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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2023 20:52

#1002949 Darksun Reborn XIII

Posted by michael65 on 12 February 2021 - 00:57

  • Zue likes this

#1002275 Forming guild groups are busted

Posted by michael65 on 25 November 2020 - 13:37

as an aside issue, it would be nice if the right of taking of relics can be limited by guild rankings.

also, imho.

[edit: pls note, this is a change to my prior position of letting any guild member having the honor of taking relics. i did not understand how valuable relic slots are. also, i did not know about being selective in choosing the relic that fit the needs of the guild. ]

#1001872 Double Composing XP LVII

Posted by michael65 on 23 October 2020 - 14:55

what ? no plus one ? oh, the travesty !



and thanks you, cows

#1001250 Can we revisit smasher ticks for normal pvp

Posted by michael65 on 17 August 2020 - 15:53

there needs to be an opt out option for pvp ([edit] i mean pvp ladder not pvp in general[edit]). one that is affordable in stam or gold.

pvp ladder is one aspect of the game. participating can mean trial and error to obtain competency. sometimes many are fighting for top three spots with bashing for those not equipped buffwise, gearwise, and/or emotionally. othertimes two on the ladder drives away a third to keep competition to a minimum. for the player joining only to discover a frightening situation, pls add an affordable and formal opt out.

there was a time when one just level up to a rung that had an open space and friendly company.

btw, anyone knows why no pvp chest in AH? bound or expensive? i was wondering if newer ladder players know about the recipe shops in the colliseum (sp?).

pls note edit: leads to posts later.

#963990 guild thieves

Posted by michael65 on 04 June 2016 - 19:04

There is a thing around FS called undue attention to another player. It has always been against TOS, reason being to prevent possible abuse/harassment of players. Best to air concerns privately via PM's to trusted assassins, if you like, but public venting about whether a player is/is not a thief, cheat or otherwise unsavory character just is not allowed by our beloved cow gods. This keeps the peace and makes for quiet enjoyment of the game for us uninterested third parties.


Came late to conversation, so my 2 cents may not apply.


1. no names were given. just friendly info given.


2.  A warning and reminder of what can happen including consequences (i.e. live with it - unless provable violation of HCS rules).


3. A reference to support was advised.


4. If really bad a chance to request aid (no, actual aid) from allies. If ... (just censored stuff) ..., then gold is gone and shrines disappear. Need aid.  Also, important to copy important info like allies, Guild history, shrines, etc. Hard to rebuild from losses when one does not know what was lost.  


5. There used to be a non-HCS website that kept track of troublemakers. i do not know if it still functions.


Remember, Peace is nice, but War spends FSPs and stamina !

#806909 GvG and New Players.

Posted by michael65 on 17 August 2013 - 17:22

GvG allows a player to:


1. see other players gear and compare to his/her own gear in combat.

2. see buffs PvPers use and compare buffs available to player.

3. analyze PvP combat through results in log (gear, enhancements, buffs, even shrines).

4. do all above for cost of durability repair.




1. seems one's guild is always under attack.

2. seems attacking guild always have better buffs, gear, and shrines.

3. durability loss cost gold.

4. left with decision to level or GvG?


The game needs rp and GvGing is the way to get it. Thus, the problem.

#806893 Where does one get Potion of Canny Gatherer?

Posted by michael65 on 17 August 2013 - 16:11

Thanks for the info


I knew of:


Draft of the Aggressor (chi strike 175, terrorize 175, sanctuary 175, flinch 175)


Titan Bane Brew (lightfoot 200, conserve 150, defiance 175, wither 150)


Potion of the Canny Extractor (extractor 300)




Note:  Special Event cave drop.

#792326 How Green are the cows?

Posted by michael65 on 30 May 2013 - 17:19

I did not see a green reference to the cows games.

Being a part of Great Britain and EU, one assumes they have tried to be corporately Green (environmental concerns - not money). If they qualify for some positive Green rating, the cows should note that someplace. Now, some are skeptical and suspicious of anything Green, so an explanation that Green means not to be wasteful in acquiring, using, and disposing of material needed in running a business might be helpful.

Maybe I'm over thinking this, but my 2 cents.

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