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Member Since 07 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 29 2024 18:02

#1010237 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by BigGrim on 15 January 2024 - 09:29

The in-game value ought to be correct. The new range should always be xx1.


~ Grim

#1010227 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by IVANIDAS on 13 January 2024 - 01:52

For over a year and some change nearly the whole community has awaited for the changes coming for "GVG".  With the release of a 'minor update' such as  level ranges and the hour wait for "preparing", I gotta admit, its a massive let down. The upcoming buff packages seems cool and all but isn't  really worth it for the amount of conflicts needed to be done, work doesn't equal the reward. Founders who do GVGs know that asking or paying your members for the work isn't worth it nor the time it takes for their commitment.  In the past only a few guilds have maintained the rank of being number one. I say everyone should get a chance for glory and add an incentive to it. Some have asked for a new epic, a medal or even an achievement. I can compel with a minor award such as a new rp item for maybe an exclusive epic. The items of RP have gone down massively even after the "double item epic upgrade" in which players barely use, just the collectors, they have now become worthless.

Take your time, listen to the community. Be better, do better.

#1010206 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by EpicPiety on 09 January 2024 - 16:54

With nothing of substance in this update, I have to say I am utterly disappointed. It wouldn't have been that difficult to add some sort of ladder reset to GvG. Don't get it twisted by the number of posts on this thread, many people have lost even the motivation to express their dissatisfaction, I'm surprised I'm even here myself. I can say this with certainty being in two of the largest non HCS discord's where there is nothing but negativity.

Expanding Range and notifications were supposed to compliment a bigger feature update not be the entire "update".

As a long time player I can safely say there is nothing more for me to do in the game. The reason people stop logging in is because there is nothing new for them to do. Without UFSG being fixed I cannot be certain, but based off the supply I've experienced in game it was surely a light xmas, even lighter next year without any substance.

Please consider working on an "Update 2" for GvG that includes a new competitive system.

#1010233 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by TheCount on 14 January 2024 - 03:12

Honestly the bare minimum for this update should have been the expanded ranges with a GvG Ladder reset. Like Ivan said before, a medal or guild achievement for placing first after a season would be a good incentive for those players with a competitive side. Some bonus RP for the top 5 would possibly keep those less interested in being first and more interested in making RP more active.

Of course, very little will change if the RP shop doesn't see a good and valuable update.

#1010257 Rise of the Wraiths XXVIII

Posted by BigGrim on 18 January 2024 - 15:45

Hi there everyone.
The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them.
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!
Elemental Wraith (Level 25)
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Elemental Wraiths plaguing the realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Global Event shall be live until 16:00 on the 23rd of January 2024.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze:1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II
Silver:1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II
Gold:2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II
Crystal:2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II
Ruby: 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II
If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive an additional 2 Global Ruby Frag Stash II chests.
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010265 Composing

Posted by Pardoux on 20 January 2024 - 21:47



I've just noticed that the FSH now informs you of the cost - thanks so much Pointy :)

#1006636 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by Pardoux on 08 January 2022 - 01:28

Just as a heads up - Evilbry wasn't banned - he asked for his account to be terminated.

#1009635 A new Idea

Posted by Silitas on 13 August 2023 - 13:35

HI mates!


I takes this idea from sigmastorm, i think that would be nice if from some level there will be some sort of reincarnation throught you can change class (Berserker/Warrior, paladin, mage, cleric, ranger).

When you change class you can acquire new skills and power, i think that can be introduced also some class equipment.

My idea is that through the various maps you get to a map where you start an epic quest for reincarnation at the end of which you can choose the class you like the most.

This would lead to a nice customization of the characters in my opinion.


Tell me what you think



#1009423 Classy Talk

Posted by duktayp on 26 May 2023 - 23:39

A look at the top ten players, broken up by class:











strange, seeing as how the purist class is the most difficult to play

cyborgs need to step up their game







#1009277 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Arioche on 20 April 2023 - 09:27

Hello everyone!
So we have an update about our plans for GvG. After reading through the replies, we have decided that in the update we shall:
Add a Notification System for Upcoming Conflicts
Guilds will be notified that a conflict will begin in 1 hour, allowing them to prepare. This will be separate from the 24hr Conflict Window.
Guilds must meet the Level Requirement and be over 7 days old to initiate a GvG
Expand Level Ranges
We are going to go ahead with the suggestion made in this thread. +25 Levels Every 1000 Levels Gained.
700-1000 (+/- 100)
1001-2000 (+/- 125)
2001-3000 (+/- 150)
3001-4000 (+/- 175)
4001-5000 (+/- 200)
Updated RP Packs
The offline time for AFK targets will remain as is.
We are planning to roll this update out within the next couple weeks (when Hoof is back!)
As said earlier, these changes will be put on trial and we will be actively collecting feedback.

#1009201 New Content! 5276 to 5300!

Posted by BigGrim on 30 March 2023 - 14:41

Hi all,
This is a major content update, we have just added the following to the game...
-New Master Realm 'Ketoric Realms'.
- New Area 'Fadova Fields (Flames)'.
- New Area 'Fadova Fields (Blaze)'.
- New Area 'Fadova Fields (Fell Plains)'.
- New Area 'Fadova Fields (Fire)'.
- New Area 'Fadova Fields (Pit)'.
- New Area 'Fadova Fields (Conflagration)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Thermals)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Sparks)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Inferno)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Fungal Grotto)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Thorns)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Sulphur)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Haunt)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Stalk)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Lair)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Ash)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Fury)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Guard)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Berserk)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Fields)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Wastes (Execution Yard)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Fortress (Gate)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Fortress (Alchemist Workshop)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Fortress (Barracks)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Fortress (Audience Chamber)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Fortress (Antechamber)'.
- 25 New Creatures.
- 2 New 'Champion' Creatures.
- 1 New 'Elite' Creature. 
- 1 New 'Common' Item.
- 2 New 'Rare' Items.
- 2 New 'Unique' Items.
- 2 New Item Sets.
- 2 New Portals.
- 3 New Relics.
It is rumored that a new portal to the Fadova Fields (Flames) has been discovered in the Vendaro Plains (Sting).
A new Feedback thread is open for all who wish to comment!
~The Fallen Sword Team

#1009281 New Content! 5301 - 5325!

Posted by BigGrim on 21 April 2023 - 14:03

Hi all,
This is a major content update, we have just added the following to the game...
-New Master Realm 'Milloric Wastes'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Mines (Entrance)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Mines (Tunnels)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Mines (Seam)'.
- New Area 'Ketoric Mines (Work Face)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Desolation)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Walls)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Range)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Rage)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Forage)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Hive)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (War Camp)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Crawl)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Slither)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Spore)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Razorfist)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Glade)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Burrow)'.
- New Area 'Milloric Wastes (Fallen Copse)'.
- New Area 'Gildarath Pits (Bile)'.
- New Area 'Gildarath Pits (Lash)'.
- New Area 'Gildarath Pits (Quarry)'.
- New Area 'Gildarath Pits (Bone Pit)'.
- New Area 'Gildarath Pits (Rubble)'.
- New Area 'Gildarath Pits (Scrabble)'.
- New Area 'Gildarath Pits (Ambush)'.
- New Area 'Gildarath Pits (Lair)'.
- 25 New Creatures.
- 2 New 'Champion' Creatures.
- 1 New 'Elite' Creature. 
- 1 New 'Common' Item.
- 2 New 'Rare' Items.
- 2 New 'Unique' Items.
- 2 New Item Sets.
- 3 New Portals.
- 2 New Relics.
It is rumored that a new portal to the Ketoric Mines (Entrance) has been discovered in the Ketoric Fortress (Audience Chamber).
A new Feedback thread is open for all who wish to comment!
~The Fallen Sword Team

#1009110 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Lsrpm on 14 March 2023 - 18:44



Agreement on server times? I can see the appeal, but I think the initiating guild should still have some advantage, and negotiating a time could be like herding cats with guilds wanting their guys from X timezone on, and the other guild, that has done its homework, deliberately wants to avoid them. Agreements might be hard to come by!


Thats where the initiating guild can get the advantage, by already knowing which timezones are most active before they launch an attack. Also herding cats sounds part of the strategy. If a guild couldnt get their ducks in a row in a ~24 hour notice, then they should have prepared better. Theres already many elements in the game similar to this.

#1009103 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by EpicPiety on 14 March 2023 - 15:00

Since we are discussing the revamping of GVG, many players and or guilds still do not like to participate in GVG or latter combat. I think the mechanism for GVG should be able to be turned off or opted in or out like the latter. This could be a founder's control as the founder would know the pulse of his guild insofar as GVG participation.

Totally disagree, quick way to have 0 participation. You don't lose XP so don't see the need to opt out.

#1009102 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Chooma123 on 14 March 2023 - 14:34

​I think given the change to reduce the offline time for AFK targets, you should add the increase to the level brackets for the trial alongside it. With the reduction of targets that comes from reducing the offline time, you risk making already pretty dead brackets even worse. I think the previous suggestion of increasing the level bracket by an extra +/- 25 levels for every 1000 levels, alongside the current brackets, would be a good starting point - and can always be changed during/after the trial.
As an example for my level, at 3492:
With no level bracket increases (+/- 100 levels): 9 targets (Pretty dead considering a cooldown of 10 days per guild)
With the suggested +/-25 levels per 1000 level addition (+/- 175 levels): 18 targets (Much more acceptable)

On the offline time, I assume you plan to follow the current behaviour. Right now, a player can become inactive during the conflict. So if you start a GvG, and someone in the defending guild has been offline for 6-7 days, at some point during the 24 hour period (assuming the GvG lasts the full period) - they will become afk and unattackable during the GvG.
Given the changes will also help guilds defend better, I think the chances of GvGs lasting longer, even to the full 24 hours, are much higher. So to guarentee that targets do not become untargetable during the GvG, you would have to ensure they have logged in within the last 24 hours before starting, which IMO is too little. To resolve this I would suggest 1 of 2 options:
 1. Increase the afk time to 3 days and preserve the current behaviour.
 2. Change the behaviour so that the afk time is only checked at the start of a conflict, and once the conflict has started, targets cannot become untargetable by crossing the afk threshold.

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