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#1010980 Content Update. Crates and an SE!

Posted by BullsHead on 27 July 2024 - 14:19

The new Invigorate 1000 potion, Energizing Brew, only has a duration of 60 minutes instead of 720.






#1010957 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by Rome on 20 July 2024 - 00:25

I don't understand why we need another OK1100 potion and another Light Foot 1500 potion. OK1000 is already readily available through multiple global chests, and most players will opt to use those. There are also plenty of Sidd's Poison potions entering the market. We simply don't need it. Same goes for Light Foot. There are so many options for high level Light Foot, including the Darksun global chest, which gives access to 10 of those potions. 

Why not introduce something new? How about AM450 by itself and Find Item 1500 by itself?

#1010941 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 16:03

That's fine or release them in a new chest?

Or a mix of the two. 


~ Grim

#1010936 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 14:14

Players aren't playing that way anymore. They want to minimize effort to accomplish the same goal.

And you speak for the entire Community?

Not an exaggeration at all - see attached:attachicon.gifimage.png

Bloody hell. I stand corrected!

Uniques already see some form of use depending on what stats are needed on filler items - rares are overlooked. You could likely get away with doing both, however, if you made rares 0.02% per point and Uniques 0.01% or something along those lines.

Hmm. Could look into that, sure. Again, it does mean that potion (potions?) would be bumped from this release until the Loyalty Stash coding.

~ Grim

#1010928 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by Rome on 16 July 2024 - 20:51

1. Realm chest keys are too expensive. 1000 Loyalty Tokens/200 login days for a crystal key is crazy. As is the 10 million gold alternative price, relative to the chest contents.

2. Please do not add new frag stashes. As Tilley said, it will clog up the other potential rewards, and frags are simple to farm from the global events. New stashes simply are not needed, but rewards quantities on existing stashes could be increased if they are kept in the mix.

3. Please do not add OK1100. You just introduced this as an SE drop, and it still has value. Please don't kill it less than 8 months after release.

4. Please do not add a new Brewing Master potion that kills the Arena potion. I think this has been mentioned enough times throughout the years that it shouldn't even be on the table.

5. What we could very much use is Find Item 1500. Again, 1000 Loyalty Tokens (200 days) to get FI1250 paired with AM and Cons is absurd. We need a good Find Item potion by itself.

6. Trendy is DOA

7. We need more Loyalty Tokens rewards added to the game, and I think the idea of mimicking Mystic Chests is awesome. This is the best idea I've heard in a while.

#1010921 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by Toreth on 16 July 2024 - 15:50


Hey there.


Right, first swing at new Crate content, I reckon I'll spread the various frag stashes across all existing crates. I think maybe one new potion per existing one. Potions, I'm tempted to put into two new chests? Opinions?


Potions I reckon we'll add:


Conserve 800. 60m.
Adept Learner 800. 60m.
Light Foot 1500. 60m.
Overkill 1100. 60m. Sidd's Poison already exists in the open market.
Titan Doubler 300. 60m.
Counter Attack 300. 60m. Wasting stamina in 2024 is bad for gameplay; I understand minor appeal for wanting something to increase stats in PvE, but there are other ways to do it without sacrificing stamina in today's game. For those mentioning SE's, there are other ways to solo those even at a much lower level than having to rely on an abysmal buff such as CA.
Invigorate 1000. 720m.
Reckoning 300. 60m.
Savagery 300. 60m.
Arterial Strike 600 (1000?) 60m. 600 is Dead on Arrival; it doesn't provide enough of a benefit to see decent levels of circulation. While I know I made note that Sidd's Poison already exists for Overkill 1100, this one is different. With only having access to AS 1000 via Loyalty tokens, this would give it an opportunity to be in the open market, which is a good thing.
Shield strike 400. 60m.
Immobilise Titan 400. 120m.
Trendy ? Trendy is a wasted buff for where we are in the game now; losing access to both Coordinated Attack and Defense, coupled with losing out on some Epic Craft bonuses as well as diminished returns on Epic Forge, Enchant Buffs, and in-turn the other compounded buffs on top of those, you'd need an exorbitantly high level Trendy level for this to even be worth it. I can find you the break-even point to make it semi-viable, but even with a multiplier at 0.01% compared to Coordinated Buffs' 0.05%, it's already starting behind.
Arterial Strike I'm no sure whether to go for 600 or 1000. Maybe both? Dunno.
Not sure what to do with Trendy. I tested it at 10,000 for ease. I'm no going that high obviously, but I do understand it likely needs to be high-ish to be useful? Again, opinions please.
~ Grim



Cyan = Good or Indifferent

Red = Don't Do It


As far as new chests go, that's fine, I guess. The opportunity to rotate loot into the chests is also an idea as well if you decide to stick them in the old chests, however.


I understand the idea behind trendy, but the use of something like that is in FS's past at this point. As mentioned above, I can likely find a "break-even" point where it could find potential use, but that number would be ridiculously high to compete with the readily available buffs we already have.

#1010896 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by Toreth on 11 July 2024 - 11:45

No. We are constantly told we need new stuff at all levels. The Level ranges of prizes are based on where in 1 to 10 the player placed. Thus the design is by the player for that level. That player decided they wanted an SE at that range. You want a specific SE in the high ranges, earn a top spot! ;)


~ Grim


'Twas just a suggestions - 'tis just a shame the set is already "Dead on Arrival" if it isn't above a certain level. I'm aware of how the "prize" is laid out for the player designed sets - you could also just compress the winning ranges so 1st gets EoC +250, 2nd gets EoC, 3rd gets Eoc -250, etc. Sword's loss - not mine.

I only brought it up as I was looking at gear statistics; just looking at "Glove/Gauntlet" items, from levels 1-1499 of Super Elite, Legendary, Epic, and Crystalline quality, there are 106 options available. The same item slots of the same quality from levels 1500-EoC yield only 65 options.


And that's just the gloves. It's generally the same across all item slots, and the disparity grows even greater when you factor in Unique and Rare quality items. When I say we don't need more down there, the numbers support it - it's not an opinion.

#1010850 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by Toreth on 05 July 2024 - 13:37

Nope. Those games don't get updates or content. Sword gets both. I mean, this is a ROADMAP thread showing future updates and content both.


- Grim


"Updates" and "content" in what sense?

- Composing DXP Event

- Global

- Composing DXP Event

- LE Event





Ta-da; there's our monthly routine. Maybe sprinkle in a little variance occasionally, but there's the gist. We're on life support on Sword, and the players realize that whether it's communicated or not.


It takes minimal stamina investment to level through the 25 levels of content that come out quarterly before EoC is left with only logging in daily to get their 5 measly Allegiance Tokens and check to see whether their daily quest is worth doing (it usually isn't). Non-EoC are left typically waiting for their stamina to fill up to max so they can hunt the content to GET to EoC to fall into the same cycle.


The new stuff that comes out? Most is "dead on arrival." Why? Because all most care about is the hunting aspect and MAYBE a bit of titan hunting, but if stuff doesn't have Temporal Shift, then the latter is automatically discarded from potential use of new items.

New titans? Sure maybe? We're capped at +7 Stam Gain. Eventually everyone is going to have access and possession of all +7 Stam Gain items, and then there's no point in having an open market for new or pre-existing Epic items. It's just a "let me log in to make sure stam gain is still good."


A game is supposed to be challenging in some regards - Sword is void of that. There's a barely existent "open market," if you can even call it that - the mobs are yawn-able since all a player has to do is repeatedly mash 1 on their keyboard until they run out of stam - other aspects are so far behind they shouldn't be mentioned out of respect for the dead.


The Realm Chest Update should be at the forefront of priorities, but manpower, as stated above has been pulled for Godzilla. <- This is the proof that Sword is on life-support.


I don't want to see Sword die, but nothing's being done to resuscitate it and get it off the ventilator.

#1010831 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by Toreth on 01 July 2024 - 14:10

Sword is not going anywhere, don't worry. :)


- Grim

In the same manner that Legacy, Sigmastorm, and Eldevin haven't and "won't go anywhere?"

#1010814 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by Corrupted on 26 June 2024 - 16:18

As it stands, I am currently unable to push for any sweeping changes to features, such as Arena, due to our resources being allocated elsewhere.


You're meaning to say that whatever the players contribute to the game monetarily is being allocated somewhere else and the game gets overlooked?

That looks like a rather... grim outlook for the future of the game. Here's to hoping the donations at least keep the lights on for a while longer.

#1010772 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2024)

Posted by Tilley10 on 19 June 2024 - 16:37


We would like to present the roadmap for July - October 2023!
As always, the roadmaps are a guide and are subject to change.
It's been a bit of a strange year for us so far, but we hope the roadmap gives you a rough idea as to what's coming. With Hoof being away, it would be unfair to give an accurate date as to when the GvG updates will be implemented, however, it will be the next thing we plan to deliver when Hoof is back in action!
We understand there has been a fair few of you asking for Arena updates, so we'd like to spend some time seeing what we can do to improve it. As we are navigating these next few months, there may be opportunities we can slip in some extra things here and there.
We do have some new skills planned for the end of this year, so we will likely make a forum thread to allow you to give feedback before they are implemented.
We appreciate everyone who have given their time to provide feedback and can only ask for your patience as we head into the latter half of the year. We hope you all have a wonderful summer -- remember to stay hydrated!
~ The Fallen Sword Team


Over a year now and still nothing related to an arena update.

#1010691 PvP Event Crystal League!

Posted by wazzimoto on 23 May 2024 - 19:18

WHO would like to see that again....  ??


It was so much fun??    

Easily Implemented again ......... No??   :)

#1010485 Thieves in the Night VI

Posted by BigGrim on 29 February 2024 - 16:17

New recipes have been found in the Cathedral of Ways. Those players with items used in the new recipes in the Auction House have had them returned.



~ Grim

#1010479 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2024)

Posted by Arioche on 29 February 2024 - 10:42

Hello everyone!
Here is the event roadmap for March - June 2024!


As always, roadmaps are a guide and subject to change. 


We at HCG are entering a pretty busy period as we run up to the release of our new game: Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers. There is also some other developments that I cannot wait to share with the FS Community. Something we have been working on for some time and we're growing ever closer to the day we can finally talk about it.
~ Fallen Sword Team

#1010475 Untapped Potential: The Analysis and Case for More

Posted by drdoom123 on 28 February 2024 - 21:02

Very well put, will certainly make gvg more active im all for anything that makes the game more active, will also encourage people to buy dots to pay for these epics if they don’t want to gvg for it so in my eyes a win win alllllllllll around !

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