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Member Since 19 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2023 23:27

#811132 Best / Funniest Potion Name?

Posted by Tastria on 10 September 2013 - 23:24

These names are getting to be a lot like chat:  An adolescent boys locker room.

#809789 Development Roadmap

Posted by Tastria on 03 September 2013 - 17:43

If I remember correctly, when a potion is created you will be given an option to either make them bound to yourself or Guild bound. So if a player leaves a Guild and has Guild bound their potions they will remain in that Guild. If they have bound the potions to themself and leaves a Guild they will only be available to themself.





Thanks, at least that aspect is a bit clearer.  Now, any interior decorators out there want to explain the naming and color schemes?

#809364 Is Global Chat....Global?

Posted by Tastria on 02 September 2013 - 01:58

I'll be blunt:  For the most part it's like listening in to an adolescent boys locker room.  I have seen a few sensible things on it when I've looked in, but very few.  And, less some folk out there call me a hermit, I was involved in the original chat room:  Amateur Radio.  I had friends that I talked to daily all over the world, and made new ones at the same time.  Sorry, but what goes on in the name of community during Global Chat, does NOT inspire me to be a part of it.

#807271 Darksun Dragons II

Posted by Tastria on 19 August 2013 - 15:05

Event has not ended yet but will be shortly. Thanks to those of you who have listed the top 100 at the appointed time. We shall see what we can do to set this right.

BG, you can't be much fairer than that :)

#807119 Darksun Dragons II

Posted by Tastria on 18 August 2013 - 21:30



When it comes to rewards for participation HCS IS limited on what they can "give" us for free. At least without hurting themselves. And while not a huge fan of this particular reward, I do appreciate the event. 



I think we should take what we get and be happy we got anything. 


Well phrased, and well said.  

#806981 Darksun Dragons II

Posted by Tastria on 18 August 2013 - 00:01

I suppose I could have used the multi quote, but ......Wil72, I sort of agree with you.  And as I AM grumpy and old (want to see the original patent on dirt?  I have it.) I don't mind calling it greed, with a side helping of sloth.  Case in point, here's a reply to a guild invite I sent to a level 50. "Well, i am now starting to GvG, i need to use powerfull items like epics! if you got it i can join ! :) "  Many thoughts went through my head, none of them printable.  He didn't want a guild, he wanted a cheat code! That seems to be a view of what the "event" rewards should be. The event is another aspect of the game, so if it's not your cup of tea, that's fine.  just don't complain because the rewards aren't shiny enough.  I hear it translated as this:  " I spent my stamina killing fearsome level 25 dragons, and because I spent some gold I won in the game, and some loyalty points I gained by just checking in each day,  I want a reward that will let me level/pvp/gvg/titan hunt much quicker and easier than any of the players that didn't participate!"  And that is exactly how I hear it.  It wasn't so long ago that these potions would be getting Oh's and Ah's from the various players.  So if the game is going down hill, it's not ALL the boys in the bull pen's fault.

     The Global Event, started out well, yes it got tweaked a bit, and potions got added, but where did the idea come from that the community MUST make the top tier?  It's a goal, to be sure.  But it also should be hard to make.  It's a community challenge for heavens sake!  NOT a community giveaway.  And there are other rewards, there are medals too!  Not that they matter at all, because they are of absolutly no use in leveling, pvping, gvging or titan hunting. (heavy sarcasm there for those of you who missed it...)

    One more thing, who was it that on the old forum had the disclaimer at the end that said:  The forum is the place to have thoughtful discussion.  We need that again.

#806514 Darksun Dragons II

Posted by Tastria on 15 August 2013 - 22:04

A list with buff ordering would be great, if reckoning is placed on the stack before conserve it could work on it.    


A basically free high level AL for non donating players is good, multiple is great.  Thank you


AM doesnt work on them, as a certain # spawn per map, and respawn immediately randomly (hence why smaller maps are better).


I doubt Reckoning works with Conserve, unless Conserve would have another roll to activate after Reckoning. 


Same with LF

     Now, I could be wrong, heaven knows it's happened before, BUT......I just got 3200 something kills on one, yes, one space.  I was using AM 500,  and I assume that's why it happened.  As for conserve, it seemed to work just fine until it wore off. (I was using the potion from the chest, from the last event, because somebody's bound to ask where I got it.)  As for everything else, it's a game, I'm enjoying it.  I'll probably keep playing.  Which I think, was the cows overall plan. 

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