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Member Since 27 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 03 2020 17:06

#977566 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by duktayp on 04 March 2017 - 04:04


#975723 Game Update v2.9342

Posted by grimnok on 20 January 2017 - 18:36


In this latest update we have fixed the following issues:

We've also been listening to your feedback and will be adding some new Master Realms to the game later today!



With all due respect, feedback shouldn't be required to get master realms put in. They should be available with content, or if intentionally not with content, a fixed period of time after content is issued (a week or two).

#975913 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by duktayp on 24 January 2017 - 21:45

How many pages of this thread have you "managed" to read Hoof?  :D







the completion certificate is dated Feb 14



#975907 Failed Invents

Posted by matt2269f on 24 January 2017 - 19:33

personally i like the percentages better - that way i know what my odds are 

#975844 Little things that annoy you.

Posted by PointyHair on 23 January 2017 - 08:51

For me, The mouse overs that always linger and cover the actions box

I am not sure if this is game or helper (If its helper I apologise), but can we remove these? or does everyone else enjoy them? Find them useful?

This is mostly not Helper. The mouseovers are based on a library called QTip2 which is itself based on an ancient version of jQuery. I have several issues with these libraries, the main one being that they are intolerably slow. However, the vast majority of UI slowness is because HCS have to cater for antique browsers whereas FSH does not. Did you know that the majority of the page load time is the QTip2 library initialising?

QTip2 is meant to open the mouseover as your mouse enters the target and close it as you exit. The issue we see is when we do an action to the target, such as removing an item from the guild store. The target no longer exists and thus the mouseover is left hanging. FSH uses QTip2 mouseovers for UI consistency, basically to maintain the look and feel of the game. We try very hard to ensure that the mouseover is closed if an action occurs. From my perspective it is something like engineering discipline, cleaning up your mess. The code to do this is simple and I would agree that HCS should implement it where necessary. Unfortunately for them it is not as simple as switching an option on in the library. Any effected action code would have to have a call to remove the mouseover. As an example, in the world page "new" map FSH implements a fix for the buff QTip. So if you click on a buff to remove it, FSH will close the mouseover for you. I could extend this approach to other areas such as the guild store BUT that only helps users of FSH. The action list in the world page is likely to be slightly more challenging, you'd have to close any open QTips on certain actions. Still, not impossible.


and the map messages that tell you you cannot walk more than 1 space

I find this really interesting. I have an outstanding issue with FSH to investigate whether or not FSH is aggravating this issue. I was in France recently with an appalling internet connection. Now, I wasn't doing much because I was on holiday, but there was this DQ for walking 400 tiles so I thought "why not, how long can it take?" Well, turns out it was pretty painful. Not quite as painful as the old map, sorry BadPenny, but even so. What I think is happening is this. We can all agree that the new map interface is shiny. It's very cleverly written using an asynchronous client-side framework. My guess is that the server side code has not been updated. When you click on the map for movement the client side makes it look as if you are moving along your line of travel. In the background the framework is actually sending movements one tile at a time to the server. The problem with this is that the individual tile movements can arrive at the server out of order and therefore you get the failure message. In the event of a failure the client side will move you to the last known good location. However, at some point the correct movement will arrive at the server and now the client is out of sync with the server. Obviously the failure messages can arrive back at the client out of order too.

Given that we cannot guarantee the order of arriving packets over the internet, what I think needs to happen is to be able to tell the server your entire possible line of travel in one message. The only issue I can think of is if you run out of stam mid travel. The server can then send a failure message with your correct location.

The alternative is to wait for confirmation of each tile movement before sending the next which would be horribly slow.


1. Stacking Messages

Yeah, at the very least don't show duplicate messages. That should be pretty easy. I could put it into FSH I think.


2. Map Movement and Map Panning

It would be better to designate the right mouse button for map-panning.

3. Remap the 'Refresh' key '0' to 'V'

I wish there was a way to re-map keys like '0' to 'V'.

Yeah, lots of games have a configuration screen for keyboard mappings. That would be useful. FSH could do this as well.


Something along the lines of the "what does FSH have that you would like to see implemented in the game?" No idea where that thread is now.

This one maybe?

If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?


#975773 treasure chests

Posted by matt2269f on 21 January 2017 - 16:10

i think that at the very least hcs could make the chest icon pop - as it is its dull and not extremely noticeble - maybe make it bright red or something like how se's are purple 

#972371 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by EpicPiety on 22 November 2016 - 23:09

Would you support player-made revamps for animation on certain epics?

#972140 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by svenhass on 19 November 2016 - 09:29

These new epic hammers shouldn't have been inventable but instead should've only be acquired through NPC EXCHANGERS that would take two tier n-1 hammers and give you a tier n hammer. We currently have an oversupply of epic items such as steamwork cuirass, writhing ward, elemental shields and the best way to reduce their numbers is through an exchanger and not by abusing Inventor II 500.



Inventor II doesn't work on these recipes . ;)

#971015 Lag Lag Lag

Posted by cucullainn on 28 October 2016 - 22:49

Players Online 166


Well I hope they can handle it

  • Maj likes this

#970554 DQ Allied Slots upgrade tracking

Posted by Mzzery on 18 October 2016 - 18:37

A guildie of mine had an idea about the allied slot display. 


FSH shows 120/120 on the bio page (well, for me it does), but when you gain an allied slot from the daily quests, it doesn't change that, and it doesn't show in the upgrades section (since it is being kept entirely apart from paid for upgrades). 


So how can we see how many we have, if there is no solid number anywhere?


We would like to suggest that HCS codes it so that it will be displayed in the bio page, the way FSH has it displayed now, but with the CORRECT amount. :) 


Thanxx! <3

#970285 List of Daily Quests

Posted by sweetlou on 14 October 2016 - 05:17

[ Rare ]
Defragment 280 Items
0 / 280
Gain +383 Current Stam


Net gain: -610 stam

I wonder the magnificent creator of this one?

#970156 Game Update v2.91

Posted by Calista on 12 October 2016 - 20:43


attack 5 players in pvp for 10 max stamina hmm the levels i could lose don't justify the 10 extra stamina


 Try doing it for allegiance tokens.    :rolleyes:

#964498 Upcoming Double XP Event!

Posted by Pardoux on 16 June 2016 - 23:06

BG I am more than grateful for the warning and look forward to the event but just wanted to ask if your confident of no major lag issues? Just I know it can be an issue and wanted to ask early without dampening the optimism. :)


LOL - you'll get the stock "we'll do our best to minimise lag" comment and there'll be times where it's like wading thru molasses with 1 leg ;)

#963688 Ladder Prize costs.

Posted by Belaric on 27 May 2016 - 13:39

I'd just like to say that the long term power creep in the game has rendered it very difficult to create new sets that are desirable in the way that say Helhearts or Acherons once were, to name a couple of sets that made PvP ladder and Arena players stacks of FSP back in the day because they were, at that time, statistically head and shoulders above the rest when they were introduced, and retained their value for a long time. Now... not so much, but they had a good run.


Of course higher powered buffs also render the statistical difference between sets more or less irrelevant if you are predominantly a PvE player, as you don't need top of the line gear to get the job done. In Acherons' and Helhearts' heyday we were still considering using Counter Attack, and calculating how much was required to one hit some levels (26 for this level, 75 for the next etc. etc.). The Co-att buff probably removed that consideration, 175 SH definitely made that need go away against standard mobs.


The argument for crystal was for it to be breakable and be cycled through. That was the whole point. Saying it breaks in one cycle of GvG defences could be argued as a good thing. (I'm not making that argument, just saying it could be argued) Giving them durability 300?? That is way more than any crystal released in the game, and will make them last a very long time, clogging any market for them quite effectively. I only ever forged crystal when we had the UB 200 workaround, after they could be damaged, forging stopped. Even with 300 durability I'd still be reluctant to forge, even if I knew they would last an extremely long time with the proper care.


Anyway, my main point is power creep has rendered the creation of sets that would be highly desirable, highly useful, and highly profitable almost impossible. If some new top of the line set became available via ladder tokens that was better than anything else at EOC, but folk were wanting 100's of FSP for it, I'd let them whistle, as I can do what I want at EOC with the gear I have quite easily.


The problem is not sets. The problem is power creep. And in general it cannot be rolled back. Certainly not without irritating the player base that has become used to the luxuries provided. This is the nature of the beast in an old game. After a while all the tricks to make the new stuff bigger and badder and better than anything that came before get exhausted, and even new sets with great stats and stam gain get derided as not good enough, when years earlier they would have been highly sought after. OG gurgriss crystal set, anyone?

#963672 Ladder Prize costs.

Posted by sweetlou on 27 May 2016 - 01:58

What does everyone else think?

I think the Ladder sets are poorly designed, and an apology for the offense but the purchases and uses of these sets proves it. If they cost HALF I wouldn't bother wasting tokens. It was obvious when the sets were introduced, it was even said, and time has only proved it. Why not revisit them?


To ensure they wear out and need to be replaced, keeping the Ladder busy.

And sorry to break it, but the breaking of gear doesn't drive activity, the quality and value of the gear achieved after playing the Ladder will increase activity. That's it. Look at the Titan gear when it came out. Lowering the durability of the sets only negates the very few added stam gain points, let's not forget the better alternatives. Nobody wants to sit offline with low durability Crystal to gain stam(excuse me see the FSG numbers in my above post, ONE person). Why is the Ladder the only aspect blessed by this unique Crystal50 reward? Even the Arena Crystal sets don't work to drive activity which is the stated goal. Nobody buys them. I think both Arena and Ladder fail to gain activity because of the poor rewards, with the exception of the overpowered Crystal Ladder Chest, Cloak150, and BM300 - all potions. I could be forgetting some Arena pots but most are obsolete with Super pots. The Super pots have had a detrimental effect!

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