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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2023 20:52

#844465 Suggestion about NOT allowing quest rewards to be dropped if needed for anoth...

Posted by Mister Doom on 28 January 2014 - 16:44

Perhaps a new stall in the cathedral of ways. A sort of fortune teller.

She sells all of the quest items in the game, (ones given by NPC's) however she won't sell them to you if you haven't started the quest/reached the point in the quest where you need them OR have already finished the quest.


Have her run some simple checks on you after you click on her.

#843377 Game Update v2.4

Posted by Maj on 23 January 2014 - 19:03

What of Combat Sets? Will they no longer be useful?


Why won't they? Combat Sets have nothing to do with this.


Imagine you are recalling several pieces of gear from the guild store or tagged guild inventory. Ideally you'd want to equip all of them with only a single page refresh. The way it currently works is you'll have to click those items one by one and endure a page refresh each time to equip them.

#832090 new RP recipes

Posted by watagashi on 18 December 2013 - 02:44

Please consider putting in new RP recipes!


The market has evolved to a point where the first run ha been out o long it cheaper to buy a used one than to make a new one.


the first run only went to 1200 thats about 2/3 of the current end of content leaving a lot of room to add more but also had gaps in the first run that could use a new epic.



#842229 Composing fragments

Posted by Davros81 on 18 January 2014 - 22:04

Chewy even with a converter in place Bry would still have to mosey on down to a lower realm map, simply because getting frags of ANY variety in substantial amounts is next to impossible at our level.


Letting people convert downwards would in effect just allow them to use up ALL of the different frags they have accumulated before they have to hunt/buy some more. Wouldn't change the lower players income.

Agreed I am never going to be able to use 500 odd crystalline fragments yet i need many more common and rare fragments due to how the fragments are consumed. Either allow the converter or allow folk to substitute  say using 5 LE frags instead of 20 common fragments when creating a potion.

#841864 Composing fragments

Posted by Darknave on 17 January 2014 - 17:43

So far I like the the composing aspect of the game.  Being able to create potions for personal and guild use has been fun.


However I do have a suggestion that may make it more appealing.


All potions require common fragments.  When you're at a lower level that's not too big an issue as most creatures drop those.


When you reach higher levels then you get very very few common item drops because EVERYTHING just about (not all but almost) drops rare items.  Which actually goes against the whole concept of it being rare in the first place. But that's really a discussion in semantics... anywhoo... as you reach higher levels you wind up with hundreds or even thousands of rare fragments that while useful aren't as useful as common.  Can we either change some of the higher creature level drops to be common?  Or...


Have a way to combine fragments and convert them from one to the other.  This would also in the long run allow players to get super elite frags.  Because honestly I don't think many players are fragging super elite items.


Some kind of conversion based on the level of the fragment.  For example using a base of 10


10 common frags = 1 rare frag

10 rare = 1 unique

10 unique = 1 legendary

10 legendary = 1 crystalline

10 crystalline = 1 super elite


and vice versa... you could take

1 rare and convert it to 10 common.


Or maybe make converting them up take 10 and down you only receive 5. 

Or possibly a sliding scale... the higher you convert the less you get / receive.

That might alleviate potential abuse.


Frankly I'm sititng on about 700 rare fragments right now.  I would much rather those be common or unique frags because those are just that much harder for a mid range level player to come by.


The only reason I have around 700 is because I decided to make potions in a manner that used them.  I can make the same potion using only common frags if i tweak it a little but even when using the rare frags I'm still using the same number of common frags.  Had I kept with using the minimum number of common frags then I'd have several thousand rare fragments that pretty much have absolutely no value.


Just a suggestion to improve the composing aspect of the game for those that enjoy it until they run out of commons and have to go looking specifically for creatures that drop those items, yet have so many rare fragments they'll probably never use them all!




#841536 Changes to Fs

Posted by Removed4427 on 16 January 2014 - 21:43

If the player has been gone since before the implementation of the Hunted Cow Portal, they will need to create a Hunted Cow Account first. This is done by going to www.huntedcow.com and clicking the create account link.


tl;dr --- a friend told me they tried to access their account after a long time inactive and were told something like "username or password not recognized"


would think/hope the instructions about going to www.huntedcow.com to re-register is written in huge letters

#840713 Changes to Fs

Posted by cyrus7 on 14 January 2014 - 18:08

And, how do returning members get old accounts back?


If the player already has their FS account linked to a Hunted Cow account, they simply need to log in.


If the player has been gone since before the implementation of the Hunted Cow Portal, they will need to create a Hunted Cow Account first. This is done by going to www.huntedcow.com and clicking the create account link.


If I recall correctly, the linking process is as follows:


If the player uses the same email address for their HC account that is on their FS account, they can easily link their FS account to their HC account on the Manage Account page, as it will show up as an account to link.


If the player uses a different email address for their HC account than is on their FS account, they will need to know the username and password of the FS account, and then they can link the FS account to the HC account on the Manage Account page.

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