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Maury Bund

Member Since 16 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2016 15:51

#912968 What's coming in 2015?

Posted by Maury Bund on 31 December 2014 - 14:17

New Buffs!

There's been loads of great ideas for new buffs discussed on the forum. We're going to take a look through them and look to start adding higher level buffs to the skill tree so there will be new skills to unlock as you level.

A long time ago, in a galaxy that was once this one (the old forum before the portal), I made a suggestion that I am going to re-prepose, and that is a total revamp of the skill tree. Remove level restrictions from all skills and tie them all together so that some points will be put into skills we really don't want as we work our way down the tree.


In the end, it will work out the same with higher level players having more of the upper tier buffs. Lower level players will get to get their own version of any particular skill they feel is most important to them far quicker and without having to buy it. Top tier players will have no longer have the opportunity to "cherry pick" the skills they want. And probably, most importantly, the cows will no longer be on a clock of "it's been 800 levels or 1/3 of current content since we were last given new buffs" whine.

#912753 Location of spawning of seasonal titans

Posted by Maury Bund on 30 December 2014 - 06:10

Moral of the story- Just do ALL of your quests when you get them

#912077 Forest of Yule opens!

Posted by Maury Bund on 25 December 2014 - 15:10

I thought you fixed seasonal titans tied to quests so that one could get the 1 kill required to complete, even if a guild is on cooldown. I'll be awfully upset if I miss my small window to do the quest now and have to wait 1 year just to make 1 kill.

#905207 Update v2.60

Posted by Maury Bund on 27 November 2014 - 14:32

Brute Strength

Assuming that this skill starts at level 100 and increases 10 per level of composing, and not 5, I think you should drop this to a lower level reachable than the current slated 52. At level 60 composing this would give a player a 180 Brute Strength and give an additional, +9 to Berserk, Fury and Enchant Weapon. Unless you change it work on potions, as well as casted buffs, it will be a pretty worthless skill.


EW1000 can be bought for less than 10k gold. Berserk 350 for less than 100k gold. Fury 350 is 1-2 FSP. All 3 of these are better than 183, even assuming that Buff Enhancer steps the same way and there is a possibility of having a castable Fury, Berserk and EW of 193. The cost of getting to composing level 50-60 set aside, the cost of making the max level potion of this for 1 hour is probably multiple the cost of the other 3 combined.

#904500 Forthcoming Composing Update.

Posted by Maury Bund on 25 November 2014 - 15:06

 ...now considering you are increasing the levels its seems only fair and reasonable that you acknowledge the composed pots of those that have reached lvl 50.


Why stand so firmly on this issue?   ...  you can review your decision the way you did with top SE Hunters.

With the SE hunters, the medal had already been keeping a tally that they could build back upon. An SE kill is an SE kill. Yes, there is the Artisan medal which tracks the number of potions created, but it does not differentiate whether that potiion was worth 10 xp or 70 xp. The amount of resources needed to recreate the information (if even possible) could be better spent on other portions of the game. Sorry, but at least you are getting the much sought after additional potion skills.

#904199 Santork and Flamedeer Event!

Posted by Maury Bund on 24 November 2014 - 16:56

How about this year when these guys return, that any new sets be a Weapon/ Amulet combo? The Flamedeer needs some love too.

#904195 Forthcoming Composing Update.

Posted by Maury Bund on 24 November 2014 - 16:45

I like that you are finally adding and expanding Composing (even though I am still a low level in it) as well as no longer needing the backpack slot open to process "grinding" potions.




I am not a fan of the deposit reset occurring at 0:00 every day. Those who are gold thieves  :P will look for players to make deposits to guild banks at regulaar times. Yes, players will not have to do it at an exact time every day, but that will be what most will default to. I also like being able to kind of set my reset time to a certain time the day before a hunt to double up my number of deposits, although I realize you would rather us pay the upgrade to reset deposits.

#904144 Development Update 19th November 2014

Posted by Maury Bund on 24 November 2014 - 14:43

hitting that cap would be too easy for a network of players, like just The Evil Dead alone.. 

I don't know why you are throwing our name out there like that. We are a leveling guild, just check the top rated lists. #2 level behind FFS, but way down at #28 for PvP. :unsure:

#893481 Here's what I think about PvP and XP loss

Posted by Maury Bund on 10 October 2014 - 00:03

I'm sorry, but if xp loss is being removed from PvP, it has to be ALL aspects then. Not pick and choose to punish a select few. If this PvP xp is supposed to be as valuable as regular xp, then there should be no double punishment on the BB.

#891371 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by Maury Bund on 26 September 2014 - 00:40

Yes, I don't pvp because it isn't worth the harm for such little gain. With this new change, I shall become an unapologetic thief as there is no harm to my main gaming goals.

OK, BG, here it is in a nutshell from a player rallying behind your change, why xp loss removal is BAD for the game in whole. Yes, there may be some bullying that happens that you are probably getting sick of dealing with the PM's, emails and phone calls. But consider his statement for just a few minutes.


"I shall become an unapologetic thief" as will many, many more. Why, because they really won't care about the PvPXP, nor truly the rewards. Most of those prizes are really hot, but cool off after the newness wears off. If you make them bound, players will cry that the want to earn money like arena, titan hunters and scavengers. When they are available for sale, a player not wanting to bother with building the credits through effort will just wait a few weeks, or maybe a couple of months, until the price is something they want to spend. So, I cannot see how any reward will become lasting enough.


"there is no harm to my gaming goals" is the same thing most of the current anti-PvPers are saying that the PvPers are doing to their game now, even this player stating many times throughout this thread. How many players count on the gold they earn to build their character? Compose? Scavange? Taking that gold will hurt those players gaming goals. So how is this mentality better than what they are crying against?


How much effort over the past few years has the HCS staff put in to create gold sinks and manage the price of Gold to FSP ratio? You think a new player has a hard time now getting to 200K gold to buy 1 FSP? How high do think the price will rise once players begin robbing each other without recriminations? All the work you guys have done to try to stabilize the game economy will be darn near wiped out by this one proposed "update."


What do plan to do, put in 2 types of bounty boards, 1 with taking PvPXP and 1 that takes character xp? Does not sound like a fair shake to me.


Most of my attacks are to defend my guildmates or to steal gold, but I do it with the knowledge and acceptance that tomorrow, I may be 5 levels less. I at least stop to think if it is worth it before I press attack. Many will no longer find that pause.


Please, take these thoughts and stew about them, before proceeding.

#890786 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by Maury Bund on 23 September 2014 - 03:39

BG, if you want to scrap the ladder as it has not worked they way HCS intended. Fine. Move the rewards to Arena store and convert all PvP ladder token to Arena tokens (1-1 would be a poor, poor ratio).


If you took out xp loss on PvP hits why would we need a bounty board after that? No loss would occur from pvp hits, so why would anyone have a reason to place a bounty? A gold hit? Those are already hard to make as is as the possibilty for loss is usually outweighed by slight return. Yes, I have made attacks for gold on players with xp protection. As the amount lost is somewhat tied to the amount of xp lost, I usually don't get much and so don't do it as often. With these kind of restrictions, I would go from making 5-10 attacks per year (yes a real bully type frequency attitude that ruins peoples game play) to zero per year. Did I mention that I don't consider myself a PvPer? But I do think this is an important part of the game that too often gets vilified. 


I understand that you probably get extremely tired of fielding complaints from players that claim to be harassed through pvp (and I don't envy the task). Maybe some bullying does occur, and maybe some politicians ACTUALLY are honest about the same number of times. Xp loss PvP allows the player base to police itself. By removing that, you are not only putting more of the power into the staff's hand, but more importantly the burden.


With much of the recent interactions my guild has had from you, my opinion is that you are pretty much settled into this coarse and we are making these posts in vain with little to no chance to sway you. I hope I am wrong in this regard.


And yes, I will also say that it would be extremely nice to have hoof chime in on this.

#890078 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by Maury Bund on 18 September 2014 - 02:27

PvP in this game used to be (and somewhat still holds the flavor) like playing poker with your friends and some strangers and using your own money. The thrill is in gambling your earnings- in this case, xp/levels- and exhalting when you win. I'm sorry, but the direction this thread seems to be taking is more like going to the dollar store to buy that out-of-date blackjack handheld video game and trying to rack up $10M and thinking it has the same kind of satisfaction. PvP is about the risk, the reward of taking xp or gold, and the hope of not losing more than you just won in the process.


I think what really burns my ass the most about most of the Pro vs Anti PvP threads, is that the majority of the Anti are the same ones who are constantly complaining to HCS about content not being put out fast enough; not enough Globals events; we need new uber sets or potions; there needs to be more or better epics adding stamina gain; where are my new skills now that I made it to the end of what you already gave me. Many of these things are constant pulls to staff time and resources.


Those that are more active in PvP, generally are not asking for all these things, or at least far, far less often. But the Pro PvPers seem to be looked at as agents of evils, even sometimes by the staff (just look at post #42).  I wish that HCS would reconsider how much PvP with xp loss actually lessens their workload by keeping players' levels lower with less new needs.

#884377 Quango Island Returns!

Posted by Maury Bund on 08 August 2014 - 16:59

oof, i know....can anyone help me here?

Did you look in your quest book under seasonal, not started? It will tell you all the new ones that are available to you.

#883819 Chompers Attack!

Posted by Maury Bund on 05 August 2014 - 16:42

Glad everyone enjoyed the event. Are people happy with the set choices? More armour/defence options will likely be available in the future through the planned Arena and GRP prize update. I will open a thread for that soon.

Don't forget to add some new ladder rewards with it too, please.

#878867 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by Maury Bund on 14 July 2014 - 03:14

1) The level 1800-2200 skills we don't have yet

2) New LE and Spine equipment for the levels above 1500

3) A PvP or SE GE to match the multiple frag stash events we have had


Part of playing a game is learning HOW to play it. Never used it and do okay, and I'm not the sharpest knife in the block. Please stick to the stuff we really need. If FSHelper goes by the wayside, the player base will learn to cope and adapt like they do with the rest of many updates.

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