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Member Since 04 May 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 12 2023 21:04

#1008610 Super Elite Sets

Posted by TheCount on 12 November 2022 - 02:41

Undead Kings is a 3 piece set. It's going to have higher overall stats than 2 piece sets.


I am all for the idea of filling the gaps with SE sets. Especially with All For One being more readily available. Typically avoiding a weapon slot is enough to make an SE set at least somewhat viable.

#1007938 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by basti7 on 30 June 2022 - 11:46

Just ban all buffs stronger than lvl 203 on Ladder and GvG and all problems are solved  :wub:

#1007890 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by Tilley10 on 24 June 2022 - 19:10

Nobody is forced to participate in these quests. Prioritize what it best for yourself and make and informed decision.

Thank you for this event!

#1007794 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by Toreth on 14 June 2022 - 03:20

I have a question in regards to a draw, when no hits will be done (after the initial period to prepare).  Both guilds are buffed and starts defending. Does the attacking guild (initiated the conflict) lose rating if they don't complete all hits?

The idea behind the proposed suggestions in the OP is just to provide simple fixes to the system that's currently in place.

What this means is that the way that the GvG conflicts are carried out with the 50/75/100 hits will remain the way that it is now, and that the resolution of the conflicts at the end of them will remain just as they are now so as to not need to change any coding from the Cows.

#1007782 Legendary Event!

Posted by EpicPiety on 12 June 2022 - 16:09

Unforgiven didn't spawn last event either, not sure what cave maybe it's same cave and related.

#1007527 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by sweetlou on 20 April 2022 - 22:18

The PvP stamina hit preference is an app only addition. It was added to address the debate as to where to set the default.


That answer is 100!


Could we have a conversation about raising that stam attack number please?

#1007524 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by Tilley10 on 20 April 2022 - 21:26

Relentless - Offense (Lvl 2000)

+0.15% per point of Damage is transferred to Attack (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences)
Aegis Shield - Defense (Lvl 2000)
+0.15% per point of Defense is transferred to Armor (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences)


Can you add the "casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences) to the buff description on the Profile Screen & World Screen? (Similar to Nightmare Visage & Barricade)

#1007516 Game Update v3.8.2 / App Update v1.1.1

Posted by EpicPiety on 20 April 2022 - 17:21

alot of end of content players moaning about how much a skill cost and for how long. with extend and reinforce mage tower level 10. dont need long buffs just learn to log in more. and end on content players have loads of spare stam. 

People have to sleep atleast 6 hours you know. Buff up, go to sleep and in 60-80 mins they are already off. Which creates situations of attacking defenseless people.

If they wanted us to login more, there wouldn't be such VAST cooldowns on various things. 1 hour to do a PvP hit 24-48H for ladder... i can go on.

If they will reduce the cooldown on all these things... sure okay then.

Move ladder to 6-12 hours, pvp hits to 15 minutes, so on and so forth... 0 complaints from me on duration then.

I don't fully understand your argument about "EOC" or "Max Stam", doesn't seem to correlate to buff duration. If anyone would be suffering it would be the new players without much max stam and not at EOC. Those players not able to cast it themselves will pay high premiums and very frequent.

#1007293 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by EpicPiety on 31 March 2022 - 18:01

Avenger - Offense (Lvl 4000)

+0.03% per point boost to Damage when an opponent hits you (Max 5)

Could you please elaborate on this in regards to exactly where in the skill order it activates? You don't need to list out the whole tree just after/before which buff. We need this information to fully understand it's implications. Lastly Additive or multiplicative, this lasts for the entire combat? 

Avenger should be changed to ATTACK instead of damage.

This is going to be a direct counter to armor sets as suggested. Armor is already terrible, this needs to be changed to attack. If this is added as is, it's a mistake.

If avenger remains damage

- Armor is weaker against armor
- Defense (which through the current meta involves tons of HP through fortitude/sc) is stronger against armor

^^You often never 1 shot a defense set done right, in-fact not even 6 shot. Because of this defense sets will actually become STRONGER against armor sets.

If avenger is changed to attack

- Armor is stronger against defense

Armor still does not NEARLY stack up against defense, with that in mind ATTACK ALL DAY ;).

#1007179 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by Tilley10 on 15 March 2022 - 23:29

Also, why do all PvP attacks default to 50 stam? Ideally it would default to 100 for ladder hits, 10 for normal hits and 100 (or 10) for Bounty Hunting hits. It would be great to have a preference to set customized default stam for each attack type.

Hello, it was me who suggested that some type of PvP attacks default to 100 stam. As stated above by others, it doesn't make sense for GvG hits, normal attacks or Bounty Board (I disagree but I'm in the minority) to default to 100 stam. If this is an all or nothing type of change, please default all PvP attacks to 10 stam. Ideally there would be a preference section to set default values for each attack type.


And hey, I FINALLY have notifications for the app! :D


I would like to suggest a few more notifications that would greatly benefit myself and fellow PvP'ers.

  • Notification when the PvP ladder resets (this would be similar to new Titans)
  • More descriptions when attacked (state if defeated by XX or victorious over XX)
  • Notification for a new person posted on  the Bounty Board

#1007167 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by EpicPiety on 14 March 2022 - 18:00

I think so, it's the requirement to get smasher progress ;). Why not let everyone control their own defaults in settings.

#1006977 How about a GvG Honor covenant

Posted by missshiv on 21 February 2022 - 02:04

I understand how frustating it can be to log into a silent guild and get targeted by a gvg. I applaud anyone listed as a mentor, as there is a lot to learn in game, and gvg's are no exception.

However, players in gvg's already have uncalculated protections in their favor based on their level and amount of activity.  No one is getting pummeled for months on end while they are away. 

Being slammed with a GvG in the interim is not conducive to player retention...

Besides broken gear, there is no real risk in terms of xp or gold loss in gvgs to targets.   This is a point that could be best explained by a mentor.  The opt in system is for when real loss is at stake, not annoyances, like on the ladder.  With the system granting RP to any guild that finishes their hits, every guild gains something.  I fail to see how an honor system needs to even be considered for a next to no risk situation.  Gvg's need a revamp more in line with Ryebred's suggestions from years ago.

#1006882 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2022)

Posted by EpicPiety on 11 February 2022 - 15:57

The problem with titan epics is actually not the rate they come into the game. Believe it or not, they come in rather slow (Numbers available on UFSG). The main issue is there is not that many players joining the game, so there is no demand for the low-high mid titan epics. If there is practically no demand it doesn't really matter what you do with the supply.

If you try to artificiate the supply by restricting gameplay it's just dancing around the key problem. Cutting back peoples ability to experience the game I dont think is a very good trade off to try to prop up the price.


If you want to go this avenue, opposed to outright stopping people from being able to participate in titan hunting (More Cooldown), you need to bring TH back to it's roots. Titan hunting was initially a group activity and i think it still ought to be. I suppose the most simple way would be to multiply the titans hp by 5x to counter titan doubler which started this whole mess or remove the buff...Titans can die in a matter of under 10 minutes now. It takes some people over that to even get ready. If you are 30 seconds late, you probably already lost so you just don't even try. When you increase the window of which a titan is alive when it's being actively hunted means there is more opportunity for guilds to group up and try to counter.  This creates a more active feel to the game. Throw in some tiered recipes for some of the older titan items and call it a day and pray we get some increased player retention.


This is something i really wish that could be applied over all areas of the game specifically arena. Do not restrict peoples ability to experience and play the game. Simply make the system smart enough to allow the players to play it as much as they want without creating supply issues.


#1006763 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2022)

Posted by EpicPiety on 26 January 2022 - 15:27

First of all, I want to start by thanking HCS for the Roadmap. It's always nice to see the transparency and goals laid out in plain sight. There are a couple of things on here that have potential to be met well (Guild Achievement expansion and New Skills if balanced correctly).

I think i speak for a lot of people when i say it's always slightly disappointing to not see any big ticket items. Just about every aspect is outdated. We are far beyond the point of simply adding a few new items to it. Overhauls are in order to bring life.













Bounty Board



Titan Hunting



I will give credit where credit is due, the app has been a massive priority and taking a ton of time to ship to market. I imagine it still requires constant work fine tuning and all. All of this alongside unprecedented times.

However the active players of this game are yearning for the above items to be given some time when it is available. 

The above problems play a direct part in player retention.


#974542 PVP ladder sets

Posted by sweetlou on 28 December 2016 - 20:42

For days now i have been toying with the idea of trying the ladder as i want a few sets which are exclusive to it.. i came to the conclusion for now at least i cant for various reasons ie not having the knowledge and access to the composing pots i would need to compete at my lvl ladder.. plus the length of time i would need to raise the tokens to make what i want.

I know you enjoy collecting sets and such, but like I said previously, from a playing perspective the Ladder sets are junk - not even close in value to the cost to gain them. The FSG shows how few players own them and that's all the evidence needed. If HCS wanted Crystal items to wear out they should have made stam gear crystal. That would have been interesting! But the game is driven by potential revenue these days. They are milking it. It's nothing like the way it started.


I can understand how you must feel being a fish in a barrel on the Ladder Hades when opponents have skills that are more than twice as powerful and last over 24hrs in duration. Supremacy on the Ladder has always been equated with staying buffed. Whoever is in charge of developing Fallen Sword these days continues down the road of denying how Super pots have devastated play throughout the game, especially with PvP and the Ladder. Even leveling now is relegated to how much stam is used, nothing more. The repeated argument that these pots are available to everyone hasn't spent the resources and years required to achieve the highest level composing pots. Few players, relative to player totals, have access or any chance to obtain the full compliment of pots. PvP has been made absurd. HCS development depends on the hierarchical donation system to survive but where it used to maintain a sense of fairness, there is now a blatant despotic advantage for those willing to keep the game alive through donations. This thread is yet another example that the discrepancy is vast between those that have the Super Pot skills and those that don't! But, but, but some, including HCS, say there are traveling composers who are available to buy these high level pots. Malarkey! The idea that traveling composers can supplant composing for yourself or for your guild like the buff market does for personal skills is simply wrong. The costs are prohibitive and is logistically impractical.


But at this stage nobody appears to be listening, nor, dare I say, that they don't even care beyond driving enough revenue to keep the lights running. Once Hoof manages to spend more then a few moments every other month developing the game we might see some improvement. It's likely too late. Like everyone else who's been playing between years and a decade, I'm continuing to play the way I've become accustomed and raising my opinion here in the forums like I always have. If that means continually being chastised and harassed, fine. Frankly I'm tired of caring. I'm numb to all of it too. I've been using words for a long time to give feedback. They must be scary because of the attention I receive at times. I'll leave the metaphorical shovels to the powers that be to dig the burial plot.

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