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Member Since 20 Jul 2021
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2022 15:06

#1007457 Legacy- Needs balanced or shut down

Posted by zvasbinder on 17 April 2022 - 02:04

So with these screenshots I posted below the game has been unbalanced for well over a year. You guys might as well shut the game down if you are not going to help do anything on the game at this point.

The game is unplayable for everyone but the Dark Flame gang.


Sorry Zorg love you but this is out of hand at this point.


Shut the game down or balance the gangs or do anything at this point.


If you can look at the screenshots and say the game is balanced you are just a liar.


So please do something about this


It has cause many people to quit over last year and half. They also recruit every new member of the game to their gang because its honestly the only way to get the best crystals in game is through the wasteland where the 4 gangs fight for control.



The Chapter members



Blade of Dawn members





Outcast members






Dark Flame members





The current Wasteland



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