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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2022 02:04

#796062 FS Box URL Issue

Posted by Mongo on 16 June 2013 - 12:48

Is there anybody out there?

No... we are hiding!  :P 

#794991 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by Mongo on 10 June 2013 - 00:59

Do what you want!... delevel, level back up.... but stop demotivating Guilds on their quest to climb the top rated ladder  :)


My Guild is happy, to be small and cool... we have zero disadvantage in my eyes.


I saw a post earlier, i think from Pardoux.... about "when you lose xp, so does the guild" ... I like that suggestion.


Or how about, the game recognizes your "Max Level" achieved, any xp gained (again) before that level does NOT count towards your Guild XP contribution  :P

#794976 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by Mongo on 10 June 2013 - 00:31

I have been reading this thread since the start... now I will post my opinion :P 


I would like to see a new "poll" with the following options....


1. Should we allow Guilds to gain Guild XP via "an exploit" which will further expand the gap between those guilds who are top of the list, and those who are working hard to move up the Guild Ranks.


2. Should we allow this "exploit" to continue, and make the gap between top guild and bottom guild even further unobtainable?


Please understand... I have no desire to upset how anyone plays the game... but if losing levels, then regaining them is just for fun... then EVERY player should not care if the XP you gain for your guild from this exploit is added to your Guild XP or not.... right?


I would also like to add... if you guys at EOC find this shit fun, then I will not vote yes or no. (as I do not want to take away maybe the only thing left for you high level noobs, that is fun. Thus I have not voted)  :P

#793951 PvP outside arena.. Mongo bug abusing..

Posted by Mongo on 06 June 2013 - 19:45

Mongo like kill Neon  :P

  • KeS likes this

#792359 Hey Fellow Eldevin and fallensword Players

Posted by Mongo on 30 May 2013 - 19:52

Get well soon  :)

#792344 How Green are the cows?

Posted by Mongo on 30 May 2013 - 18:20

They eat grass all day, then poop it out, they then recycle that poop to fertilize soil.


That poop can also be used as fuel.


The Cows also release lots of methane during their daily grazing, this is not very green, but it does smell funky.

#792024 GvG and New Players.

Posted by Mongo on 29 May 2013 - 15:59

My suggestion would be no GvG participation until level 50. At level 50 you have the option to "opt in" to GvG, you can only engage in combat with others who have opted in... (would need to be something so opted in players, can be identified when looking at Guilds).


Then after level 75 every player becomes fair game in GvG, but... lvl 75 players can not hit players in the lvl 50-75 range unless the lower level players have opted in.


I hope that makes sense? sometimes I confuse myself  :P

#791025 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Mongo on 24 May 2013 - 13:37

This Global Event is too easy, please increase the kills needed  :D

#790635 Booster Packs coming soon...

Posted by Mongo on 23 May 2013 - 00:10

Nice, gotta love a freebie  :D

#789590 ~ Need to add more avatars to my collection! ~

Posted by Mongo on 15 May 2013 - 21:36

500 FSP and its yours.




#789587 6 Year Service Medals

Posted by Mongo on 15 May 2013 - 20:55

Be nice to have a medal for each year, but rather than having to add extra tiers maybe just change the annual service medal image, so the medal stays the same with a (1) (2) (3) etc in the middle of it 

#787784 Quest Library sequenced by start time option

Posted by Mongo on 30 April 2013 - 21:55

Yeah you super bright me not... You play and i'll not. I will find better if not in Eldevin then somewhere else. Anyway wtf are you commenting here if not helping anything.

Cause Mongo super bright DanteOn not.

#778821 Gold Upgrades reset at 00:00 daily please!

Posted by Mongo on 17 February 2013 - 16:41

I don't see any issue with changing the Gold Upgrade reset time to midnight server time if that would be preferred :)

We'll look at changing it in an update before the New Year.

New Year 2014? :P

#767399 Gold Upgrades reset at 00:00 daily please!

Posted by Mongo on 10 December 2012 - 19:29

This has been suggested several times before me, in the Gold upgrades thread, but I thought if we have a single thread for it, with a poll, it may get more support.


Can we please have the Gold upgrades reset at 00:00 daily, rather than 24 hours after we made our last upgrade.

What say you? :P

#761772 What stupid thing have you done in Fallensword today?

Posted by Mongo on 06 November 2012 - 16:18

Worked out all my gear, got buffs, drank loads of potions.....

Only to find I could not enter the map to kill tommy aches until level 300! :oops:

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