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Member Since 23 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2023 14:15

#839104 Eater of Time (Titan)

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 09 January 2014 - 23:28

Epic Rings:
- lvl 60 Lestus (Titan)
- lvl 200Red Death (Recipe GvG)
- lvl 200 Spiral Light (Recipe GvG)
- lvl 700 Gnarled Scarab (Recipe LEs/Elemental Epics)
- lvl 900 Nutcracker (Seasonal Titan)

Lestus is the ONLY Epic Ring from normal Titans.

- Krakken is a part of quests, and always dies fast, and is the Ammy from 60 to 124.

- Skally Boots is really usefull for Arena, and people who hunt without CoA still use it for hunting sometimes, plus it's good for some Arenas too.

Content should not be removed, maybe more seasonal Titans is the answer you're looking for.

#838447 Eater of Time (Titan)

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 08 January 2014 - 11:34

Now the item is on TKP Rewards page and TED has received the TKP, I believe that's fixed now.

#835485 Want a second look at PvP Retaliation (pay back)

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 29 December 2013 - 07:05

All your concerns are about gold. Right?

So, you say we should blame the PvPers who does gold hits? So should we blame levelers for making lots of gold during hunts too? Should GvGrs lost anything during Conflicts? Farmers? Merchants?

You see, PvP is only a way to play the game, nothing more, of course, some people can get upset losing their gold and a little XP, but if you take care of your gold during the hunt you'll not have big problems anymore. Very easy solution.

We should not make PvP worst, HCS need to encourage it, making a PvP events, new Ladder Recipes, new GvG Recipes, Master Thief Medal, etc.


#834322 Want a second look at PvP Retaliation (pay back)

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 24 December 2013 - 09:26

It's not the assumption that you LIKE to lose the levels. It's the assumption that you know that is the only retaliation, and have come to terms with it. Almost as if it's no retaliation at all. Basically since you know what you're getting into, it's low risk high reward. This isn't coming from me personally. I have not hit nor been hit seriously in years. I just look all the active pvpers and they just laugh at the thought of deleveling. There needs to be some kind of risk being taken other than losing 5.

With my max stamina (10,5K) i got around 5-6/hunt, so yes, that is a BIG problem to lose 5 lvls if you want to keep on your VL.

I believe we don't need more reasons to make PvP even worst, unlike, we need more ways to incentive PvP on the game, with PvP you make friends, a LOT of friends, what bring you to a strange situation:

- You will retaliate if a friend ask too, don't matter the consequences, if someone smash a friend of yours, you'll smash the hitter back, what keep the BB and the PvP alive.

- If a friend of yours saw you on BB he will clear you with 10stam (have done that on 14 bounties today), so no one will be able to smash you for past revenge, what a lot of people don't like, since they're expecting to drop you some lvls when they bounty you, and some people say that "kills" the PvP on the game.

I don't have a right answer to how to improve the PvP on the game, but we need some new things to keep the PvP profitable again, not just bounties for retaliation or clear.

#834297 The Forest of Yule Returns!

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 24 December 2013 - 05:17

Just because I'm very nice =P

Att - 53K
Dam 31K
Def 658
Arm 628
hP 12K
Reinforced Armor - 46
Critical Hit - 41
First Strike - 42
Soulless - 36

Map: Forest of Yule (Wilds) 
No quest required.


#834294 FS Memes

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 24 December 2013 - 05:14


And that's happening right now on 600-699 Ladder.

#833989 PvP Colosseum (new concept to PvP).

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 23 December 2013 - 04:56

I'm not a big fan of pvp, but this suggestion did catch my attention.  But why make the guild responsible for providing gear?  This makes it a gvg type of event (again).  I'm in the minority, I know, but a guild should not be providing everything, for every aspect of the game.  Having offended the vast majority of Fallen Swordites, I like the basic idea here.

You don't get my point.
The problem was with creating ramdon lvl caps for gear.

Something like:
"This week the Colosseum will be for gear lvl 340 max only", next week 500, other week 1200 and so on...

With that only a little portion of the game will be able to participate, since not every player can manage to have 300+ BP slots and PvP Gear...

#829591 Sorry if i missed something

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 12 December 2013 - 11:18

I think HOFFA and Boatshinos with the max stamina of 250-300K can sit over a champ at EOC and spend hours hitting the same champ (using big pots) and bring their guilds on the Top 10 almost alone. 

I don't think that is 'right', but unless it's better than the delevel thing.

For me the right answer will always be:
Map = AL.
AL<Map: Teleported to Mountain Path or to map of his level.

#827305 PvP Arena

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 09 December 2013 - 03:26

And almost never happens, unless with me...

#826897 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 08 December 2013 - 04:59

Since almost every big guild is hireing some players to do the Cmposing, it's possible to make the name of the Composing Potion appears on Guild Log?

Something like:
"Player X took the Item 'Composing Potion (yghorbbs stash)' From Guild Store "


#826892 PvP Arena

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 08 December 2013 - 04:44

Since you DON'T know who you're attacking, BOTH attacks are make at the same, with this we have a few possible scenarios:

A: Player 1 die, Player 2 don't, Player 2 win (Don't matter what round, if ANY player die before the other, the survivor is the winner)
B: Player 1 DON'T die, and Player 2 DON'T die either. The player who have done more damage win by judge decision.
C: Both players die on the same hit. The player who have done more damage win by judge decision.

Can't find the problem on that scaenario, what are you seeing wrong? 

#826027 Get Rid of Loyalty / Guild Loyalty Medal on News

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 06 December 2013 - 06:49

And PLEASE, create a new "News Box" for Tavern Rumours, they're not real updates, let News Update for Content, HCS posts, Events and things like that ONLY, and a new box for Tavern Rumours with Titans, Temple, Ladder and Medals.

#825735 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 05 December 2013 - 18:32

The only problem that de-level+re-level causes is to Guild XP, so lets focus on real problem, guild XP. (Some can say Smasher Medal, but that is nothing)

Big guilds gets bigger, ok, I agree, so? What changes? The numbers on Top250 list?

We have bigger problems to solve, that de-level thing don't hurt anyone, let as it is now, lets focus con the new LEs for example, or something else.

But if you guys are going to prevent the de-level thing, just try to it without hurt the PvP system, the PvP on the game is dead enough.

#824129 AH Suggestion.

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 02 December 2013 - 06:22

On actual AH system we can filter by "Rings", and that shows only the Rings, ok, that's working very good.

But I have a suggestion to make the things even easier., to create a way to filter your search better, maybe you can check what you don't want to see, or what you want to see., something like:

[_] Helmet
[_] Armor
[X] Gloves
[_] Boots
[_] Weapon
[X] Shield
[_] Ring
[_] Amulet
[_] Rune
[_] Quest Item
[X] Potion
[_] Resource
[_] Recipe
[X] Container
[_] Special

Item Rarity:

- And that will show only the Epic Gloves, Shields, Potions and Containers.

I don't know how HCS can implement that on the actual layout, but that is just a suggestion to make the things easier.

#823134 scout tower

Posted by yghorbeviahn on 29 November 2013 - 23:34

Another good addition to Scout Tower should be to keep the bonus from each titan. Something like:

560 (+150 5th) 

Or something like that...It's very hard to track old TKP back to the owners.

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