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Member Since 25 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2024 21:02

#1008479 This page isn’t workingwww.fallensword.com is currently unable to handle this...

Posted by Removed4427 on 10 October 2022 - 23:41

I see "G" to create a group


how cool would it be to have a hotkey to "use" a group


but alas, no one could possibly code something like that : /

#1008397 This page isn’t workingwww.fallensword.com is currently unable to handle this...

Posted by shindrak on 26 September 2022 - 21:20

Game is still lagging after fixing the white pages

#1007790 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by EpicPiety on 13 June 2022 - 14:51

  No to the notification and waiting period.  People are busy and they can't always schedule a time to initiate a conflict then wait "X" hours to actually start hitting. 

So you'd rather not know when a GvG is coming in? Arguably this is better following the problem you brought up. The problem is, someone can GvG a guild and be done before they can even prepare. It's far more competitive when both sides can strategize and prepare.

Could just be 1-2 hour notice, some notice is better than absolutely none.

#1007705 Wanted Bounty box

Posted by PointyHair on 25 May 2022 - 12:48

It was moved because having it on the top right causes page instability / layout shift. It causes everything in the right hand column to shuffle down. This behaviour is detrimental to web vitals scoring. People find layout shift unsettling. It can be especially annoying if it happens just before you try to click something.

I can make this a preference if enough people feel strongly about it.

#1004025 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by EpicPiety on 10 June 2021 - 15:54

1. Abandon Relic Button.
2. If atleast one person in guild is not defending Relic it should get Auto Abandoned
( I mean the purpose of Relic Defense is to defend not leave empty )
3. Max out the number of Stam gain relics a Guild can hold. ( Example 2 per guild )
( Only guilds that can successfully hold the +4 stam relics are the Pay to Play guilds )
4. Do Not create a cooldown for capturing relics that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while
5 Make Defending more overpowered than attacking. It is extremely easy to take a relic and extremely Difficult to Defend.

6. I’ll think of more but I’m currently at work and stressed out enough as is. I only briefly read most posts
Have a great day all and hope my 5 thoughts I could think of help if not… oh well.. I tried

1. okay

2. okay

3. why? If a guild can maintain them let them. Want one, take it. Can't maintain it then work towards it. Capping will only make relics more mundane and there will be even less relic competition. Relics are not pay to play, rather you just need active members. This suggestion just makes it so inactive people who don't play can have some. This very ideology has been ruining the game since around 2013-14.

4. maybe reduce the CD

5. okay, maybe not more although more balanced for sure.

#1004013 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by PointyHair on 10 June 2021 - 10:41

The vocal minority getting their way again is it? What "feedback" are you supposedly responding to?

"my tiny disorganised guild should get the same perks as the larger/older guilds that have worked hard for years to get where they are!"

As far as I can tell, you are saying that instead of working hard on teamwork and building something together, players can just whine until they get what they want. oh wait...

This is going to cause huge problems for the quiet majority. If you are going to make fundamental changes to game balance like this then we will need a way to relinquish our relics.

#1004024 Possible Relic Alterations

Posted by Subject on 10 June 2021 - 15:15

1. Abandon Relic Button.
2. If atleast one person in guild is not defending Relic it should get Auto Abandoned
( I mean the purpose of Relic Defense is to defend not leave empty )
3. Max out the number of Stam gain relics a Guild can hold. ( Example 2 per guild )
( Only guilds that can successfully hold the +4 stam relics are the Pay to Play guilds )
4. Do Not create a cooldown for capturing relics that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while
5 Make Defending more overpowered than attacking. It is extremely easy to take a relic and extremely Difficult to Defend.

6. I’ll think of more but I’m currently at work and stressed out enough as is. I only briefly read most posts
Have a great day all and hope my 5 thoughts I could think of help if not… oh well.. I tried

#1003435 Games so broken

Posted by Removed4427 on 01 April 2021 - 23:05

Add me to the list here of people unable to play, for reasons listed , as well as other issues 


I'm not using the "Q" word yet, but i am using the "C" word, in that i "Can't" play... with the game in its current condition, using classic as my preferred map


Add me to the inactive account list, ill check back at a later date. I cannot game with a broken play

#1002637 Towers => Orbs

Posted by Prop on 26 December 2020 - 04:26

I personally want to know that if I put a lot of time in, I will have certain advantages. What's the point of putting lots of time in if they will not exist. It's a really flawed concept that making things easily obtainable by new players and or casuals is helping them. It's actually not helping the game at all.

*cough* 800 levels gained *cough*


Sorry, must have had a bit of hypocrisy stuck in my throat there.

#1002559 Changes to Arterial Strike

Posted by yotekiller on 22 December 2020 - 17:15

So someone gaining hundreds of levels while sitting naked and not making a single kill on their own is not an exploit.  Just what IS your definition of an exploit?  If it was working as intended, why did you believe it was necessary and made sense to change it going forward?

#1002599 Changes to Arterial Strike

Posted by kitobas on 24 December 2020 - 11:57

but wouldnt most players stop after they discovered it and report it to hsc ?


especially a leader or member of 2nd rated guild in fs 

yes you stopping, it calling common sense and having integrety


we players having resposibilty reporting bug, exploit, not abusing it


You know as well as I do that Arterial Strike was NEVER intended for group play.  It was designed for the player that doesn't consistently 1 hit to get a bit more experience to make up for the extra stamina spent. You will never convince me that an unfair advantage wasn't taken of an anomaly that apparently occurred when Conserve was added to the AS equation....   As to who writes the meta?  I had great respect for you, but this takes the cake.... who died and made you GOD?

he knowing it, I 100% sure but he having no choice, he needing trying defending eoc players who doing exploit many 100 times


you making many mistakes

  • before xp event you sending many shoutboxes in game recruiting many new, lower players, before you not doing it, normal you having minimum requirements to joining: - Level 1000+ and - 20,000 max stamina like top guilds but this time you changing and strange (after exploit it showing you already planning it long ago, you having intention of using exploit but because no proof, let saying it speculating)
  • new player who playing fs game for 1 hour knowing when you wanting leveling you use your character with buffs (al, lib, conserve, doubler and rest) to go hunting yourself, this is common logic that everyone knowing, if player wanting to leveling hunting then he needing using his character manually with buffs (al, lib, conserve, doubler and rest) to doing hunting, everyone in comunity knowing this and if player saying after playing game 12 years then it lie and everyone knowing
  • groups was created helping players who having trouble beating creature stats, in group other players in guild can joining for helping increasing stats for group leader killing creature, hcs making mercs you can hiring for help for increasing stats to killing creature, this everyone knowing but eoc players using exploit for group to give many 100 levels to low players who only joining and doing nothing
  • when you discovering group exploit why you not sending ticket asking hcs if it ok or no? it is writing in terms of use for game bugs and cheats I will posting at end
  • I 100% sure you sending ticket to hcs after players reported exploit but it too late, you already getting catching, if you not getting catching you would not sending ticket about exploit
  • eoc players who doing worse exploit not making 1,2,3 times and then stop, they making many 100 times giving low players many 100 levels, this everyone knowing not normal and exploit, that why hcs closing it
  • after doing 1,2,3 times exploit why not stopping and reporting, why making many 100 times? nobody stupid believing
  • you trying persuading but nobody stupid, everyone knowing it is exploit even only player yghorbeviahn who defending you saying it exploit, he even saying it major exploit, we using common sense and integrity and hcs will doing same and baning who exploiting, they doing very good job with auction house exploiters, it not mattering who player, what level he have or what guild he is, hcs treating cheaters same way


I've never thought of Arterial Strike besides it being an useless buff, as much as I want to be angry that people had the chance to use an 'exploit' to level up like crazy without doing much, the mechanics were there, everything was working as intended, no one was breaking any rules...I'd put it in a similar realm as farming an EOC Elite/Champion just for GXP, something that wasn't intended, but within the game mechanics...It's somewhere between a 'cheater' and a 'genious' move, since no rules were broken, genious it is then.

you not understanding what you talking about, calling it between cheater and genius move, lol genius because they first discovering exploit? when auction house exploit I hearing first person who discovering it ct, is he genius because he discovering exploit first lol, that is very stupid for saying


And I also go as far as agreeing with your last statement, in my opinion they were not doing anything wrong, the code was there, the mechanic was there, the mistake was in HCS side...In my opinion they should have reseted the server 24hrs or so back and dealt with the consequences...But in this case it was a MAJOR exploit, a code that went online without double check and created the mess...It's a more grey of an area to stand on...As far as HCS leave knots untied, players will find ways to tie those knots the way they want to, it's a competitive game.

what you writing, they not doing anything wrong but you sayig it major exploit lol

you saying it major exploit but they not doing anything wrong?

I thinking something wrong with you, how can you saying major exploit is nothing wrong? do you understading what word exploit meaning?

here go reading for you understanding


Well lets see the definition

1.make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
"500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology"
2.make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.


I seeing yghorbeviahn in ted guild and you in leadership, someone who thinking that major exploit is nothing wrong and in leadership is very bad, disgrace for saying major exploit is nothing wrong, disgrace



all they had to do ask hsc before they done it ,you cant tell me they thought it up on the day ,was planned in advance



and if they knew about it why not tell the cows and get it sorted before the event

read his posting, he saying it taking a lot of time

2. This was not as easy as everyone is stating. It took a lot of time, and you had to know what you were doing. Not only that it took a lot of coordination.



Terms of Use


Game Bugs and Cheats

Game bugs should be reported directly via our support centre (https://www.huntedcow.com/support). You may, however, also post bugs in the Bugs Forum in order to ascertain whether what you experienced is, in fact, a bug.

Bugs which are a potential exploit to the game should not be posted publicly. They should be brought to the immediate attention of Hunted Cow Studios Ltd via our support centre (https://www.huntedcow.com/support).

You must not knowingly exploit any such bugs or cheats. Doing so puts you in breach of this Agreement and may result in termination of your account.


they abusing exploit and terms of use, they breaking rule, then hcs will breaking them, always saying no to cheaters, bug and exploit

#1002452 Towers => Orbs

Posted by EpicPiety on 16 December 2020 - 04:25

It's a flawed idea to think a guild with non established and/or newer casual players few in number or even maxed out 124/124 should be able to compete 1:1 or even 2:1 with a guild full top tier players. Tired of hearing it frankly, it's like a disease that has spread in erildath. The game we look at today is a product of that exact mindset, think about it. All the changes made to the game since it's prime have been taking any sort of advantage away from a player that knows what he is doing and letting everyone have a disproportionate share of the pie. I don't know why in this community do the remaining players think this is going to be successful as it's already been proven not to (Maybe because their ideas have been getting developed and everyone else just left mostly). Not only has it been proven in this exact game but many others lol. This is how to kill a game and we have been living it.

If you think Bob Tom and Bills casual guild full of 5 players or even 50 that have no idea what they are doing should be able to claw away any advantage from the super competitive and informed guild and or player. Please explain and i will listen.

Although i will tell you exactly what happens because i've lived it, those pasionate top tier players either quit or start not doing anything becuase simply there isn't any point they can get basically the same thing doing nothing. Why work 80 hours for $1 when you can work 40 for .95 cents. Mind you cost of living is .10 cents.

#999198 Lag Update.

Posted by Prop on 10 November 2019 - 04:05

Heading out to titan hunt be like...



#999130 Halloween Legendary Event!

Posted by Maj on 02 November 2019 - 12:14

Level: 3125+

Chiller Zombie (Legendary)

It's the dead of night and from shadowy, foggy forest paths, high pitched Eee-Hees! and Woos! can be heard, echoing through the dark. Shambling from the fog, a garishly dressed zombie shuffles, swaggers and dances his way from the gloom, followed by an assortment of fellow undead, unnaturally following the dance in perfect sync!


Potato-cam footage:

#998833 apostrophes put backwards? slash before em in guild chat

Posted by BadPenny on 15 September 2019 - 00:56

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