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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2021 18:28

#963844 Development Update

Posted by Debrutsid on 02 June 2016 - 04:13

BTW blissy you are welcome in my guild.  and considering i was OCD before guilds..... :P


also i'd have like 20 cats if i had the space and money\

#978644 Game Update 1.5.8

Posted by Kildek on 30 March 2017 - 23:07

NOTE:We had discussed making gathering units head to the Medical Bays however this change has been abolished due to overwhelming negative feedback.

I am puzzled. I have closely been following discussions both on steam and in the HCS New Earth forum, but not seen that "overwhelming negative feedback".

It would be something to help the small guys. Hope you will re-consider.

#970101 A Beginner's Guide to Game Mechanics and Survival (PDF)

Posted by inderekt on 11 October 2016 - 13:31

This is awesome work, would you like us to share it on the official facebook for the game?

Sure!  I'd be happy to see it accessible to everyone.  Please let me know if you see anything in the guide that may need to be tweaked.  I will be working to keep this guide updated as major changes are implemented in the future that affect what I have written.  :)

#969526 Unable to send tickets

Posted by Anakiro on 26 September 2016 - 08:28

Hi there. Could you PM me the email address that's reporting invalid and we'll have a look into it.

#962253 Pinata Frenzy VII

Posted by Egami on 16 April 2016 - 17:17

Red, I'm not too sure why you'd bait me, but...


Now that you brought it up... Aren't you even more intrigued why I think this is good for the game, even if it "hurts" my profit? 


I fully support this type of GE and even other GEs that give frag drops on some mobs.


I've farmed frags for over three years now and, of course, these events "hurt" my business. But I've met some great people and they deserve some relief. 


In the "community" spirit, you'd have to understand that there are things that are more important than yourself.


I will always try to champion what, I believe, is good for the game over what is good for me. And really, it's quite simple because, what is good for the game, is good for me.


I`m sure a Frag farmer would not want the COMMUNITY to have any chance of getting the top reward....


So yeah, you stand corrected.

#956996 Double Composing XP II!

Posted by Mister Doom on 13 January 2016 - 22:04

Composing should never have been raised above the 50 mark. It was only done so because of the people that rushed to 50 and then complained.


It certainly shouldn't be raised to 70 simply because those very same people are complaining YET AGAIN.


Composing has been very bad for the game balance-wise and is almost nothing like the concept that was envisioned in the beginning. The cries of people wanting bigger and better need to be ignored, for the good of the game.

#955761 New Composing Potion Bottles for Sale

Posted by WWWolf on 22 December 2015 - 18:04

I had an idea for the next Composing Update to include some new potion bottles that you can buy through upgrades.


Any player not satisfied with the default selection of potion bottles can purchase new bottles through either upgrades or loyalty rewards.  HCS would of course set the price but I'm thinking around 5 - 10 FSP each would be reasonable.


Another great option may be for some of the great artists we have in this game could actually come up with a few designs and there be a way to upload & share templates (with HCS Approval of course).


*edit: Added a Poll

#952821 New Content. 2676 - 2700!

Posted by iceman66 on 06 November 2015 - 18:35

You should probably activate some portals.  The nearest portal is 2626...

#949837 Voodoo Doom Doll

Posted by Davros81 on 27 September 2015 - 07:58

No thanks, we do not need to play to players narcissistic traits...

#943421 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by Belaric on 04 August 2015 - 21:55

Man it is going to be a long week until that poll gets revealed!


Either way it goes it seems that modifications to either the old or new systems are going to be needed for them to work, and keep the game going forward and improving. What they are will depend on the vote.


I'm not sure how I feel about this injection of democracy into the game's development to be honest. I think if the Cows have a strategic vision for the game they should explain it, and stick to it. The flip-flopping is the thing that has most annoyed and frustrated players in the past. We all have examples we could cite.



I fear that no matter what the result of this vote that there will be unhappy players. You cannot please all the people all of the time.  


Also - how will this 'working with the community work?' Is it going to be the squeakiest wheels on the forum getting the grease? That is a minority driving the game, not the community as a whole. Or will we have a poll for every coding/rules change? That isn't going to work either. Or it might if players don't get poll fatigue - but would take a mighty long time!


I'm not optimistic either way.


I said it quite a few times in the past, but I think it bears repeating one more time.


HCS should be the adults in the room. Must be the adults in the room. We players all cry out for what we want, self-interest ruling the day. HCS needs to look after their business. I keep assuming they have the data and the facts at their disposal and are making game and business decisions based on that data. Other times I wonder...


Lack of consistency, abrupt changes of course on implementations of new features have been a slow death of a thousand cuts for the game.


As I said, a solid strategic plan for the game that makes sense to everyone in game might help us all buy in. If there isn't one, and the plan is to stagger from one unpopular crisis to another then perhaps it is time to call it a day as a business, never mind as a player of the game.


HCS can consult, get the vote, take ideas based upon the result of that vote, and take the game forward, but they need to show leadership , choose a course based on this vote and stick with it.


We as a community need to be ready to respect the vote, whichever direction it takes.


I hope we can all unite around a plan that takes the game forward. The mobile interface beckons, and with it the possibility of many new players to the game. New players who will have no idea what the game was like before they joined, and who won't much care. Hopefully there is a game environment for them to join that is alive and welcoming.


That depends on how we as a community react to the result of this vote, and what we come up with, in co-operation with HCS, to make the best and most acceptable PvP system of the components we have to choose from.


A big week. Good luck to everyone. 

#937682 New Content : 2501 to 2600.

Posted by Leos3000 on 01 July 2015 - 01:07

Can we get a few master realms and portals soon? walking 130 realms to get back to the end is a bit much

#930598 Distinction between guild leaders and members

Posted by Dulcharn on 02 May 2015 - 11:55

I don't think it is necessary to change current ranking system, unless the guild doesn't want leadership rank names. The current rank management system actually saves time and space by not needing too many unique names.


But if implemented: How about a star on both sides of the name in Profile section? (There's already too much going on in guild management section, graphically)


Founder star: gold

Council star: silver

Leader star: bronze

Veteran member star: green*


*Veteran members are members with diamond loyalty medal


I disagree with the line to separate leaders from members - that's overkill.

#930551 Champions' pack

Posted by Pardoux on 01 May 2015 - 20:19

I read it initially as a composing template and thus thought it wasn't "that" good of a deal. Once I re-read it to be an extra composing SLOT, it became a very good deal and one I snapped up :)

#930134 FSP and Gold Upgrade Links in Upgrade Menu

Posted by Removed4427 on 28 April 2015 - 19:31

we got 99 problems, but this ain't one

#929798 Development Update April 2015!

Posted by Removed4427 on 24 April 2015 - 17:32

** waits to see the new update, before creating drama in forum

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