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Member Since 17 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2014 14:46

#853656 New Xp formula for Composing needed

Posted by evilbry on 06 March 2014 - 20:55

Hey Evil --

Where would the xp bonus come from?  Sorry looks like others get where, but I'm not getting it.   Though on principle I like the idea - just curious the source for the boost.  Are you referring to the Prestige we earn from PvP/BH'ing and can use for leveling and now could use for composing boost or from elsewhere?  

Clueless in California, Kath


quite simply when you enable the "boost XP" checkbox it will double the amount of frags used and given increased XP when you collect the completed potion you used XP boost on.


The source of the boost comes from the additional cost of frags. If that makes sense?

#853524 New Xp formula for Composing needed

Posted by evilbry on 06 March 2014 - 10:52

How about an XP boost feature.


When you creating your potion (skills/level/duration) you have a checkbox you can tick. By ticking this checkbox it will give you an XP boost say 25% or 50%.


What this will mean is if you made a 20xp potion normally it would now return 25xp or 30xp (depending if it's made to be 25% or 50%). The downside is the Frag cost will be increased (suggest doubled).


This could also be aligned with an increase in gold cost as well.

#853261 Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

Posted by evilbry on 05 March 2014 - 10:27


- Event was a great idea, something new and interest.

- frag stash drops were a real hit. A way to get something for essentially nothing. Well done.



- Doubling the stashes awarded removes the need for future frag events for quite a while. Aside from the busiest composers, the amount of frags gained will last for a LONG time.

- No means of extracting the small frag stashes in bulk. this became a chore for many.

- Composing doesn't have enough skills above level 300 (for crystalline frags) or 400 (for SE Frags). There need to be new skills added, and available at early level composers otherwise the frags will sit and grow mold for the most part..

#852420 Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

Posted by evilbry on 01 March 2014 - 13:29

The one observation I have which isn't really a criticism, is that while it's nice getting stashes that contain the more elusive frags, there's not the variety of skills to use them on.


In fact as far as I am aware, there are only 3 skills in composing which go above level 250 (lightfoot, Animal Magnetism and Doubler). Those are the only ones which will use crystalline frags. Only Lightfoot and Doubler level 301 or higher will use SE frags.


Perhaps it could be worth while putting some new skills into composing which go above 300 such as Find Item or Enchant Weapon for examples.

#850681 New Potions from Realm Chests!

Posted by evilbry on 20 February 2014 - 19:40


Later folks. Now for a chest locator buff....

there's the 1080 quest reward for that! :D

#850537 Composing - and Shield Wall Implementation

Posted by evilbry on 20 February 2014 - 11:04

I checked with hoof when I first saw shield wall and the 5 level bump each time. he indicated that it was intended that way.

#850045 New potion bazaar pots

Posted by evilbry on 18 February 2014 - 11:06

the issue with the mystery potions is you need to have unique[to the bazaar] potions to make it worth while, especially if they are going to be bound.


balancing the chance of a good potion, against maintaining existing potions (whether from caves, composing or arena for example) is going to be the headache for BG.

#849859 Global Event

Posted by evilbry on 17 February 2014 - 11:52

Best place to hunt the ants?

here is where you can hunt ants

#846233 FallenSwordQuickMsg v1.02

Posted by evilbry on 04 February 2014 - 17:24

Personally (just my opinion) I think this is a bit of a 'can of worms', where HCS starts allowing independent scripts here and there. If it was a feature which would add value to people, I would much rather it be added as an optional feature within FSH. That way it would remain the only third party script.

#845939 Hunting Map Titan Kill Count

Posted by evilbry on 03 February 2014 - 09:04

I think this would work well tied in with an upgrade to scout tower(level 4)

#842020 Scavenging Creatures!

Posted by evilbry on 17 January 2014 - 23:54

Thanks for the event Grim. What spawned these creatures, as I think most of them were spawned semi-recently correct (ie within the past 6 months)? Why not some other creatures where you can rarely find the items on the AH? 

usually if there is enough demand for creatures, HCS will often oblige by putting them in the caves. If you have other suggestions, make sure you post them in this thread and they may be earmarked for future cave events.

#840220 Chrome crashing

Posted by evilbry on 13 January 2014 - 05:45

This wouldn't be the first time there was an issue with Beta versions of a browser being the cause of an issue. People need to be aware if they choose to use a beta version of a browser, they may run into issues which will not be supported by HCS (as per their previous responses with Beta issues).


That said, I'd be hoping they are able to address the issue before it moves from beta to stable and don't wait for the Google to put a fix in.

#833069 Class orientated drops

Posted by evilbry on 20 December 2013 - 09:52

I would like to see an increased chance of gear dropping specific to talent trees you have points invested in.


for example, if you have talent points invested in ranger and assassin, there is a higher chance of medium armor gear dropping or bows/fist weapons/throwing blades


In the example of the group the spread of talent points would be considered before weighting towards a type of gear.



if there was say a mage and an assassin, the game would see the talent points allocated and weight fine or medium armor above heavy armor.

#827289 Hellforging on behalf of hoof

Posted by evilbry on 09 December 2013 - 03:08

Sounds pretty good to me also. Would the cost change though? 

with this thought, if the gold cost was capped, what would be a reasonable cap? 5 million gold per item?

#820183 New Master Realm please ?

Posted by evilbry on 15 November 2013 - 23:06

you must be new to this EOC thing!


heh heh..

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