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#949903 Flash Sale Incursion

Posted by andyvince on 28 September 2015 - 09:17

Totally agree about the less frequent of such Flash Sales being better. When the BP ones first came up, I couldn't resist sinking fair bit of FSP accumulated to buy the amount I feel appropriate . But certainly don't feel like to buy more so soon in the subsequent ones.

I do think the side bar notification are nice thought . I remember went home late night tired from work, log on my phone and saw this two nice purple dots on small screen thinking first it's some sort of vote, taken a closer look and found out it was discounted upgrade :)

#929139 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by andyvince on 18 April 2015 - 13:22

So much for theory that 17.5 million kills is an unrealistic or unachievable goal for a global event.  Funny how the cries change from "too hard, make it easier" to "so easy let's get more" depending on the particular event.  This a great reward so participation is through the roof.  Thanks cows.


17.5 million target is hard. 
this time is way easier, 

cause 1 kill counts for 5.

shadow bunnies count 5x times for each kill.
     so the actual target this time is  
17.5 million / 5  =   3.5 million kills.  

thats why we've reached ruby so fast...

You do realize that current GE creatures gives x5 kills instead of x1? We have now the same goal as when we only get x1 kills a kill.

I think the main point yotekiller's is making is (just like they not satisfied when top tier cannot be reached) when it actually become easy to reach the top tier, some players still not satisfied and feel they still deserved to be given more rewards. They never satisfied.


#921468 Quit setting us up for failure ..

Posted by andyvince on 25 February 2015 - 12:13

How about just remove the Ruby tier making the Crystal Tier the top tier. Then, it will be an achievement for the community for reach the top tier. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

A more serious suggestion: Set a lower tier such Crystal as the top tier initially, if the community somehow exceeds this initial Crystal tier goal, then a higher ruby tier reward come as a surprise when event ended.


I agree with all the players who said the requirement should not be lowered, just because we didn’t reached the 17.5 million mark and it’s really more player’s fault than HCS’s for setting the goal too high.

#917479 Game Update v2.64

Posted by andyvince on 30 January 2015 - 04:15


  • Players will now only see one buff package from each player when searching to avoid single players flooding others off the market.

Maybe I need to think about this a bit more, but personally I really don't like this at first glance (ie, minimal testing). I thought it was applied to the Featured (not the case). 

Now I "get" how that might have been abused. 

However, players I buy from on a regular basis often have multiple packs with some of the same buffs. This is because buffs cross over depending on what you're doing. Ie, Shield Wall could be used for PvP or for different types of creature killing. 

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the message, but it appears that one or the other would disappear from the options.


Myself and many others suggested a way to see a player's packs via the profile screen. My assumption is that was ruled out to feed the Featured Buffs and avoid players advertising in Boxes and paying only one FSP. So how about this as a compromise (yeah, yeah, nothing is abuse free):

What if we placed an option inside the search itself wherein Right-hand side searches allow the possibility of seeing other package options?


I checked my own buff packages: I have  Package1 QF,  Package2 AL and Package3 QF+AL, only 1 shown when search either only QF or only AL.

Those packages were more of test to see which one is more popular. I did not even know about the abuse until this update

#882740 Open letter to the Cows

Posted by andyvince on 29 July 2014 - 09:41

List of things added worth mention (thanks to generosity of HCS :)) when mass e-mail:


Extra 7 BP slots

Epic quests that give certain Hourly/Max/Current stamina upgrades

Gold upgrades: Up to 5 BP slots, up to +10 Max, +100 current stamina daily… etc

Bounty tickets can be purchased with gold

Starter Pack

Loyalty Rewards pots

#858720 Zombie Yeoman Global Event

Posted by andyvince on 30 March 2014 - 12:16

As to the # of chest sitting around in bp -- that's a little deceptive as that also shows the #'s in inactive accounts.  I know it would be a bear and low priority to program, but would be nice on that game wide inventory if it only noted active player inventory -- say within 14 days or even 7 the typical line between active and inactive.


Cheers to all!

Not to mention some players like myself already taken out the potions out from the chests, but have not used the potions.

In fact I still have all 3 potions from previous Emblazoned Royal Chests taking up my BP spaces along with others global quests rewards :(

#854536 Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

Posted by andyvince on 11 March 2014 - 08:37

If you had decided that the rewards were too great before the event actually ended, you could have just decided not to give out 6 chests instead of 3. 3 was all that anyone expected anyway (except a 4th for those in the top 100).


I even saw BigGrim was wise enough to turn down someone asking for an additional tile (call Diamond tile?) for exceeding ruby tile so much in Global Chat during final 5 hours of event.

Really lost me why HCS decided to double the Stashes when handled out rewards after the event.

#853239 Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

Posted by andyvince on 05 March 2014 - 04:39

I know I should say thanks for the extra Stashs, instead of complaining.


But I think the reason many players keep going despite reaching the final tile already was because the easy common fragments we get from the drops.

So having chance to get so many common fragments very easily itself was reward enough. There really isn’t need to spoils us with the extra reward IMHO.



Even the original planned reward of 3 Stashes was more than enough. My main personal reason to reach the final Ruby tile was for the SE fragments, as it’s really hard myself to get this type myself. I would be extremely satisfied to get 100 per Ruby Stash (and other fragment types scale back the same ratio, then the whole rewards system would be more reasonable)

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