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Member Since 20 Feb 2021
Offline Last Active May 30 2024 19:21

#1010692 PvP Event Crystal League!

Posted by LadyJ on 23 May 2024 - 19:30

Id love for it to happen again!

2015 was a looong time ago

#1008855 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by robyx on 28 December 2022 - 10:00

Uforobot got gold medal aeons ago

#1008711 Double XP Event Incoming!

Posted by BigGrim on 06 December 2022 - 15:10

Hi there Everyone!
We will be running a Double XP event soon! This means that during the event, all creatures will give DOUBLE their normal xp.
The event will start on Monday the 19th of December at 15:00 hours and will be running for 96 hours.
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1007805 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by BigGrim on 15 June 2022 - 10:04

Instead of restricting gameplay for players, you should focus on improving your GvG strategy and planning skills :)

Not what is happening in this suggestion. Just stopping Guild Hopping from happening in the same way other Guild activities have a 7 day start up wait for new members.


~ Grim

#1007802 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by Toreth on 15 June 2022 - 02:16

1- Players will have their VL locked from the beginning to the end of the GVG, this prevents players from escaping the range (For example, my current LVL 268 and VL 299, if I make a GVG and reset my points, it will be unfair to the target)

As much as I understand the want for this, this change would require a fair bit of additional coding due to the potential change to parameters. BG said in another thread that things can't go through a complete overhaul, so while there's some merit, I don't foresee this happening. Plus, levels are easy to lose now-a-days. There's always the potential to drop down further into a range of someone else.

2- Prevent any recruitment during a GVG (use your members to defend yourself)

Not a bad idea - I don't think completely locking out recruitment is correct, but something that yghor said is probably more feasible.

3- The guild has at least 7 days of creation to start a GVG, avoiding fakes multis guilds ( Or maybe you need the guild medal to participate (defend or attack).)

There's actually already a requirement for a guild to be level 100 to initiate a GvG conflict. Maybe you'd want to see that raised some?

I initially had ideas of the rewards from the mentioned GvG seasons requiring Guild Loyalty medals of Silver+, so the Guilds participating would be required to maintain some level of continuity to be rewarded. The only reason it was omitted wad because I'm unsure as to how much potential coding that would require.

#1007806 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by TheCount on 15 June 2022 - 12:51

Not what is happening in this suggestion. Just stopping Guild Hopping from happening in the same way other Guild activities have a 7 day start up wait for new members.


~ Grim

I think this is a fine point. Making it a 7 day period would fit the overall theme of making GvG more competitive.


Disagree with preventing new members from GvGing - It sounds like you don't want all of your members to defend themselves.

A new guild member can only attack the targets in your guild who "should be be prepared" for GvGs.


Instead of restricting gameplay for players, you should focus on improving your GvG strategy and planning skills :)


Maybe you should plan to use the members you have before you initiate? Or even the guild you have. Rather than starting a new one or hopping around to hit a particular guild. Just a thought. If a preparation period before the start of the conflict were implemented, I would agree with you.

#1007801 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 14 June 2022 - 23:35

[quote name="ColtColt" post="1007800"
2- Prevent any recruitment during a GVG (use your members to defend yourself)

With Titans, you can't hit any Titans through the first 7 days you join a guild (Still able to hit through personal cooldown), so the system already exists, just adapt something similar, and I think it's a good thing to have...Guilds can still recruit anyone, but that person cannot be hitted, or hit anyone in the conflict.

#1007785 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by Toreth on 13 June 2022 - 03:45

I’d like to take a moment to proceed with laying out something of a change, or changes, to the way that GvG currently functions that isn’t a mentioned overhaul. In doing so, previous ideas to address GvG and its intricacies were taken into consideration when compiling ideas.



  • Updated RP Packs

  • Notification System + Prep Time for Incoming Conflicts

  • Offline Time for AFK Targets Reduced 7 Days -> 2 Days

  • Level Ranges Expanded; +25 Levels Every 1,000 Levels Gained

  • GvG “Seasons;” 3 Month Intervals with Achievement


I reached out to a few people in the GvG community to gather ideas and data to help with the way that GvG functions to come up with something that could inject some life into an otherwise stagnant aspect of FS.


The general consensus to GvG is that “whoever initiates is guaranteed AT LEAST a draw” because the idea is to rush the opposing guild and hit those targets who are offline in Epics and have zero or close to zero chance of fighting back. In doing this, the defending guild has to hit back into targets that are now buffed up after they’ve all utilized potions to nearly guarantee, at the very least, an unresolved combat.


The first proposed change to combat this would be a notification system; the game could send an “Admin Guild Mass” PM to all members notifying them of the incoming conflict. A separate idea could potentially be to enable notifications for incoming conflicts the way they are now for when opposing guilds take relics. Anything that helps notify individuals of incoming conflicts would be better than the way it currently functions. “The Guild ‘Minions of Mirkwood’ has initiated a conflict against you! You have X hours to prepare for incoming hits!” of which the “X” hours COULD count towards the 24 hour conflict timer, or it could be its own separate timer prior to the 24 hour window.


Another issue that was a general consensus is that if there’s a target who’s offline for a few days, then they were likely one of the prime targets. The idea here would be to decrease the inactivity timer for targets. It’s currently a seven day timer, however, most have said to decrease it to 48 hours and under.


The last general consensus idea was to have some GvG level ranges expanded more. Similar to how the PvP ladder scales and works now based on level, the idea would be to do something more in line with that as well. While leaving the lower brackets as they are (50-300, 301-699), the idea would be to have scalar level ranges to provide more activity. 700-1000 (+/- 100), 1001-2000 (+/- 125), 2001-3000 (+/- 150), 3001-4000 (+/- 175), 4001-5000 (+/- 200), 5001-6000 (+/- 225), etc. The minor change in level scaling would provide a boost in activity in the middling ranges that are barren at the moment provided the compression at the bottom at the “race to EoC” at the top.


The RP packs need to be updated, and there are other ideas that could inject more life than Epics currently do. Crystalline gear across all the levels available in FS, perhaps some niche potions that are distributed to each guild member at the time of purchase, etc. Having the items available as consumables that aren’t just a “one time purchase” here also helps with the demand of gaining RP as well.


The below are the RP Packs that have been brought up in discussion:


  • Enchant Pack - 100 RP

    • Move Levels to 200; Change to Contain ALL Enchant Buffs (No Cursed)

  • Fortune Pack = Stays Same

  • Mastersmith Pack - 5 RP = Mastersmith 200

  • Titan Pack - 300 RP

    • Titan Doubler 200

    • Light Foot 600

    • Avert Gaze 200

    • Teleport 200

  • Leveling Pack - 300 RP

    • Stalker 400

    • Sacrifice 350

    • Overkill 350

    • Animal Magnetism 400

  • Defense Pack - 300 RP

    • Avenger 300

    • Stalwart Heart 300

    • Healer 300

    • Fortitude 300

  • Bounty Pack - 300 RP

    • Anti Deflect 400

    • Spell Breaker 300

    • Retaliate 300

    • Undermine 300

  • Buff Provider Pack - 20 RP

    • Buff Master 250

    • Guild Buffer 250

    • Extend 250

    • Buff Enhancer 300

  • Fighter Pack - 200 RP

    • Fist Fight 250

    • Critical Strike 250

    • Side Step 250

    • Riposte 250

    • Sharpen 250


In addition to the minor quality of life type changes mentioned above, another change mentioned would be the resetting of the GvG rating every three months or so akin to the PvP ladder with the reward being a simple guild achievement displaying “1st Place in a GvG Season” with the reward potentially being an additional relic slot, or base stamina gain so as to incentivize actively pursuing 1st place repeatedly to keep others from achieving the same.

The ability to provide individuals a competitive aspect to partake in while being rewarded for doing well, coupled with multiple opportunities, over time, to climb and attempt to make the most of a “fresh start” at the start of the three months will also help inject that liveliness into an otherwise humdrum aspect. We already have the resetting of rating present in the game, as mentioned, so transitioning that into the GvG area seems like a relatively easy and feasible way to go about helping bolster individuals’ pride in their ability to conduct themselves at the pinnacle of guild activities.

While there will be more feedback, I’m sure, from those who have a vested interest in the GvG aspect, hopefully this can serve as a basic backbone moving forward.

#1006870 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by Windbattle on 11 February 2022 - 03:57

I luckily got my bronze before Boats had it for 2-3 years. 

#1007651 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by insaner6 on 13 May 2022 - 07:27

introduce some kind of Assist buff, that those top tier players will help you when u hunt,

and on the log there could be like 
'Super Elite player saved your from death, or helped you avoid a hit, or helped u with 200 damage' with those names..!! '

or perhaps these players, when in a guild, would add some small amount of stats on all other guild players..


#1007629 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by hogged on 08 May 2022 - 09:20

how did you even find me lol xD

#1007290 Rise of the Wraiths XXIV

Posted by BigGrim on 31 March 2022 - 14:59

Hi there everyone.
The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them.
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!
Elemental Wraith (Level 25)
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Elemental Wraiths plaguing the realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 (Server time) on the 5th of April 2022.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze:1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II
Silver:1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II
Gold:2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II
Crystal:2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II
Ruby: 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II
If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive an additional 2 Global Ruby Frag Stash II chests.
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community by Egami.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1007282 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by Arioche on 31 March 2022 - 11:33

Hello everyone
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have been unable to push the next update in time for this week, which includes the new Daily Quest Reroll and the new Player Skills. We aim to try and get this to you as soon as we can.
We would like to formally apologise for this. 
If it could alleviate your frustration in any way, I would like to share with you the details of this update:
The Daily Quest Reroll will allow you to reroll your Daily Quest an unlimited number of time per day. The first reroll is FREE, and subsequent rerolls will cost FSP-- increasing in cost the more rerolls you perform.
It will also add some new skills to the Player Skill Tree.
Relentless - Offense (Lvl 2000)
+0.15% per point of Damage is transferred to Attack (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences)
Aegis Shield - Defense (Lvl 2000)
+0.15% per point of Defense is transferred to Armor (casting level can be adjusted from your Preferences)
Avenger - Offense (Lvl 4000)
+0.03% per point boost to Damage when an opponent hits you (Max 5)
Soul Guard - Defense (Lvl 4500)
+0.1% chance per point that an attack that would otherwise defeat the player instead has their hit points reduced to 1
The following skills will also become available on the Player Skill Tree:
Allied Frenzy - Defense (Lvl 3500)
Increases the level range that Assist works by +1 level per point
Guild Berserker - Offense (Lvl 3500)
Increase the effectiveness of First Strike, Nullify, and Breaker in GVG Only
Gambler - Special (Lvl 3500)
+0.1% chance per point that a random stat will be tripled while all other stats are halved at the start of combat
Healer - Defense (Lvl 4000)
+0.01% per point chance that players health will fully restore after any given combat round
I will also share with you the patch notes for this update:
  • Composing costs have been added to the Composing Multi Brew panel
  • Daily Quest Re-roll has been added to the Questbook
  • Log in freeze fixed
  • New skills have been added to Player Skill Tree
  • New skill cast levels have been added to Settings
  • PvP Stamina hit value now set to Player Preference
Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. We hope to bring this update to you all as soon as possible.
~ Fallen Sword Team

#1006782 Reviser Auction Shop

Posted by Reviser on 31 January 2022 - 13:56


#1006639 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by IVANIDAS on 08 January 2022 - 04:54

King Siddy of the Mountain  :wub:

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