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Member Since 09 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2022 17:56

#896122 Crystalline Epics

Posted by 3JS on 24 October 2014 - 15:07

Since my return to the game, I've noticed a significant decline in value regarding epic items. I'm not talking a few dots, but closer to 75% of the value they had when I went AWOL. I understand that not everything needs to be based off of economics, but let's face it...they aren't real epic any longer. Most are used in stam gaining, not in game play. 


With that said, what does the community, and the bovines of course, think of crystal epics? They will ultimately break, causing a "need" for a new one, therefore keeping value a bit higher in the long run.


These epics would need to be useful in game play, whether it be leveling, PvP, or whatever; and they would also need to be affected by buffs such as coordinated attack and defense. If they aren't, then no one will use them, as better stats could be attained with LE gear.


These could also be inventable,  perhaps along the lines of the elementals. One drop (maybe 2 or 3), and a few other odds and ends, and you can invent the epic with your desired stat category. 


Then, at the end of its run, it can be broken down into epic shards. The possibilities are endless.


Before someone says it....This is NOT another ploy to make epic sets. I'm merely trying to keep things fresh, and somewhat valuable. 

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