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#819644 Composing - couple of things to fix/modify.

Posted by evilbry on 13 November 2013 - 08:32

As per the pic, the gold and diamond ones need some love, to stop my OCD going crazy.






Skills: there needs to be an image added for one of the skills:




Medal Reward Values.

Finally, The values to gain medals are far too low. With the ability to create additional potions every 10 levels it will mean that the diamond medal will be reached potentially within 6-9 months of the medals being introduced. If you look at most other tiers, it will take at least 2 years of solid commitment to get a medal. The values may have been fine before the additional potions, now however it's just too easy to get the high tier medals.


Personally, I would rather see something like:

Bronze - 100

Silver - 500

Gold - 2,500

Crystal - 10,000

Ruby - 25,000

Diamond - 50,000


These values are 10% of the Fragmenter medal. The Artisan medal would then loosely keep pace with the Fragmenter medal if people were active in both areas.


#817169 I guess im sorry

Posted by evilbry on 22 October 2013 - 09:12

hey grendel, you weren't in auckland, new zealand today were you?


Someone was giving the homeless beggers on the street bars of soap.

#814899 Hellforging on behalf of hoof

Posted by evilbry on 04 October 2013 - 10:44

I Personally think 1% per forge to a total of 5% should be the cap. HCS can then apply the upgrade from around level 800 where stats get less than a 1% increase per forge and have that formula from that level up (retaining existing formula/bonuses for levels below that).


Is 10% going to be too overpowered? Where would the 10% begin to be applied from? I guess that is what it comes down to.

#814641 Next Roadmap...

Posted by evilbry on 03 October 2013 - 05:19

So I think I found hoof when he went through this thread replying to posts..



#814329 Next Roadmap...

Posted by evilbry on 02 October 2013 - 05:50

I dont think its worth HCS's time to spend time coding something that is already in FSHelper.

1) not everyone uses/can use helper.

2) changes like this will improve game performance, by reducing bandwidth used, server calls and DB calls and general load, due to the inefficient way FSHelper works.


If changes like this were implemented many players would see an increase in response times. Quicker response times and quicker page loads would mean players spending more time on line.

#814326 Next Roadmap...

Posted by evilbry on 02 October 2013 - 05:18

copy pasta from a previous thread which was similar.


Regarding buffing:

What I would like to see is a function/feature where by you can choose an option to "sell buffs" and attach a price to them. They will be listed in your bio and people can select (tick boxes) the ones they want.
You can have an upgradable feature for buff packs
With that functionality there, you then can have a new page where you can search for buffers so you go to the page and can tick boxes to find people with the buffs you want (also listing their prices) with people only appear if they are online for ~15-30 mins for example.

#814304 Next Roadmap...

Posted by evilbry on 02 October 2013 - 03:26

This is a good idea. But I still reckon 10,000,000 gold is a bit steep if the formula remained the same.  There has to be some sort of compromise.  The cows need to understand that if the price or formula was tweaked, the skill epic forge would be more useful because more people would forge their gear.

I am open to the costings being change, as I understand where you are coming from.


What I was looking for was a more usable formula as the levels increase. a set 5% means there's a useful bonus based on how much you forge.

Perhaps if we looked at a set % gain per forge, we could have a set cost as well?

#814291 Next Roadmap...

Posted by evilbry on 02 October 2013 - 02:41

Touching on Icemans comment about hell forging.


Could we have it so that each hell forge gives a min of 1% boost. so for example a FF item at level 1200, will give a 5% boost to the items non forged stats?


any gear hell forged where the bonus would be above 5% (I think it's below level 700 or 800) would retain their existing formula, but levels on the other side of the threshold, would get a small boost.

#814036 Anyone else feeling this way?

Posted by evilbry on 30 September 2013 - 10:34

See one of the big headaches would be, even if it was a straight out bannable offense, you would get people who would beg for free buffs, eventually get banned for 2 or 24 hours. then the next day or so they will be right back again.


The ban would do nothing for them because their request has been seen, and next time they want buffs they would just do the same again.


People could then get a bit crafty with their wording saying stuff like "I'm having trouble hitting xxx" so it doesn't look like they are asking for buffs, but people would help out, because they think they are helping an uneducated player out.


Human nature has a way of looking for loopholes in whatever is out there.

#813903 Auto Fragment.

Posted by evilbry on 29 September 2013 - 00:32

being able to trade fragments would encourage more multi accounts as the backpack space aspect is taken out of the equation.


Basically bunch of new accounts, use booster packs, set all gear to auto fragment. and run through mountain path. as soon as that stam runs out, send fragments off, and create another account and away you go.

#807189 Darksun Dragons II

Posted by evilbry on 19 August 2013 - 08:57

i feel time should not be extended, we fail as a community because quite a few of the bigger boys are 'GREEDY' and wanting more from hcs.

This is only partially true. It's not just people with big stam banks the finger can be pointed at. There's a lot of people who min/max the event. Spend as little stamina as possible to get the highest return. A lot of people out there who could have done more for the sake of the community but choose not to.


Kinda sad really. But not unexpected.


For the record, I will get a bunch of potions I probably won't use. The thing is I was sitting on 100k+ stamina, and wasn't going to use it all in the near future. So why the hell not put aside a couple or hours or so to do my bit for the community. I see we are close to crystal so I will probably sink more stam in the coming hours.

#801956 Development Roadmap

Posted by evilbry on 24 July 2013 - 02:13

I do think that the Cows should go and delete all the guilds that have been created and are empty. That should free up some names of guilds that some may want to have in the future.

I can't speak for HCS but from personal experience working with a number of different companies, there is usually a legal requirement to retain information for a set period of time. This could run into complications if a guild name/ID is deleted and HCS then gets a legal request from law enforcement or the like.

There is always the possibility of change old guild names to something like xx_$guildname after a certain level of inactivity, while retaining the guild ID.


With that said, it's possible HCS will be of the standpoint where they feel "A player or group of players have created a guild, and may at any point come back to play. It's not fair to them to take that name away from them"

#801796 FSH key components

Posted by evilbry on 23 July 2013 - 05:17

zorg is occasionally allowed to touch code. Good things happen when he gets his mitts on the code, like free stam!

#801742 Development Roadmap

Posted by evilbry on 22 July 2013 - 23:27

The purpose of this thread is to give everyone an overview of what we're currently working on (excluding normal game content) and what is in the pipeline for the game. We'll do our best to keep this as up-to-date and accurate as possible :)


Currently In Development (Estimated Release Date)

Updates for UFSG (Thread) (1st August)



If we've missed something from the list that you feel is important, please let us know :)


~ The Fallen Sword Team

For the UFSG, there is a feature helper provides where it "Fetches creature data" when you do a search on creatures within a level range. Can this be implemented to remove the need for the helper feature.

#801714 FSH key components

Posted by evilbry on 22 July 2013 - 22:40

From a coder/developer point of view, I would like to see the features which are more resource intensive (bandwidth and database for example) being rolled out first to improve game and player performance.

In some cases we can nail more than one bird with one update. For example:
At the moment, there's a feature where you can highlight and ask for buffs.
there's also a feature where you can search for buffs (by name) in bio's
The latter uses about 30MB of data each time you do a detailed search. What I would like to see is a function/feature where by you can choose an option to "sell buffs" and attach a price to them. They will be listed in your bio and people can select (tick boxes) the ones they want.
You can have an upgradable feature for buff packs
With that functionality there, you then can have a new page where you can search for buffers so you go to the page and can tick boxes to find people with the buffs you want (also listing their prices) with people only appear if they are online for ~15-30 mins for example.


There's a bunch of other changes like this and I think they would be better for improving the overall performance from a server and local point of view.

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