the potential damage of any player(s) towards another.  In addition to those -PvP protection was made available; leveling was made way easier through buffs introduced, exp events, and potions that would be unfathomable nearer to induction of game.  All in all so many changes were made to dull the effectiveness of PvP/bullying.  Deleveling is used more now as a contributed exp gaining tool then anything, and most bullying that occurs is old hardcore levelers bored at EOC smashing on (in large part) smaller PvP players who are on the bb - for some who pathetically live in fear of lost pixels only right before a exp event in case they are held accountable.  So PvPers making the most of the mechanics = bullying, but now that it's guild exp tool, and serving the opposing mindset it's all good, and no amount of outcry from the PvP community that has endured all these changes would change anything.  Point of all that is to tell people to get off the "can't expand ranges due to bullies" bandwagon, as it's no longer relevant.  Merely a broken record from nearly a decade ago playing over and over yet for nothing as it is nearly non-existent. 

#986466 PvP GvG band

Posted by activeh1 on 22 October 2017 - 09:50

yep but we all have to wait till after the app ,




ps.... maybe after the app ill get my voice back ?

#986357 The Great Multi Purge

Posted by Ryebred on 19 October 2017 - 21:37

How were 11 members wrongfully discovered inside a GvG that specialize in farming, then reinstated.  Do the 70+ multi accounts created get termed permanently, and the string pullers a 7 day ban.  Is it too hard to prove; thus benefit of the doubt is awarded after the judgement was passed, and those specific accounts validated??  Do they need to pay back thousands of fsp made already.  Remember this has gone on 4 years with the specific multi accounts in question.  Trip members being offended is justified, especially if you are innocent.  Were 11 members termed there coincidence to the 70+ multi's termed ...just happened to be at same time.  I don't feel the integrity of the game has been restored at all judging just by what I see here.  Story of the tape from my perspective is the puppets get removed from game, puppet masters slapped with 7 day suspension, and probably a stern warning. 


It's good to hear the optimism of the actual GvGers in TRIP, glad they will be back full swing soon enough.  We know here at RA we won't see you, but you'll see plenty of us..... just look up ; )

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