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Member Since 09 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2022 17:56

#945869 PvP Ladder: Improvements

Posted by 3JS on 20 August 2015 - 07:05

So then, with the idea of new pvp ladder rewards and items in mind. Lets take a combination of all the old and "useless" items in the game and combine them in recipes to create newer items. As an example, lets say you wish to create a new weapon/ring combo...each item would require a ladder token reward+arena token reward+old recipe potion(Bookworm as an example)+1-3 items ranging from common to a legendary set item+some random scavenging item. And to increase value to the players(and not the pvpers alone) that play all these aspects, make the items have a lower chance to invent and make it so inventor buffs cannot save the items. And make the final product bound to character or to guild.


And then, and here's the twist, those pillow vs pillow trophies...use them in a universal recipe to unbind the item itself.



Been asking for this for quite some time. All the old, outdated sets need to be placed into recipes for new sets, potions, etc. When the scarab, writhing ward, inferno hammer, and similar stuff were released, there was a gear frenzy like no other. For the life of me, I can't figure out why we got away from that.


This game is 8 years old. You have to expect the gear to become stale if you don't morph it into something else. 

#942263 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by 3JS on 30 July 2015 - 08:59

probably better to adjust the scoring so that you gain more for a win (initiated win?) than you lose for the loss. That way you benefit from initiating lots of fights.


Shorter seasons will favour big stam-banks more strongly. Longer seasons favour faster stam gain.

Big stam banks = wealthy class

Fast stam gain (max stam gain, epics) = wealthy class



See what I'm getting at? Where's the action for the blue collar players? If the seasons were shorter (up to 48 hours like the old system) then everyone would have a fair shake at winning it every couple resets. This new system is terribly flawed, not to mention biased towards the donation crowd. 


Personally, I have enough stamina to compete. Don't take this as me trying to gain anything here. HCS intention was to involve everyone, but instead the players who can't afford max upgrades or massive stam banks don't have a legitimate shot. Others will say that they can come in on later resets after the heavy hitters have used their stam up, but I wouldn't count on that, either. I'd venture a guess that there are plenty of high stam people waiting out this reset to see what happens, too. 

#941771 PvP Seasons Rewards. Thoughts and desires please.

Posted by 3JS on 28 July 2015 - 12:40

Stalker ? LOOOOL

Again, it doesn't HAVE to be all PvP related. Why not have a chest with options? If you have so much valuable info for the game, please, share away.

#941754 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by 3JS on 28 July 2015 - 11:14

The seasons are too long, plain and simple. If you don't have a large stam bank, you can't compete on a regular basis. It looks like it's taking several hundred attacks to get into the crystal league so far. How many players with less than 20K stam can make that happen?


The seasons have further separated the economic classes (for lack of a better term) of FS. 

#939296 New Creature Type Perhaps - the "Wandering Bovine"

Posted by 3JS on 18 July 2015 - 20:26

Come on now. Let's be realistic. Who really thinks BG is gonna give away a box of donuts?

#935105 possible IMPROVEMENTS

Posted by 3JS on 09 June 2015 - 17:17

It would actually be really nice to see SE's spawn in random maps like chests. Look at how much chest locations sell for. This gives players across the board an opportunity at a decent "income". Maybe not for the older SE's, as they have been this way for 8 years as mentioned, but new SE's in the future, possibly? 


I know it's not HCS's job to help sustain players FSP flow, but there's a good chunk of players who have trouble for whatever reason making money in the game. This could definitely help that, even if it's just a chance location. Speaking for myself, I have paid for numerous chest locations. I'm pretty sure that most players with a chest medal have at some point. 

#935022 Legendaries return. With new friends!

Posted by 3JS on 08 June 2015 - 11:08

it's like punishing players making things even harder than they currently are..

Name 1 thing in this entire game that you have to work hard for anymore by the time you get to 2500.....


Every single thing has been simplified over the years. I doubt that this can even be argued at this point. The fact that this SE is in 9 huge maps is refreshing, really. 


Want to make SE's cool again? Get rid of the locked in maps and let them spawn in random maps all across the world like chests. Then, running into a SE would be exciting! For now, though, this new SE has been done right. Kudos HCS staff. 

#934751 treasure chest count character stats

Posted by 3JS on 05 June 2015 - 11:42

Then we'll want progress for everything in our bios. Fragments, potions made, steps taken, etc. 


If folks want you to know what they're doing, they'll tell you.


Posted by 3JS on 21 April 2015 - 11:08

Realistically, if you put the numbers in perspective, the totals aren't that good. Like zizz said, divide the total by 5, since most players (I would assume) are strictly killing the bunnies. The totals are pretty much the same as every other recent global event. 


Now, that's not a complaint as much as it is a simple observation. Even with the tremendous reward, the community is still mostly doing the minimum to qualify. The solution to this is tricky, however. There really is no way to balance the high and low stam banks. The low stam guys will struggle if the minimum is raised, while the high stam guys who prefer to skate by and get the same rewards will continue to do so. This is why a tiered reward system needs to be implemented. 

#923114 PVP, GVG, and Leveling Fix

Posted by 3JS on 11 March 2015 - 06:07

Speaking of Karthak...


Want to make the game challenging? Cool. Me, too. 


How about 100 level "Karthak-esque" content, with no shortcuts to get around it? Make it so it has to be done. 


In those 100 levels, make a quest chain that has to be done in a certain order to advance. Also, while we're at it, make the regular critters stats and enhancements something like the champions, and make the champions extremely tough. Maybe it could be an island, that for one reason or another we got dumped off on as a result of a previous quest. Remember when we had to make groups to kill the champs at the end of quests? Let's get back to that. Some exciting days were spent with groups waiting on 2 champs to spawn in a map with 20 other players looking for them, too. 


The reason I don't do quests anymore is because they've all become the same. I know you guys have imaginations. Let's see some of that creativity again.

#922973 Rise of the Wraiths IV (Global)

Posted by 3JS on 10 March 2015 - 04:41

How is dot's rolling in negative? You're making a few dots, good for you! Why not use some of it to buy some frags? I used to buy them all the time until these events started and now I rarely buy anything but commons. As I said, these events killed the market. Make them valuable again. I don't mind spending for them as the pots they do make are well worth the frag costs. Give the low level players some income. I'm almost to the point where I will stop buying commons as I 1x1 through each GE.


All high level composers make throw away pots, don't pretend you didn't and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that either so a pointless argument. There are wee players that like to make useable pots almost every time but they are still wee players as many of us follow yuuzhan's and the wiki's ultimate composing efficiency equations.


Useable pots can be made from level 1 (doubler) or even level 4 (LF) so as you say "But composing is ultimately meant to make useable pots." Mission accomplished.

Might as well beat your head against the wall, chewy. Trust me, lol.


In my opinion, those uber pots that are, in a couple words, game changing, should require way MORE frags to compose. There is so many ways to gain frags that the argument of reducing the amount used, or raising the amount gained from the chests is irrelevant. 

#922518 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by 3JS on 05 March 2015 - 12:04

This is exactly what I meant with combining the two system :)

I agree.


New potions, gear, resources, etc - mixed in with gold prizes to the winner, and tokens to the runner up. I think this is the track the arena needs to go on. 


New gear suggestions...I'm sure HCS will get plenty from folks way smarter than me. But, I'd like to see a variety of 2-3 item sets, with a stat other than damage. Damage is nice, but there's so much of it already. 

#922358 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by 3JS on 04 March 2015 - 05:46

I just posted this in the other arena thread making it's rounds. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to quote across different threads, so I copied and pasted. The horror, I know...




Keep the 25% rule


Bring the arena back around to the days of it's origin, when it was easily at it's best


Make new inventable sets from arena items


Make tokens a consolation prize for 2nd place, and bring back the items, albeit new stuff instead of the same old, tired stuff we've had for years. You'll still be able to buy those for tokens, after all. If you (not too) slowly introduced new items as prizes along with gold prizes again, you'd see these tourneys moving. Oh, and don't make the new stuff available to buy with tokens for at least a few months.


Remember when an Icon of Styx tourney filled in 60 seconds? I do. I also remember, no matter what I was doing at the time, checking the arena page at :00, :15, :30, and :45 all day long so I wouldn't miss out. Let's get back to that.

#922357 25% Guild Rule In Arena

Posted by 3JS on 04 March 2015 - 05:42

Keep the 25% rule


Bring the arena back around to the days of it's origin, when it was easily at it's best


Make new inventable sets from arena items


Make tokens a consolation prize for 2nd place, and bring back the items, albeit new stuff instead of the same old, tired stuff we've had for years. You'll still be able to buy those for tokens, after all. If you (not too) slowly introduced new items as prizes along with gold prizes again, you'd see these tourneys moving. Oh, and don't make the new stuff available to buy with tokens for at least a few months.


Remember when an Icon of Styx tourney filled in 60 seconds? I do. I also remember, no matter what I was doing at the time, checking the arena page at :00, :15, :30, and :45 all day long so I wouldn't miss out. Let's get back to that.

#922353 Old Arena System ( 2008 Style ) + Suggestions

Posted by 3JS on 04 March 2015 - 05:16

Personally, I wish the arena would go back to the way it was day 1, in every aspect.


But....life is all about give and take. How about, the winner receives the prize that is up for grabs, whether it be gold, tokens, or items. Then, second and third still get a few tokens for their efforts? I think that's a good compromise. 


Also, I know there's a lot on the plates of HCS staff these days, but when's the last time a new arena gear inventing update was made? Years? I mean, how long can you expect interest to remain, when there's nothing shiny and new to shoot for?

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