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Member Since 27 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2023 05:19

#1008194 Game Updates!

Posted by PointyHair on 23 August 2022 - 16:58

The updates to trade/secure trade/hell forge are most welcome, thank you.

Can you do crafting and store items as well?

It would have been nice if the notification had details of this change.

Can you either highlight items in secure trade or have a filter to hide them?

You can no longer forge items that you are wearing, is this by design?

Would it be possible to highlight or filter perfectly crafted items?

#1008181 Game Update v3.9 / App Update v1.2

Posted by EpicPiety on 21 August 2022 - 15:53

It cannot just be global booster, some people are killing 2-5 kill creatures to achieve numbers. It needs to be counted as contribution not kills.

#1006635 Remind who has already reached the top of mountain

Posted by ColtColt on 07 January 2022 - 22:45


Congratulations to everyone who won the Best Player medal 

Bronze        Silver                Gold                 

Crystal         Ruby                Diamond      Banned





C4RPY / Xoulou / 2Bad4u666 / hades8840 / iceman66 / cucubaubau / LuxFerre / AzUK / Joe777 / ECOFROG / CADE11 / evfisher / KitiaraLi / DaFlunk / Shardoom / shindrak / Josh1404 / Boatsnhos / Redline5 / leos3000 / EvilTrace / Undjuvion / luisspamer / HOFFA / rome115 / zizzwyly / purebreed / 2zina / siddy246 / bitza1982 / skidoodle / savipats / Oldskool76 / robyx / darknin12 / jonathan69 / darrf / WindBattle / UnCola / icd55mph / oucho / insaner6 / thisple / Gooner111 / Nappeh / robinhood2 / Aergerz / adienamar / Matrice / spons369 / spyders / Placeboo / Norzok / nyklos / Mistle / KaizerSZ / Scoops1972 / evilbry / 1hustler / UrcK / Thorhak/ ernzor / zenji  / ReDevil77 / Subito Acvila Jmaisc Terraneus/ hogged  tharzill  Belaric   Andypearce  Spazpecker  Gjwreio  Killa06  / Levy1977  /  Jklundt   Lutra / grrraham / stevefille / Ptakopysk / Blenok arklys / Tdogg777  RyechEpicPiety  uforobot



Between active/inactive/banned                                            

______ sxxxxa.png ______                        

 87 players won the medal.


Was anyone off the list?

 (tell me who)             


Do you miss someone at the top?  :wub:     





#1005282 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by Helo on 15 September 2021 - 08:51

I would love for y'all to introduce the new the New Adept Learner 1000, Conserve 1000 and Librarian 900 to the next fsps sale event. I would most definitely buy a couple

#1005276 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by BadPenny on 15 September 2021 - 07:24

Honestly what harm is there in more people reaching EOC? Isn't there already like 300-500 people sitting at EOC and have plenty of stamina to go to EOC again with new content? Plus, its every player's choice if they want to power level up like that to begin with. 


PvP, GvG, and BB are all equally messed up in their own ways. I don't think a few loyalty pots are going to make that drastically worse since its already pretty bad. 

It's not that power leveling is bad, or that this or that OP potion will mess up PvP or GvG or the BB, it's that everybody feels their niche is threatened, especially when it comes to profit... the same arguments come up with every single update... Either it's gonna kill the Arena token market or the Ladder token market or sales of Legendary and Epic equipment...

I still don't see why it's so bad that a few select potions at a certain level can be made available to a wider slice of the community... but after being told off for stating my opinion about that, I've decided to give up...  If we get some nice new things, I'm all for it... if we don't, well, I'll keep on plodding along at my own pace...

Hopefully Hoof and his crew can see through all the posturing and the rhetoric and make a sound decision about what is best for the game as a whole, regardless of whether or not some niche players will have to make concessions or sacrifices for the betterment of the game. 


IMHO, catering to the few that care only for their own interests at the cost of everybody else's will kill the game faster than the declining player base.....

Just my 2 pennies


#1005097 Proposed Loyalty Update.

Posted by PointyHair on 09 September 2021 - 03:34

I never really understood why there are low level pots in the loyalty section, I just assume
that the cows know how many get bought and therefore they must be worth it to someone for
some reason.

I'm all for these upgrades. As Lou mentioned, now that the DC's have been nerfed there is no
issue introducing higher level Distils. I think the people saying that it's "game breaking"
are probably just resisting change. Same for the levelling pots. I think it will be great to
finally have things worth buying from the loyalty section. Again, the cows probably are fully
aware of how many tokens people are sitting on. I think Allegiance Tokens should be
a big deal and you should get really useful things for your commitment.

Levellers with large stam banks have been crying out for higher level doublers for years.
Not only will they reduce the time we spend hunting, they will reduce load on the servers.

I agree that the Arterial Strike one is a bit odd. It's usefulness is such an edge case. But
it would mitigate against 2% miss if you are not suicide hunting. Given the current lack of
gold I imagine that more people are collecting gold from their hunts. There are AS pots
floating around from the caves if memory serves so clearly someone is using them.
Theoretically it might enable multi-hit setups. You'd still use the same number of swings,
just less combats. Not sure you could pull that off for an entire hunt though and who wants
to be changing gear midway through a hunt? If multi-hitting becomes viable it would also
reduce load on the servers. Anyway I don't consider this "game breaking", just adding

I think it's fair to say that the arena needs some love. No doubt the cows have that in hand
for the future. I wouldn't expect these changes to have too much effect on arena pot sales.
They are expensive enough that most people are going to have to think twice before using
them. There can't be that many players that can splurge on these type of pots with impunity.

I have the impression from recent updates that the cows are trying to make levelling
harder. It's entirely possible that at some point in the future we might need these pots.

#988138 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Hoofmaster on 09 December 2017 - 14:44

I'll have a chat with BigGrim about it on Monday, but yeah I think the majority of players would prefer to receive their Christmas Special Offer purchases before the event. We were just trying to avoid running it over Christmas day :)


Maybe we could do 2 x 48 hour events this year instead? That might actually give more people a chance to take part (i.e) 48 hours starting on Friday 22nd shortly after the Christmas Special Offer is delivered and then maybe another 48 hours between Christmas and New Year. Thoughts?

#987109 FSH Upcoming Feature - SE Kill Tracker

Posted by PointyHair on 08 November 2017 - 08:44

Hey all

I wanted to float this one to get some community feedback before I release it.
It is a SE Kill Tracker. The idea being that back in the olden days, when there
was only 4 or 5 SE's, last 10 kills was fine. These days however it is totally
The way I've written it at the moment is to read the SE Log in the background
every 10 mins. This is different to how other processes in FSH work. As long as
you have the game open in a tab somewhere it will be reading the SE Log.
Basically it's like having auto refresh on. As far as the game is concerned you
will appear to be active. You would have to keep a browser open pretty much 24/7
to get an accurate report.
In discussion with beta testers about this feature they came up with an
alternative. Quite an interesting one in fact. Instead of background scanning we
could crowdsource the data. Every FSH user could choose to share their data with
a central service, in return they would get aggregated data reports. In this
instance every participating player would share SE Kill Data and receive a
complete report of the last time each SE was killed.

So, thoughts?

#969198 New content 3101-3125

Posted by grimnok on 20 September 2016 - 20:59

Hi all,

This is a major content update, we have just added the following to the game...

-New Master Realm 'Potato Lands'.

- New Area 'Potato Land (1)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (2)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (3)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (4)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (5)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (6)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (7)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (8)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (9)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (10)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (11)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (12)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (13)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (14)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (15)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (16)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (17)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (18)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (19)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (20)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (21)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (22)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (23)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (24)'.
- New Area 'Potato Land (25)'.

- New Area 'Potato Land (Elite Map)'.

- 25 New Creatures.
- 2 New 'Champion' Creatures.
- 1 New 'Elite' Creature.

- 1 New 'Common' Item.
- 22 New 'Rare' Items.
- 5 New 'Unique' Items.
- 2 New Item Sets.

- 2 New Portals.

#961527 Long term skill points

Posted by grimnok on 31 March 2016 - 14:47

Is there a plan on what to do with skill points in the long term?


By level 3931, which is admittedly not coming soon, you will be able to literally max out every single skill in the game.


Several hundred levels before that, you will be able to max out every plausibly useful skill, excluding obviously terrible ones like Balanced Defense and Find Item and Great Vigor. And several hundred levels more (which is not that far off), if you exclude very dubious skills like Poison and Ignite and Rage.

#960577 What's coming?

Posted by BigGrim on 11 March 2016 - 15:10

Hey there everyone.


Sorry for the quiet this past week. I've been off with something flu-like which just kicked my ass. Feeling better now though.


Just to let you all know, we've got another content coming next week with a bit of luck, the top 3 contributors have been contacted regarding their LE design prize and we'll look to getting those sorted out once the winners have had a good think about them.


We'll also be posting about what we'll be doing with the next Dev Update for the game next week.


Cheers Guys and Gals!


~ Grim

#959217 Pinata Frenzy VI

Posted by shindrak on 15 February 2016 - 20:29

It seems this event getting less popular in long term ,


maybe add feature to get it more popular... 1 composing xp for every 10 global kills?

#957376 Thieves in the Night Global(GE Idea)

Posted by Undjuvion on 19 January 2016 - 18:22

The Shadowlord has sent its most sinister and cuthroat thieves, villainous rogues and spineless cutpurses to pillage the realms greatest armories and vaults in hopes of weakening the efforts of the lands heroes, we must not let them get away with our best crafters war gear!


There are 12 LE sets across the ranges.


ideally wed need one at about lvl 25 and then another at every 150 to 250 levels in gap.


each tier unlocked would grant a chest containing 5 random parts of any of the sets.


you would not get the same item twice in a single chest opened.


so a max of 25 items from a possible 5 chests if ruby was unlocked and you qualified for ruby.


people with lower back packs could open one until they traded or composed their 5 items at a time or kept what they want etc, then open another chest.


the given chests would be bound and stackable so one slot is taken up, the LE items would obviously be unbound so people could get or sell what they need, this would also allow for some rarity, some people may not get the set they want, it is possible, this allows for some gear to hold value and the global WOULD return im sure, id say most would get a set in likely hood though it isnt 100%, once trading of course.


gives everyone equal opportunity for sales without a major flooding of a farmed LE.


ill add more if ive left anything out.

#956622 Change focus point in the World Map

Posted by WYB on 07 January 2016 - 17:40

So when you move around in the World Map, the focus is on the player, so whenever you move around the map shifts and moves with the player. Would it not be a great idea to let us choose in preference whether we want the focus to be on the player or the world. So when the focus is on the map, whenever we move the map would stay still. Tell me what you guys think. I find it really annoying that the map moves around whenever you make a move and it hurts my eyes lol kinda feels not right, idk

#949581 PET

Posted by Dulcharn on 24 September 2015 - 22:50

I was challenged to start a new thread by Undjuvion. :)


So to prove that I do think about the game, as opposed to just respond to players' threads:



Here's an idea:


Include a 10th item slot for the character.


How? A long drawn out quest, that includes the Epic Quest 'Present Darkness (Epic)' level 3.

After combined quests have been completed the player receives an extra item slot.


This slot will be a 'pet' slot. The pet can be invented through arena and ladder tokens. It can be designed similar to the designing of the composed potion.


In effect, the player gets a 'Composed Pet'.


The Pet can be Epic and have stam gain capabilities or arena benefits such as HP stats, for instance.



Undy, I challenge you to make a good thread.






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