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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2024 11:32

#1010691 PvP Event Crystal League!

Posted by wazzimoto on 23 May 2024 - 19:18

WHO would like to see that again....  ??


It was so much fun??    

Easily Implemented again ......... No??   :)

#1010718 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by shindrak on 02 June 2024 - 06:04

I still insist frag stashes kill the idea of fragging items to reduce items flooding the game and retain some value to items again.

 a big no for frag stashes from me.

#1010692 PvP Event Crystal League!

Posted by LadyJ on 23 May 2024 - 19:30

Id love for it to happen again!

2015 was a looong time ago

#1010603 New Super Elite!

Posted by basti7 on 09 April 2024 - 13:27

I hope I am allowed to share the locs:

Testudines Gigantus (Super Elite) - 1750
Hai Jing Mountains (Ridge) - 543
Plain of Banishment (Harrow) - 1374
Syroth Caverns (Depths) - 1676
Mount Volmar (Broken Land) - 977
Thanks guys

#1010452 New Content! 5,501 to 5,525.

Posted by BigGrim on 22 February 2024 - 15:52

Hi all,
This is a major content update, we have just added the following to the game...
-New Master Realm 'The Lackter Region'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Copse)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Roost)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Haunt)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Grove)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Den)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Thicket)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Glade)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Gate)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Courtyard)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Sanctum)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Ritual Rooms)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Pit)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Graves)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Scream)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Tombs)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Tunnels)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Darkness)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Vines)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Creep)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Plague)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Nether)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Tomb)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Cairns)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Slither)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Glacier)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Lair)'.
- 25 New Creatures.
- 2 New 'Champion' Creatures.
- 1 New 'Elite' Creature. 
- 1 New 'Common' Item.
- 2 New 'Rare' Items.
- 2 New 'Unique' Items.
- 2 New Item Sets.
- 3 New Portals.
- 2 New Relics.
- New Quest 'Forest Farmers'.
It is rumored that a new portal to the Lackter Forest (Copse) has been discovered in the Kendarar Wilds (Ritual).
A new Feedback thread is open for all who wish to comment!
~The Fallen Sword Team

#1010378 Leveling Bug

Posted by vastilos on 04 February 2024 - 18:17

Hey Cows, just to let you know, I did a hunt, got 37 levels, and got 0 skill points for those levels. I started my hunt with 85 skill points, and finished with 85.

Thank you.




Sorry, didn't realize I had to assign level up points to get the skill points.

And incase you guys are wondering, yes, I am a noob.

#1010257 Rise of the Wraiths XXVIII

Posted by BigGrim on 18 January 2024 - 15:45

Hi there everyone.
The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them.
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!
Elemental Wraith (Level 25)
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Elemental Wraiths plaguing the realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Global Event shall be live until 16:00 on the 23rd of January 2024.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze:1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II
Silver:1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II
Gold:2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II
Crystal:2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II
Ruby: 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II
If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive an additional 2 Global Ruby Frag Stash II chests.
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010203 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by BigGrim on 09 January 2024 - 09:39

Hi there.


1. For those saying 12 hours is to long, all existing packs are 12 hours. These are supposed to be long duration.


2. The costs have already been reduced due to previous feedback. We want to add value to RP, not allow those who have banked up loads to cast these for forever after launch! :D


3. Seems some people need reminded that these are cast on the entire guild. Comparing them to individual potion use is inaccurate.


~ Grim

#1010200 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by Maehdros on 09 January 2024 - 01:23

Why was it decided that some buffs like treasure hunter, merchant, teleport would not be increased by buff enhancer as they would be too powerful, yet now its decided that they can be increased in rp packs to as much as level 400? Level 400 Merchant and Treasure Hunter seems way too excessive. This just widens the gap of big guilds vs smaller guilds who are already disadvantaged by the rules currently in place which does not allow them to enter gvgs or take relics.

Why cant small guilds be entitled to the same level of participation as larger guilds.

This thread isn't about relics or the size of a guild for conflicts. You've brought that up in multiple threads over the years. I'm sure the majority, who still play this game, know you have 2 members in your guild. ;) Add 2 more.

#1010168 Flight of Dragons, Wave 3!

Posted by Pardoux on 03 January 2024 - 18:20

Does the new dragon have an egg ? - only curious 'cos there's LOADS of armour and gloves in the AH, but no eggs (at the time of looking .. )

#1010157 Flight of Dragons, Wave 2!

Posted by BigGrim on 29 December 2023 - 16:20

Hi all,

The first flight of Dragons has been repulsed, however, a second assault has begun!

Maladore (Dragon LE)

The Dragon Maladore is a filthy snake-like creature who's stench is as dangerous as it's foul rotting toothed bite. Such a horrible beast is shunned by it's own, prouder kind, and in fact Maladore rarely flies upon his ragged wings, preferring to hunt his prey in the dirt and has no breath weapon besides extreme halitosis, which is actually pretty effective at stunning his next victim...

Recommended Level : 115+

Gonji the Ever Ill (Dragon LE)

Few Dragons repulse as much as Gonji the Ever Ill. None really knows what happened to this Dragon but some suspect he may have been cursed. He can barely fly upon his tattered wings now and his pox riddled body is covered in pustules and unhealthy scales. His breath is no longer a roaring flame and now he can only vomit up a foul sickness, so full of illness it is instant painful death to anyone it touches.

Recommended Level : 415+

Von Drakken (Dragon LE)

One of the worlds most feared Dragons, Von Drakken is a terror of the night skies. Von Drakken is said to have been bitten by an ancient and powerful vampire in the dark past. The dark curse of vampirism turned him into nocturnal blood drinking fiend.For such a large Dragon to drink his fill of blood he is said to find other large beasts to feed on, that or entire villages...

Recommended Level : 770+

Styran the Ogomie (Dragon LE)

Styran the Ogomie is of a unique species of Dragon, one that is semi aquatic and rather than breathing fire they breath out a thick bubbly foam. They use this foam to suffocate and drown their victims and also as a deterrent to any trouble making Dragons as the foam is remarkably effective at extinguishing the fire most other Dragons exhale leaving them at the mercy of sharp claws and teeth.

Recommended Level : 1025+

Ooch Mess (Dragon LE)

Ooch Mess is a Seadrake from the Heilan Island. Natives say his home was in the deepest part of the Whisky Sea, something the flame haired locals jokingly say attests to Ooch Mess angry temperament. Ooch Mess is known for his attacks on ships at sea and coastal raids where he doesn't just eat the people he also drinks their taverns and holds dry, before drunkenly swimming off into the depths.

Recommended Level : 1350+

Slibz and Tyronus (Dragon LE)

The great double headed Dragon Slibz and Tyronus draw their powers from the two elements of water and fire. Slibz the water half can blast freezing ice at foes and Tyronus can draw upon the more traditional dragon power of fire. Such a mix of powers shows in their personalities and both halves often bicker and fight, however they are an excellent team when a potential meal presents itself...

Recommended Level : 1800+

Bellathrognis the Deceiver (Dragon LE)

Bellathrognis the Deceiver is a massive dragon but does not destroy through his vast physical power. Far, far too boring! No, Bellathrognis much prefers using the power of his mind to bewitch, confuse and control "lesser creatures". He does this to further his plans and also to keep himself amused, usually at the expense of his poor, squishy victims.

Recommended Level : 2250+

Selachi Waterbourne (Dragon LE)

Selachi Waterbourne is named so for he has adapted to deep water living remarkably! His body is streamlined and the scales of his skin are smaller, rougher and closely resembles sharkskin. His head in particular has a sharks aspect to it, right down to the dead, soulless black eyes! His wings appear to have split and become huge membranous paddles, with which he powers himself though the water and surf.

Recommended Level : 2725+

Valarath the Dead (Dragon LE)

Valarath the Dead is a horrifying sight. A huge undead dragon, he exhales vile, poison laden clouds from his diseased, rotten body. The pall of death surrounding him is palpable! This monster wishes only for all to join him in death!

Recommended Level : 3025+

Agitosilex (Dragon LE)

Agitosilex is a big rock dragon. This huge creature has slab-like rocky armor plates. He's weighed down and slowed with these colossal plates but he's near impervious to harm. His most effective way of attacked those who come for him is simply to tuck himself in and roll over them. This is invariably messy and leaves armored knights and the like a bloody, gooey tinfoil.

Recommended Level : 3475+

Eukary Algae Dragon (Dragon LE)

Eukary Algae Dragon is a gentle, placid creature who rises from the depths to recharge itself from the vital rays of the sun. This creature is also happy to have some of the algae surrounding it's form harvested by local tribes.

Recommended Level : 3925+

Emperor Hydra (Dragon LE)

Emperor Hydra is a vast, three headed dragon. Intelligent and extremely cruel, this horror claims the mantle of 'King of Dragons' and destroys any creature that tries to stop him, blasting them with magical lightning.

Recommended Level : 4375+

Periwinkle the Poisoner (Dragon LE)


Periwinkle the Poisoner seems like a friendly creature, however, his pretty purple body emits an odourless poison. This seeps into the area, slowly killing those around him while he revels in their unsuspecting deaths!

Recommended Level : 4825+

Nox of the Dark Moon (Dragon LE) (NEW)

A lunar dragon that was once sealed within the Dark Moon. They are both the sibling and sworn enemy of Lune of the White Moon.

Recommended Level : 5275+

These creatures shall causing trouble in the Realms until 16:00 hours on the 2nd of January, 2024.


~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1010088 The Forest of Yule Appears!

Posted by BigGrim on 15 December 2023 - 14:52

Hi there everyone!

It's that most wonderful time of year! The Forest of Yule has opened once again, spreading holiday cheer, mischief and even a little bit of evil!

All the old classic quests and Titans have returned and we have a new quest too!

New Christmas Quest:

One Hell of a Winter (Xmas) at level 5300.

This can be found in your Seasonal section of your Quest Book, along with all the others.

The Forest of Yule with all of it's Seasonal quests and Titans shall be available until 15:00 hours on the 9th of January, 2024!

The Christmas Promotion

There is now less than five days left of the Christmas Promotion! Remember, this fantastic offer is the best value package of the year, with two brand new potion options available. Take advantage of it while you still can!

Click here for this awesome offer!


~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010083 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by yotekiller on 14 December 2023 - 21:49

xxxxx lost 3005694 gold of which Yotekiller stole 2254271 gold


xxxxx lost 7838684 gold of which Yotekiller stole 5879013 gold


xxxxx lost 3500892 gold of which Yotekiller stole 2625669 gold

#1010060 Composing

Posted by Pardoux on 11 December 2023 - 01:04

anything has to be better than the current system which is ridiculous..

#1010053 Composing

Posted by Pardoux on 07 December 2023 - 19:38

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this in the past - or someone else did anyways - and, unfortunately, nothing came from it - so I'm throwing it out there again.

When composing and having little to no gold on hand, you get a " you do not have sufficient gold to create this potion". Whilst this is obviously accurate, the message is, not to put too fine a point on it, as much use as an ash-tray on a motorbike.

For the player to GET that message, the game obviously knows how much gold is needed - so rather than just saying "you aint got enough gold on hand", how about actually TELLING the player how much extra gold he needs to make the potion(s)


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