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Member Since 17 May 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2019 11:30

#890658 PvP-Ladder Sollutions.

Posted by Calista on 22 September 2014 - 17:40

Leave PVP alone! Where the heck is Hoof? He'll never agree to removing the xp loss.

#890117 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by Calista on 18 September 2014 - 13:49

As is, the game has a way for those who wanna keep their xp in place.

As is, those who wanna do safe and riskfree PvP have a place to do so.

As is, those who wanna go full steam and smack hard while getting smacked 'emselves, are getting alienated.

As is, those who njoy PvP are forced outta the game, and called bullies by those trying to force 'em outta the game.

As is, the developers have still not made a business decision on what this game should, or should not include PvP wise.

As is, some of us have been around long enough to remember Hoof stating:

"You won't get banned for PvP - it's part of the game." ,

Forn stating:

"Hitting Every hour is not Harassment, it is harassment if you are sent nasty messages along side the attacks by that person. If this happens please report the messages so support can deal with them appropriately.",

BG stating: "Remember, this is a PvP game."

and even Xakano stating:

"We have already changed PvP and restrictions on attacking, if you do not wish to be attacked then there is the ability to opt out via your upgrade screen."


This is why, I do not understand the complaining.




As a pvp player, it's very confusing to be told to follow one set of guidelines only to have the people who set those guidelines up start throwing around names like 'bully' when those guidelines are followed. No offense to the OP, but honestly I hope HCS just leaves it alone. PvP suffers every time a change is made. It seriously makes my stomach drop every time i see a link to another proposed change that HCS is considering. How about just a clearly defined set of rules that won't be yanked out from under us without warning? You know, a set of rules everyone has to follow, as in both sides?  'This is the way it is, deal with it' rather then 'Yeah those are the rules but screaming will get those changed without warning'.

#868922 Guild Chat Improvement

Posted by Calista on 16 May 2014 - 00:39

Thanks yotwehc. I've received several in game messages from people explaining it to me which I also appreciate. Honestly, I thought the guild chat side screen thing auto refreshed. But then I'm usually moving around in the game so it works that way for me. While this update is not anything useful to me personally, it is obviously something that others can make use of. Having been part of games that died due to lack of updates, I don't want to take anything away from HCS for being diligent enough to keep things moving.  But like Bravekath, I hope that the Roadmap scheduled changes are not being held back because of this.

#868798 Guild Chat Improvement

Posted by Calista on 15 May 2014 - 16:46

Okay so if you post in one chat it shows in both.  The only real difference I see is that you can read one from top to bottom, and the other from bottom to top.  So I must be missing something. Can someone explain it to me in little words so it makes sense?

#851843 Avatar and Guild Avatars uploads.

Posted by Calista on 26 February 2014 - 20:50

Free the Avatars!!! 


Seriously though, I'm getting twitchy here. I haven't been able to change my avatar for days. It just says.... 



Failed to upload new avatar.



I don't do the animated avatars. They are just plain old normal avatars. (only super cute!)   I've cleared the cache and tried all the different browsers. I know all the tricks, none of them are working. Please send all help available immediately! 



PS  Please read the above message with a sense of humor. If you are not capable of doing so, please feel free to ignore it.



Edit-  Screen Shot


#836513 Want a second look at PvP Retaliation (pay back)

Posted by Calista on 01 January 2014 - 13:18

This topic is ridiculous. I got hit for gold recently. My guild took 5 without batting an eyelash. Seems like the whole 'revenge' thing works just fine. All you need is a guild willing to defend its members. Or some friends, which works just as well. 

#828762 Guild XP while sub-leveling

Posted by Calista on 10 December 2013 - 14:50

We had this same discussion a while back and closed the polls then...Now after a few got their toes stepped on trying to get a purple dot from a naked player on the BB we are at this again.
Some people worked at this deleveling and had we known we could have just gotten up a FORUM and then give everyone the same benefits we could have saved our levels,our fsp and bashing a couple of cry baby bounty hunters.
Since this aspect of the game is now a FREEBIE, I think I will go into bounty hunting. This means 9 hits, 100 stams and I wont cry about it.


This is what's called a temper tantrum.  Isn't this basically the same thing you're accusing the other side of doing?  Funny considering yesterday you were messaging me all about how bad you felt for treating bounty hunters the way you did. You even apologized for the actions of your other guild mate. What changed?  Regardless, you're more then welcome to come join our BH ranks. Of course, randomly 100 stamming people for no reason other then you didn't get your way is silly. At the very least threaten those meanie BH's who dared to not be intimidated by you. But like I told you yesterday, to each his own. 



I haven't voted on this topic yet. I'm not sure why, but the whole thing leaves a bad taste. It doesn't seem like the issue will be fixed so much as covered with another temp. bandaid. 

#828446 Guild XP while sub-leveling

Posted by Calista on 10 December 2013 - 02:23

Anyone who has deleveled has done so WITHOUT any guarantee of things staying the same.  That's the risk they took. Clearly HCS sees there is an issue that needs to be addressed in some way, and they are trying to come up with a solution that works for everyone. Kudos to them.

#828164 Poll: Fixing Loopholes to BB

Posted by Calista on 09 December 2013 - 22:34

The issue is that players don't have to clear a bounty on a single person before accepting another.  On the bb, all you have to do is accept a bounty in order for someone to place a bounty on you. So player A is accepting 100 bounties at the same time on player B.  Player B then comes along and posts 100 bounties on player A.  So player A is deleveling and now has 100 bounties up on the bb for people to swing at,  all without ever hitting anyone. 

#826932 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by Calista on 08 December 2013 - 06:37

 As too mischievous sorry Calista but guilty as charged lol.

*holds up her halo*    I plead the fifth!    looksmiley.gif

#826912 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by Calista on 08 December 2013 - 06:02

I feel the need to clarify some things from my point of view. I'm one of MANY bounty hunters clearing bounties our way right now. But I've been a more outspoken one. (I know, big surprise  gigglesmile.gif )

I don't have any issue with the idea of levelers deleveling for any reason. It isn't any different then a pvp player losing levels to hit a target. It has its place in the game for any style of play. I do think standing on a champion and not having to rehunt the old fashion way should be addressed. Hopefully HCS will fix that soon.

But from the bounty hunters side of things, I feel like I've given the impression that 'all' EOC delevelers are going too far with their 'demands'  That is not the case. For example, FFS, TED, and even LoFG haven't given me any drama over any bounty clears. And I've cleared more then 230 in the last few days, though I lost count the first day in. FFS and TED even went far enough to help keep me buffed up on the board and message me to make sure their members haven't been the issue. Thank you to those of you who are working with the community to keep all styles of play working.

It is really just 2 guilds that I have had issues with.  Nasty messages, multiple bio threats, bounties placed (in bulk lol), 100 stammed... and I'm not the only BH these 2 guilds are harassing. I won't name them so I'm not accused of negative attention. But it isn't hard to figure out who they are if you look at the board or read this topic.

Regardless, unless you're a personal ally who asks me not to clear them, all bounties are fair game. We're not targetting players. We're hitting bounties. And if you're silly enough to post 20+ bounties at the same time, then you're going to be cleared multiple times by the BH's working the board at that time.  That's not targetting you. That's just smart business.

And I'm still waiting to see if Hoff and/or Grim actually want these players to be able to accept multiple bounties on the same person so they can be posted without even hitting anyone. I truly do not see how that could be their intention. But we'll find out soon enough.

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