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#937107 Poll - Transform flake's back in to Artisan points

Posted by Irradiated on 23 June 2015 - 10:47

I don't know if this would really work.


It would allow people to farm lower level instances to get flakes, then transform them into better flakes.  I don't think HCS would want flakes to work this way.


When mobs started dropping flakes, the usefulness of crafting (already low) took a blow.  This would further downgrade it.

#932780 Careful Unslotting Gems and Rerolling Infernal Weps

Posted by Irradiated on 16 May 2015 - 22:53

And anyway you should be able to leave gems im weapons to reroll. An extra ep charge to reroll is most unwelcome

That does seem very odd.  If you're paying EP for a reroll, it should including unslotting gems.

#931080 Just few suggestions.

Posted by Irradiated on 07 May 2015 - 11:05

42.You are quiting the game but want to give your pets and such to friend ?Nope,you cant do that.

Option to unlearn pets,emotes and mounts.So many founder pets,emotes probably went to waste because of the lack of that option and ah.Also about those that spread on all of your chars if you learn them on one,you can make it the oposite.You unlearn it from one it automatically unlearns it from all.

Have to vote against this one, three reasons.  All come down to these items losing significant value.

1)  This is asking HCS to greatly decrease one of its revenue streams, the continued sale of older pets/emotes/mounts.

2)  All those people who invested EP to get extras (or got stuck with them going for other items) for resale lose.

3)  When I finally get back, I'm planning on putting my founder's bluppity and horn up for sale.  This would destroy their value.  I know this one is selfish, but it would show an utter lack of regard for founders who bought the packs counting on the rarity of the items.  I still firmly believe the founder's BP should have an additional (inexpensive) upgrade level above other packs.


I still agree with the great majority of your suggestions (and a small few have actually been done).


No on the head piece DX

Head piece wars!!!!  I missed this :D  (yes, give Shorti the head piece)

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#927985 Fix Trapper Atol

Posted by Irradiated on 10 April 2015 - 18:39

I like the TA as gathering area as the ways are short and the ressources are well stakable. It appears to me fair to restrict the area for premium players only, or what not. However, forcing peacefull players to accept the antics of pvpers is respectless towards the first. And rewarding pvpers with a much higher ressource gain ... for what?


As i said before, i think i myself will choose a fourth option let eldevin be good.

I think you missed my point.  When I joined the game in Beta, there was no TA.  You gathered in the various places (helpfully listed by Jr).  There was a call for more PvP, and to that end HCS added TA.  The resources and boss were put there as an added attraction, rather then just a big dead space.


In other words, TA was not the gatherers asking for easier resources.  It was the PvPers asking for an open world area.  The rest was just to add something to it.


So there are two choices, either way you have to work a bit.  Farm the old way by going to the various locations, or deal with PvP.  As in real life, sometimes you have to make choices, you can't always get the best of everything.  If all this is really too much work, I suggest you play "Progress Quest".

#927766 punish mages and rangers who use shields

Posted by Irradiated on 09 April 2015 - 20:36

what! lol no no leave rangers alone QQ. lol   I like to put on my shield when I'm doing solo stuff at times because I think it helps me a little more in certain situation rather then having just both 1h's on.   I see no reason to change what we can use.


I"m not pvp so I assume players are mostly saying stuff like this because of pvp reasons but I don't want to be penalized for being a pve player just because some want changes in the classes or what we use because some pvp.


that goes for any class really but I have only capped a ranger so far so I can't speak for other classes though I have a 3x mage as well which I have yet to fully understand it all and learn in the process of lvling when I do.

I fully agree with both your main points.  The ranger is by far the weakest defense in the game, having a shield available is necessary in solo questing at times.


And rangers pay a stiff DPS price for shields.  I don't know how the level 47 gear may effect this (haven't been on recently), but there's the 9% bonus attack power (dual-wield mastery, there's the talent you wanted Slip) and can't complete a ranger weapon set.


So to paraphrase Blissy, don't screw with my PvE due to PvP.

#927618 Quest Bug: Relic collection

Posted by Irradiated on 08 April 2015 - 18:39

US server only, and intermittent.  A code debugger's nightmare.

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#926136 Storm (lvl 40 range attack) animation

Posted by Irradiated on 31 March 2015 - 14:31

I wish they had more kiteable skills.  kiting is so limited in this game to I think attack and one other skill.   in another game I played we could kite with several skills though kiting was much easier having an auto run key we could set. I could click that and then just use my mouse for direction and click and/or click + mouse my skills.   different mechanics and all but it's what made me fall in love with being an archer type.  I was a kiting machines ~ lol.  


as to storm.  didn't know that's actually a bug but I wish it would still do damage even if you move. 

The only limiting factors I found in kiting are Fleetfoot and space.  Five percent is really not much, but it does usually work.  With a zirc, kiting is easy.  In some areas, there just isn't room to kite.  But give me room and melee only mobs and there's no limit.  I easily cleared the Sand Temple at level in one pull (in fact easier at level, as I could grab aggro without getting in melee range).


I even managed to kite some ranged mobs, but that was difficult.  Very small window where you're out of their range, they are still in your range, but never go so far they lose aggro.


I find any instant attack can be used while kiting, although I prefer avoiding stuns.  For AOE, I usually stick with Blazing Arrow and Detonate.  Occasionally I can do a Vine/Storm, or take the second for a Tornado.  But that's rare.


Single target I keep Haemorrhage and Envenom up, otherwise using Black Fang, Blood Fang, and an occasional Detonate.


While it may not be possible to duplicate the kiting from your other game (auto run didn't turn off during the attack?), you may find it useful to remap the keyboard for WASD movement.  Not necessary if you're really fast targeting with the mouse, but I find it useful to keep moving.


I'd also love to have Storm keep going after I move, but that might be a bit OP.  Especially if we can use other attacks during that phase.


If all goes to plan, time should start freeing up again over the next 2-4 weeks.  We can head to the Sand Temple and practice kiting in Eldevin if you'd like.

#926084 Storm (lvl 40 range attack) animation

Posted by Irradiated on 31 March 2015 - 01:56

True with all the channeled attacks, Dragon's Breath is another example.  HCS explained a long time ago why it's not worth the effort to fix, although things may have changed since then.

#924397 Guild suggested adds?

Posted by Irradiated on 21 March 2015 - 22:20

The long standing Eldevonic vs. the upstart Eldesmex.  Which name shall prevail?


This could get more interesting then Eldevin vs. Infernal Empire. :P


Can we make this a side quest???

#924126 Some areas render poorly with maximum view distance.

Posted by Irradiated on 19 March 2015 - 12:15

So the Flat Earth Society was correct all along. :P

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#923818 Farming Overhaul

Posted by Irradiated on 16 March 2015 - 12:58

First off, I hate farming.  Not for the reasons stated above, it's the only gathering profession where I need to pay attention rather then read/watch movie/email/etc (outside of TA, of course). ;)


That said, it's really no slower then any other gather if you're farming cloth.  Here's some hints.


* The big XP gain is making the cloth, not farming it.  So if you can at least buy the wool you'll save lots of time.

* If you're farming for cooking, only farm the minimum necessary.  Otherwise level farming with cloth, trading or selling the results.

*  Only do the dailies that involve cloth.  In terms of XP, the food dailies are really not worth the time compared to just farming more cloth.

* Using more then 2 plots is mostly for group farming (I haven't tried this in a very long time, but assume it still works).  Working together you can water and prune each others crops.  Must be grouped.

* As someone else pointed out, there are patterns to the disease.  Here is how I handle two crops farming cotton (lower level crops use a different pattern):

  1) prepare plot one

  2) Water plot one, wait for disease

  3)  After disease, rake/compost plot 2

  4) Water plot 1, wait for disease

  5)  After disease, scarecrow/seed plot 2

  6)  Harvest plot 1

  7)  Water plot 2, wait for disease.

Adjust as necessary when disease doesn't happen on schedule.  There is still some time spent standing around especially if a disease doesn't happen.  But it works pretty well and gives full yield.  (I also have a 3 plot pattern.  Does involve some loss but less wasted time.  Not sure which is better in the end.)


EDIT:  Looking at my own post, I wonder if farming was meant to be a group activity.  Working together and having others to talk to certainly alleviates the tedium.

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#921562 Eldevin Basics Guide

Posted by Irradiated on 25 February 2015 - 22:56

I'm just wondering, but is there a guide or something with all the chat commands available for the world chat? It used to be that just typing /h would give all of them, but I'm pretty sure there are a lot more now that aren't given.

Three more points. 


Emotes, pets and mounts can used with '/<name>'.  So, for example, to summon the Wild Fox (if you have it), you can use '/wildfox'.


The '/who' command has parameters.  '/who <lvl range> <class>' and '/who realm'.

lvl range -- can be a single number or a range such as 10-14

class -- will show players that have one or more talent points in that class.

  (can use lvl range and class together or either one alone)

realm -- show players in your current realm


In all cases, '/who' will never display more then 15 names.


'/time' is in game time, not real time.


The rest is pretty self explanatory, just try them out.


Posted by Irradiated on 22 February 2015 - 13:16

I should just ignore this, as Bliss said it better, but I'm tired of people who don't even try to write complaining.  So two suggestions.


Shouldn't longbows return twice the mana on hit as xbows?  I am out of constantly out of mana because the talent is not balanced for long bows at all.  Along with im sure a few other talents.


Its okay ill pursue my long bow struggles either way and continue to hype it up far into the future.  Continue on friends.

1) Timed, it took less then 2 minutes to rewrite your original post.  Next time, try writing in English rather then shouting a wall of text.  And skip the 'plebs'.  These two points really leaves you no room for complaining that others are 'dumb fools'.


2) If you really wanted people to stay on one topic, you need to stick to one topic yourself.  You brought up 'other things' and 'long bow struggles', making them both on topic.  Assuming mana as your main point, all you really needed to say was:

Topic:  Volley should give twice the mana when using long bow.

Text:  Ranger always has mana problems.  Using a long bow it becomes much worse, as Volley only generates 1/2 the mana overall.


Neat, clean, and concise.  One topic, and no need for calling people 'plebs', especially when you want them to agree.  Reading the above,  I would have agreed with you and moved on.


Posted by Irradiated on 17 February 2015 - 14:57

I'd love to test a regular bow in groups, where kiting doesn't matter.  Unfortunately, for some reason HCS requires an entirely separate set, rather then just switching out the bow.  That's an old suggestion we should revive, one set of ascended daggers works with both bow and xbow.


Depending how the additional damage works with the talents and other modifiers, I believe I can increase my overall group DPS.  If I get enough relics, maybe I'll try it rather then buying fp.


And enough shouting.  My eyes are hurting from all the noise.  I would have closed the post without reading if the word 'longbow' hadn't caught my eye.

#916907 Help this poor guy?

Posted by Irradiated on 25 January 2015 - 03:16

Forget this bug, all is OK.  He's got himself a (very protective) friend now. :)


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