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Member Since 02 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2021 16:45

#967840 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by fallengerm on 01 September 2016 - 20:34

so here was my daily quest:

Defeat 225 Dwarf creatures
225 / 225
Gain +100 Current Stamina
Time Remaining:
3h 36m 56s
My major issue with this is it cost me more 100 stam to do quest even with am and conserve, to to mention i have to teleport to are that has those creatures. I know this still in the early stages of development, but if rewards for the quest are worth the cost of doing i  will find it hard to even want to go after the medal.
Hopefully the quests and rewards will be more interesting and worth time spent doing them as the game goes on. Anyways thanks for the update looking forward to seeing more.

#962307 Pinata Frenzy VII

Posted by fallengerm on 18 April 2016 - 18:20

Well here is a thought for making the GE Frag event a little more interesting.


1. One add a medal for global creatures killed making it similar to the titan killing medal but requiring more kills to earn medal as the number of GE events have increased.


2. Add a quest giver to the game with a multi tiered quest which requires you to get so many kills in return for a reward. ( so the first quest would require like 7k global kills note global booster and quest hunter should not help count towards kills. ) After completing the first level of the quest the player could either accept the reward or accept a harder quest with higher kill requirement(note kills from first level of quest would not count toward the 2nd level of quest) if they accept the reward then the quest is over and they cannot try for the higher levels of the quest which would offer a better reward in return.

#961721 The Game Been Out For Almost 10 Years

Posted by fallengerm on 04 April 2016 - 03:20

First thing I wanna say is thank you to Hunted Cow staff for making a game that has lasted this long.  I recently notice that game will be 10 years old in Nov of this year.  So, with that said i been playing a little over 8 years now, and have played pretty much every aspect of the game. I know a lot of players have come and gone over the years, most of them complaining about what they don't like or about things go wrong. I admit there have been things i have like more then others but you guys have always keep the game interesting. Anyways keep up the good work, I am looking forward to seeing this game around for a lot of years to come, plus i got to reach the EOC sometime.(Guess I am stuck playing this game forever)



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