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#952227 Oidhche Shamhna IV

Posted by Kedyn on 30 October 2015 - 02:49

The level 450 titan (Gargantuan Clamper Wurm) is in a level 450 area. You need to teleport to the 451 realm, head to Caves of Kreth (Level 10) and the portal to the realm is in there.


My guess for the other titan is around the same idea, but haven't been able to confirm yet.

#951630 Halloween Event........ it's coming! =)

Posted by Kedyn on 22 October 2015 - 03:10

Better make some room Jenne =)  :)


*hint hint* Flash sale for BP spaces again anyone? *hint hint*...


Haha - I'm more excited about the creatures! :)

#951296 New PvP Recipes!

Posted by Kedyn on 16 October 2015 - 18:16

Load up with Spell Breaker and/or Leech?


Grim - you really need to take some time to understand GVG - Even with Spell breaker, spell leach.. if someone sits in a defense set with those buffs, with auto-refresh on themselves with buffs - if you aren't able to break Dispel Curse, you alone will most likely lose about 50% of the fights you initiate, if not more (taking into account HG/GS and other chance buffs). One side of the equation (probably the attacking side) already probably completed their hits, meaning the defending guild needs to return those hits. With the epic chests (Granted I understand they cost a lot), it's almost a certainty that the defending guild doesn't have a chance. Please level into the ranges we have in RA (or drop hooftest down or other players) and let's GVG a few times to show what I mean. 

#951229 New PvP Recipes!

Posted by Kedyn on 16 October 2015 - 02:08

It's great to see the potions, but 960 minute duration? That's going to crush GVG when players who are active on the ladder just drop one of these potions when they start with a BM300. It's going to give them the opportunity to be buffed for 24 hours straight. I understand that these may be more geared towards the ladder, but you've just given guilds the ability to hit 20 guilds in a row with a few members and stay buffed with important (unbreakable) buffs such as Defensive Aura, Keen Edge, Flinch, Shield Wall and most importantly the chance buff Dispel Curse (57.6% with a good distil potion). I was able to hold off about 60-70 attacks during the season with those buffs alone.

#951146 Do you think 'RP Farming' i ruining the game if it helps improve the...

Posted by Kedyn on 15 October 2015 - 02:32

GvG as it currently stands is dying out. It only lies in a small handful of players who are benefiting from it due to the farming. Farming is understood as beating dead guilds while they are down over and over again with loopholes to keep them barely alive. Those who voted 'no' are most likely guilty of this.

I had a post going earlier saying you may mean "no", but saw you corrected it once I came back.
I agree almost completely with your definition of an RP farmer. I'd expand it to say that it would be targeting any guild who would be considered an "easy" win - aka won't hit back, have bad rating, know that they don't understand buffs/gear combinations and would lose in the first few hits. Many "specialized" (farming) guild are centered around this aspect. They pick lower level, weaker targets who don't understand the game. They continue to prey on those targets and both profit in terms of Rating and RP, with rating not being as big of a deal. It's less so since the GVG update where all GVG's cost the same amount.
When it's lower levels that are targetted, I think it is more harmful to the game. As many used to state in the older GVG threads, coming onto 50-100 attacks on you with your gear completely broken can be disheartening. While most players are settled in at this time, and could probably pay for the repairs, not everyone can. It's especially hard on the lower level players who may still be learning the game, and not have the gold to pay for it.

#950836 HCS wins at BIDS Business Awards.

Posted by Kedyn on 09 October 2015 - 14:57

Congrats guys - keep up the good work. I think the games have definitely taken a step forward with you guys keeping your eye on them. 

#950831 More new GvG Epics!

Posted by Kedyn on 09 October 2015 - 14:37

I"ll have to check them out, but personally, I would have rather seen some time dedicated to improving the GVG aspect of the game rather than more new GVG epics. 


Thanks for the update here. Hopefully we'll see some updates to the actual game mechanics than just trying to force more RP farming. 

#950530 GVG Updates - Ways to Reinvigorate GVG

Posted by Kedyn on 06 October 2015 - 14:07

-GvG quick attack button should be placed on the profile page next to the "attack player/ladder attack/bounty attack"


-I told before that there was a Ninja update and that RA could now again earn Rating. Though because of their huge gap to the other guilds its no wonder that you earning only a slight margin of what is possible) Thats exactly like QQing bout our guild not getting rating from hit-farming guild that are below 900 rating points. I feel the current rating change system is fine as it is.


-Last but not least we also noticed a heavy increase "statistically" in retaliation activity, which TDNW gladly approve! The overall increase was from 20% in 10 GvGs (before the new GvG Epics) to 60% in 10 GvGs (5.10.2015). Now we can only assume that this is because new inventable GvG Epics were released and we are glad that GvG got rejuvinated by it to an extent. Though we would suggest that GvG should get more love in the soon future, for oversaturation of the market can happen in no less than 6-12 months, and we hope for the good of the whole GvG realm that more changes will be applied to this aspect of the game.


Vala Morghulis.


=. End of Transmission.=


#1 - Agree about the attack button. We've requested it 3 different times in this thread and have messaged a few different times about it. It's a huge disadvantage for the attacking guild (which I guess isn't really that big of a deal in terms of evening out the playing field of attackers getting the advantage), but is a detriment to GVG as it probably causes people to second guess actually GVG'ing.


#2 - We did get some rating, but nothing that was worth the stamina and cost that was spent. Unfortunately, I'm thinking you should check your math. We were hitting guilds that were about 200-300 rating under us, which would equate to you hitting guilds that have 1100 or 1200 rating. We hit all of the top guilds that had a target for us to hit. Period. There was no preying on players, there was no 2 or 3 v 1 player, where they are the only one who could return attacks. While I don't think rating transfer needs to be large (there shouldn't ever be a transfer more than 10-15 points on a single GVG), I don't like the rating transfer system as is. If someone who has 900 rating hits someone who is 1500 rating and wins, you lose a huge amount, however that 1500 guild doesn't have a chance to get that rating back. 


#3 - I actually saw less retaliation in the 20 GVG's that we ran this weekend than the last time we ran GVG's, and that was 15. I don't think statistically I could agree with you or disagree. I guess a lot of it could be about the idea that the top ladder is stale and people have become complacent with their place, which is never good for anything. This is part of the reason I've suggested the things that I have in the beginning - Ladder Reset and forcing teams to be more diverse so that there is more competition. 

#950391 GVG Updates - Ways to Reinvigorate GVG

Posted by Kedyn on 03 October 2015 - 20:03

Another suggestion:


Allow an attack option on the players profile page. The attacker is at a huge disadvantage currently, especially if the target is online. Currently, there is a large delay between checking a player and then selecting their name from drop-down menu of the attack page. It really makes it difficult to hit a player who is online and willing to "dance", as you have a delay after changing your gear, checking their stats and then getting to the attack player page. It allows the target time to change gear in the few seconds it would take (I'm pretty sure I did it to someone today, where I saw them change gear and I switched to a different set and caused a loss).

#950246 New Arena Sets!

Posted by Kedyn on 01 October 2015 - 17:17

It's just the way they've been plugged in around other sets in their range. There are other combos to come.


I understand, but it would be a nice change to see us have to use some thought regarding other sets. It really is just plug and play with building around Hands/Gloves for Armor, Defense, Hunting, etc. above level 1000 it feels like. When you look at other possible set combinations for defense around 1500-1800, there is definitely room for different combos like Body + Ring, Boots + Shield, and a few others that would make possibility for new combinations (That's the best part about new gear is figuring out the best way to use it).

#950244 New Arena Sets!

Posted by Kedyn on 01 October 2015 - 17:08

Tuvok - you may want to check it out, there probably is a recipe under 200 ;).


Grim - can I ask why we continue to see so many new sets that have the same Gloves/Hands combo above level 1000? There are a ton that keep getting updated, but not really new combinations. I think I have 7 or 8 different sets that have that same combo between 1000 - 1800 (Skull Carver Armor + New PVP Set at 1000 + All Santork Sets + New Arena Set). 


Otherwise, thanks for the new sets! Can't wait to see what goodies they have to hide :)

#950127 GVG Updates - Ways to Reinvigorate GVG

Posted by Kedyn on 30 September 2015 - 13:27

As another suggestion, I believe the level ranges for GVG could be increased, as the last update really is only 701+ for +/- 100 levels. 


The current range is as stated:


50 - 300 (+/- 25)
301 - 700 (+/- 50)
701+ (+/- 100)
Personally, I feel the lower level ranges should be reduced, as there is a higher population down there, or should be if the App release is successful and HCS keeps making decent updates.
My idea would be something like this:
50 - 200 (+/- 25)
201 - 400 (+/- 50)
401 - 700 (+/- 75)
701 - 1000 (+/- 100)
1001 - 1500 (+/- 125)
1501 - 2000 (+/- 150)
2001+ (+/- 200)
I'm not sure if that's too many ranges, or if it would necessarily work out, as I'm not sure what the groupings between active players are. I know that these ranges are a bit large at the tail-end of higher levels. There definitely will be mis-matches in gears when two targets are fully buffed, but I think it may be a necessary evil so that there are more targets for players.
 If HCS would be able to provide some data, it'd be a fun exercise to see the bell curve (or probably reverse bell-curve) of active players across the level ranges. 

#949802 GVG Updates - Ways to Reinvigorate GVG

Posted by Kedyn on 26 September 2015 - 21:00

Quarterly resets: Im all for it, and my crew would love seeing a complete wipe.

300-50 RP is a bit too much reward for just getting to 1-25 in my opinion. 1/2 of that should be more appropriate. Just in the light of the current situation one could do only do max 10-30 GvGs per 10 days, then wait for cooldown etc. Unless the cooldown is adjusted.


How to adjust cooldown:

Apply the usual 10 Days cooldown to any guild that is at least 100 Rating below you. Any guild that is slightly lower than your guilds rating or above you, should only have a 5 day cooldown. That way more GvGs could take place. Im lobbying here especially for my guild. Cuz with the amount of GvGs that we churn out against all kinds of guilds, were stuck a whole week just waiting for the cooldowns to wear off. Which is really greatly discouraging.



On your second post you wrote adjustable Stam GvGing... Were you not the one lobbying strictly against it when we had that 50 stam GvGs in the seasons? Kinda funny you bring it up to reinvent the wheel, but ok, Im all for it aswell. I got stam overflow lots of time because I have to wait for cooldown, and dlvls happen only occasionally.


On your first point - I am okay to adjust the RP amounts, but remember that it will take both attacking and defending to be able to compete. Not discounting your guild,but when you only have 4 targets to buff (all in the same range), it doesn't cost you as much to GVG. However, if you would look at our logs whenever we GVG, we spend thousands upon thousands of stamina whenever we go on the GVG's. Some of the more recent battles we had with No Drama have cost both side probably tens of thousands of stamina - I believe the RP rewards are fine.


I would think a 7 day cooldown would be enough to suffice. I like the idea of the 10 because then you can't continually run GVG's the same days over and over and over (ie every Friday and Sunday on the same guilds). I don't think it needs to be any less, but I'll leave that up to HCS on that point. I think part of the reason you run out of targets (not to pick on you) is because you're such a specialized guild. From experience, we're able to find about 30-40 guilds at a time (but choose not to hit because we'd rather hit faster - more than 1 target per person).


On the point you said I was against the higher stamina cost for GVG was only from the defending side. A defender who is the only target in a 50 hit GVG = 2500 stamina, which is almost all stamina a person can gain in a day. If you increase that to 75 or 100 hits, it's almost impossible for lower level players to return the hits. The other point that I didn't like was that 5x the cost should equal 5x the reward (unless that was the only option, which I said I was okay with at the time).  However, with the adjustable stamina costs for attackers, I think that 5x the stam and 10x the same shouldn't equal 5x the rewards and 10x the rewards. You should get less rewards for getting RP faster.


At the end of the day, it should be both about attacking and defending with the GVG ladder resets. I would hope that through some of these updates, we would see some increased activity in GVG paired with the rewards.

#949750 GVG Updates - Ways to Reinvigorate GVG

Posted by Kedyn on 26 September 2015 - 04:33

Now, I'd like to post some other possible ways to help bring more activity into GVG. These ideas may bring both more wanted and unwanted type of GVG (meaning that there could be more "farming" of guilds, but that's the environment that was created with the RP epics). These ideas are separate from the one above from Ryebred about the ladder resets every 1-3 months.


1) Create the ability for the attacking guild to select the amount of stam they would like to use per hit in a GVG conflict. I would think 3 levels would be good, with varying rewards. The normal 10 stam hits, which keeps the same RP rewards as now. A 50 stam option (every hit by the attacking guild will be 50 stam) where RP rewards are multiplied by 4. The third option would be 100 stam hits required by the attacking guild. This would multiply rewards by 7. The reason why the reward multipliers aren't equal to the amount of stamina used (ie 100 stam is 10x the 10 stam) is because of the idea you're gaining RP faster for a lesser number of conflicts. 


If this is introduced, I'd like to keep defending the way it is. All defense hits are 10 stam - no matter what the attacking guild used. The defending guild will receive the multiplier based on the stamina used by the attacking guild for either draws or defense wins. This will help give some incentive for guilds to return hits, and allow players who are targeted (ie 2 players from the attacking guild targeting 1 player) to return hits without needing say 5000 stamina to return hits (if the 2 attacking players used 100 stam hits).


At the end of the day, I'd like to see more guilds try to return hits in GVG, as the attacking guild has the advantage by picking the time to attack the defending guild in GVG.


2) If quarterly resets for the GVG ladder are introduced, I'd like to suggest a few adjustments to Rye's post. First, I'd like to create a more random reset - anywhere from 1-3 months would be great. I don't think it's necessary, but I like the idea of more randomization around resets, which keeps guilds needing to attack and defend throughout the entire process.


Also if the ladders reset, I'd like to see more restrictions around the guilds who are able to participate. I am still okay with the idea that a minimum of 4 active players are needed in a guild to initiate. I'd like to suggest a few more ideas if the resetting ladder is introduced:


A) There should be at least  4 active targets in the guild being initiated against. I know there are some  guilds out there that get targeted when an attacking guild has 2 people able to hit a person in a 1 person guild.

B) The attacking guild should have to target at least 2 different players in the guild that was initiated against. This will help make sure all targets aren't against 1 player. There would at least need to be 2 people in the same range, or require guilds to hit multiple targets.


I'm okay with not seeing #2 introduced, as I know that there may be that 1 weak target in the defending guild that you want to take advantage of. However, I think it would require attacking guilds to be a bit more diversified, or at least not be able to "gang" up on 1 player only.


3) Please fix the rating transfer in GVG. Since the last updates made to it, it has been broken. Using personal experience in RA, we cannot gain any rating from the guilds in the top 10 that we can hit. We have only been able to lose it. I'm not sure the best way to adjust it, or what the limits of gaining/losing should be, but it's frustrating to only be able to lose and not be able to gain any back. There should be "retaliation" GVG's that can be initiated to re-gain lost rating if you happen to lose.


Thank you for the time, and I hope the community takes some time to respond and discuss.

#949746 GVG Updates - Ways to Reinvigorate GVG

Posted by Kedyn on 26 September 2015 - 04:09

While I know GVG (Guild vs Guild) seems to have become a forgotten piece of the game, I think there are still ways that can re-vitalize GVG with new recipes and buff packages that are being released. While I still think RP rewards (epics) hurt the idea of GVG, I will put that aside for this discussion. My end goal is to try to breathe life into GVG again - both from the attacking and defending sides. The first suggestion was one that Ryebred and I talked about a long time ago, which he posted back on one of the development maps, and got a lot of great responses (from many GVG players, top rated and not, at the time):


Posted 06 March 2014 - 10:15

GvG needs attention - simple moves can improve it so very much, and I see no harm in trying something that isn't a complete alteration of GvG as we know it now.

How do you start - quarterly resets.  Every 3 months reset top rated list.  Why; because the top is stagnant, and upcoming guilds so far from getting close - it's downright discouraging.  

Reward the top at each reset; nothing fancy - just a little boost of RP to the tops - further increases incentive to compete.  GvGers are very proud, and little incentive is needed imo.

                1st - 300 RP
                2nd- 200 RP
                3rd- 150 RP
                4th & 5th - 100 RP
                6th-10th- 75 RP
                11th-25th- 50 RP
Don't go introducing more gear to be made with RP - want to include some updated buff packs that are with the times = great (buff packs that support the fields from which the currency to buy them is spawned would be an amazing revelation - titan hunting + GvG friendly packs) - but don't overdo it on the rewards.

 New guild medals in same light of ones recently introduced to recognize outstanding achievement on guild scale would be nice perk too..they can in themseves do something small like the current "
Guild Achievements " do - can represent few different catagories - top dogs, top 5, etc.

I think this is good base idea to try.  There is no harm that can come of it in my opinion.  I believe it will create a new buzz in game; and many would be shocked at what doing a little can bring to a dying field.

Thanks for reading; feedback, suggestions, etc ~ Rye



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